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Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios

Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa

Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Departamento de Planes, Programas y Superación Académica
Manual del Estudiante - Aprendizajes Esperados
Semestre: II
Asignatura INGLÉS II
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Activity 1. Directions: Circle the verb in each sentence. Then write Regular verb or Irregular verb on the line
according to the verb.
1) Yesterday, Rosy lost her cell phone here.
2) Melanie worked a lot.
3) Paulo brought the ball to Leslie.
4) Sophie threw the rock so far.
5) We waited for weeks.
6) The police officer needed a new pair of sunglasses.
7) She found her cat in the garden.
8) My sister helped me with my dance steps.
9) I practiced soccer every weekend.
10 You forgot your snickers in your home.
Activity 2. Directions: Read the next poem.
The Storm
“I heard the wind,
it howled,
It whistled,
It sighed,
It whizzed,
The wind freshened,
and got up strongly
then dropped suddenly
and branches cracked.
Falling brown
leaves twisted,
and curled,
and spun,
on the ground.
The wind blew loud
it rumbled
it roared,
it burst,
and darkened the sky.
The trees danced,
The sky grew black,
And it rained,
it flashed,
it lightened,
it poured,
water attacked.
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Activity 3: Directions: Write over there the verbs that are in the poem, in simple past, full infinitive, and their
meaning in Spanish.
Activity 4: Directions: Draw a picture that shows what the poem is talking about.
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Activity 5: Directions: Complete the story by writing the past tense of the verbs from the box.
sleep stay be take go
Joseph and Jessica (1)_______________ for Aguascalientes Friday night. It (2)_________________ two hours
to arrive in Aguascalientes. It (3)_______________ an exciting trip. They (4)____________ in a hotel the first
night. The next two days, they (5)_______________ at a friend’s house.
visit have eat enjoy play hang out
On Saturday morning they (6)____________ soccer. In the afternoon they (7)_______________ to
the “City Hall”. They really (8)_______________ it. On Saturday night they (9)_____________ dinner in a
restaurant and __________ (10) the famous Enchiladas Hidrocálidas. Later, they (11) ___________
dance buy stop by meet celebrate sing
On Sunday morning they (12)_____________ guava candies. Also they (13)_______________ the Guadalupe
Posada´s Museum. At night, they (14)_______________ their aunt´s birthday. They (15)___________ new
friends, they (16)________________ salsa and (17) _____________ lots of songs. What a funny weekend!
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Activity 6: Directions: Complete the crossword writing the verbs in past tense.
Activity 7. Directions: Complete next sentences using the verb to be in simple past tense
1. I ____________ student when I __________ young.
2. You __________ at school yesterday.
3. He ___________ 16 years old last semester.
4. She ___________ in the mall.
5. It ___________ dangerous.
6. We _____________ happy.
7. They ____________ cold last winter.
8. Victoria _______________ thirty before eating.
9. My friends _______________ late for the appointment.
10. Susan and Joseph __________________ in the house.
11. My classmates and I _____________ nervous before the math exam.
12. The car ______________ clean.
13. You ___________ at the dentist.
14. John _____________ in love with you.
15. We ____________ famous doctors.
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Activity 8: Directions: Complete the sentences with “wasn´t” or “weren´t”, according to the subject.
1. Today Melanie is in town, but yesterday she _______________
2. Yesterday I __________ happy, but now I am glad.
3. This week my parents are in holydays, but last week they _____________
4. Last week Tony _____________ 15 years old, but today he is.
5. Last month the fields _____________ green, but now they are.
6. Yesterday my neighbors _____________ in their house, but now they are.
7. In the morning the computer ____________ turned on, but now it is.
8. When I was young I _____________ in love, but now I am.
9. Before eating she __________ hungry, but now she is.
10. Last summer Danny ______________ on the beach, but this summer he is.
Activity 9: Directions: Write an “or questions” and a short answer with the next words.
Question Answer
1) Laurence / tall / short
2) Alex and Andrew / smart / fool
3) Crystal / heavy / thin
4) The chairs / black / white
5) Houses / cheap / expensive
6) Anna / shy / talkative
7) Your office / neat / disorganized
8) His hair / curly / straight
9) Their brothers / strong / weak
10) Math Classes / easy / difficult
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to recognize the Simple Past Tense structure in affirmative, negative and
interrogative form.
Activity 11. Directions: Use a highlighter to mark the verb in each sentence. Then choose one of these
emoticons: 😊 for regular verbs or 🙃 for irregular verbs, then draw it at the left of the sentence.
1. Last year, we visited Mayan peninsula.
2. We traveled by car from CDMX to reach up there.
3. My dad drove from Palenque, Chiapas to Tabasco.
4. We saw an amazing sunrise in Ciudad del Carmen.
5. We could not watch dolphins on Laguna de Términos.
6. My sister slept all the way through the Mayan route.
7. There we heard about the Mayan Train.
8. Once in Quintana Roo, we felt excited.
9. We spent good time in Chiapas, Tabasco, Campeche, Yucatán and Quintana Roo.
10. Cancun got our hearts at first glance.
PRODUCT 12. Directions: Circle the verbs in past tense in the next excerpt from Demian, by Herman Hesse,
and then discuss the passage with a classmate.
Activity 13. Directions: Using the same verbs from Demian excerpt, write
your own version of that story.
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Activity 14: Directions: Draw the vacation pictured in PRODUCT 1, you can add as many details as you can
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Activity 15: Directions: Highlight the verbs in simple past in the text and then complete the table as seen.
Underwater Caves in Mexico: What are Cenotes?
By Shelley
Updated June 11, 2022
(FRAGMENT) Mexico Culture Blogs, Yucatan Peninsula
The word cenote means “sinkhole,” or limestone sinkhole, but they are
essentially natural fresh water pools. Most of them were connected by
underground rivers, and located in the Riviera Maya. Some are above
ground, and some are underwater caves with unique geological
The Yucatan Peninsula was home of the ancient Mayans and yet for the
Mayan people in Mexico. Due to Cenotes were their largest source of
water to drink, they were considered sacred places of great reverence
and still now.
There are several cenotes you can explore including Cenote El Pit and
Cenote Pet Cemetery. The Pet Cemetery Cenote earned its nickname
because there have been human remains, animal remains and extinct
fauna discovered throughout the years. In fact, the oldest human skeleton
and skeletal remains on the Americas, known as Naia, were found here.
Connected Conectado-s
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Activity 16: Directions: Read the infographic and reinforce some verbs in simple past.
Activity 17. Directions: Complete the sentences using the proper form of verb to be in simple past.
1. We __________ having fun in our last vacation.
2. My sister ___________ her birthday in the Yucatan Peninsula.
3. My parents ___________ so happy visiting Cenotes in Yucatán.
4. I _______ nervous before entering the Grutas de Lol-Tun.
5. We _____________ happy to discover the fascinating Mayan world.
6. Our Mayan guide __________ a great storyteller.
7. Our group _______ invited to meet a Mayan priest.
8. Our hotel __________ so crowded.
9. Mayan gastronomy _________ a great discovery.
10. Tulum sightseeing tour___________ one of the best part of our vacation.
Activity 18: Directions: Complete with “wasn’t” or “weren´t”, as corresponding.
1. Xavi and his family _______________ camping in the mountains on their last vacations.
2. His sister _____________ awake the whole trip.
3. Their parents _____________ sad on vacation.
4. His luggage _______________ lost at the hotel.
5. His birthday _____________ celebrated in Chiapas.
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
La estructura en inglés 'there was' y 'there were' se utiliza para expresar cantidad en pasado. Vamos a ver un
ejemplo para comprender a qué hacemos referencia.
Había una mujer en el parque.
Había dos mujeres en una cafetería.
Lo único que debemos tener en cuenta para usar esta estructura es si estamos hablando de singular o plural,
así como la forma correcta del verbo 'to be.'
► AFIRMATIVA: Utilizamos ‘there was’ con cuando hablamos en singular. Sin embargo, si hablamos en plural
utilizamos ‘there were’.
there + was/were + resto de frase
Había una mujer en el parque.
There was a woman in the park.
Había dos mujeres en una cafetería.
There were two women in a café.
* Recuerda que este verbo es impersonal y en español no existe diferencia para singular y plural. En inglés sí
hacemos distinción.
► NEGATIVA: Para hacer las negaciones negamos el verbo ‘to be’ añadiendo la partícula ‘not’ detrás del
verbo o con la forma contraída.
there + wasn't/weren't + resto de frase
No había una mujer en el parque.
There wasn't a woman in the park.
No había dos mujeres en una cafetería.
There weren't two women in a café.
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
* Podemos encontrar la forma completa 'there was not' o 'there were not', pero es mucho más común la
forma contraída.
► INTERROGATIVA: Para la formación de preguntas necesitamos invertir el verbo ‘to be’ y la partícula
'there', tal y como vemos en el ejemplo.
was/were + there + resto de frase?
¿Había una mujer en el parque?
Was there a woman in the park?
¿Había dos mujeres en una cafetería?
Were there two women in a café?
► RESPUESTAS CORTAS: Para dar respuestas cortas debemos utilizar la forma correspondiente del verbo 'to
be' en pasado, respetando si es singular o plural.
Is there a woman in the park?
Yes, there was. / No, there wasn’t.
Are there two women in a café?
Yes, there were. / No, there weren’t.
* Utilizamos la forma completa en las respuestas afirmativas, mientras que utilizamos la forma contraída en
las respuestas negativas.
Los aspectos importantes que debemos tener en cuenta son los siguientes:
▪ Es importante que conozcas el verbo To Be (forma en pasado) ya que te ayudará a
comprender mejor las formas usadas en este tiempo.
▪ Recuerda que el verbo 'haber' en español es impersonal y por lo tanto no hay diferencia
entre singular y plural. Sin embargo, en inglés sí distinguimos entre singular y plural.
▪ Este verbo suele combinarse con las partículas some y Any para indicar cantidad.
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Activity 19. THINK about this. Underline “was” or “were” (CONSIDER THE PAST CONTEXT)
A hundred years ago...
1. There was / were fewer cars in the cities.
2. There was / were healthier food.
3. There was / were less technology.
4. There was / were fewer universities.
5. There was / were less pollution.
6. There was / were more children.
7. There wasn’t / weren’t any computers at schools.
8. There wasn’t / weren’t any cell phones.
9. Was / Were any international companies in Mexico?
10. Was / Were any mortal diseases in the world?
Activity 20. Fill in the blank. Complete the sentences using there was / there wasn’t / was there / there
were / there weren’t / were there.
1. I was hungry but ________________ anything to eat.
2. _________________________ any letters for me yesterday?
3. _________________________ a football match on tv last night. Did you see it?
4. Did you stay at a very nice hotel? ___________________________ a swimming pool?
5. The wallet was empty. _____________________________ any money in it.
6. ‘Did you by any eggs?’ ‘No, ___________________________ any in the shop.
7. Twenty years ago, _______________________ many tourists here. Now there are a lot.
8. ________________________________ many people at the meeting?’ ‘No, very few’.
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Activity 21. Underground Cities. Identify the forms There was y There were. Read the passage and
write T if the statements are true or F if the statements are false according to the passage.
In Cappadocia, Turkey there are over 200 ancient cities under the ground. Some of these cities are about
three thousand years old. There are secret passages between the cities. The passages are sometimes
many kilometers long. Nobody lives there anymore but a lot of people visit them and they are very
famous., They are a tourist attraction.
In the past, however, there were thousands of people living in the underground cities, there were houses,
kitchens, shops, churches, schools and places to keep the animals and food. What was the reason for
these mysterious places? Three thousand years ago, people were frightened of the cold winters and of
the wild animal above the ground. Years later, people were frightened of the Romans, and the cities were
good places to hide.
It probably wasn´t fun living for months, or even years, in these dark places. There wasn´t any electricity
and there weren´t any sports centers, cinemas, parks, stadiums or other exciting places to go. But today
Cappadocia is an amazing place to visit.
True or False?
The cities in Cappadocia are a hundred years old. ________
The underground cities in Cappadocia are around 3000 years old. ________
These cities are connected with short passages. ________
Many famous people live there. ________
There weren´t any schools in these mysterious cities. ________
There wasn´t food in these cities. ________
Subsecretaría de Educación Media Superior
Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial y de Servicios
Dirección Académica e Innovación Educativa
Subdirección de Innovación Académica
Underground cities were safe in winter. ________
Underground cities were bright places. ________
It was very exciting to live in these cities for a long time ________
a) Match the adjectives used in the passage with their synonyms.
1 Ancient. ( ) a. Popular
2 Famous ( ) b. Obscure
3 Mysterious ( ) c. Enigmatic
4 Frightened. ( ) d. Savage
5 Wild ( ) e. Fun
6 Dark ( ) f. Scared
7 Exciting ( ) g. Wonderful
8 Amazing ( ) h. Very Old
Activity 22. There was there were in Cappadocia. C. Reading Strategy Create a mind map according to the
places that were or weren´t in Cappadocia. Feel free to use your creativity, adjectives and all the structures
of there was or there were.
Ponderación Ponderación Ponderación
ELEMENTO Tres o más veces Una o dos veces Una o dos veces
solamente mal formulados
Utiliza la expresión “There was”
3 puntos 2 puntos 1 punto
Utiliza la expresión “There were”
3 puntos 2 puntos 1 punto
Utiliza “some” y/o “any”
3 puntos 2 puntos 1 punto
Utiliza “There wasn´t / there weren´t”
4 puntos 2 puntos 1 punto
Utiliza la estructura Todo el tiempo y Casi siempre, algunas Pocas veces o
“Sujeto/Verbo/Complemento” bien estructurada veces mal estructurada. nunca.
4 puntos 3 puntos 1 punto

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