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In our environment, electromagnetic radiation can be observed in a variety of

forms, including radio waves, microwaves, X-rays, and gamma rays. Sunlight is one
example of this, although it only makes up a small percentage of the electromagnetic
spectrum, which also includes a wide range of wavelengths. Although it has its fair
share of benefits like nerve regeneration, wound healing, graft behavior, diabetes, and
myocardial and cerebral ischemia, it also has a lot of downsides. Headaches, anxiety,
suicidal thoughts, melancholy, nausea, exhaustion, and a lack of libido are among the
symptoms of excessive electromagnetic radiation exposure that have been
documented. As we all know, the majority of the world’s population rely so much on
electronic devices like cellphones, televisions, laptops and many more which make us
susceptible to the harmful effects brought by electromagnetic hazards. Although some
individuals may believe that the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation are not as
severe as what others claim, the truth is that they are accurate and we are currently
suffering from a variety of long – term adverse effects. There are still some steps we
can take to assist in minimizing the effects of electromagnetic radiation hazards, such
as turning off wireless devices or functionalities when they are not needed, switching to
connected devices whenever possible, using smartphones with caution, and prioritizing
the sleeping area.
Overexposure to electromagnetic radiation, particularly to radio waves,
microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma rays, can
result in a wide range of health risks. All of these are employed in some or most of our
everyday activities and help advance our civilization, yet we are powerless to stop them
from becoming damaging, especially to our health. In connection with this,
electromagnetic fields are present all around us yet are invisible to the human sight.
Additionally, there is a tremendous amount of radiation in these electromagnetic fields
that can heavily affect people that are close in proximity. But just like any other hazards,
there are also ways to reduce the effects of electromagnetic radiation. One of them is to
turn off wireless gadgets when they’re not in use or, even better, switch them over for
wired ones to cut down on the radiation they emit. Another way is to exercise caution
when using technology, especially smartphones. When speaking on the device, it is
best to keep it away from your body. It is preferable to opt for a phone with a lower
Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) rating if at all possible. Prioritizing sleeping spaces is
another way to minimize electromagnetic radiation exposure. It is crucial to keep in mind
to turn off any electromagnetic radiation-emitting devices before going to bed in order to
prevent overexposure to the body.
The dangers associated with electromagnetic radiation can be found throughout
our surroundings, so it’s critical to understand how to minimize our exposure to them
and safeguard our health. Even though some people might dispute the harm that
electromagnetic radiation might do to our bodies and way of life, we should
nevertheless be wary of these risks.

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