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Name: Rhea Mae Arciga

Course/Year/Section: BSEDE 1-A


DIRECTIONS: Explain each questions, before you begin writing, read the passage carefully and
plan what you will say. Your essay should be organized and as carefully written as you can
make it.

1. What can rhythm do to help you to perform different types of rhythmic activities and set
an example and why? ( 25 points )

When we say rhythmic activities this are combinations of physical movements with sounds,
beats, or music. Rhythmic activities rely on an internal or external rhythm used for self-
expression, exercise, demonstration of physical ability, socialization, and expression of culture.

It can help me by regularly participating different rhythmic activities, because it gains greater
self-confidence and self-esteem. With improved positive self-image, one is more motivated to
pursue personal goals, and able to practice impulse control and resilience when faced with
adversities. As a result, there is an over-all joyful attitude and an increased state of happiness
that leads to gaining greater life satisfaction. For that extra boost of the positive vibe, it is
recommended to participate in rhythmic activities in the great outdoors. This will give us an
opportunity to break our routine and enjoy the outdoor scenery while we work in rhythm with
the natural environment. Example of rhythmic activities is aerobics, Aerobics is essential for
keeping the heart, lungs, and blood vessels healthy. Regular aerobic exercise can help prevent
heart disease and reduce the risk of death from this condition.

2. Explain why it is important in rhythmic activities to perform it with physically and

emotionally ( 25 points )

Rhythmic activities improve physical and mental health. Aside from increased physical
confidence, rhythmic activities can also improve mental functions because rhythm regulates the
brain and prevents cognitive decline. It also boosts the chemicals in our brain that support
better memory and learning. Any rhythmic activity involves certain body movements following
a steady and prominent beat. Individuals who practices rhythmic body movements during an
aerobic exercise or dancing enjoy several health benefits that improve the quality of life. Aside
from the physical health, rhythmic activities can improve our general and psychological well-
being, as well.


DIRECTION: List down the kinds of Rhythmic Activities.

3. Enumerate the types of Rhythmic Activities. ( 2 points each )

 Waking
 Running
 Skipping
 Hoping
 Galloping
 Sliding
 Leaping
 Jumping

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