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M. A. MacConaill

Department of Anatomy, University College, Cork.

Summary When is a ioint dislocated ? When a

T H E centripetal force in a bone moving synovial articular unit is at rest then its
at a joint is a consequence, not a two conarticular surfaces are in some
cause, of the bone's curved motion. That degree of contact with each other. Dur-
it is centripetal and a consequence of ing a movement the moving surface is
the motion follow from the need of a separated from the nearest part of the
force to prevent physiological disloca- fixed surface by a very thin film of syn-
tion of the joint, and from a complete ovial fluid (MacConaill, 1932). It is now
revision of Newtonian mechanics in this known that the thickness of this film is
field. about 10/~m : that is, about half the thick-
ness of a piece of the plastic film in
Introduction which a box of cigarettes is wrapped. A
Archimechanics is a short name for joint is dislocated if the separation of its
the mechanics used, for example, by articular surfaces is greater than that just
engineers of the common sort. It is specified.
based upon ~he physics invented by This may appear to be a severe defin-
Isaac Newton; and this, in turn, is partly ition of dislocation; but no-one who
based upon the physics of Aristotle, knows joints as living things could (or
though Newton's biographers never say should) say otherwise: for that is how
so. Biomechanics seems to be thought normal joints work. There are 2 con-
of simply as archimechanics applied to sequences.
living bodies. This is untrue. Archimech-
First, even a separation of 1 mm is a
anics is only a special instance of bio-
dislocation. This is of clinical impor-
mechanics, which is a much more gen-
tance, for the therapeutic manipulation
eral thing. This is as it should be; for
called "traction" brings about such a
living things, though short-lived, are of a
dislocation. Secondly, the capsule and
higher order of being than the more
ligaments of a ioint are quite unable to
enduring dead.
prevent dislocation, as simple experi-
In particular, biomechanics can com- ments on osteoligamentous preparations
pel us to take a critical look at the very show. To this rule there is one excep-
foundations of the older kind. It is pro- t i o n : i n the position called 'close-pack'
posed to show here that this is so when the capsule and ligaments do bring the
we consider the motion of any bone at a articular surfaces into complete congru-
joint, and that the inquiry is no mere ence; but this position is exceptional.
exercise in scientific virtuosity but has a
direct bearing on the safety of our joints. It follows that what clinicians call dis-
locations (or even subluxations) are
Concepts and Methods very gross dislocations indeed.
Definitions. Bone means a structure The 2 problems raised by joints. All
so named in osteology together with all bones move along curved paths (as
that moves with it at a joint. Motion (of motion has been defined earier); this
a bone) denotes any movement other raises 2 problems. The first is, why is a
than a pure spin, joint normally not dislocated even when


one of its bones is moving at high A wheel well fitted to an axle, and a
speeds ? The solution of this problem piston enclosed by a cylinder are more
raises, strangely enough, a much more obvious examples of such systems. In
far-reaching one : are the foundations of the first the motion is circular, in the
Newton's mechanics valid, even when second it is rectilinear.
speeds of motion are vastly below those We have, then, explained why joints
at which Einstein's theories of special are normally not dislocated, in terms of
and general relativity become relevant ? a force that is operative during both rest
This problem too is soluble, because the and motion. This force is centripetal
answer of our bones is, No F This is not during motion; there is no reason for
because bones are bones, but because giving it any other name when the joint
they with their joints are members of a is at rest. But this very fact raises the
class of physical systems that will now whole matter of the foundations of New-
be considered briefly. tonian mechanics.
Structurally constrained systems. Gravicentres. The work gravicentre
There is no loss of generality in con- is a short term for "centre of gravity".
sidering a 2-bone joint (articular unit). Newton showed that the mass of a ma-
This joint is prevented from being dis- terial body could be validly thought to
located (as this has been defined above) be concentrated at its gravicentre; and
by its musculature and/or gravity for its that this, in turn, could be thought of as
capsule and ligaments cannot do i t - - a tiny particle whose motions fully rep-
even the close-packed position of a ioint resent the motions of the body itself for
requires muscles and/or gravity to bring many purposes. Hence we shall use the
it about. During rest a static transarticu- terms particle for "body" in most of what
lar force engendered by one or both of follows, as indeed is the custom in
these agents keeps the articular surfaces physics.
in contact. There is good reason to think
that this force is equal in amount to the Newton's mechanics. So far as we
weight of the "mobile" bone; for ex- are concerned, here, Newton's mech-
ample, the whole upper limb at the anics stemmed from Aristotle's assump-
shoulder joint: but whether this be so tion that the "natural" path of a particle
or no, the static force persists during moving unconstrainedly was a straight
motion (MacConaill, 1956, 1957, 1966, line; for it was an assumption. Like the
1969, 1977). There is an immediate con- Greek, the Englishman found himself
sequence of this fact. obliged to explain motion along curved
lines. Unlike the Greek, however, he had
The thickness of the lubricant synovial
at his command Euclid's geometry, Gal-
film is negligible as regards the kinemat-
ileo's notion of acceleration and his own
ics of the joint. Hence the persistent
magnificent mathematical inventions, the
static force constrains the moving arti-
differential and integral calculi. He used
cular surface to move along the path
the last 3 to invent the notion of a force;
made necessary by the curvature of its
which he defined as the product of an
conarticular fellow in the direction of
acceleration multiplied by the mass of
motion, together with any rolling of the
the accelerated particle, recognizing that
moving surface that may occur. This
the force acted on the particle in the
path is, of course, a curved path. Hence
direction of the acceleration.
we say that a joint, its bones and its
musculature form a structurally con- He used his geometry and his notion
strained system; because it is sufficient of force to explain both why some par-
to explain the motion of its mobile ticles moved in curves and, for so long
part(s), in this case a motion along a as they did so, did not literally "fly off at
curved path. a tangent" and take the straight and

narrow path of Aristotelian r e c t i t u d e - - years ago. This is Vector Algebra. It

though he did not call it that ! has to be learnt by engineering students
We have all been taught his explana- inter alios, but is not part of the training
tion. The curvature of the path is always of medical people. It is simple and exact;
caused by a force acting on the particle and it enabled the arthrologist to find
and directed towards an axis (or suc- what could be indubitably asserted about
cession of axes) around which the par- the physics of curvilinear motions. The
ticle swings with a measurable angular problems raised by the Newtonian as-
velocity. This axis (or set of axes) is a sumptions were solved, literally, in 2
"centre of motion", so that the force is lines of it.
a centripetal force. The words italicised The results of this investigation were
in the preceding 2 sentences indicate published in Appendix C of MacConaill
the 2 further assumptions that he made and Basmajian (1977). Intended for ex-
so that he could explain curved motions. perts, this is couched in the terse, tech-
The explanations can be summarized as: nical terms of vector algebra. The re-
"no centripetal force, no curvilinear mainder of this paper is a brief account
motion". The mechanics found on these in simpler terms of the method used and
2 assumptions has, as we know, proved its results with particular reference to
remarkably successful in all the realms our bones and joints.
that Einstein saw no need to enter. Two vectors make a third. A vector
The doubting arthrologist. All assump- is any physical entity that requires both
tions are dubitable. Until 1969 one a direction (sense) and a magnitude for
arthrologist had thought and written on its specification. Let A be a vector; then
the assumption that Newton's pair was - A is a vector of the same amount
not, so far as his own sphere of study (magnitude) as A but of opposite sense
was concerned. Then he reflected upon sense to it.
what has been said above about why Let A and V be any 2 vectors at right
joints are not normally dislocated. It angles to each other (though they need
became clear that if the persistent static not meet). If these 2 vectors exist then
transarticular force was sufficient then a a third vector also exists; denote it by Q.
dynamic (Newtonian) centripetal force, This vector is at right angles to each of
engendered by the "shunt" (paraxial) the other 2, and its amount is equal to
component of additional muscular force, the product of the amounts of A and V.
was unnecessary and, indeed, offended We denote the amounts of A, V and Q
against the scientific principle: invoke by a, v and q, respectively; and call Q
no more causes than are enough. the 'vector product' of A and V. Using
He also considered the sinuous paths the symbolism demanded by the algebra,
of bees and birds and drunken drivers. we have :
To attribute their curved paths to centri-
1.1) Q = A x V
petal forces which oscillated between
1.2) q = a v
the right and left sides of these objects
seemed to be an unvirtuous exercise in The problem solved. All velocities are
mathematical virtuosity. So he investiga- vectors, as are also accelerations and
ted the whole matter of curvilinear mo- forces. Herein lies the solution to the
tion anew, using nothing but indubitable problems stated earlier.
facts. Let a particle be moving along a cur-
He had at his command an instrument ved line. Then geometry assures us of
that Newton neither had nor could have 4 indisputable facts; (I) at any point on
had; for it was not possible to construct the line the particle has a tangenential
it until the greatest of Dubliners, William velocity of V and an angular velocity A,
Rowan Hamilton, had shown the way 134 the latter being around an axis at a dis-

tance r from the point; (11) the magnit- otherwise be asserted about it indubit-
ude of V, that is of v, is ra. Vector algebraably is that it is a radial force. Whether
assigns A to a line along the axis, so that it be centripetal or centrifugal in any
A is at right angles to both V and the particular instance (or set of instances)
and the 'radius-vector' whose length is must be determined by other means.
r, and which is at right angles to both A Again, all that can be said indubitably
and V about the radial force is that it is asso-
The reader should think of a rectangu- ciated with curvilinear motion: it could
lar bone looked at from in front. Then A be either a cause or consequence of
will lie along an infero-superior edge, V this motion, whether it be centripetal or
will lie along an antero-posterior edge; centrifugal. It is certainly absent when
and the edge between the other 2 is the the motion is rectilinear; for then r is
radius-vector of length r and can be infinite and mv"/r is therefore O. New-
denoted by R. It can then be under- ton's assumption becomes a deduction.
stood that the vector product of A and V Rectilinear motion is the limiting case of
will be a vector lying along R. curvilinear motion; and the swing of a
We now apply equations (1.1) and bone is more "natural" than the path of
(1.2), and find : a piston.
(2.1) Q = A x V = - A x - V In short, the principle that summarized
(2.2) q = a v =rav/r=v"/r Newton's treatment of the matter must
be both inverted and made more gen-
This pair of equations constitutes the
eral. It now becomes: No curvilinear
general solution sought for. What does
motion, no radial force.
it mean ?
Application of the principle to bones.
Discussion, We can now say 4 things about any bone
that swings around an axis (or set of
First we note that v~/r is the magnitude
axes) at a joint; 2 of them are absolutely
of an acce/eration. This is proved in-
certain, 2 are virtually certain. All follow
dubitably today in what is called "the
from the fact that the path of a bone in
theory of physical dimensions", a theory
space (outside the joint) is always that
that is dealt with in all good textbooks
of its gravicentre at any instant.
of physics. Next we note that this ac-
celeration lies along the radius joining The two absolutely certain things are
the particle to its immediate (or instan- that a radial force acts through the
taneous) axis of rotation, that is, of gravicentre, and that its magnitude is
swing around this axis. Lastly we note equal to that of the dynamic (Newtonian)
that the general solution does not assign force proper to the mass, angular veloc-
either a centripetal or a centrifugal dir- ity and tangential velocity of the bone.
ection to the acceleration; although this This has been proved abo~,e,
direction is maintained if the sense of The two virtually certain things are
A changes from, say, clockwise to anti- that the force is a consequence of the
clockwise, that is, if A becomes - A curved path of the gravicentre, not a
and geometry shows that the sense of cause of it; and that it is indeed centri-
V changes as that of A does. All we can petal.
say indubitably is that Q is radial. Since the static transarticular force,
Let m be the mass of the particle, in persistent during rfiovements, is suffi-
the sense that Newton defined 'mass'; m cient to constrain the bone to swing in a
is not a vector. Then mQ is a force, as "non-dislocatory" path, it is unnecessary
Newton defined this term. Its magnitude to invoke any other cause even to assist
is mv2/r, that is, precisely that of New- in bringing about and maintaining the
ton's centripetal force. But all that can normal swing of the bone. Hence the

radial force is a consequence, not a magnetic force at right angles to it's

cause, of the curved path : to say other- path at any point.
wise would be to offend against the Death of a hypothesis. It appears,
scientific mode of explanation. It has, however, that the non-Newtonian nature
indeed, been shown in the text of of the dynamic centripetal force in mov-
MacConaill and Basmajian (1977) that ing bones puts an end to a hypothesis
the moment of the musculature acting first stated in this Journal over 30 years
on a moving bone is the same during ago and later modified (MacConaill,
motion as that during stabilization, for 1946, 1966). This assigned to one of the
any chosen position of the moving bone 2 anatomico-kinetic classes of muscles
relative to the fixed one; strange as this (viz. the shunt muscles) the special
may seem. function of providing the Newtonian
The argument for the centripetal direc- centripetal force required to prevent
tion of the radial force is derived from dislocation of joints during rapid swings.
the need to prevent dislocation of the This hypothesis has now died because
joint involved, as dislocation has been it is no longer needed (though the clas-
defined at the beginning of this essay. sification itself is very much alive). So
If the radial dynamic force were centri- has a father slain his own child w!th
fugal then it would be opposite to the Ockham's Razor.
static force and so lessen it below the
amount needed. This would happen even References
if the dynamic force were quite small (as MacConaill, M. A. 1932. The function of articular
it is at most joints). Biomechanical, fibrocartilages. J. Anat. 66, 210.
rather than archimechanical, principle MacConaill, M. A. 1946. Some anatomical factors
would require that the force be centri- affecting the stabilizing factors of muscles. Ir.
petal. J. Med. Sc. 6th Series. May, 160.
Macconaill, M. A. 1956. The statics of single
Thus the centripetal dynamic force joints. Ir. J. Med. Sc. 6th Series. Aug. 353.
acting along a moving bone is Newtonian MacConaill, M. A. 1957. Motion at one joint. Ir. J.
in its direction and magnitude, but non- Med Sc. 7th Series. March, 99.
MacConaill, M. A. 1966. Some minimal principles
Newtonian in being the consequence, applicable in myomechanics. Bio-med. Eng. 1,
not the cause, of the bone's curved path 498.
in space. But why motion of a particle MacConaill, M. A. and Basmajian, J. V. 1969.
along a curve should produce a force at Muscles and Movements. Baltimore. Williams
right angles to the curve at any point of and Wilkins.
MacConaill, M. A. and Basmajian, J. V. 1977.
it is as much a mystery as why the Muscles and Movements. 2nd edn. Huntington
motion of an electron should produce a N.Y. Krieger Publishing Co. p. 387.

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