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HSE-II Time: 1½Hrs
Total score: 20

I.Prepare a T.S of the given specimen A and identify giving reasons. Draw the ground plan and label the parts.
Leave the preparation for valuation. Score 6
Preparation – 2 Labelled diagram - 1½ Identification - ½ Reason – 2
(Dicot stem/Monocot stem/Monocot root may be given)
Dicot Stem
Reason for Identification
1.Vascular bundles are conjoint and collateral.
2.Xylem is endarch.
3.Chlorenchyma cells found in the cortex.......
............hence it is a stem.
1.Vascular bundles are limited in number.
2.Vascular bundles are arranged in broken ringmanner.
3.Vascular bundles are open…...hence
open…... it is a dicot stem

Monocot Stem
Reason for Identification
1,Vascular bundles are conjoint and collateral.
2.Xylem is endarch.
3.Chlorenchyma cells found in the cortex.
..................hence it is a stem.
1.Vascular bundles are numerous in number.
2.Vascular bundles are scattered in the ground tissue.
3.Vascular bundles are closed.
....................hence it is a monocot stem

Monocot Root
Reason for Identification
1.Vascular bundles are radial.
2.Xylem is exarch.
3.Cortex is homogenous
. hence it is a root.
1.Xylem and phloem groups are numerous innumber.
2.Pith is large
3.Round or oval outline of xylem.
......hence it is a monocot root

II.Identify the materialS B and C at sight by giving reasons. Score 2

1 Prepared by Ismail Parambath,KKM Govt.HSS,Orkatteri,Kozhikkode
Identification - ½ x 2 = 1 Reason - ½ x 2 = 1
B. Microscopic slides (Oscillatoria, Rhizopus, Spirogyra,) Macroscopic specimens (Sargassum/
Funaria gametophyte with sporophyte/Pinus
Pinus male cone/Pinus Female cone),Any
Any one may be given.
1) Oscillatoria
a. filaments with necridium.
b. belongs to group blue green algae. 4)Sargassum
Hence the given material is oscillatoria 1.Belongs to the group Brown algae
2.Thallus consists of holdfast,stipe
holdfast,st and frond.
Hence the given material is Sargassum-thallus

2) Spirogyra- vegetative filaments

1. belongs to group green alga ,
2. cells have ribbon shaped chloroplast.
Hence the given material is spirogyra

Funaria gametophyte with sporophyte.
1. Belongs to group bryophytes,
2. Sporophyte
porophyte is attached to gametophyte.
Hence the given material is funaria gametophyte with

3) Rhizopus-asexual reproduction –
1. Belongs to group fungi,
2. Spores are produced in black sporangia
Hence the given material is Rhizopus

6) Pinus- male cone

1. Belongs to group gymnosperms
2 Prepared by Ismail Parambath,KKM Govt.HSS,Orkatteri,Kozhikkode
2. microsporophylls seen around the central axis. 2. Megasporophylls seen around the central axis.
Hence the given material is Pinus-male cone . Hence the given material is Pinus-female cone

7) Pinus- Female cone

1. Belongs to group gymnosperms
C. Photograph of Bioreactor / Bt cotton / Cloning vector(any one may be given)

a).Cloing vector
1. They are the carriers used to introduce a foreign gene into host
2. It is a plasmid pBR 322
b) Bt cotton
1. It is transgenic insect resistant plant.
2. Cry gene taken form Bacillus thuringiensis is introduced into this palnt.
c). Bio-reactor
1. It is large vessel used to produce specific products, enzymes
2. Raw materials are biologically converted into products by cells.
III.Identify the given stage D of mitosis and give reasons. Score 1
Identification - ½ Reason - ½ (Metaphase or Anaphase may be given)
a) Metaphase
1.Spindle fibers attached to the centromere of the chromosomes.
2 .Chromosomes are arranged at equator of the cell
b) Anaphase
1. The centromere of each chromosome splits.
2. Daughter chromosomes move to opposite poles.

3 Prepared by Ismail Parambath,KKM Govt.HSS,Orkatteri,Kozhikkode

a) b)
IV.Write the aim of the experiment E. Draw and label the parts. Score 1½
(Aim - ½ Labelled diagram – 1)
E. Physiological experiments (Study of plant pigments by paper chromatography, Hydrilla experiment, Study of
distribution stomata on lower and upper surfaces of leaves, Study of Yeast fermentation and production of alcohol).
(Any one experiment may be given)
1.Paper Chromatography
Aim: To separate chlorophyll pigments from leaves
2.Hydrilla experiment
Aim: To demonstrate the evolution of oxygen during photosynthesis
3.Yeast Fermentation & Production of Alcohol.
Aim :To demonstrate Yeast fermentation & production of Ethyl Alcohol
4.Study of stomata on leaves
Aim:To study distribution of stomata on both surfaces of leaves.

V.Observe the given flower ,F. Describe any one of it’s floral whorl using technical terms. Score 1½
(Three technical terms- 1½)

4 Prepared by Ismail Parambath,KKM Govt.HSS,Orkatteri,Kozhikkode

Calyx- Sepals five, gamosepalous, valvate
alvate aestivation
Five petals, gamopetalous, valvate aestivation
Androecium– Five stamens, anther basifixed,
asifixed, epipetalous
Gynoecium– Bicarpellary ,syncarpous,
yncarpous, bil
bilocular, superior ovary, axile placentation

Floral Formula
VI.Write down the ecological interaction of the specimen G Score 2
Name of interaction- 1 Description -11
1. Lichen is the symbiotic association between algae and fun fungi.
2. Both species in the interaction are beneficial.
b) Parasitism -Cuscuta
1. Cuscuta is total stem parasite
2. In this interaction cuscuta
ta is beneficial while host is harmed.
Parasitism- Loranthus
1. Loranthus is partial stem parasite.
2. In this interaction loranthus is beneficial while host is harmed.
c).Commensalism /Epiphyte
1. In commensalism one species benefits while the other one ne neither benefits nor is harmed.
2.Epiphyte (Vanda) grows on other plants but do not absorb food from it.
VII.Prepare a C.S. of the given specimen H. Draw diagram and label any two parts. Leave the preparation
for valuation. (Preparation – 1 Labelled diagram – 2 ) Score 3
( diagramatic sketch of four lobed anther C.S/cellular diagram of a single lobe-label any three parts).

VIII.Ascertaining the awareness of concepts related to the experiment Score 1

IX.Practical diary Score 2


5 Prepared by Ismail Parambath,KKM Govt.HSS,Orkatteri,Kozhikkode

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