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Group 8 Section: DCA

Pedrozo, Leilanie G. Suarez, Sherilyn Ann G.

Sanoy, Alfha D. Valerio, Zxaris P.
Sobremonte, Precious Lalaine N. Viernes, Abegaile T.


ACTIVITY 2: ABC Brainstorm: A strategy to generate ideas that begin with each LETTER of
the Alphabet.

1. Write the places w here Rizal hav e trav elled and fill in the blanks beside each letter of
the alphabet. I n the next column, indicate the purpose of the trav el. For example, when
Rizal travelled in Madrid, Spain, put this answer beside letter M of the alphabet and
beside it, write the purpose/s or reason/s of Rizal in such travel.

2. Cite the references in APA 7th edition format.



ABC Countries Purposes / Reasons

A 1. Austria  He had a historic meeting w ith the Austrian
scholar, Prof. Ferdinand Blumentritt, w ho
gav e him the encouragement to finish his
tw o nov els which fueled the Philippine
Rev olution of 1896 that consequently
resulted in the independence of the
Philippines from Spain.

2. America  He v isited the largest cities of America to

see their big buildings, electric lights, and
magnificent conceptions. However, he w as
not impressed.
B 1. Barcelona,  He w rote his first article (“Amor Patrio'')
Spain abroad. I t w as published in Diaryong
 I n 1889, Rizal w rote a pamphlet entitled La
Vision del Fray Rodriguez defending the
nov el Noli Me Tangere from the slanderous
attack of Fray Jose Rodriguez humiliating
the man.

2. Berlin,  To gain further knowledge of

Germany ophthalmology, to attend some lectures at
its local univ ersity, to further his studies of
sciences and languages, to get familiar
w ith the scenic of Germany, to be part of
the scientific community and to finish his
nov el, “Noli Me Tángere.”

3. Belgium  He spent part time job in a medical clinic.

4. Brussels,  To w ork for their father land’s freedom.

Belgium  He had gymnastics at the gymnasium and
target practice and fencing at the armory.
 He w rote articles for La Solidaridad and
letters to his family and friends.
 He w as busy w riting his second nov el w hich
w as a continuation of Noli.

5. Biarritz,  To rest from the problems that he w as

France carrying.
 To finish "El Filibusterismo”
C 1. Czech  Wrote correspondence of more than 200
Republic letters converting a lot of scholastic and
intellectual exchange.

2. Colombo, Sri  To improv e his knowledge of the French

Lanka language w hile on board French ship,

3. Calamba  He returned to Calamba because:

a. To operate on his mother’s eyes

b. To serv e his people w ho had long been
oppressed by Spanish tyrants
c. To find out for himself how the Noli and
his other w ritings were affecting Filipinos
and Spaniards in the Philippines
d. To find out w hy Leonor Rivera had
remained silent.
 He established a medicalclinic
D 1. Dresden  Rizal studied different plants because he
w as interested in botany.
 To w itness the regional floral exposition.

2. Dapitan,  He engaged in agriculture, fishing, and

Philippines business.
 He maintained and operated a hospital.
 He taught pupils English and Spanish
languages and arts.

3. Danube  Voyage to Lintz w here the passengers on a

riv er boat w ere using paper napkins during
the meals w hich was a nov elty to him.

E 1. England  To improv e his knowledge of the English

 Wrote ethnographic and history related of
 I n August, he w as admitted to the British
Museum, w here he copied Antonio de
Morga’s massiv e study of the Philippines,
Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas, which Rizal
later annotated for publication “as a gift to
the Filipinos.”

2. Egypt  He came across this place w hen he w as on

his w ay to Marseilles, France via the Suez

3. Europe  To observe the lives, cultures, laws, and

gov ernments of the countries in Europe, in
separation for liberating the Philippines from
Spain’s tyrannical rule.
 To complete his education. He acquired
surgical skills in the best eye clinics in
Europe, he remov ed a double cataract
from Dona Teodora’s eyes.
F France  He v isited the Lariboisiere Hospital and
observed the different diseases of w omen.
 To search for more historical bibliotheque
materials (Bibliotheque Nationale).
 To observe how medicine was being
practiced in France.
G 1. Germany  To gain further knowledge of

2. Ghent,  He published El Filibusterismo because the

Belgium cost of printing in this place is a lot cheaper.

3. Genev a  Rizal conv ersed w ith the people with three

languages: French, German, and I talian.

 Rizal treated Viola to a blow -out on June

19, 1887, his 26t h birthday and gav e a nice
meal to celebrate his natal day.

 On June 23, they parted w ays w here Viola

returned to Barcelona while Rizal continued
the tour to I taly.
H 1. Hong Kong  He sought refuge in Hong Kong in 1888
after he had published his famous anti-
colonial w ork "Noli me Tangere", loosely
translated into "Don't touch me" in English,
and w as blacklisted by the Spanish
 He studied Chinese life, Language, drama
and customs.
 He planned to establish a modern college
in Hongkong.
 Borneo Colonization Project
 Last Hongkong Letters.

2. Heidelberg,  He attended lectures at the Univ ersity of

Germany Heidelberg, w rote his nostalgic poem “A
Las Flores de Heidelberg,” on April 22, 1886
and finished w riting the last chapters of his
first nov el.
 He w orked at the University Eye Clinic under
esteemed ophthalmologist Dr. Otto Becker.
 He furthered his education by attending
forums conducted by other luminaries in
the field.
I 1. I taly  He v isited Turin, Milan, Venice and Florence.
 On June 29, Rizal v isited for the first time the
Vatican, the “City of the Popes” and the
capital of Christendom.

 He v isited Chicago, Illinois on May 11, 1888

2. I llinois
w hich w as an enroute to New York City.
J Japan He studied the habits and customs of the
Japanese people, their language, theaters and
L 1. London,  He improv ed his knowledge of the English
England language, w rote essays and articles for La
Solidaridad and annotated the w ork of
Antonio de Morga, the “Sucesos de las Islas
Filipinas” later published in Paris in 1890.
 He engaged in Filipiniana Studies.
 Spent Christmas and New Year’s Day w ith
the Becketts. Rizal could not reciprocate
Gertrude Beckett’s affection out of loyalty
to Leonor Riv era.
 I n February 1889, Rizal w rote the famous
“Letter to the Young Women of Malolos”
upon the request of M. H. Del Pilar to praise
the young ladies of Malolos for their
courage to establish a school w here they
could learn Spanish.
 Dr. Rost, editor of Trubner’s Record, a
journal dev oted to Asian studies, requested
Rizal to contribute articles. One was
Specimens of Tagal Folklore published in
May 1889 and Tw o Eastern Fables published
in June 1889.
 On January 12, 1889 founded a society
called Asocicion Hispano-Filipina to w ork on
the needed refrorms w hich w ere the aims
for w hich the Propaganda Movement w as
being w aged. La Solidaridad w as founded
and Rizal contributed.
 Carv ed several fine sculptural works:
a. Promotheus Bound
b. The Triumph of Death ov er Life
c. The Triumph of Science ov er Death
d. A composite carv ing of the heads of
the three Beckett sisters

2. Leipzig,  He attended lectures conducted by a

Germany German historian and a w ell-respected
M 1. Macau  With Jose Maria Basa, Jose Sainz de
Veranda and some Portuguese, Rizal left
Hong Kong for Macau on board the Kui
Kiang. I n Macao, they lived in the house of
Juan Lecaroz. Rizal w ent around for
observation, especially the botanical
 He w itnessed a catholic procession in
w hich the dev otees were dressed in blue
and purple dresses and w ere carrying
unlighted candles.

2. Madrid,  To pursue his medical studies in the

Spain Univ ersidad Central de Madrid.
 He w as committed to dev eloping himself
w hile in Madrid by studying other
languages and improv ing his fencing skills.
 He w rote a eulogy for the death of his dear
friend Panganiban.
 On June 20, 1890 he superv ised the
handling of the case against the
Dominicans. I n August 1890, he tried all
legal means to seek justice for his family
and the Calamba tenants but to no av ail.
 During 1890-91, there w as a failure to get
justice for his family, he had a duel w ith
Antonio Luna, Rizal challenges Retana to
duel, the infidelity of Leonor Riv era, and the
riv alry of Jose Rizal and Del Pilar.

3. Munich  They stopped at Munich w here they

sojourned for a short time to sav or the
famous Munich beer, reputed to be the
best in Germany.
4. Marseilles  Left Rome by train to the French port w hich
he reached w ithout a mishap. Rizal w as the
only one among the passengers w ho could
speak many languages so he acted as
interpreter for his companions. Among the
passengers w ere 2 Germans, 3 Chinese, 2
Japanese, and Frenchmen.

5. Manila  He arriv ed in Manila on August 6t h from his

tour to Europe and stayed in the city for a
short time to v isit his friends. He found
Manila the same as w hen he left it fiv e
years ago.
 Appeared at Malcanan. Governor-General
Terrero asked for the copy of Noli.
 Visited the Jesuits and agreed that
ev erything that happened inNoli w as true.
N 1. Naples, I taly  He reached Naples, I taly and w as briefly
astounded by its dynamic citizens and the
picturesque w onders of Mount Vesuvius
and the castle of St. Telmo.
 The first European ground he set foot on.
2. Nuremberg,  I mpressed by the manufacture of dolls
Germany because it w as the biggest industry of the
 One of the oldest cities of Germany.
Among the sights w ere the horrible torture
machines used by I nquisition.
O Oakland  He crossed this place w hen he took a ferry
boat to leav e San Francisco.
 To v isit the states of Utah, Colorado,
Nebraska, and I llinois.
P 1. Philippines  Back in the Philippines, Rizal’s trav el
destinations in the Philippines included a
v isit to Bulacan and Pampanga before he
w as finally exiled in Dapitan, in the prov ince
of Zamboanga del Norte.

2. Paris, France  He v isited Laennec Hospital to observe and

become an apprentice of Dr. Louis de
Wecket to specialize in Ophthalmology.

 Early in September, 1888, he v isited Paris for

a w eek, in order to search for more
historical materials in Bibliotheque
 I n 1889, Rizal came to Paris because he
could not marry Gertrude.

 I n 1889-1890, Rizal continued his study of

language and w as able to prepare a
v olume of French exercises as a textbook
for students of the French language. He
made tw o statues namely The Beggar and
The Maid w ith A Basket. He organized his
pasianos into a society called Kidlat Club to
bring together the young Filipinos in the
French Capital. I t later on w as replaced by
I ndios Bravos.

 Rizal proposed to establish an I nternational

Association of Filipinologists in 1889 but it did
not materialize.
Q Quezon City, He w as sent by his parents to study at Ateneo De
Manila, Manila University.
R Rome, I taly  He v isited the Capitolio, the Tarpeian Rock,
the Palatine, the Roman Forum, Colosseo,
the Capitoline Museum and the church of
Santa Maria, the maggiore.
 To reflect on his homeland w ith a broader
historical perspective. He w as thrilled by the
sights and memories of the Eternal City. He
w rote a letter to Blumentritt on June 27,
1887 describing the “grandeur that w as
 After a w eek of w onderful sojourn in Rome,
he prepared to return to the Philippines and
w ritten to his father that he w as coming

Rheinfall  They saw the most beautiful w aterfall of

S 1. Sandakan  To negotiate w ith British authorities
concerning the founding of a Filipino
colony in North Borneo.

2. Singapore  He spent time sightseeing the city including

its famed Botanical Garden, Buddhist
temples, and the monument of Sir Thomas
Stanford Raffles, the founder of Singapore.

 Accompanied by his friend Máximo Viola,

they v isited Ferdinand Blumentritt.
3. Sw itzerland
 They stayed in the city from June 2-3, 1887
and continued their tour to Bassel, Bern,
and Lausanne.
4. Schaffhausen
 Saw this historic canal for the second time.
During their trav el, Rizal played chess w ith
5. Suez Canal fellow passengers and engaged in many
languages. Some passengers sang, others
played on accordion and piano.

 On July 30, he transferred to another

steamer Hayfong, w hich w as Manila-
6. Saigon bound.

7. Spain  He contacted his compatriots and

surv eyed political situation with regards to
the agitation for Philippine reforms. For the
first time, he met Marcelo H. Del Pilar and
Mariano Ponce and allied w ith them.
T 1. Tondo,  I t is w here La Liga w as Founded
Manila  He met a lot of Filipinos w ho w ere later
arrested and executed due to the
discov ery of the Katipunan

2. Tokyo, Japan  To study the Japanese language.

 Visited by Juan Perez Caballero and inv ited

Rizal to liv e at the Spanish Legation. He
accepted the inv itation because he could
economize his liv ing expenses by staying at
the legation and he had nothing to hide
from the prying eyes of the Spanish
U 1. United States  He toured the US in 1888 w hich included
(US) San Francisco, California; Reno, Nevada;
Ogden, Prov o and Salt Lake City in Utah;
Denv er, Colorado, Farmington,
Connecticut; Nebraska; Chicago, Illinois;
and finally, Alabany in New York City.
 To learn more and bring home more
know ledge.

2. Utah, US  To observe the landscape of the city.

3. Ulm,  To climb Germany’s tallest Cathedral.

 The largest and tallest in all Germany. Rizal
and Viola climbed the hundred steps. Rizal
ascended w ithout resting and w as not tired
w hen he reached the top.
V 1. Vietnam  He w ent ashore to visit the town.
 He saw the museum and the Zoological

2. Vienna,  He met a famous European nov elist,

Austria Nortenfals, w ho toured him to the churches,
art galleries, and other tourist spots in the
city especially along the Danube Riv era.

3. Vatican  On June 29t h, the Feast Day of St. Peter and

St. Paul, Rizal v isited for the first time
Vatican, the City of the Popes. He w as
deeply impressed by the magnificent
edifices, particularly St. Peter’s Church, the
rare w orks of art, the v ast St. Peter’s Square,
the colourful Papal Guards and the
atmosphere of religious devotion that
perv aded the Vatican.
W Wilhelmsfeld,  He left Heidelberg for Wilhemsfeld to honor
Germany an inv itation extended to him by Rev erend
Karl Ullmer w hom Rizal met one day in the
w oods with the Pastor’s wife, daughter Eta
and son Freidrich.
 He studied German country life and
practiced speaking German w ith the
Ullmer’s family w ith w hom he liv ed.
Y 1. Yemen  He w as able to study the topography of the
bay; he likened it to a tunnel. The
surrounding mountains, he deftly sketched
in soft black and w hite shades.
2. Yokohama,  He stayed at the Grand Hotel.
Z Zamboanga Del He spent his last few days before his exile.
Norte, Philippines

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Mañebog, J. D. G. (2013). Jose Rizal: The adventurous voyager.
Palisoc, R. (2013, September 01). Dr. Jose Rizal's Travels.
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