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Rank in the Kingdom

Humility - Mantel(drab, plain cloak) -

Highest Rank in the Kingdom -
being clothed in the grace of God -
"The dreaded Champions, the sons
and daugthers of the King"

Part 3 The Return Of The Eagles

Sit and be still
Believe in Prophets - only those
who receive us as who we are the
prophets can receive the prophets
reward or the benefits of our

The heart of the eagle

The wind of the spirit

- worship in the presence of our
- saith the eagle: true worship can
heal any wound
- The Holy Spirit direct as he is the
one who heal

The heart of the King

Faith to move the mountain

You were wise to doubt yourself

said the eagle. but true faith
depends on God not yourself and
not your faith said the eagle.

The doors of truth

Spiritual maturity is always

determined by our willingness to
sacrifice our own desires for the
interest of the kingdom or for the
sake of others the door that requires
the most sacrifice to enter will
always take us to the highest level -
said the eagle who is a man pala in
the first level, warrior.
The treasures of heaven

- Nothing is withheld who came

through the door
- you have forever to do this. the
treasures contained in the most
basic truths of the Lord Jesus are
enough to last for more lifetimes
than you can measure. No man can
know all that there is to know about
any of them in just one life but you
must take what you need and keep
proceeding toward your destiny

Grace and truth

Part 4 the white throne

There is another reason why the
Lord allow us to be wounded .
There is no courage unless there is
real danger the lord said he
would go with joshua to fight for the
promised land but over and over he
extorted him to be strong and
courageous this was because he
was going to have to fight and there
would be very real danger it is in
this way that the Lord proves those
who are worthy of the Promises.

Willing to suffer

To love God more on their own love

life these are the ones who follow
the lamb wherever he went being
willing to suffer for the sake of truth
righteousness and the salvation and
men true leaders of these people
who carry genuine a spiritual
authority must have first proven the
devotion this way

Through this a frames their

worthiness to receive the great
autority that they will be
given as members of his own
household is surely proven

Lord I pray judge me severely

corect me ruthlessly so that we
serve you Lord Jesus more

When you leave here you will be

more impressed by how little you
know men rather than by how well
you know them

Paul said to rick joyner i have been

allowed to talk with you because i
have innocence disciple you
through my writings and to know the
truth about me will help you
Said paul. if you preach in the
greatest truths but do not live them
you were only the greatest hypocrite
and the most tormented soul we
preach love and trust we wanted
everyone to love and trust us
yourselves feared and secretly
despise everyone page 99 the final

Said Paul the high calling is not out

of reach for anyone that the lord us
called. I will tell you what will keep
you on the path of life love the
savior and seek his glory alone .
Everything that you do to accept
yourself will one day bring you the
most terrible humiliation .
Everything that you do out of true
love for the savior to gloryfy his
name will extend the limits of his
eternal kingdom and ultimately will
result in a much higher place for
yourself period live for what is
recorded here . Care nothing for
what is recorded on earth .

I produce a lot, but i was given more

talents and almost anyone here ,
and i bury them beneath my only
spiritual pride and ambitions . Just
as atom could have carry
the whole human race into a most
glorious feature but bias failure led
billions of souls into the worst of
dooms with authority comes
responsibility the maternity you
were given the more potential for
both good and evil you will have
those who will rule with him for the
ages will no responsibility of the
most profound kind . No man stands
alone and every human failure or
victory resonates far beyond our
comprehension even to even to the
generations to come.

How do i solve the lord instead of

knowledge about him many
thousands who i could have led
successfully would have resulted in
many mo minions being here now .
Anyone who understands the true
nature of authority would never
secret but only accept it when they
know they are you with the lord the
only one who can
carry authority without something
never seek influence for yourself but
only seek the lord and be willing to
take his yoke . My influence and not
feed your heart but rather your and

How can i know that i am not doing

the same ? I ask as i began to think
of my own writings solomon i think
solomon reply is study to show
yourself approved on to god not
men he replied as he walked back
into the ranks before he
disappeared it turned and with the
slightest smile for the one last bit of
advice and do not follow me
The higher the spiritual authority
that you walk in the further you can
fall if you are without love and

Those who prevailed old did it the

same way they did not deviate from
devotion to the first and greatest
commandment loving the lord by
this there service was done on to
him not to men that even for a
spiritual men these were the ones
who worship the lamb and followed
him wherever he went

This thrones of food overcomers

who observe me faithfully in every
generation . My father and i
prepared them before the
foundation of the world . Are you
were need to sit on one of these

I give the invitation to city to

everyone who was called the pond
my name . They are still available .
Now the last battle of come and
many who are last shall be first this
is will be filled before the battle is
over . Those who will sit here will be
known by two things they will hear
the mantle they will bear the mantle
of humility and they
will have my lightness you know
have the mantle if you can give it in
do not lose it in the bottle when you
return you will also have my
likeness then you will be worthy to
seed with this because i will have
made you worry although turret in
powers given to me and i alone can
wield it you will prevail and you will
be trusted with my authority only
when you have come to fully abide
in me now turned and look at my

You are impressed with i give you a

word of knowledge about
someone's a physical illness or
other knowledge that is not known
to you this knowledge comes when
you touch my mind to just a small
degree are know all things if you
were to fully have my mind you
would be able to know everything
about everyone that you encounter
just as you have begun to
experience here you would see
almond just the way that i see them
but even then there is more to fully
a guiding in me you must have my
heart to know how to use such
knowledge rightly only then will you
have my

I can only trust you with my

supernatural knowledge to the
degree that you know my heart .
The gifts of the spirit that i have
released to my church are but a
small tokens of the powers of the
age to come . I have called you to
be messenger is at that age and
you must therefore no it's powers
you should are those ladies are the
gifts to because they off a part of
me and i have given them to you so
that you can be like me you are
right to seek to know my mind my
waze and my purposes but you
must also understand desire to
know my heart when you know my
heart then the eyes of
your heart will be open then you will
see has i see and you will do what i

You have asked for grace and you

shall have it the first grace that will
keep you on the path of life is to
know the level of your present
deception deception involves
anything that you do not understand
as i do know in the level of your
present the sections bring humility
in i give my grace to the humble that
is why i said who is so blind but my
seven that is why i said to the paris
he is it is for judge me that i came
into the world to give site to those
who do not see in subic than those
who see if you were blind you would
not be guilty because remains that
is why will i called my sevenfold my
lights rock and blind my life only we
do this through condition like him he
must be struck blind and the natural
so that you can see by my spirit
page 131 131
Your goal must not to be like me but
to be like the lord you can be like
him and you can do everything that
he did even more because he is the
save best wine for last

Recover you must recover the

ministry and the message said

You determined how close we will

be, not I . I will be found by those
who seek me .

You are here because you ask for

my judgment in your life . You
sought me as the judge and now
you are finding me . But you must
not think that because you have
seen my judgment seat that now all
of your judgments will be my
judgment . You will only have my
judgments as you walk in unity with
me and seek the anointing of my
spirit . This can be gained or lost
day .

I have that you see angels and

giving you mean in dreams and
visions because you keep asking for
them i love to give my children the
good gifts that they ask for four
years you ask me for wisdom so
you are receiving it will ask for me
to judge you so you are receiving it
but is experiences do not make you
fully why sora righteous judge you
will only have wisdom engagement
as you abide in me do not ever stop
seeking me . The more you truly
mature the more you will know
you're desperate need for me the
more you mature the less you will
seek to hide from me or others are
so that you can always walk in the

Lord Jesus let me know your Love


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