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School: LNHS(Main) Grade Level: 7-Aquino

Teacher: Darwin L. Raymundo Learning Area: Horticulture

Teaching Dates and Time: 9:30am-10:10am (Tuesday to Quarter: 3rd


I. Objectives At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
perform estimation and calculations needed to complete the task
II. Subject Matter Topic: Perform Basic Workplace Calculation
Sub-Topic: Perform Basic Workplace Calculation
Materials  PowerPoint
 Laptop
 Chalk
 Marker
TLE-IA-Horticulture Module 3 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module
III. Procedures
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Routinary Activities

a. Prayer Good morning, Sir!

“Everyone please stands”

“_____, please lead the prayer”
Okay sir, let us pray
b. Greetings
“Good morning, Class”
The students will say present

c. Checking of Attendance
“Say present when I call your name.”
The students will arrange the chairs and pick up
d. Setting of Classroom Standards a piece of trash

Class, please arrange your chair and pick up pieces of

Yes Sir!
Okay, now I want you to respect one another
especially those who speak here in front by being
silent and listening attentively. Is that clear?

B. Review of the previous lesson

Class what was our lesson last meeting? Our lesson last meeting Sir is about performing basic
estimation in the workplace.

Okay very good, can you give me the materials used The students will give a different example of farm inputs.
in farm production? > Seeds > Organic Fertilizer
> Pesticides > Inorganic Fertilizer
> Seedlings > Pesticides
> Fertilizers

Okay very good class, how about different farm

labor requirement for land preparation? The students will give different farm labor for land
> Plowing using tractor > Clearing the land using Hoe
> Plowing using animals > Harrowing using Hand Tractor
> Preparation of Furrow > Trellis Preparation
>Mulching >Digging Holes

Okay very good! How about labor requirement in

The students will give different farm labor for Plantin.
> Production of Seedling > Transplanting

Okay very good! How about labor requirement in

Plant Care?
>Fertilizer Application >Pest Control
> Irrigation > Weeding
Okay very good, now that you already know and are > Harvesting
familiar with the different examples of farm inputs
and farm labor, we can now proceed to our next

C. Motivation
“But before we proceed, are you class
familiar with different types of
shapes? Yes Sir

Okay, can you give me the name of this shape? That was a circle sir!

Okay very good!

How about this one class, what shape

Triangle sir!

Yes, very good!

Trapezium sir!
How about this one? What shape is this?

And lastly what shape is this? Parallelogram sir!

Okay very good!

“Since you have some insight about our new topic we

can proceed to our discussion.”

D. Presentation/ Delivery of the Lesson

“Alright, moving on our next lesson, do you have any “Yes, Sir! It was about types of shape and basic
idea about our next topic?” estimation of an area?”

“Do you have any idea about performing basic workplace “Yes, Sir Its about calculation the area of different
calculations?” shapes”

Okay very good, what is an area? Is anyone here having “Sir it refers to the size of the surface.”
any idea what is the area?

Yes correct, very good answer will you read what is an (Students will read each part)

An area is defined as the space occupied by the object’s An area is defined as the space occupied by the object’s
plane or surface. A figure’s area is the number of unit plane or surface. A figure’s area is the number of unit
squares that cover a figure’s surface. Square units, such squares that cover a figure’s surface. Square units, such
as square centimeters, square feet, square inches, etc., as square centimeters, square feet, square inches, etc.,
quantity the area. quantity the area.

It is express in square meter (m2or sq. m)

Common Surface Areas Area Formula

r A=πr2
Where r is the radius.

The area formula of a circle is A=π2, where the r is the radius. (The students will listen attentively to the discussion)
______please the area formula of a circle.

For example: Find the area of a circle with a radius of

A= πr2
A= (3.14) (3cm2)
A= (3.14) (9cm)
To get the area of a circle we use the formula A=πr2.
First, you need to substitute the formula for the given
value. After substituting the value, multiply the radius by
itself. The last step is to multiply the pi by the radius
Therefore, the area of the circle is 28.6cm. Sir may I ask how did you get the 3.14?
Did you get it, class?
Okay sir, thank you!
Okay very good question, the π is a mathematical constant that
is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter,
approximately equal to 3.14159 or 3.14.
Yes, we are!
Are we clear with that class?

Another example: Find the area of a circle with a radius of 9cm.

A= πr2
r=5cm A= (3.14) (5cm2)
A= (3.14) (25cm)
A= 78.5cm2

Using the formula, A= πr2, first step is to convert the formulas

in to the given values so A= (3.14) (5cm 2), second step is to
multiply first the given radius to itself, so it will become A=
(3.14) (25cm), then last step multiply 3.14 and 25 cm, therefore
the area of the circle is 78.5cm. Yes sir!
Did you get it, class?
None sir!
Very good, Any questions class?

So, if you don’t have any questions let's proceed now

on how to get the area of a triangle.

Common Surface Area Formula

A=0.5 x b x h,
Where b is base and h
Sir! (The students raised his/her hands)
is height.
Area formula of a triangle is A= 0.5 x b x h. where b is
Anyone from the class who wants to read the area base and h is height.
formula of triangle?

Okay _____please read!

Just like on the circle, we have the formula to follow to

get the area of the triangle which is A= 0.5 x b x h. This
means all you need to do is multiply 0.5 by the base and
height of a triangle.

For example: What is the area of a triangle with base b= 3 cm

and height h= 4 cm?
Using the formula of the Area of a
A=0.5 x b x h
A=0.5 x 4cm x 3cm
A= 6cm2

To solve for the area of this triangle, you to multiply the 0.5 Yes sir!
to the base and the height, which translate into A=0.5 x 4cm x
3cm, then solve for the product which is 6cm2.
None sir!
And that’s how to get the area of the triangle. Did you get
it class?

Okay I have here another example and I want you to solve

it yourself, okay?
(The students will start solving the given problem)
Example: Calculate the area of triangular land with base of 5
cm and height of 8cm.



Okay I will give you 2 minutes to solve for the area of the
given example, timer starts now!
Me sir!
Time is up! Who wants to volunteer to write his/her
Possible answer of the students:
answer on board?
A=0.5 x b x h
Okay _____please write your answer on the board.
A=0.5 x 5cm x 8cm
A= 40cm2

(students who got the correct answer will raised his/her


Okay very good computation ______, it seems that you

get what I discussed, anyone in the class who got the
same answer?
None sir.
Wow, almost all of you got the correct answer! Very good

Any questions class?

Okay very good! Let’s proceed now on how to get the

area of a square.

Common Surface Area Formula

Where s is the side A=s2

(The students will listen attentively)

A square is a quadrilateral in which all four sides are equal and
parallel to each other. Which area formula is A=s 2, where s is Yes we are!
the side.
_________Please read the area formula of square.
The area of a square is calculated with the help of the
formula: Area = s2, meaning you need to multiply s or the given
side by itself for you to get the are of a square.
Did you get it?

Okay I have here an example on how to get the area of a

Example: Find the area of a square whose side is 15

Using the Area formula of a Square.

A= s2S=15m
A=225m 2

And that’s how to get the area of square, so easy right?

Because all you need to is multiply the side to itself.

Another example, calculate for the area of quadrilateral

land whose side is 21 meters. Yes we are!
A= s2 First write the given formula for area of square
A=(21m)2 then convert the formula into the given value None sir.
A=441m2 and lastly multiply the given value 21m to
itself to get the area of the problem or simply
solved for the squared of the given value.

Did you get it class?

Any questions regarding on how to solve the area of

Okay if you don’t have any question, lets proceed now on

how to get the area of rectangle.

Common Surface Area Formula Area= I x w, where l is length and w is width.

Area= l x w, (The students will listen attentively)
l where l is length and w
w is width

_________Please read the area formula of rectangle.

Okay class to find the area of a rectangle, we simply need

to multiply the length of the rectangle by the width of the
It was 9meters and 15meters sir.
For example: Calculate the area of a rectangular land whose
length is 7 meters and width is 10 meters.
A= l x w The area of the rectangular land is 135m2 sir.
I=7m A=7m x 10m

To calculate the area of this rectangular land you need to

know what is the given length and width, so here in the
rectangle what is the given length and width?

Yes, very good! We have a length of 9meters and

15meters, now we have the length and width we are going
to multiply it now, 9m x 15m is? (The students will start solving the given problem)

Yes, correct it was 135m2, and that’s how to get the area of
rectangle. Me sir!
I have here another problem and I want you to solve it

Calculate the area of a rectangular land whose length of Possible answer of the student:
12 meters and has width of 19 meters. A= l x w
A=12m x 19m
I will give you 2 minutes to solve for the problem. Time A=228m2
starts now! Yes sir!

Time is up! Any volunteer to write the answer on the

Okay_____ write your answer on the board. Yes, we are!

None sir!

Is that correct class?

Yes correct! Very good answer______ thank you for

Are you class get the same answer?

Okay very good! It seems like you understand the basic

calculation. Any questions class?

Area=b x h,
Okay if you don’t have any question, lets proceed now on
Where b is base and h is perpendicular height.
how to get the area of parallelogram.
(The students will listen attentively)
Common Surface Area Formula
Area=b x h,
h Where b is base and h
is perpendicular height.

________Please read the area formula of parallelogram.

The area formula of a parallelogram is base times height,

it was just like the formula for the area of a rectangle but The given base is 4cm while the height is 5cm sir.
in parallelogram it was A=b x h. which b is the base and
h is the height.

For example: Find the area of the parallelogram with a It was 20cm2 sir.
base of 4 cm and height of 5 cm.
A= b x h
h= 5cm A=4cm x 5cm
All you need to do is simply multiply the base and the
height of the parallelogram to get the area of it. So, what .
is the given base and height in this parallelogram?

Yes, very good! The given base is 4cm and the height is
5cm, in the formula A= b x h, so we need to multiply 4cm
and 5cm to get the area, so what is 4cm x 5cm?

Yes, correct the answer is 20cm2

Yes, we are!
Another example, find the area of parallelogram with a
base of 7cm and height of 9cm. None sir.
A= b x h
h= 9cm
A=7cm x 9cm
Write first the formula of the area of parallelogram then
convert it into the given value which is b=7cm and h=9cm, then
multiply it, so that the area of parallelogram is equal to 63cm2.

Did you get it class?

Any questions regarding on how to get the area of


Okay let’s proceed now in our last shape which is Area=0.5 x (a + b) x h

trapezium. Where a and b are lengths of the parallel sides, and h is
perpendicular height
Common Surface Area Formula
Trapezium a Area=0.5 x (a + b) x h
Where a and b are lengths
of the parallel sides, and h
b is perpendicular height.

_______Please read the area formula of Trapezium.

The area formula of trapezium is A=0.5 x (a + b) x h,

which means you need to multiply 0.5 to the sum of the
two bases which is a and b, then times height.

For example: Find the area of a trapezium whose bases are The sum of the two bases is 13cm sir.
5cm and 8cm and whose height is 4 cm.
A=0.5 x (a + b) x h
h=4 A=0.5 x (5cm + 8cm) x 4cm The area of trapezium is 26cm2 sir.
A=0.5 x 13cm x 4cm
b= 8 A= 26cm2
To solve for the area of a trapezium, we need to know
what is the given bases and height, here in this trapezium Yes, we are!
the given bases are 5cm and 8cm, while the given height
is 6cm, following the formula A=0.5 x (5cm + 8cm) x
6cm, using that formula we need to get the sum of the two
bases first, so what is the sum of 5cm and 8cm?

Yes, very good, after getting the sum of the two bases we can
now get the product of A= 0.5 x (13cm2) x 4cm, so what is the
area of this trapezium?

Yes, very good! The area of this trapezium is 26cm2

(The students will listen attentively to the discussion)

Did you get it class? Are we clear?

Okay very good!

In agriculture, square and rectangle are the common shape

of agricultural lands.

Below are examples on how to get the area of square and

Yes, we are!
Example no.1

Find the area of a square whose side is 10 meters.

A= s2
As I discussed to get the area of the square, we used the
formula A=s2, then convert the formula to the given value, then
multiply it or get the squared to get area.

Are we clear class? (The students will listen attentively to the discussion)

Example no.2 Yes, we are!

Calculate the area of a rectangular land whose length is 7

meters and width is 10 meters.
A= I x w
I=7m =7m x 10m

To calculate the area of rectangular land all we need is

to multiply the given length and the width.
Are we clear class?

The word “percentage” means “per hundred”, in other words
one percent is the one hundredth part of the total. It can be
written either in percent % or 1/100, or 0.01.

Here are some examples:

10 percent= 10% = 10/100= 0.10

15 percent= 15% = 15/100= 0.15
30 percent= 30% = 30/100= 0.30

Example: How many apples are 15% of a total of 500

Solution: 500 x .15 = 75
Answer: 75 apples

Example 2: How many mangoes are 45% of a total of

1000 mangoes?
Solution: 1000 x .45 = 450
Answer: 450 mangoes

E. Application
Activity: Basic Area Calculation Answer keys:
Directions: Solve for the given problems below. Write your
answer in ½ sheet crosswise paper.

1. Find the area of a square whose side is 15 meters. 1.) A=s2


2. Find the area of a circle with a radius of 6cm. 2.) A=πr2

A= (3.14) (6cm2)
A= 3.14 x 36cm

3. Calculate the area of a 3.) A=l x w

rectangular land whose length is 12 meters and width is A=12m x 20m
20 meters. A= 240m2


w=20m 4.) A= b x h
4. Find the area of the parallelogram with a base of 8 cm A= 8cm x 4cm
and height of 4 cm. A= 32cm2

h= 4cm

5.) A= 0.5 x (a + b) x h
5. Find the area of a trapezium whose bases are 8cm and 13cm A= 0.5 x (8cm + 13cm) x 6cm
and whose height is 6 cm. A= 0.5 x 21cm x 6cm
a=8cm A= 63cm2


b= 13cm
6.) A= 0.5 x b x h
6. What is the area of a triangle with base b= 4 cm and height
A= 0.5 x 4cm x 12cm
h= 12cm?
A= 24cm2


7.) A=l x w
7. Calculate the area of a rectangular land whose length is 14 A=14m x 32m
meters and width is 32 meters. A= 448m2


8.) A=s2
8. Find the area of a square whose side is 25 meters. A=25m2
A= 625m2


9.) Solution: 300 x .25

9. How many oranges are 25% of a total of 300 oranges? Answer:75 oranges

10.) Solution: 500 x .65

10.How many mangoes are 65% of a total of 500 mangoes? Answer: 325 mangoes

F. Generalization
Activity: What I have learned
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words/phrase.
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. The topic of this lesson is all about_______________. (Students will orally answer the questions to summarize
2. I have learned through this lesson that_____________. what they learned)
3. The terms/ideas I found hard to understand are______.
4. I enjoyed learning the terms and ideas about________.
5. How can you apply computation in agriculture?

G. Evaluation Answer keys:

Activity: Let’s do this! For trapezium
Direction A: Help this farmer go to the farm by solving A= 0.5 x (a + b) x h
first the surface area of trapezium and circle. (5 points A= 0.5 x (9m + 31m) x 17m
each with complete solution) A= 0.5 x 40cm x 17cm
A= 340m2

For circle
A= (3.14) (5m2)
A= 3.14 x 25m
A= 78.5m2

Direction B: Compute for the percentage of the following For direction B.

(2.5 points each).
1. How many corns are 5% of a total of 300 corn? 1. 15 corns
2. How many potatoes are 25% of a total of 500 potatoes? 2. 125 potatoes

H. Assignment
Compute the area of your land!
Direction: Solve for the area of your land where your (The students will solve for the area of their land)
house is built or located.

IV. Subject Integrated

Mathematics- Algebra, Arithmetic and Shapes

English- Definition of Terms

Prepared by: Noted and Checked by:


Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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