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Animal Farm - Practice Topics

1. ‘Animal Farm succeeds because of Napoleon’s tyranny.’ To what extent do you agree?

2. ‘The ideals of Animalism are destroyed due to the pigs’ ambition.’ Discuss.

3. ‘George Orwell’s Animal Farm warns readers of the danger of government propaganda.’


4. ‘George Orwell advocates for Old Major’s ideals of Animalism.’ Do you agree?

5. ‘George Orwell suggests that rebellion is ineffective in overcoming oppression.’ To what

extent do you agree?

6. Animal Farm is ambiguous about the ability to create a just and equitable society. To

what extent do you agree?

7. The novella questions the possibility of real political change. Discuss

8. What does Animal Farm suggest about the relationship between education and


9. How does Animal Farm illustrate the dangers of concentrated power?

10. It is simply fear that stops the animals from overthrowing Napoleon. Discuss

11. ‘Although the animals are happy in their new-found freedom from human control, life

on the farm after the rebellion has not improved significantly.’ Discuss.

12. ‘Napoleon’s primary tool of control is intimidation and fear.’ To what extent do you agree?

13. ‘Napoleon is the only villain of Animal Farm.’ To what extent do you agree?\

14. “Can you not understand that liberty is worth more than ribbons?”

‘Orwell suggests people are often unaware of their own victimhood.’ Discuss.

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