Journal Orthopaedic Research - 2006 - Beynnon - Ankle Ligament Injury Risk Factors A Prospective Study of College Athletes

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Journal of
ELSEVIER Journal of Orthopaedic Research 19 (2001) 213-220

Ankle ligament injury risk factors: a prospective study of college

Bruce D. Beynnon Per A. Renstrom a, Denise M. Alosa, Judith F. Baumhauer ',
Pamela M. Vacek
a Department qf Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation Mc Clure Musculoskeletul Resrurch Center Stufford Hull, Uniiwsity of I Prmont, Burlington,
I'T 05405-0084 USA
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Unioersity of' Rochester Medical Center, 601 Elmwood Acenue. Rochester, N Y 14642 USA
Department of Medical Biostatistics, 25D Hills Agricultural Science Uniaersity of I'ermont, Burlington, VT 05405, U S A
Received 28 August 1998; accepted 24 May 2000


Over two million individuals suffer ankle ligament trauma each year in the United States, more than half of these injuries are
severe ligament sprains; however, very little is known about the factors that predispose individuals to these injuries. The purpose of
this study was to determine the risk factors associated with ankle injury. We performed a prospective study of 118 Division I
collegiate athletes who participated in soccer, lacrosse, or field hockey. Prior to the start of the athletic season, potential ankle injury
risk factors were measured, subjects were monitored during the athletic season, and injuries documented. The number of ankle
injuries per 1000 person-days of exposure to sports was 1.6 for the men and 2.2 for the women. There were 13 injuries among the 68
women (19%) and seven injuries among the 50 men (13%), but these proportions were not significantly different. Women who played
soccer had a higher incidence of ankle injury than those who played field hockey or lacrosse. Among men, there was no relationship
between type of sport and incidence of injury. Factors associated with ankle ligament injury differ for men relative to women.
Women with increased tibia1 varum and calcaneal eversion range of motion are at greater risk of suffering ankle ligament trauma,
while men with increased talar tilt are at greater risk. Generalized joint laxity, strength, postural stability, and muscle reaction time
were unrelated to injury. 0 2001 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction have shown that the incidence of ankle sprains was

lower in athletes that previously suffered an ankle sprain
The most common injury in recreational and athletic and wore a brace in comparison to those that did not.
activity is ankle ligament injury [9]. The cost for treat- Even though height and weight have not been shown to
ment and rehabilitation of these injuries has been re- be independent risk factors for ankle sprains [31], when
ported to be two billion dollars a year [33]. Reducing the expressed as a mass moment of inertia, or height
incidence of ankle ligament injuries depends on identi- squared multiplied by weight, it was predictive of ankle
fying the conditions under which such injuries occur sprains [26]. Many other intrinsic and extrinsic ankle
(e.g. extrinsic variables such as environmental condi- injury risk factors have been studied [I .23,27,28]; how-
tions, equipment, etc.) and individual characteristics ever, most of these investigations h a w been limited by
(e.g. intrinsic variables such as height, and ankle specific their retrospective design and have not gathered expo-
measures) that might predispose athletes to such inju- sure data.
ries. The purpose of this investigation was to perform a
In a recent review of the literature, we determined comprehensive, prospective investigation of the risk
that there was little consensus with regard to what factors for inversion ankle ligament sprain. Based on a
constitutes an ankle injury risk factor [l]. Sitler et al. [31] review of the literature, we identified generalized and
ankle joint laxities, anatomic alignment of the foot and
ankle, strength, postural sway, and muscle reaction time
* Corresponding author. Tel.: + 1-802-656-4257 fax: +1-802-656-
as potential risk factors, and hypothesized that one or a
4247. combination could be used to identify athletes at risk for
E-mail address: (B.D. Beynnon). ankle ligament injury.
0736-0266/01/$ - see front matter 0 2001 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 7 3 6 - 0 2 6 6 ( 0 0 ) 9 0 0 0 4 - 4
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214 B.D. Beynnon et ul. / Journal of Orthopaedic Research 19 (2001)213-2470

Materials and methods conditions were met during relaxed stance: 3" or more of calcaneal
valgus, medial bulge of the talonavicular joint, and navicular tuber-
One hundred 18 Division I National Collegiate Athletic Associa- osity below Feiss's line [24] (the line passing through the apex of the
tion varsity athletes (50 men and 68 women ranging between 18 and 23 medial malleolus and the plantar portion of the first metatarsal head:
years of age), who competed in either lacrosse, soccer or field hockey Fig. 1).The foot was neutral if varus/valgus position of the calcaneous
participated during the 1994 and 1995 seasons. Subjects were excluded fell between 0" and 3", and the navicular tuberosity was aligned with
if they had previously sustained an ankle ligament sprain. undergone Feiss's line. The foot was supinated if calcaneal varus was greater than
surgery of the foot or ankle, sustained trauma to the lower extremity, 3", there was no medial bulge of the talonavicular joint, and the na-
or if they used ankle support. Prior to preseason training, the fol- vicular tuberosity was aligned above Feiss's line. Next, tibia1 and
lowing potential ankle injury risk factors were evaluated. calcaneal varushalgus position measurements were made with the
Demographic injormation was recorded by each participant on a subject standing with feet placed shoulder-width apart [32]. Tibia1
health history survey, which included sport, gender, history of injury to varuslvalgus position was evaluated by aligning one arm of the goni-
the lower extremity, height, weight, and leg dominance. ometer with an axis that bisected the lower leg in the midsagittal plane,
Generalized und ankle joint laxities. The modified Beighton method aligning the other arm parallel with the floor, and measuring the in-
[6] was used by the same investigator (DMA) to quantify generalized cluded angle. Calcaneal varus/valgus position was evaluated by
joint laxity. This involved measuring the limits of motion for the fifth aligning one arm of the goniometer with the line that bisected the
MCP joints, thumbs, elbows, knees, and trunk. A score of four or calcaneus in the midsagittal plane, aligning the other arm with the line
more, out of a maximum of nine, identified an athlete as having gen- that bisected the tibia in the midsagittal plane, and measuring the in-
eralized joint laxity, while those who scored less were not. Laxity of cluded angle.
both ankles was evaluated with the anterior drawer (a valid meastire of Irokinetic ankle, strength was evaluated using the Cybex 6000 dy-
the anterior talofibular ligament [8,15,19,35]) and talar tilt exams namometer (Lumex, Ronkonkoma, NY [4,3,14,20]. Athletes were
(a sensitive measure of the anterior talofibular and calcaneofibular prone for the plantar dorsi-flexion test, and supine with the knee flexed
ligaments [18,25,19]) by the same investigator (DMA). The anterior at 90" for the inversion-eversion test. Plantar dorsi-flexion and
drawer test was performed with the subject seated, knees flexed at 90" inversion-eversion peak torque values, and corresponding strength
and the ankles at lo" of plantar flexion [30]. Anterior displacement of ratios, were determined using both concentric and eccentric protocols
the talus relative to the fibula was evaluated: no or minimal displace- for both ankles. Each test was performed at a speed of 30"/s using a
ment was assigned a grade of 0, moderate displacement (less than comfortable range ofjoint motion. Five trials were performed for each
4 mm) a grade 1+, and severe displacement (greater than 4 mm) a test and all were used in the data analysis.
grade 2+. The talar tilt test was performed and graded as either Anterior-posterior center of' graoity (A-P COG) stcay angle was
positive (e.g. 20" or more of calcaneal inversion, or a 10" difference evaluated with the NeuroTest system (NeuroCom International,
between right and left ankles [10,11]) or negative. Clackamas OR, USA). This measure compensates for differences in
Anatomic alignment oj'the,foot and ankle with the subject nonweight- subjects' heights because the angular limits of stability are similar for
hearing was measured with a goniometer [17], by the same investigator all adults, irrespective of height. The maximum A-P COG sway angle
(DMA) to provide consistent intra-rater reliability [5,14,32]. Both sides was measured while the subjects had their eyes closed (eliminating the
of the lower extremity were evaluated. The subtalar neutral position contribution of the visual system to maintaining balance) and with the
was used as a reference, or zero point, from which measures of foot force platform in the fixed and sway referencing modes. In the fixed
and ankle position and range of motion were made. This was estab- mode, subjects stood on the force plate and A-P COG sway angle was
lished with the subject prone, and the examiner palpating the medial controlled by the subject's somatosensory (i.e. the mechanoreceptors
and lateral portions of the talus with the thumb and forefinger from about the ankle and the other joints of the lower extremity) and ves-
the anterior aspect of the ankle, while the other hand was used to tibular systems. In the sway reference mode, subjects stood on the
maximally abduct and adduct the forefoot to determine the point same force plate with a servo-device engaged that matched the angular
during range of motion at which the head of the talus was felt equally motion of the force plate to the estimated angular sway of the subjects
between both fingers. Once congruency of the talus was established, center of gravity. This reduced angular displacement of the ankle joint,
slight dorsi-flexion was applied to the fourth and fifth metatarsal heads thereby delivering minimal proprioceptive information from the ankle
from the plantar aspect of the foot to maintain the subtalar joint in this so that the subject relied primarily on the vestibular system to maintain
neutral position. From the SUbtdlar neutral position, forefoot-to- postural equilibrium. The maximum A P COG sway angle was mea-
rearfoot position was evaluated by measuring the angle between a line sured for the following conditions: ( I ) fixed platform with dominant
constructed through the fifth and first metatarsal heads (forefoot) and
a line perpendicular to the mid-sagittal axis of the calcaneus (rearfoot).
If the head of the first metatarsal was in a higher plane than the head of
the fifth metatarsal. the foot was in a forefoot varus position. This was
followed by evaluation of Rearfoot position. This was assessed with
the calcaneus maintained in the subtalar neutral location with the
thumb and finger of one hand while the other hand was used to
measure the angle between the lines drawn such that they bisected the
calcaneus and calf in the midsagittal planes. Next, calcaneal inversion
range-of-motion was evaluated relative to the subtalar neutral position
by applying an inversion moment to the calcaneus until the limit of
rotation was met, and measuring the angle between the lines that bi-
sected the calcaneus and calf in the midsagittal planes. Similarly,
calcaneal eversion range-of-motion was measured relative to the sub-
talar neutral position by applying an eversion moment to the calcaneus
until the end of rotation was observed and measuring the angle be-
tween the lines that bisected the calcaneus and calf in the midsagittal
planes. Finally, ankle dorsi-flexion range of motion was measured with
the knee in extension and then 90" of flexion. The talocrural joint was
passively dorsi-flexed while the subtalar joint remained in neutral. The
angle between a line constructed parallel to the base of the foot and a Fig. 1. The line passing through the apex of the medial malleolus (A)
line parallel to the long axis of the fibula was measured.
and the plantar portion of the first metatarsal head (C) was used to
Anmtomic alignment of the foot and ankle with the subject weight-
heuring was evaluated while the subject was standing with knees ex- identify Feiss's line (24). The location of the navicular tuberosity (B),
tended and feet placed shoulder-width apart. Anatomic foot type was relative to this line, in combination with appearance of the talona-
classified as either pronated, neutral, or supinated using the criterion vicular joint and calcaneal valgns measurements were used to establish
reported by Dahle et al. [12]. The foot was pronated if the following anatomic foot type.
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B.D. Beynnon et ul. I Journal of Orthopaedic Reseurch 19 (2001)213-220 215

leg stance: (2) fixed platform with nondominant leg stance; ( 3 ) sway- Results
referenced platform with the subject using twolegged stance; (4) sway-
referenced platform with dominant leg stance: and, ( 5 )sway-referenced
platform with nondominant leg stance. Three trials of each test con- The men had 4249 days of exposure to sports, while
dition were performed, each of which required 20 s to perfom. The the women had 5813 days. The number of ankle injuries
maximum A-P COG sway angles were summed across the three trials per 1000 person-days of exposure was 1.6 for men and
and a mean value calculated for each of the five test conditions.
hfusck reaction time, the time lag between joint perturbation and 2.2 for women. There were 13 injuries among the 68
muscle activation, was measured with the Neuro Test system and women (19.1%), and seven injuries among the 50 men
electromyographic (EMG) signals from surface electrodes (Motion ( 14%), but these proportions were not significantly dif-
Control, Salt Lake City, Utah) placed over the muscles of interest for
dorsi-flexion and inversion perturbation of the foot. ferent. Ten of the 13 injuries in women occurred in the
For dorsi-flexion perturbation, electrodes were placed on the medial right leg, which was significantly greater than would be
head of the gastrocnemius and on the tibialis anterior. This approach expected if both legs were at equal risk ( P = 0.046). This
minimized crossover between electrodes by placing them as far apart as
practical [21]. The subject was positioned so perturbation produced was not the case for men, where three of the seven in-
dorsi-flexion rotation of both feet. The stimulus followed as a 4' dorsi- juries occurred in the right limb. The majority of injuries
flexion rotation at a velocity of 5O"ls, eliciting the three characteristic occurred during practice rather than games. The women
EMG muscle reaction components: the short-loop gastrocnemius,
medium-loop gastrocnemius, and long-loop tibialis anterior responses. sustained 11 injuries during practice and two during
EMG data were sampled with surface electrodes (one common and two games, while for the men six injuries occurred during
active) that were fixed in a plastic housing and uniaxially aligned such practice and one during a game. A majority of the in-
that the common electrode (located in the center between the active
electrodes) was spaced 0.5 cm from the active electrodes. Analog ac- juries occurred during sunny weather when the turf was
tivity from the active electrode pairs was amplified by a differential dry. The women suffered nine injuries when the weather
amplifier and sampled at a frequency of 1000 Hz from 100 ms before the
perturbation began until 400 ms after. Each subject underwent per-
was sunny and the playing field was dry, three injuries
turbations until 10 EMG trials were observed for each muscle on each when the field was wet, and one injury when it was cold.
leg. The EMG signal was rectified and then each trial was analyzed to The men sustained five injuries when the weather was
identify the onset of the short-loop gastrocnemius, medium-loop gas-
trocnemius, and long-loop tibialis anterior responses using the vali-
sunny and the field was dry, one injury when the field
dated technique described by Lawson et al. [Zl],and then combined to was wet, and one injury when it was cold.
produce average values. Inversion perturbation of the ankle required Men and women differed substantially in terms of
that EMG electrodes be attached to the peroneal longus, peroneal
brevis, and tibialis anterior. The subject was then positioned such that
several pre-season risk factors; thus, data are presented
the perturbation produced a 4' inversion rotation of the foot at a ve- separately for each gender (Tables 1-6). The mean
locity of 5O"/s, and the same data acqu on parameters described for height and weight of the men were 70.4 in. and 169 lbs,
dorsi-flexion perturbation were used. This stimulus produced the three
characteristic EMG components termed the medium-loop peroneal
respectively, and for the women, 65.1 in. and 133 Ibs. As
longus, medium-loop peroneal brevis, and long-loop tibialis anterior expected, the women were smaller and weighed less than
reactions. Each subject underwent the inversion perturbations until ten the men ( P < 0.05, Table 1). Women had larger dorsi-
EMG tracings were obtained for each muscle on each leg. These data
were combined to produce average values.
flexion motion of the ankle, larger calcaneal inversion
All athletes played outdoors on the same natural turf and were range of motion, and larger calcaneal eversion range of
exposed to the same field at the same time. Thus, on any given day all motion, compared to the men ( P < 0.05, Table 3). The
study participants were exposed to the same conditions. Athletes were
monitored throughout the athletic season, documenting their exposure
isokinetic strength measures were significantly lower for
to sports, and those whom sustained an ankle injury were evaluated the women than the men ( P < 0.05, Table 4). The A-P
immediately by an orthopaedic surgeon (PAR). If a sprain was diag- COG sway angle was significantly larger among the
nosed, then it was graded as either a I, 11, or I11 [7]. A grade I injury
was defined as no loss of function, no loss of ligamentous stability
women for the single-leg stance nonsway referenced
(negative anterior drawer and talar tilt tests), little or no hemorrhage, evaluation ( P < 0.05, Table 5). Women had a faster
and point tenderness. Grade 11 injuries demonstrated some loss of short-loop reaction time of the gastrocnemius muscle in
function, decreased motion, a positive anterior drawer and negative
talar tilt test (the ankle mortise did not open with applied inversion
response to a dorsi-flexion perturbation of the foot, and
stress), hemorrhage, swelling and point tenderness. Grade I11 injuries a faster reaction time of the peroneal brevis in response
had nearly total loss of function, a positive anterior drawer and talar to an inversion perturbation ( P < 0.05, Table 6). There
tilt test (the ankle mortise opened with applied inversion stress), diffuse
swelling and hemorrhage, and extreme point tenderness. were no differences between men and women with re-
Pre-season potential risk factor measurements from men and gard to: limb dominance, generalized joint laxity, ankle
women were compared using t-tests and Chi-square tests. Since there joint laxity, anatomic foot type, the medium-ioop reac-
were gender differences for many of the outcomes, all other analyses
were performed separately for men and women. Cox regression was tion time of the gastrocnemius muscle and the long-loop
used to test the effect of each variable on relative risk, taking into reaction time of anterior tibialis muscles in response to
account differences in the lengths of time the athletes were at risk. dorsi-flexion perturbation of the foot, and the peroneal
This was accomplished by computing time at risk as the total number
of games and practices in which each subject participated until injury longus and anterior tibialis reaction times in response to
or, if uninjured, the end of the sports season. Since the Cox model inversion perturbation of the foot.
assumes that the effect of each variable is proportional to an un- The P-values in Tables 1-6 correspond to the global
derlying hazard function, subjects were stratified by sport to take into
account differences in the hazard functions for different sports. For chi-square statistic from the individual Cox regressions
all analyses, data from only one leg was used the injured leg for
performed for each variable. This tests the significance
subjects with injuries and a randomly selected leg for those who were of each variable on the hazard function, controlling for
time at risk and sport. Women who played soccer had a
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216 B.D. Bejnnon et al. / Journal of Orthopaedic Research 19 (2001) 213-220

Table 1
Demographic data for injured and uninjured subjects"
Variable Women Men
Uninjured Injured P-value (from Uninjured Injured P-value (from
Cox regression) Cox regression)
Subjects 55 13 43 7 ~

Height (in.)b 65.1 65.8 0.5 70.4 72.3 0.6

Weight, Ibs (S.D.)h 133 (14) 128 (14) 0.24 169 (15.8) 172 (9.1) 0.38
Limb dominance
Right N ("0) 52 (96) 10 (92) 0.41 39 (91) 4 (57) 0.1 1
Left N (";I) 2 (4) 3 (8) - 4 (9) 3 (43) ~

Soccer N ("4) 12 (22) 7 (54) 0.023 23 (54) 3 (43) 0.60
Field hockey N ('Iil) 28 (51) 3 (23) - - ~

Lacrosse N ("A,) 15 (27) 3 (23) 20 (46) 4(57) ~

"The data are presented for women and men separately. The P-values are presented for the Cox-regression analysis.
'Women are significantly different in comparison to men for these specific factors P 6 0.05.

Table 2
Joint laxity data for uninjured and injured subjectsd
Women Men
Uninjured N Injured N f-value (from Uninjured N Injured N P-value (from
(UYI1) ('%I ) Cox regression) ('%I) (Yo) Cox regression)
General joint laxity
- 46 (85) 10 (77) 0.34 39 (93) 7 (100) ~

+ 8 (15) 3 (23) ~

3 (7) 0 (0) ~

Anterior drawer
0 33 (61) 12 (92) 0.1 32 (78) 5 (71) 0.81
1 21 (39) 1 (8) 9 (22) 2 (29) ~

Talar tilt
- 49 (91) I 1 (85) 0.29 40 (98) 5 (71) 0.002
+ 5 (9) 2 (15) ~ 1 (2) 2 (29) -

Generalized joint laxity was measured using the modified Beighton method, and subjects were classified as either having generalized joint laxity (+)
or not (-). In addition ankle laxity was measured with the anterior drawer and talar tilt. Data are presented for men and woment seperately. The
P-values are presented for the Cox-regression analysis.

Table 3
Measurements of alignment of the foot and ankle for injured and uninjured subjects expressed in degrees"
Women Men
Uninjured Injured P-value (from Uninjured Injured P -value (from
Cox regression) Cox regression)
Anatomic foot type
Pronated N ((%I) 24 (44) 4 (31) 0.46 15 (36) 2 (29) 0.1 1
Neutral N ("A) 25 (46) 7 (54) 20 (49) 2 (29)
Supinated N (Yn) 5 (9) 2 (15) 6 (15) 3 (42)
Calcaneal inversion 17.8 (4.6) 16.8 (5.4) 0.72 15.3 (3.6) 18.0 (5.9) 0.14
unweighted: mean (S.D.)b
Calcaneal eversion 5.2 (1.8) 6.1 (2.6) 0.038 4.3 (2.4) 5.4 (2.3) 0.56
unweighted: mean (S.D.)b
Rearfool vadvalgus 4.5 (1.5) 4.2 (1.6) 0.93 4.3 (1.8) 4.9 (0.9) 0.52
unweighted: mean (S.D.)
FF/RF relationship 3.0 (3.3) 2.7 (3.0) 0.70 3.2 (3.6) 2.4 (3.2) 0.62
unweighted: mean (S.D.)
Dorsi-flexion KE: mean (S.D.)b 4.9 (1.9) 5.3 (1.8) 0.55 4.0 (2.7) 4.1 (0.9) 0.41
Dorsi-flexion KF: mean (S.D.) 12.3 (3.3) 12.8 (3.5) 0.52 11.3 (3.7) 12.7 (3.9) 0.18
Calc varus/valgus during 7.2 (3.6) 6.1 (3.5) 0.33 6.8 (4.2) 4.3 (5.3) 0.15
weightbearing: mean (S.D.)
Tibia1 varus/valgus during 5.4 (2.2) 6.6 (2.6) 0.028 4.8 (2.5) 4.7 (2.0) 0.94
weightbearing: mean (S.D.)
a These data are presented for women and men separately. The P-values are presented for the Cox-regression analysis
'Women are significantly different in comparison to men for these specific factors ( P GO.05).
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B. D. Bepnon et ul. I Journal of Orthopaedic Rcseurch I9 (2001 1 213 ,720 217

Table 4
Isokinetic strength values for concentric (Con) and eccentric (Ecc) contractions of the leg muscles during plantar flexion (PF), dorsi-flexion (DF),
inversion (INV), eversion (EV) modes for uninjured and injured subjects"
Women Men
Uninjured l' Injured S P-value (from Uninjured ~Y Injured A' P value (from
(S.D.) (S.D.) Cox regression) (S.D.) (S.D.) Cox regression)
Con strength PF' 53.1 (11.3) 52.3 (12.3) 0.96 71.8 (13.7) 77.3 (13.0) 0.34
Con strength DF' 18.2 (2.6) 17.0 (2.4) 0.10 26.8 (3.8) 28.1 (4.2) 0.42
Con strength INVb 14.2 (4.2) 15.2 (5.9) 0.75 20.0 (5.3) 21.1 (5.1) 0.92
Con strength EV' 13.3 (2.7) 12.6 (3.4) 0.47 19.5 (5.3) 22.3 (5.6) 0.43
Ecc strength PFh -68.4 (18.1) -68.5 (16.3) I .OO -89.7 (20.9) -97.0 (32.5) 0.3 1
Ecc strength DF' -26.8 (4.1) -26.1 (4.0) 0.34 -39.4 (6.1) -38.9 (6.1) 0.62
Ecc strength lNVh -16.3 (4.3) -17.3 (3.7) 0.84 -23.8 (6.2) -25.7 (6.2) 0.38
Ecc strength EV' -16.2 (3.8) -15.5 (3.3) 0.31 -24.6 (5.8) -24.0 (5.4) 0.85
Con DFlCon PF 0.36 (0.09) 0.34 (0.08) 0.25 0.39 (0.09) 0.37 (0.09) 0.74
Con EVlCon INV 0.99 (0.30) 0.88 (0.24) 0.33 1.02 (0.30) 1.07 (0.26) 0.73
Ecc DFlEcc PFh 0.42 (0.I 1 ) 0.40 (0.09) 0.49 0.47 (0.15) 0.44 (0.17) 0.75
Ecc EVlEcc INV 1.03 (0.24) 0.92 (0.25) 0.17 1.08 (0.30) 0.96 (0.19) 0.21
"These data are presented for women and men separately. The P-values are presented for the Cox-regression analysis.
'Women are significantly different in comparison to men for these specific factors ( P < 0.05).

Table 5
Anterior-posterior center of gravity (A-P center of gravity) sway angle for uninjured and injured subjects expressed in degrees. A-P COG sway angle
expressed in terms of degrees of sway is presented for women and men separately"
Women Men
Uninjured X Injured A' P-value (from Uninjured X Injured A' P-value (from
(S.D.) (S.D.) Cox regression) (S.D.) (S.D.) Cox regression)
Single leg stance nonsway 3.4 (0.33) 3.4 (0.32) 0.65 3.0 (0.24) 3.6 (0.55) 0.21
Single leg stance sway 4.8 (0.79) 5.0 (0.71) 0.25 4.8 (0.77) 4.9 (1.1) 0.59
Two leg stance sway referenced 3.9 (0.4) 4.0 (0.64) 0.90 3.8 (0.39) 3.4 (0.36) 0.27
a The P-values are presented for the Cox-regression analysis.
Women are significantly different in comparison to men for these specific factors ( P 6 0.05).

Table 6
Muscle reaction times, expressed as ms, in response to dorsi-flexion and inversion perturbations of the foot for both uninjured and injured subjects>
Women Men
Uninjured .Y Injured X P-value (from Uninjured X Injured X P-value (from
(S.D.) (S.D.) Cox regression) (S.D.) (S.D.) Cox regression)
Short-loop GSTb 32.4 (2.5) 33.2 (3.1) 0.31 34.4 (3.0) 34.3 (3.5) 0.68
Med-loop GST 82.4 (12.0) 77.8 (13.7) 0.076 83.9 (1 1.6) 83.1 (15.1) 0.63
Long-loop AT 119 (15.4) 127 (17.7) 0.1 1 131 (17.2) 135 (13.4) 0.41
Inversion PBb 83.5 (12.5) 80.5 (8.8) 0.44 87.6 (11.6) 89.2 (4.8) 0.69
Inversion PL 83.0 (11.6) 83.4 (9.2) 0.56 86.2 (12.5) 86.5 (4.6) 0.94
Inversion AT 117 (23.5) 125 (29.0) 0.44 120 (27.5) 118 (26.4) 0.51
a Data are presented for dorsi-flexion perturbation (short-loop gastrocnemius, medium-loop gastrocnemius, and long-loop anterior tibialis responses)

and for inversion perturbation (inversion PB (peroneal brevis), inversion PL (peroneal longus) and inversion AT (anterior tibialis)). The P -values are
presented for the Cox-regression analysis.
Women are significantly different in comparison to men for these specific factors ( P < 0.05).

higher incidence of ankle injuries than those who played observed an interesting trend of the reaction times in
field hockey or lacrosse ( P = 0.02, Table 1). Ankle in- response to dorsi-flexion perturbation of the foot. On
juries were more common among women with increased average, the medium-loop reaction of the gastrocnemius
tibia1 varum and calcaneal eversion range of motion muscle was 5 ms faster (P= 0.07) while the long-loop
( P = 0.03 and 0.02, respectively). In spite of the fact that reaction of the anterior tibialis was 8 ms longer ( P = 0.1)
the reaction times of the muscles in response to inversion among female athletes who sustained injuries compared
perturbation of the foot were not predictive of injury, we to those who did not (Figs. 2 and 3). Generalized and
1554527x, 2001, 2, Downloaded from by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [24/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
118 B. D. Beynnon el al. I Journal of Orthopaedic Research 19 (2001) ,713-220

T" In T T'" 2'

In'Gm Y
t I I ,
I i
Fig. 2. Pre-season muscle reaction data from a female subject that was
not injured. Shown is the reaction of the tibialis anterior muscles in Fig. 3. Pre-season muscle reaction data from a female subject that
response to a 4" rotation of the foot during approximately 125 ms subsequently suffered an ankle sprain, presented for the purpose of
(Fig. I(a)).The characteristic EMG reactions of the tibialis anterior for comparison with the data from the uninjured subject (Fig. l(a)-(c)).
the left leg (L. Tibia, Fig. I(b))and the right leg (R.Tibia, Fig. 1(c))are Reaction of the anterior tibialis muscle in response to the 4" rotation of
presented. The long-loop response (LLI)occurred at 99 and 96 ms for the foot (Fig. ?(a)), the same perturbation used for the uninjured
the left and right muscles, respectively subject (Fig. l(a)),is presented along with the EMG reactions for the
left leg (L. Tibia, Fig. ?(b)) and right leg (R. Tibia, Fig. 2(c)).The long-
loop response (LLI) appeared to be delayed for this injured subject
ankle joint laxities, anatomic foot type, strength, and A- compared to uninjured subjects, occurring at 147 and 143 ms for the
P COG sway angle were similar among injured and left and right muscles correspondingly.
noninjured women.
Among the men, there was no effect of type of sport among women, ankle injuries were related to increased
on incidence of ankle injury (Table 1). Men whose talar calcaneal eversion range of motion. The present inves-
tilt exams demonstrated a rotation in excess of 20" tigation also showed that women with increased tibia1
sustained a greater proportion of ankle ligament injuries varum and men with increased talar tilt were more likely
than those whose exams showed a rotation less than 20" to sustain ankle injuries. This finding was in contrast to
( P = 0.003, Table 2). Strength, anatomic foot type, A-P our earlier study, as was the fact that, in the present
COG sway angle, and the reaction time of the muscles in study, we also found no relation between muscle
response to dorsi-flexion and inversion perturbations of strength or muscle strength imbalances and subsequent
the foot were no different among the injured than among injury.
the uninjured men. The test-retest reliability of the ankle injury risk
factor measurements we used has been shown to be
highly repeatable [5,33], and therefore differences be-
Discussion tween injured and uninjured subjects for the anatomic
alignment risk factors were not likely to have resulted
Our previous work concerned potential ankle injury from the examiner's learning effect or measurement ar-
risk factors in a similar group of intercollegiate athletes tifact. Differences between the present and our previous
-who competed in the same sports [4] and showed that study may derive from differences in methodology.
individuals with an increased calcaneal eversion rotation Unlike the previous study, this time we evaluated
and muscle strength imbalances had a higher prevalence women and men separately. If the effect of a risk factor
of inversion ankle sprains. The present study confirms is gender dependent, it will be obscured in analyses using
our earlier findings, at least in part, since we found that, combined data from men and women. Even risk factors
1554527x, 2001, 2, Downloaded from by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [24/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
B.D. Beynnon et ul. I Journal of Orthopaedic Reseurch 19 (2001 I 213 - 2 0 219

having similar effects in men and women may not be an interesting trend for the women: athletes who sub-
detected in analysis of combined data if high values for sequently sustained an ankle injury had a gastrocnemius
women correspond to low values for men. Conversely, muscle that required less time to react while the anterior
variables whose values differ greatly between genders tibialis muscle required more time to react in response to
may falsely appear to have an effect on risk if women are a dorsi-flexion perturbation of the foot compared to the
inherently at higher risk. Also, in the current study we athletes that were not injured. This suggests that a
evaluated exposure data and performed data analysis neuromuscular deficit may have existed in these women
using the Cox regression model to take into account athletes, and that the protective effect of the leg muscles
both time at risk and differences in risk associated with on joint stability may have been compromised. The
different sports. Our earlier study did not document medium-loop gastrocnemius muscle reaction controls
exposure data and used the Student’s f test to analyze local muscle properties while the long-loop anterior
the data without adjustment for sport. tibialis reaction provides the first stabilization to the
Dahle et al. [12] and Barrett et al. 131 reported no ankle joint in response to a perturbation. The delay in
correlation between anatomic foot type (pronated, the anterior tibialis reaction may reflect some deficit of
neutral, or supinated) and the incidence of ankle sprains. the musculoskeletal system that compromises the pro-
Our investigation supports these findings; however, 70% tective effect of the leg muscles on ankle joint stability,
of the ankle injuries in our study occurred in athletes thereby predisposing these women athletes to ankle in-
with either a neutral or supinated foot type. jury.
Barrett et al. [2] reported that provocative testing of Maintaining proper contact conditions between the
ankle ligament stability with the anterior drawer and foot and floor during stance or gait may require in-
talar tilt exams did not predict ankle injury. In our creased tibial varum rotation to be coupled with in-
earlier work, on this same subject [4], we found that creased eversion rotation of the calcaneous. Therefore,
provocative testing with the anterior drawer test showed our finding that amongst women, increased tibial varum
a trend toward prediction, while the talar tilt exam did and calcaneal eversion range of motion were both as-
not. In our present investigation, the same trend was sociated with increased risk of suffering ankle trauma
observed among women ( P = 0.1); however, we found introduced the prospect that these measurements were
an association between talar tilt and injury incidence related. Post-hoc correlation analysis did not reveal a
among men. significant correlation between these two anatomic
Jackson et al. [I61 and our group [4]reported that measurements; however, there was a moderate correla-
generalized joint laxity is not correlated with ankle lig- tion between calcaneal eversion rotation (evaluated with
ament injury. The present investigation confirms these the subject unweighted) and calaneal varushalgus ori-
findings for men and women, considered separately. entation, evaluated with subject weightbearing
There is also conflicting evidence regarding the effect (Y = 0.79; P = 0.032). This finding suggests, at least in
of limb dominance on the risk of ankle injury. Ekstrand part, that orientation of the hindfoot is an important
and Gillquist [ 131 reported an increased risk of injury for anatomic parameter to consider when evaluating risk
the dominant ankle, but Surve et al. [34] found no dif- factors for inversion ankle trauma.
ference in the incidence of ankle injury between non- In summary, this study has demonstrated that the
dominant and dominant ankles. The present study risk factors that predispose an athlete to ankle ligament
agrees with the findings of Surve et al. [34] for both men injury were different between men and women. Women
and women. with increased tibial varum rotation and a compensa-
Our earlier work also investigated the relationship tory increase of calcaneal eversion range-of-motion
between lower extremity strength and the incidence of sustained proportionately more ankle injuries. Men with
ankle injury [4]. We found that ankle sprains were as- an increased talar tilt sustained more injuries. For
sociated with higher ratios between ankle eversion and women, playing soccer (as opposed to field hockey or
inversion peak torques, higher peak torque values dur- lacrosse) significantly increased their risk of ankle inju-
ing plantar-flexion, and a lower ratio between dorsi- ry, whereas for men, type of sport (soccer versus la-
flexion and plantarflexion peak torque values [4]. In the crosse) had no effect on injury incidence. Strength and
current study, however, we found no difference in peak postural sway (as characterized by A-P COG sway an-
torque values among athletes who subsequently sus- gle) were not risk factors for both men and women.
tained injuries and those who did not for all test modes. Currently, we are expanding on the efforts described in
Likewise, neither the ratio between ankle eversion and this investigation by including other sports. different
inversion peak torque values, nor the ratio between playing conditions, and younger athletes to broaden the
dorsi-flexion and plantar flexion peak torque values was scope and applicability of our findings. Once we have
related to subsequent injury. established the risk factors associated with male and
The muscle reaction times were not different for in- females athletes for different playing conditions, our
jured than for uninjured men. In contrast, we observed next step will be to perform an intervention study that is
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220 B.D. Beynnon r t a/. I Journal of Orthopaedic Research 19 (2001) 213-220

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