Persuasive Essay Handouts

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Persuasive Essay - The term “persuasive” is an 

adjective derived
from verb “persuade,” which means “to convince somebody.” A persuasive essay is a
type of essay that is full of all the convincing techniques a writer can employ. It presents
a situation, and takes a stand – either in its favor, or against it – to prove to readers
whether it is beneficial or harmful for them.
Steps in writing a Persuasive Essay
1. Know your readers – being able to know your readers give you the knowledge on
how to deal with them most especially on selecting topics that they have interest on. It is
also important to choose words that can easily comprehend by your readers.
2. Choose a topic – choose a topic that your audience has interest on.
3. Create an outline – making an outline guides you on the flow of your essay. It will
help you to make an organized thoughts that is comprehensible.
4. State your position – choose which side are you on, either you disagree or agree in
the issue.
5. Provide authentic evidences – the most authentic evidences are experiences of the
author or writer.
6. Provide a strong/remarkable conclusion – it is important to leave a remarkable
statement for your readers that will remain in their hearts and minds.
Techniques in writing Persuasive Essay
1. Ethos – refers to the moral standards of the author which provides a strong credibility
that will make the readers believe.
2. Pathos – refers to the appeal made to an audience’s emotions in order to evoke
feelings. An example of this is using experiences that the audience can relate on.
3. Logos – refers to the reasons provided by the author/writer such as facts.
Persuasive Essay Writing Outline
Directions: Fill out the necessary details to complete your outline for persuasive essay.

Paragraph #2
Hook –

Context –

Thesis Statement –

Paragraph #2 Paragraph #3 Paragraph #4

Reason 1 – Reason 2 – Reason 3 –

Authentic Evidence 1 – Authentic Evidence 2 – Authentic Evidence 3 –

Paragraph #5 Conclusion

Restate your thesis statement-

Final thoughts/Punch Line –

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