Best Practice Workshop-Conflict Mediation

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By Alex Tilley, Yu Chu Chang,
and Joshua Cheng
Stairway to Justice
Six Steps to Facilitating a Restorative Dialogue
1. Preparation
Preparation and Commitment
4-Options Model
Used during facilitated reflection to explain and
invite to participate in restorative dialogue process.
2. Relations
Review Participation
3. Recognition
Identify who speaks first (allow youth to choose if
Participants describe experience with the problem (one
at a time)
Participants restate/summarize (summary is not
agreement) until other says "Yes, that is what I said."
Emphasize thoughts/feelings then and now; encourage
"I-message" vs "you-message"
4. Clarification
Search for Agreements to Restore Equity
and Clarify Future Intentions.

5. Evaluation
Review, Write, Summarize, and
Celebrate the Agreement.

General Understandings:
1. The Dialogue Process was voluntary, and we did not feel pressured by the
facilitators to reach any agreements.
2. These agreements are ours and we accept responsibility for carrying them out.
3. This agreement is to remain between us, and we will only share it with our
Parent/Guardians and the necessary staff at our school, unless we name others
here that we have agreed to share it with.

Print Name Signature Date

Facilitated by:

Total # of Pages:
6. Reconnection
Bring parties back together, read full agreement out loud.
Both parties answer: "Have I kept my part of the agreement?
Do I think the other person has?"
Acknowledge if agreements have been kept and celebrate
Address the problem if all parts are not being kept. Is there a
new harm or conflict? If so, back to step 2 (Relations)
Kai and Haimei are childhood friends who attend the same middle school together.
This morning when Kai was playing around with Haimei, she pushed him and
accidentally knocked down the smoothie in his hand. Kai found it funny and laughed,
but Haimei was mad because he got the smoothie on his new sweater and shoes.

The facilitator met with Kai and Haimei, used restorative questions to help them
process what happened, and introduced the 4-options model to them. They agree to
meet with each other and the facilitator to conduct a restorative dialogue.
Questions or
Thank You!

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