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Organic farming in Cyprus (History) Organic agriculture has been introduced to Cyprus in 1988.

It started with two farmers involved in the production of several kinds of vegetables, including potatoes, cereals and livestock products (dairy products, meat). The farm size was approximately 3 hectares, and only a small part of the land was irrigated. In general, the whole production, processing, packaging and labelling systems used were in line with IFOAM's ( basic standards. Their production was sold locally. Distribution and marketing problems were faced. During the 1990s, the area of land under organic management as well as the number of farmers increased, although at slow a rate. New products have been added to the list of organic products, such as dessert grapes, carob, wine, herbs, pulses and others. (Fibl 2000) From 1993 onward, the production, processing, inspection and certification systems used have been in accordance with Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2092/91. In 1999, there were 13 hectares and 15 farms under organic management. With the exception of one dessert grape farm and one vineyard, each of the other farms are less than 0.5 hectares in size. Up to 2000, there have been only certified organic farms with special crops as follows: Wine grapes: 10 hectares, Dissert grapes: 7 hectares, Olive trees: 7 hectares, Vegetables: 1 hectare and Aromatic herbs: 3 hectares, Bananas: 1 hectare. In 2002 we have 45 organic producers in an area of 1665 hectares, equal to 0,12% of the cultivated land. In 2003 we have 85 organic producers in an area of 3010 hectares, equal to 0,22% of the cultivated land. In 2004 we have 150 organic producers in an area of 9093 hectares, equal to 0,69% of the cultivated land. In 2005 we have 320 organic producers in an area of 17091 hectares, equal to 1,30% of the cultivated land.

In 2006 we have 388 organic producers in an area of 20008 hectares, equal to 1,56% of the cultivated land. In 2007 we have 468 organic producers in an area of 23149 hectares, equal to 1,75% of the cultivated land. In 2008 we have 582 organic producers in an area of 28400 hectares, equal to 2,15% of the cultivated land. Year Producers Area in hectares % on total cultivated land

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

45 85 150 320 388 468 582 800 900

1665 3010 9093 17091 20008 23149 28400 35,665 40,123

0,12% 0,22% 0,69% 1.30% 1,56% 1,75% 2.15% 2,7% 3,04%


Figure 2.6: Development of Organic Farming in Cyprus.


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