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Rubric for Singing

10 9 8 7 Score
Melody Sings entire Sings entire Sings entire Sings entire
song with song with only song with only song out of
appropriate 1-2 lapses in 3-4 lapses in tune
melody melody melody
Rhythm Sings entire Sings entire Sings entire Sings entire
song with song with only song with only song out of
appropriate 1-2 lapses in 3-4 lapses in rhythm
rhythm rhythm rhythm pattern
Vocal Tune Quality Sings entire Sings entire Sings entire Sings entire
song close to song with only song with only song of vocal
the vocal tune 1-2 lapses in 3-4 lapses in tone-like
close to the close to the quality
vocal tune vocal tune
Performance Sings with Sings with Sings with Sings with no
Delivery enthusiasm some little enthusiasm
and energy enthusiasm enthusiasm and energy
during entire and energy and energy during entire
song during entire during entire song
song song
Dynamics Dynamics are Dynamics are Dynamic level Dynamic level
appropriate consistent varies is often too
for different and generally inconsistently, loud, over
aspects of the appropriate but is powering
song. Reflects and balanced developing others, or so
the notation within the towards soft that the
ensemble appropriate song cannot
levels be heard
Expression/ Expression Expression is Expression is Monotonic or
Phrasing enhances generally sometimes inappropriate
performance appropriate to appropriate, expression
by adding the song but may be mars
appropriate being sung inconsistent. performance
depth and
Focus Has a Occasionally Does not
confident Developing hits show
command of sensitivity to appropriate sensitivity to
changes and changes and change or direction of
responds responds to responds the song.
sensitively to direction sometimes to
direction of given of the direction of
the song. song. the song.
Performance The group The group The group The
Content & collaborated collaborated combined presentation
Organization well to create to create a randomly was not well
a meaningful story-like and not in a organized.
story-like presentation. well thought
presentation. out order.
Presentation The music The music The music was The
was chosen was chosen chosen, performance
thoughtfully, somewhat movements was not
there was a thoughtfully, were added. rehearsed.
fluidity of there was The The
movements. some fluidity performance performance
The in was needed much
performance the rehearsed, but more
was movements. there were polishing in
polished, . The several areas areas of
creative, and performance that needed music
well- was well polishing. selection,
rehearsed rehearsed and coordinating
somewhat movements,
creative, but and the
there were a memorization
few minor
areas that
Lyrics/Articulation All the words are The words are The words are
clear and lyrics The lyrics are not clear, but one not clear.
are easy to understandable, or few parts are Rehearsing each
understand but there are one understandable.  word by saying it
or a few words in different
that are not tempos with
clear. accurate diction.


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