Lesson 01 Coronaviruses - Strains, History & Statistics PDF

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Coronaviruses: Strains, History & Statistics

This lesson will delve into the most important members of the Coronaviridae virus family. One of the viruses in
this family caused a worldwide panic not too long ago, through a condition called SARS, another one is caused a
panic through a condition called MERS, and nally the devastating world-wide pandemic that is COVID-19.


One of the most in uential virus families in modern history is the Coronaviridae family. This family
includes the virus SARS-CoV-2, which caused the worldwide pandemic of COVID-19. Let's look at
information about coronaviruses in general, the structure modes of transmission, and the diseases
associated with this family, including COVID-19.


The viruses in this family have a single-stranded, positive sense RNA genome. They are of a
medium size and their capsids take on a helical shape. These viruses have an envelope with a
series of glycoproteins that stick out like spikes. These spikes form a very familiar looking shape,
sort of like a crown that would sit atop a king's or queen's head. This is why the word 'corona'
means 'crown' in Latin and thus is the source of the name for all coronaviruses.

coronaviruses typically infect the respiratory system of their hosts. They can be transmitted through
close-contact respiratory droplets, such as those released from sneezing and coughing. However, they
can also be transmitted through the orofecal route, meaning that the virus can be passed from the
feces of one infected person to another's digestive system, such as through contaminated food or


One of the most famous viruses prior to the 2019 pandemic was SARS, or Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome. The virus that causes SARS is known as SARS-CoV, which stands for SARS coronavirus.

Like other coronaviruses, SARS infects the respiratory system, causing damage and in ammation
to the lungs. If left unchecked, SARS will eventually cause pneumonia. However, its initial signs are
tricky because they mimic the signs of the common cold and u. This may therefore lead to an
improper diagnosis of an individual, thereby delaying their treatment.

Despite its ease of transmission, containment e ects were successful and SARS, which originated in
Asia in late 2002, has not been reported anywhere in the world since 2004.
Coronaviruses did not disappear with SARS, however. A new form of coronavirus called MERS-CoV
emerged in late 2012 to take its place. This virus causes MERS, which is the Middle East Respiratory

The MERS coronavirus was initially identi ed in Saudi Arabia and has since spread all over the
world, but was mainly con ned to the Middle East. Like SARS, this virus begins with u or cold-like
symptoms which progress to severe pneumonia, and in at least one case report, kidney failure in a
patient with no previous history of kidney disease.

COVID-19 is the pandemic that spread across the world in 2019. It is caused by the coronavirus
SARS-CoV-2, and like other coronaviruses it causes respiratory illness. COVID-19 has swept through
the world and is considered a pandemic, a ecting tens of millions of people. The symptoms are
broader than other coronaviruses and include fever, chills, dry cough, loss of taste or smell, diarrhea,
nausea, sore throat, congestion, or a runny nose.

First identi ed in Wuhan, China, SARS-CoV-2 spread across the globe and has a ected all countries
around the world. Scientists raced through 2020 to nd a vaccine and implemented social
distancing, hand washing protocols and mask-wearing to help prevent the spread of the virus.

As the pandemic unfolds, more information will be discovered about the novel coronavirus,
including long term e ects on health of patients, transmission, and how it a ects the body.

The Coronaviridae family is a family of coronaviruses that cause respiratory illness in humans and
animals. The most notable coronavirus based illnesses include SARS, or sudden acute respiratory
syndrome, MERS Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, and COVID-19, the pandemic that began to sweep
through the world in 2019 and 2020.

COVID-19 is caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2 and causes a wide range of symptoms that a ect
organ systems in addition to the respiratory system. Millions of people have been infected with
SARS-CoV-2 as of 2020 and more information about the virus is emerging as scientists study it.

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