Anh Doh 'Little Refugee' Questions

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Anh Do ‘The Little Refugee’

1. Where did Anh Do come before coming to Australia?

Anh Do came from Vietnam to Australia.

2. What was life like in this country?

Anh’s mom and dad were poor so they lived with his moms’ parents and it was very crowded.

3. Why did Anh’s family decide to come to Australia?

Anh escaped from the war with his family because the side he was on was losing.

4. How did they make the journey here?

The journey was made on a fishing boat.

5. How many people came with Anh and his family?

40 people came with Anh and his family.

6. What were some problems they faced on their journey?

 There was pirates.

 And their food supplies were short

7. There was a storm with big waves that tossed the fishing boat they brought with 40 others.

8. What did Anh’s family think of Australia when they first arrived?

They thought that the country was nice.

9. What were Anh’s first thoughts about school here in Australia?

Anh thought that school was horrible because he was judged by the other kids for having different
food and clothes, because when they first arrived they were poor.

10. What gave Anh’s mother hope when she was feeling down?

Anh’s mother had hope when she was feeling down because she said that every time there is a bad
thing there is always a good thing that comes from it.

11. What were some happy moments Anh had during his first years here?

Some happy moments that Anh had during his first years at Australia are, Anh began to have friends
and he did better in school, he got class captain when he didn’t think he could.

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