LLLT On Hamstring Strain Injury

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Physical Therapy in Sport 42 (2020) 124e130

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Physical Therapy in Sport

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Original Research

Effects of low-level laser therapy on hamstring strain injury

rehabilitation: A randomized controlled trial
lio Vaz b,
Diulian Muniz Medeiros a, Mateus Aimi b, Marco Aure
Bruno Manfredini Baroni a, *
Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objectives: To evaluate the effects of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on functional rehabilitation following
Received 4 November 2019 hamstring strain injury (HSI) in amateur athletes treated with an exercise-based rehabilitation program.
Received in revised form Design: Randomized controlled trial.
7 January 2020
Methods: Male athletes (18e40 years old) who sustained HSI were randomized in LLLT or placebo
Accepted 7 January 2020
groups. All patients were engaged in the same exercise-based rehabilitation program until they met
specific criteria to return to sport. Hamstring muscles were treated with LLLT or placebo immediately
after each rehabilitation session. The primary outcome was time-to-return to sport. Secondary outcomes
Photobiomodulation therapy
Electrophysical agents
were the number of rehabilitation sessions, hamstring flexibility, hamstring strength, and re-injury rate.
Muscle injury Results: Twenty-four athletes began rehabilitation, and 22 (11 per group) completed the study schedule.
Physiotherapy Participants of LLLT and placebo groups had similar age, body size, injury characteristics, and baseline
levels of hamstring flexibility and strength. The two groups increased flexibility and strength similarly
throughout the rehabilitation program. Time-to-return to sport was the same for athletes treated with
LLLT (23 ± 9 days) and placebo (24 ± 13 days). There were no re-injuries within 6 months after return to
Conclusion: LLLT, as used in this study, did not optimize functional rehabilitation following HSI in
amateur athletes treated with an exercise-based rehabilitation program.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Chumanov, & Thelen, 2010), thus further work is required to

establish effective therapeutic strategies to optimize HSI recovery.
Hamstring strain injury (HSI) is the most prevalent non-contact Randomized clinical trials assessing specific rehabilitation pro-
injury in several sports (Opar, Williams, & Shield, 2012). Although tocols for HSI are scarce. Rehabilitation programs usually involve
knowledge about risk factors and prevention methods have been progressive implementation of exercises aimed at re-establishing
widely disseminated (Buckthorpe et al., 2019; van Dyk, Behan, & the athletes’ range of motion, strength and functional capacity
Whiteley, 2019), HSI’s incidence continues to grow (Ekstrand, (Heiderscheit et al., 2010). The importance of early loading on the
Walde n, & Ha€gglund, 2016). Many athletes return to sport with injured muscle has already been documented (Bayer, Magnusson, &
strength deficits (Tol et al., 2014) and still showing signs of tissue Kjaer, 2017), and evidence supports that HSI rehabilitation pro-
injury (Sanfilippo, Silder, Sherry, Tuite, & Heiderscheit, 2013), grams should prioritize eccentric exercises (Askling, Tengvar,
which may at least partly explain the high recurrence rate of HSI Tarassova, & Thorstensson, 2014; Askling, Tengvar, &
n & Ekstrand, 2014). The rehabilitation program’s primary
(Halle Thorstensson, 2013), trunk stabilization (Sherry & Best, 2004;
goal is the athlete’s return to sport at the prior performance level Silder et al., 2013), and agility drills (Sherry & Best, 2004; Silder
with minimal risk of injury recurrence (Heiderscheit, Sherry, Silder, et al., 2013). These strategies tend to get the athletes back to
sports practice faster (Askling et al., 2014, 2013) and with lower risk
of re-injury (Sherry & Best, 2004).
 rico, 90050170.
* Corresponding author. Rua Sarmento Leite 245, Centro Histo Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is an electrophysical agent
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. commonly used to treat musculoskeletal disorders, and with an
E-mail address: bmbaroni@yahoo.com.br (B.M. Baroni).

1466-853X/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D.M. Medeiros et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 42 (2020) 124e130 125

increasing number of publications in highly ranked medical jour- 2.4. Randomization and blinding
nals (Lopes-Martins, Marcos, Leal-Junior, & Bjordal, 2018). Animal
model studies have shown positive effects of LLLT on the repair The randomization was performed online (www.sealedenvelope.
process of injured muscles (Alves, Fernandes, Deana, Bussadori, & com) by an investigator not involved in the recruitment, assessment
Mesquita-Ferrari, 2014). In humans, LLLT has been able to accel- or rehabilitation. Stratification by age (under or over 30 years old)
erate recovery following exercise-induced muscle damage (Leal- and grade of injury (grade I or grade II) was applied to define groups
Junior et al., 2015). Since the skeletal muscle regeneration process using 4-participant block randomizations. Grade of injury was
from macro and microscopic muscle injuries is quite similar (each established according to the classification proposed by Mason et al.
with specific duration times) (Tidball, 2005), it seems reasonable to (2007).
assume that LLLT may be a useful approach during HSI Only the investigator responsible for LLLT and placebo treat-
rehabilitation. ments knew the participants’ allocation. This investigator was not
A recent guideline has recommended the use of LLLT to treat involved with the assessments or rehabilitation. LLLT/placebo
lower limb muscle injuries in athletes (Bisciotti et al., 2018). provoked no thermic or other perceptive effects, and patients used
However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no randomized opaque eyewear during therapy; thus, participants were blinded to
controlled trial supporting the LLLT efficacy during muscle strain their allocation into LLLT or placebo groups.
injury rehabilitation in humans. Therefore, the aim of the current
study was to evaluate the effects of LLLT on HSI functional reha- 2.5. Outcomes
bilitation in amateur athletes treated with an exercise-based
rehabilitation program. We hypothesized that LLLT would accel- The primary outcome of this study was time-to-return to sport.
erate functional recovery following HSI. Secondary outcomes were the number of rehabilitation sessions,
hamstring flexibility, hamstring strength, and re-injury rate up to 6
months after return to sport.
2. Methods The treatment period and, consequently, the number of reha-
bilitation sessions, varied among the participants since their
2.1. Study design discharge was defined by specific criteria to return to sport
(described in “Discharge criteria” section). Time-to-return to sport
This is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. was calculated by the number of days between the injury event and
Amateur athletes with HSI were randomly allocated to LLLT group the day after the participant’s discharge. We contacted all partici-
or to placebo group. All participants were engaged in the same pants by phone approximately 6 months following discharge to
exercise-based rehabilitation program and received LLLT or placebo screen re-injury cases. Furthermore, the participants were asked to
therapy after every session. The rehabilitation program was applied contact the research team in case of re-injury at any time point up
until the patient met specific criteria to return to sport. The study to the sixth month.
was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Both hamstring flexibility and strength outcomes were assessed
Health Sciences of Porto Alegre, and registered at ensaio- in both limbs at the participant’s first attendance and at his
sclinicos.gov.br (#U1111-1222-2897). discharge. Three lower limb posterior chain flexibility tests previ-
ously described in the literature were used: passive straight leg
2.2. Participants raise (PSLR) (Heiderscheit et al., 2010; Whiteley et al., 2017), knee
extension test (KET) (Heiderscheit et al., 2010), and maximal hip
Participants were recruited through digital media ads and flexion active knee extension (MHFAKE) (Whiteley et al., 2017).
treated at a partner physiotherapy clinic in Porto Alegre (Brazil). To Range of motion measurements were recorded using a validated
be eligible, they should be male amateur athletes, between 18 and smartphone app (Wellmon, Gulick, Paterson, & Gulick, 2015).
40 years of age, with acute sudden pain in the posterior thigh Strength tests were performed using a handheld dynamometer
within five days prior to the initial evaluation session. HSI should be (MicroFet 2, Hoggan Health, USA) in three different positions (in-
confirmed by clinical examination performed by a single physio- ner, mid and outer range), as previously described (Whiteley et al.,
therapist (more details in “Initial evaluation” section). After initial 2017). Three attempts of each test were performed, and the highest
evaluation, volunteers were excluded when: (1) the inciting event values of flexibility and strength tests were considered for statis-
of pain was a direct trauma in the posterior thigh or events not tical analysis.
related to sports practice; (2) they presented neurological symp-
toms (i.e., positive Slump test); or (3) they presented signs of a 2.6. Initial evaluation
grade III injury, according to the classification proposed by Mason,
Dickens, and Vail (2007). We chose not to include participants with The same physiotherapist performed all initial evaluations.
grade III injuries because some cases require surgery and, conse- Anamnesis included information regarding age, profession, daily-
quently, a specific rehabilitation program. All eligible volunteers living routine, sports practice, history of previous injuries, and
that agreed to participate in this study signed an informed consent detailed description of the current injury. This injury description
before data collection. included: affected limb, injury mechanism, time elapsed since the
injury, medication and/or other therapies taken since the injury,
and self-reported functional impairment (e.g., gait, sit-up, climb-up
2.3. Sample size calculation and down stairs). Physical examination assessed the following
items: (1) presence of edema/hematoma (visual inspection) and
The sample size was estimated based on the time-to-return to skin temperature (tactile inspection); (2) pain during palpation
sport after HSI, according to data provided by a previous investi- (assessed by Visual Analogue Scale - VAS) (Whiteley et al., 2017)
gation (Askling et al., 2014). Based on a statistical power of 80% and and pain threshold (assessed by algometry) (Lau, Muthalib, &
a significance level of 5%, 11 participants were needed in each Nosaka, 2013); (3) distance between site of peak pain and the
group. Due to the possibility of dropouts, we selected 24 partici- ischial tuberosity (Askling et al., 2013) (skin over this site was
pants (12 per group). marked with a dermographic pen to guide LLLT/placebo
126 D.M. Medeiros et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 42 (2020) 124e130

treatments); (4) Slump test (Heiderscheit et al., 2010); (5) range of markers of exercise-induced muscle damage (Baroni et al., 2010)
motion (as aforementioned) (Heiderscheit et al., 2010; Whiteley (Fig. 1). Placebo treatment was applied in the same way, but with
et al., 2017); and (6) maximum isometric strength (as aforemen- the device turned off.
tioned) (Whiteley et al., 2017).
2.7.3. Discharge criteria
The physiotherapist assessed the participant’s pain during
2.7. Intervention
palpation of the injury site at the beginning of all sessions. In the
stage where there was no more pain (Erickson & Sherry, 2016;
2.7.1. Rehabilitation program
Hickey, Timmins, Maniar, Williams, & Opar, 2017), lower limb
All participants were engaged in the same HSI rehabilitation
flexibility tests were applied as detailed above (Heiderscheit et al.,
program, which was based on previous studies (Askling et al., 2014;
2010; Whiteley et al., 2017). When flexibility level was restored
Ekstrand et al., 2013; Sherry & Best, 2004; Silder et al., 2013). The
(<10% between-limb asymmetry), the hamstring strength was
rehabilitation sessions were held three times a week, with at least
assessed as previously detailed (Whiteley et al., 2017). After re-
48 h between sessions. The rehabilitation program comprised three
covery of muscle strength (<10% between-limb asymmetry), the
phases, all of them including exercises to enhance hamstring
participant was submitted to the functional evaluation through the
strength, trunk stabilization, and movement agility. Exercises were
single-leg hop test and the Askling-H test (Askling, Nilsson, &
specific for each rehabilitation phase, while exercise workloads
Thorstensson, 2010; Hickey et al., 2017).
were individualized for each participant according to their condi-
The participant was considered ready to return to sport when he
tioning status. The uninjured limb performed the same exercises
met the following criteria: 1) absence of pain/tenderness during
than injured limb to avoid detraining effects. In order to progress to
palpation, stretching, maximal isometric contraction, single-leg
the next phase, participants should meet pre-established criteria.
hop test, Askling-H test, and high intensity running drills; 2)
The “Appendix” presents a guide used for the HSI rehabilitation
between-limb asymmetry <10% in all flexibility and strength tests;
3) between-limb asymmetry <10% in the single-leg hop test; 4)
affected and non-affected limbs with similar performance in the
2.7.2. Low-level laser therapy Askling-H test.
LLLT treatment was administered immediately after each reha-
bilitation session using a commercially available device (Chatta- 2.7.4. Return to sport and home-based prevention program
nooga Intelect Advanced; Chattanooga Corp., USA) with a cluster After reaching the discharge criteria, the participants were
probe consisting of five infrared diodes. Since no previous study has instructed to return to sport progressively, including specific
described the LLLT settings used to treat HSI in humans, the LLLT training for one to two weeks before engaging in matches/com-
treatment was designed by the researchers. The average HSI petitions. They were warned about the importance of a continued
extension usually does not exceed 15 cm (Silder et al., 2013), while preventive program to reduce the re-injury risk. Recommendations
the cluster probe covered a 7.54 cm2 area (diameter ¼ 8.5 cm) per included the performance of frontal, lateral and prone bridge, as
application site. Therefore, LLLT treatment was applied at three well as the single-leg bridge exercise, two to three times a week.
sites: one at the site of peak pain, one above and other below the These exercises were chosen because they do not need any special
site of peak pain (Fig. 1). The LLLT parameters were based on a equipment or partner assistance, which favours the participants’
previous investigation that reported positive effects of LLLT on compliance.

2.8. Statistical analysis

Shapiro-Wilk test checked the normality of the data. Indepen-

dent t-tests were used to compare LLLT and placebo groups for
subjects’ characteristics (age, body mass, and height), injury char-
acteristics (distance to ischiatic tuber, pain on palpation, and pain
threshold), and baseline between-limb asymmetry for flexibility
and strength outcomes. Qui-square tests were used to compare
groups for involved muscle (biceps femoris or semitendinosus),
injury grade (grade I or grade II), and injury site (proximal or distal).
The two-way ANOVA [group (LLLT and placebo) x time (baseline
and discharge)] was used to analyze lower limb flexibility and
strength outcomes, followed by Bonferroni post-hoc test. LLLT and
placebo groups’ time-to-return to sport was compared using the
independent t-test, as well as the number of rehabilitation sessions.
A significance level of 5% (a ¼ 0.05) was applied to verify statically
significant differences. Between-group effect size (ES; Cohen’s d)
was also calculated and differences were considered as “trivial”
(ES < 0.2), “small” (ES > 0.2) “moderate” (ES > 0.5), or “large”
(ES > 0.8).

3. Results

Twenty-seven individuals volunteered for the study, and 24 met

the inclusion criteria. They were amateur athletes of soccer
Fig. 1. LLLT parameters and representation of application sites used in this study (the (n ¼ 14), futsal (n ¼ 5), American football (n ¼ 2), track and field
“X” marks the site of peak pain). (n ¼ 2), and rugby (n ¼ 1). Two participants allocated in the LLLT
D.M. Medeiros et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 42 (2020) 124e130 127

group and one in the placebo group had previous HSI. Two par- Table 1
ticipants dropped out, leading LLLT and placebo groups to a sample Baseline characteristics of participants, injuries and symptoms.

size of 11 participants each (Fig. 2). There were no between-group LLLT group Placebo group p-value
differences regarding participants demographic information, in- Age (years) 30.36 ± 7.06 28.00 ± 7.42 0.453
juries characteristics, and baseline flexibility and strength deficits Weight (kg) 78.36 ± 11.12 81.64 ± 10.11 0.479
(Table 1). Height (m) 1.76 ± 0.06 1.76 ± 0.07 0.905
There was no significant group-by-time interaction (p > 0.05) Involved muscle
Biceps femoris 10 11 0.434
for any flexibility or strength outcome, but treatments produced a
Medial hamstrings 2 1
significant time effect (p < 0.05) for all outcomes (Table 2). The Injury grade
following between-group ES were found at participants’ discharge: Grade I 2 3 0.434
SLR, ES ¼ 0.21; KET, ES ¼ 0.61; MHFAKE, ES ¼ 0.12; inner range Grade II 10 9
Injury site
strength test, ES ¼ 0.29; mid-range strength test, ES ¼ 0.12; and
Proximal 3 2 0.717
outer range strength test, ES ¼ 0.19. Distal 9 10
Participants from both groups attended a similar number of Distance to tuber (cm) 19.72 ± 5.49 20.54 ± 7.18 0.767
physiotherapy sessions: LLLT group, 9.18 ± 3.31 Pain on palpation (cm) 6.82 ± 0.98 6.00 ± 1.10 0.080
(CI95% ¼ 6.96e11.40); placebo group, 9.36 ± 4.78 Pain threshold (kg) 8.30 ± 2.63 7.61 ± 2.60 0.542
Flexibility deficita
(CI95% ¼ 6.15e12.57); p ¼ 0.92, ES ¼ 0.04. Finally, time-to-return to
SLR (%) -16.19 ± 20.59 -12.79 ± 14.64 0.66
sport was similar between groups: LLLT group, 23.09 ± 9.08 days KET (%) -20.74 ± 22.84 -13.41 ± 18.11 0.41
(CI95% ¼ 16.99e29.19); placebo group, 23.82 ± 12.62 days MHFAKE (%) -18.08 ± 7.03 -15.34 ± 12.51 0.53
(CI95% ¼ 15.34e32.30); p ¼ 0.88, ES ¼ 0.07 (Fig. 3). Strength deficita
At six months’ follow-up, all participants declared to have Inner range (%) -30.07 ± 15.35 -29.07 ± 26.66 0.61
Mid-range (%) -26.53 ± 18.90 -33.55 ± 29.73 0.63
returned to their sports at the pre-injury level and none of them Outer range (%) -16.47 ± 16.49 -21.66 ± 26.45 0.91
had sustained re-injuries. a
Asymmetry between injured and uninjured limb.

4. Discussion
synthesis, our findings demonstrated that LLLT, as used in this
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first randomized study, does not optimize functional rehabilitation following HSI in
controlled trial aimed at investigating the effects of LLLT on the amateur athletes treated with an exercise-based rehabilitation
rehabilitation of any type of muscle strain injury in humans. In program.
Skeletal muscle repair after an acute injury is a slow process that
ideally, but not always, leads to the structural and functional re-
covery of the injured muscle (Tidball, 2005). Thus, therapeutic
approaches that can optimize the muscle repair process are
welcome in sports rehabilitation. In face of the lack of clinical trials,
the efficacy of LLLT on the rehabilitation of muscle strain injuries
has been supported solely by findings in mice submitted to
different experimental models of muscle injury (for a review, see
Alves, Fernandes, Deana, et al., 2014). Animal studies have
demonstrated positive effects of LLLT on histological and
biochemical markers of tissue healing (Alves, Fernandes, Deana,
et al., 2014), and there is evidence of positive LLLT effects on a
few functional outcomes (e.g., walking track analysis (Dos Santos
et al., 2019) and peak force) (Ramos et al., 2012). However, the ef-
ficacy of LLLT seen in mice was not evidenced on the functional
outcomes assessed in the current human trial.
Some animal studies (Alves, Fernandes, Melo, et al., 2014; Assis
et al., 2013; De Almeida et al., 2013; De Paiva Carvalho et al., 2013)
started the LLLT treatment within 24 h after the muscle injury, and
it could be speculated that our treatment started too late (48e96 h
after injury) for the improvement of the healing effects to occur.
The first 24-h period is crucial for the inflammatory process
(Tidball, 2005), so LLLT effects might have been potentiated with
the early therapy implementation in these animal studies. How-
ever, it would be hard to reproduce that in clinical practice, espe-
cially with amateur athletes who do not have medical staff available
full time. Another aspect that needs to be pointed out is that the
target tissue is deeper in humans than in mice, so LLLT is attenuated
(i.e., reflection and refraction) by surrounding tissues (Chung et al.,
2012), which impairs the absorption of light energy at the mito-
chondrial level and, consequently, reduces the LLLT physiological
effects on the injured tissue (Huang, Sharma, Carroll, & Hamblin,
2011). Since LLLT has a marked dose-response effect, higher doses
perhaps would be necessary to generate the expected therapeutic
Fig. 2. Flow diagram of participants’ recruitment and retention.
benefits in humans. However, this needs to be determined in future
128 D.M. Medeiros et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 42 (2020) 124e130

Table 2
Hamstring flexibility and strength outcomes by group, within-group change, and between-group change score.

LLLT group Placebo group Between-group

change scorey
Baseline Discharge Within-group change Baseline Discharge Within-group change

Flexibility outcomes
SLR (degrees)* 62.45 ± 18.73 79.72 ± 10.26 17.27 ± 13.96 71.09 ± 11.73 81.63 ± 7.44 10.55 ± 14.79 6.72
KET (degrees)* 53.81 ± 17.69 76.00 ± 8.10 22.22 ± 16.02 65.72 ± 15.46 80.90 ± 7.90 15.18 ± 16.43 7.04
MHFAKE (degrees)* 93.09 ± 14.06 116.90 ± 10.25 23.83 ± 9.98 102.90 ± 16.57 118.00 ± 6.41 15.18 ± 15.17 8.65
Strength outcomes
Inner range (N)* 128.18 ± 49.39 183.65 ± 39.20 55.46 ± 47.33 110.44 ± 46.64 173.85 ± 26.36 63.30 ± 35.08 7.84
Mid-range (N)* 162.58 ± 54.29 254.70 ± 52.33 92.12 ± 60.85 144.25 ± 59.48 248.13 ± 55.95 103.78 ± 63.11 11.66
Outer range (N)* 166.99 ± 42.33 241.57 ± 65.56 74.40 ± 46.55 158.27 ± 37.53 230.98 ± 39.20 72.61 ± 39.29 1.79

LLLT ¼ Low-level laser therapy; KET ¼ Knee extension test; MHFAKE ¼ Maximal hip flexion active knee extension; SLR ¼ Straight leg raise; * Significant time-effect (p < 0.05); y
Change of LLLT group minus change of placebo group.

(Whiteley et al., 2017). Furthermore, the Askling-H test, used in our

study as the final discharge criterion, has been proven to be effec-
tive in decreasing the HSI recurrence rate (Hickey et al., 2017).
These objective discharge criteria and the functional drills per-
formed in the clinical setting tend to increase the athletes’ confi-
dence in their recovery, which is a key factor for returning to sport
(van der Horst, Backx, Goedhart, & Huisstede, 2017). Lastly, the
recommendation of a continuous home-based exercise program
following discharge may also have contributed to the fact that no
athlete experienced a re-injury, and all of them returned to their
pre-injury competitive level and weekly volume of sports practice
after rehabilitation.
The present study has limitations that should be highlighted.
First, the two-arm design prevented us of identifying if other LLLT
Fig. 3. Time-to-return to sport in LLLT group (n ¼ 11) and placebo group (n ¼ 11). dosages would have different effects on the outcomes. Second, no
patient reported outcome measures were used. Tools to measure
the severity and impact of symptoms on patients’ function
studies, as we tested a single LLLT dose. (Malliaropoulos et al., 2014), as well as their psychological readi-
Differently from the previous animal studies (Alves, Fernandes, ness to return to sport (Glazer, 2009), would provide enlightening
Melo, et al., 2014; Assis et al., 2013; De Almeida et al., 2013; De Paiva information. Third, the number of participants does not constitute a
Carvalho et al., 2013), we applied the LLLT as an adjunct therapy to large-scale study, but it is in accordance with our sample size
an exercise-based rehabilitation program. This is a key difference calculation and close to previously randomized clinical trials in this
between studies since exercise seems to be a powerful stimulus for field (Sherry & Best, 2004; Silder et al., 2013).
muscle healing (Kannus et al., 1992). Although muscle healing
cannot explain the athletes’ functional recovery and return to sport
(Bayer et al., 2018), an early-loading approach has demonstrated 5. Conclusion
advantages over more conservative treatments in some musculo-
skeletal disorders (Bayer et al., 2017; Khan, Fick, Keogh, & Carey, The addition of LLLT to an exercise-based rehabilitation pro-
2009; Lundblad et al., 2019; Smith, 2009). A previous study re- gram, when applied with the parameters used in the current study
ported that athletes who started rehabilitation 2 days after muscle (850 nm, 90 J per session, three sessions per week), does not
injury rather than waiting for 9 days returned to sport 3 weeks optimize the recovery of muscle flexibility or strength, and does not
earlier (Bayer et al., 2017). In addition, our rehabilitation program accelerate the return to sport following HSI rehabilitation in
followed the most recent evidence for HSI treatment, including amateur athletes. In view of the potential benefits of LLLT on muscle
progressive employment of eccentric exercises (Askling et al., 2014, healing evidenced by animal model studies, as well as the dose-
2013), trunk stabilization exercises (Sherry & Best, 2004; Silder response effect of this therapy, more clinical trials are encour-
et al., 2013), and agility drills (Sherry & Best, 2004; Silder et al., aged. However, there is currently no evidence to support the effi-
2013). No drugs or other electrophysical agents were used cacy of LLLT on the rehabilitation of HSI in humans.
together with the rehabilitation program, which highlights that an
evidence-based exercise protocol is enough for a successful HSI Funding
The averaged time-to-return to sport for both groups was in This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
accordance with what was previously reported for amateur athletes agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
(~23 days) (Silder et al., 2013). However, it is interesting to note that
this previous study reported 4 re-injuries (Silder et al., 2013), while
we had none up to 6 months after return to sport. The rigorous Ethical approval
discharge criteria possibly contributed to the absence of re-injuries
in the present study. Silder et al. used a subjective strength The study was approved by the Ethical Committee of the Federal
assessment (i.e., manual muscle test grading scale) (Silder et al., University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre (approval number:
2013), while we used a hand-held dynamometer to objectively 2.555.174), and registered at ensaiosclinicos.gov.br (universal trial
assess strength in joint positions previously recommended number: U1111-1222-2897).
D.M. Medeiros et al. / Physical Therapy in Sport 42 (2020) 124e130 129

Declaration of competing interest https://doi.org/10.1007/s10103-018-2580-z.

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