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106 Gas Turbines illustrates that for & heat exchange cycle lower pressure ratio andl higher ponk temperature i advantageons. ® ae m ee ee More than 11 times efficiency improvement is achieved because of the ad ition of heat exchanger. 5. A gas turbine operates on a pressure ratio of 6. The inlet air tem- perature to the compressor is 300 K and the air entering the turbine is at a temperature of 77°C. Ifthe volume rate of air entering the ‘compressor is 240 m/s, Caleulate the net power output of the eycle in MW. Also compute its efficiency. Assume that the eycle operates under ideal conditions. Solution Consider the isentropic compression process 1+ 2 ts (2) © =200 (09% = sons x Consider the isentropic expansion process 3 4 850 = Ge = wowk (2) Work inpnt to the compressor, (We). We io(Ts ~ Ts) 1.005 x (500.81 ~ 300) = 201.81 kg eal Cycles and their Analysis 107 Fig, 5.45, ‘Work done by the turbine, (Wr), Wr OplTa-T) = 1.006 « (850 ~ 500.18) 302.58 kik. Wy Wr-We = 31252—201.80 = MOT KI /kg 4 GT - Te) 1.005 x (850 ~ $00.81) = 350.94 kl ky pr 1x10 am Fae ae — N01 el Power output 140.72 x 240 x 1.161 = $9210.22 KW 39.2102 MW ae Wy 140.72 ” x 100 = 40.16% 7 35004 54 A gas turbine cycle has a perfect heat exchanger. Air enters the compresior at a temperatute aud pressure of 300 K aad 1 bar and discharges at 475 K and 5 bar. After passing through the leat cs changer the air temperature inereases to 655 K. ‘The temperature of air entering and leaving the turbine are 870°C and 450°C. Assuming zo pressure drop through the beat exchasiger, compute (the output per kg ofa, (i) the effcieney of the eye, and (li) the work required to drive the compressor 108 Gos Turbines Solution Fig. 546 Work input to the compresor, (We), We Cpa =) = 1.005 x (475 ~ 900)" = 159 kI/kg Work done by the turbine, (HF), Wr GT Ty) = 1.005 x (1143 ~ 725) 422.11 kg Heat added, ¢ Gy(Ts~ Te) = 1.005 x (1143 ~ 655) 490.4013 fe ‘The ontput per kg of ale We = Wr-We = 4221-1759 246.2 ki/ks a ficiency ofthe evelo, Merkoutput, a Heat supplied 246.2 igo * 1 50.2% ‘The work required to drive the compressor 175.9 kS/kg deal Cyeles and their Analysis 100 55 A close-eele regenerative gs turbine operating with ar asthe work ing mein, Assume the following data: py 1-4 bar, 7 = 210 K, 2]? =5; Tan = 1050 K, effectiveness of the regenerator s 10%, net ontput = 3000 KW. Assuming the compression and expansion to be entropic, calculate (@) thermal eficieney, and (Gi) mas flow rate of air per minute. Solution 492K As regenerator effectiveness is 100%, Th = te = 60265K Wy INC (Ts ~ Th) — Ogle 8000 = rhe 1.005 x [(1050 — 662.65) ~ (40 3000 = rin x 207.18 w 14.48 ke/s Wr Treat added 568.8 kg/min ae nn 110 Gas Turbines snGpl(Ts — Ty) ~ (TD) vinC(Ts~ T5) (1050 ~ 662.65) ~ (491.2 310) (1050 ~ 662.65) = 53.22% 5. A gas turbine with a regenerator has got the following dat Compressor inlet temperature Po 200K Compressor outlet temperature 460K Inlet temperature ofthe turbine 900°C Outlet temperature to the turbine ser" Assuming no pressure drop in the heat exchanger, ealeulate (a) the pressure ratio of the compressor and tunbine, i) the specific power output, (Gi) the overall efficieney of the eyele, and (iv) the work requited to drive the compressor. Assine 100% mechanical efficiency. Solution | ae Bo= c= B= 1m Compressor presute rato, p= er e586 = 5 = Specific power output (per kg of ait) Ideal Cyels and thels Analysis 111 Wy = O,(T-Ti)- Op Tt) = 1.005 x (1173 — 740) — 1.005 x (460 — 290) = 264.3 kT /ke a = 4, Specite power output Overalefcioney ofthe cyte = SB power att 2643 " CATs Ts) Asnuning regenerator effectiveness to be 100%, 5 = Ti 2643 rm > [rater] = core 2 Work required to drive the compressor = GT.=T,) = 1.005 x 460 ~200) = 17085 keg a oo im Boe = URL ise ‘Turbine pressure cai, a4 = iss = 5 pe 5.7 The ratio of net work to turbine work of an ideal gas turbine plant js 0.503. ‘Take the inlet temperature to the compressor a 300 K, Calculate the temperature drop across the turbine ifthe thetmtal ficiency of the unt is 35% Aastame a mass flow rate of 10 g/s, Cy = Tk /kg K and 9 =. Solution For ideal simple eyele, aoe = 035 © = 15384 ho = Txe = 300x158 = 46152K We = O(%-1) = 1x (461.52~ 300) = 161.52 kI/kg 112 Gas Turbines r I, a ' Fig. 5.49 = 0508 = 0563 We = le 161.82 058 ~ “oar = 369.61 Kah of air Wy = Wr-We = 96961-10152 = 208.00 el ig of air Not heat supplied per kg of air 1 2os.0 = 804.54 kJ/kg of air a = Oy(T3-Ta) 504.54 9 = 1x (T — 461.52) ‘T; = 1056.06 K —e e = Be ism nos B 1096.06 . 680.47 Ideal Cycles and their Analysis 118 Hence, temperature drop across the turbine TT 1056.06 — 686.47 = 369.59 K ae 5.8 The specific power ontput ofa turbine is 336.5 kW/kg and the exhaust ‘gases leave the turbine at 700 K. Caleulate the turbine pressure ratio if the value of Cy and Cy, are 1 kJ/kg K and 0.717 ki/kg K respectively. Round off the pressure ratio to the nearest integer. Solation ca : Set = 100 GT) = 3965 1-70 205 ts 1090.5 By By fi i 4 5.9 A gas turbine plant works between temperature limits of 300 K and 900 K. The pressure limits are 1 bar and 4 bar. Estimate the thermal cffcieney of the plant and the shaft power available for the external Toad in KW. Assume mas rate of flow of air to the compressor as 1600 g/min. Solution LIA Gas Paris For simple eyele gas turbine plant ” noe woe Gh 900 t= Mas w 1 worms = **(1zig:)-ee-0 = 0.4952 Kd kg of air TW = 0.4952 1.005 > 300 = 149.8 kg of air Mass flow of ai, 1600) = 1 20.06 nels A 0 bes Shaft power available = 149.3 2666 = 3980.84 KW a 5.10 In a gas turbine, the pressure ratio to which air at 15°C is eom- press is 6. ‘The same ait then heated toa maxim permissible Temperature of 750°C. Fist it heat exchanger and then combustion ‘Shamber. Tt is then expanded in evo stages sue that the expansion sro fs maximum, ‘The ai reheated to T50°C afer the firs stage Determine the cyele thermal efficiency. the work ratio (ff) and net shaft work per kg of a Solution © os = 1.660 Ty = Thx 16) = 288% 1650 = 48067 K For sins expansion work a 5 ve = vO = 245 a ‘eal Cycles and their Analysis 115 1023 te = TLTK Gas C ee We = Offs) = 1010 (067-258 2 eee Wr = G(Ts- Ts) + OTs - To) = 21.05 (15-7017) = s0L9 K/h aa 9 = OTs ~T) + C,(Ts - Ts) Bano 10% ezrin, 6 ee oe 464.9 kJ /kg of air = Wy Wr-We = 4649 ~199.56 271.34 kW = Wy 2H gy an 0 “p= Fp <1 = sasox u 116 Gas Turbines 5.11 A gas turbine plant operates between 5°C and 899°C. Find @) pressure ratio at which eyele efficiency equals Carnot cycle eff ciency, c pressure ratio at whieh maximum work is obtained, and ‘ficiency under conditions giving maximum work, Solin r l 558 — mS ons For single oe foe ee a. ee im ‘Therefore, pressure ratio at which eycle efficiency equals Carnot efficien 18. Bee (ae Pressure ratio for maximum work is obtained when ‘eal Cycles and their Analysis 147 ae ° o 0+3)-0-0) @ t S-1 = 0 « viz Vi = 2 = 2 = = a Pressure ratio for maximum work = ual a ficiency at maximum work output 50% a= 5.12 An ideal open-cycle gas turbiue plant using air operates in an overall pressure ratio of 4 and between temperature limits of 300 K and 1000 K. Assuming the constant value of specific heat Ciy = 1 kd kg K and Cy = 0.717 kag K, evaluate the specific work output and ehestial ‘efficiency foreach of the modification below and state the percentage change from the basic cycle. Assuming optimum stage pressure ratios, pevfect intereooling and perfect regeneration, find (i) basic eyete, (ii) basie eyete with heat exchanger, (it) asic eyele with two stage inter cooled compressor, and (Gv) basic eyele with heat exchanger and two-stage intercooled eon pressor, Solution Basic eycle: (refer Fig. 5.3) k 13017 1.4804 3.338 18 Ge Turbines Be = eden = saan (1 gy) ~ @sto4—1) ste : Le (-pig)am = max Basic eyee with heat exchanger (eer Fig. 5.8) Wy 180.56 nom 18 (a = 55.58% Basic eyla with intercooled compresior: (oer Fig 5.28) Wr 1 ak = (2-29 aaa (1 0.0515 Wy = 1x 300% 0.68815 = 19448 KI/ks _ »- (es A= 2\] 100 = sox San VOT asic eyele with heat exchanger ancl intercooled comprescor: (refer Fig. 5.28) Wy 194AT KI/kg. ave=1) [- 2 ATRIA vos 33x 0 re, a-2) = 59.92% a2 eal Cycles snd their Anatysie 139 Cycle Wy [a] % change | % change (ed eg) | [in Wy | in Basie eyele 180.36 | $2.45 With heat exchanger | 180.36 | 55.58 | 0 71.28 With intercooling | 194.47 | 30.63 | 78 =3.01 With heat exchanger | 19447 | 59.92 | 7.8 5465, & intercooling 5.18 Prove that the efficieney corresponding to the maximum work done in a Brayton evel is given by the relation 7 1 Meme a ‘whore tis the ratio of the maximum and minimum temperatures of the eyee, A gas turbine operating on Brayton evele between 27°C and 27°C. Determine the maximum net work por kg and cycle elfciener. Also compare Carnot eficiency with Brayton efficiency for these tetapers- ‘ure limits Solution Pig. 5.58 Wpoo= Cth TH We GiT—TH) Wy Wr-We = Gla-T)-(%- To] 120 Gus Turbines Let ry be the pressure ratio, we = off and t= Fe We = ofa(-4)- ne-v] For maximum work dW /de = 0. 1 c ofne -1] 1 a. 1 2.8 e- Bae c 4 (iT) ~ (eT) Gah) = US--0 _ e-nf-1) {t-0) tea (e-0(8) 4 For maxinmm work e= YE Nomer = = 300K deal Cycles aad their Analysis 124 = 10K = BO aoee Wa = G[(1-%)-n(vi-2)] = 005 x [100 (1 ag.) ~ 30 (va 1] = 252.34 ki /kg of air ey Tome = (1 Jylgg) 100 = arr a Meant = Tmax 1100 = 07272 = 12.72% = ‘5.14 In an ideal gas turbine cycle with reheat, air at state (py, Ti) is com- pressed to pressure rp; and heated to Ts. The air is then expanded in two stages, each turbine having the same pressure ratio, with reheat to Ty between the stages. Assuming the working fluid to be a pet- fect gas with constant specific heats, and that the compression and ‘expansion are isentropic, show that the specific work outpat. will be fa maximum when r is given by oe 3h) Solution =e we % . a = (WA = ve Assume unit mass flow of air and given 7 = Ty, ‘Total turbine work output, Wr = G(—7) + Cys Ta) GT ~ Ty) + Cys ~ To) 122 Gas Turbines Fig. 5.54 = 2G,(Ta-T) = 2647 Compressor work input, Wo = Gi%=T) = = Gte-1) Net work output, wy = | ae.n(1- GTe-1) Specific work output We By a > RC 4)-(e-1) -(e-1) = afi- Spevte wor output is maxima when $2 ‘Therefore, difer ating Eg, (1) and equating i t0 ero, eal Cycles and their Analysis 128 5.19 A Brayton cycle works betwoen 1 bar, 300 K and 5 bar, 1250 K. There are two stages of compression with perfect intercooling and two stages ‘of expansion. ‘The work out of first expansion stage being used to drive the two compressors, where the interstage pressure is optimized for the compressor. ‘The air from the irs stage turbine is again heated to 1250 K and expanded. Caleulate the power output of free power ‘turbine and eyele efficiency without and with a perfect heat exchanger ‘and compare them. Also calculate the percentage improvement inthe ciciency because of the addition of heat exchangers. Solution <— : A , J Tr Tr : 4 io my a Fig, 5.55 Because of perfect intereoolng, Pm ve 2.236 bar Further, Ty = and Ty = Ty = Rage = 1.259 ty Tee = 900x1259 = 3m7.7K % Th = o7K We WatWe = Wa = 20(Te-T) = 2x 1.005% (977.7 ~ 300) = 156.2 kl/kg Wr = We CTs ~ Ta) 1502 aR 124 Gas Turbines Te Wr a With regenerator 1 5 poy = 8188 ber @) pe 350x (-4.)°" = o009K ae ,(Tr - Ts) 1.005 x (1250-9009) = 3808 kik Wy. Wn 7 7 Gls ~ Ts) + Cys ~ Te) 1.005 x ((1250 ~ 377.7) + (1250 — 1094.6)] 1032.84 kif 3508 soy ape *100 = 33.90% Gp x (Cs ~15) + (Ty ~ Tal} 1.005 x {(1250 ~ 900.9) + (1250 ~ 1094.6)] 507.02 &3/ke 69.2 -38.96 a a 50.9% 5.16 The p-V diagrams of wo gas turbine power plants operating on identi- cal inlet conditions of 1 bar and 27°C are shown in the Fig, 5.56, The ‘maximum turbine inlet temperature is 1200 K for both the plants. Ass ing that the pressure ratio and temperature ratio are the sane for both the plants. calculate the efficiency rato of the power plants Also find the pressure ratio of LPC, HPC, HPT and LPT. Solution 1+ £4.29) eal Cycles and their Analysis 126 : v n t 4 pm = ase ve = 129 5 1=(.219/4) Trae = 17 a 1.407 ae nm re ta nm = vi / = 5.7 An ileal gas turbine operates with m mumber of compressor stages ‘and n number of turbine stages with # overall pressure ratio, %. The maximum temperatine is Tyo, and the mininum temperature Toy. Assume pressure ratios in compressor is same in all m stages sand perfect interoooling and reheating, Also assume that pressire ratios in all stages in turbine are same, Show that t= ten xo") 4H, where 7, aud Tp are the ext

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