6 ชุดฝึกฝนเพื่อเตรียมความพร้อมในการสอบ Unity Certificate Attempt review

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ชุดฝึ กฝนเพือ

� เตรียมความพร ้อมในการสอบ Unity Certificate: Attempt review https://arit.co.th/lms/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=5239&cmid=43

Dashboard / My courses / depa-unity / General / ชุดฝึ กฝนเพือ

� เตรียมความพร ้อมในการสอบ Unity Certificate

Started on Friday, 8 October 2021, 6:50 PM

State Finished
Completed on Friday, 8 October 2021, 7:05 PM
Time taken 15 mins 35 secs
Grade 40.00 out of 40.00 (100%)

1 of 34 10/8/2021, 7:08 PM
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� เตรียมความพร ้อมในการสอบ Unity Certificate: Attempt review https://arit.co.th/lms/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=5239&cmid=43

Question 1
The given code clip includes a function that needs to be called in an animation event.  But the function isn't being
called at run-time, when the animation plays.
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 Answer Area
                            using UnityEngine;

                            public class monotest : MonoBehaviour

                                  public Transform footLeft;

                                  public Transform footRight;

                                  public ParticleSystem footEffect;

                                  private void Start()


                                        footEffect = footEffect.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();

                                  // An event trigger for each foot. 1 = left foot, 2 = right foot

                                           FootLandEffect(int foot)


public== 1 void
&& footEffect.isStopped)


                                           footEffect.gameObject.transform.position = footLeft.position;


                                     else if (foot == 2 && footEffect.isStopped)

                                           footEffect.gameObject.transform.position = footRight.position;


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� เตรียมความพร ้อมในการสอบ Unity Certificate: Attempt review https://arit.co.th/lms/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=5239&cmid=43

Question 2
Match the function declaration with its corresponding function description.  Note:  Return statements have been
intentionally omitted.
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 Note:  Each correct answer is worth partial credit.

Creates a function that does not return a value and is passed one parameter.
public void MethodName (int value1){ }

Creates a function that does not return a value and is passed two parameters.
public void MethodName (int value1, int value2){ }

Creates a function that returns an integer and is passed two parameters.

public int MethodName (int value1, int value2){ }

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Question 3
Use the lines of code to correctly display the text to the User Interface.
Select the correct code snippets and place them in target areas to complete the code.
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 Answer Area
                        using System.Collections;

                        using System.Collections.Generic;

                        using UnityEngine;

using UnityEngine.UI;
                        public class ScoreManager : MonoBehaviour {

                                public int score = 0;

public Text myText;
                                public void Score (int points)  {

                                       Debug.Log ("Scored points");

                                       score += points;

myText.text = ("Score: " + score.ToString ());


using UnityEngine.Text;

4 of 34 10/8/2021, 7:08 PM
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� เตรียมความพร ้อมในการสอบ Unity Certificate: Attempt review https://arit.co.th/lms/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=5239&cmid=43

Question 4
The Static checkbox is used to signify to the Unity Engine that an object will remain stationary
This statement about the inspector window is True or False
Mark 1.00 out of

Select one:


Question 5
Which three selections can a State Machine contain within the Unity Animator Controller? (Choose Three)

Mark 1.00 out of

Select one or more:
a. Scenes

b. Tags

c. States

d. Objects

e. Events

f. Transitions

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Question 6
The inspector window gives you the ability to modify a prefab.
This statement about the inspector window is True or False
Mark 1.00 out of

Select one:


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Question 7 The sample code is producing an error for variable statFloat on line 09.  Variable statFloat is incorrectly declared on
Complete line 05..
Mark 1.00 out of

Select the correct option in the lists

Select one:
a. Protected

b. Public 

c. static

d. Private 

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� เตรียมความพร ้อมในการสอบ Unity Certificate: Attempt review https://arit.co.th/lms/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=5239&cmid=43

Question 8
Select whether the code snippet is using ECS by selecting True or False.
    using System;
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00     using UnityEngine;
    using Unity.Entities;

    public struct EntityData : IComponentData {

Select one:


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Question 9 The sample code is producing an error on line 22 and 23 which returns:
'Transform' does not contain a definition for 'turretMount' and no accessible extension method '
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 Transform' Could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Select the correct options to fix the error.

Select one:
a. WeaponControl

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b. Mount 

c. GameObject

d. Transform

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Question 10
You have been asked to build the code listens for the up arrow and scales up the y axis of an object continually as
long as the arrow is held down.
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 Complete the code by drag and drop the correct options from lists
Answer Area

                    public class ScalePlatform : MonoBehaviour


                           public float scaleFactor;

                           void Update()


                                  if( Input.GetKey





                           private void IncreaseScale()

                             gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(transform.localScale.x, transform.localScale.y +





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� เตรียมความพร ้อมในการสอบ Unity Certificate: Attempt review https://arit.co.th/lms/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=5239&cmid=43

Question 11
Each sub-state within a state machine is considered a separate and complete state machine.
This statement about state machine transitions in Unity is True or False
Mark 1.00 out of

Select one:


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Question 12 You have created a script and are trying to edit playerName in the inspector, but you cannot find it there.

Mark 1.00 out of


Select one:
a. Variables can not be edited in the inspector.

b. The option for scripts must be toggled on in the inspector. 

c. The script needs to be run successfully on an object before the inspector can see it. 

d. playerName should be declared as a public variable.

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� เตรียมความพร ้อมในการสอบ Unity Certificate: Attempt review https://arit.co.th/lms/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=5239&cmid=43

Question 13 Complete the code by selecting the correct data type that will return a null value and then choose the correct
Complete variable name that will log a message to the console that the "object is null" from the lists.
Mark 1.00 out of
Answer Area
public GameObject projectile;
void Start ()

(projectlie == null)

Debug.Log("Object is null");


projectile = GameObject.FindWithTag("Projectile");

public int score; 

(hasTurned == null)

(score ==null) public bool hasTurned; 

14 of 34 10/8/2021, 7:08 PM
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� เตรียมความพร ้อมในการสอบ Unity Certificate: Attempt review https://arit.co.th/lms/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=5239&cmid=43

Question 14
Select whether code snippet is using ECS by selecting True or False.
using UnityEngine;
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 using System.Collections;

public class  Movement : MonoBehaviour

      public float speed;
      public float turnSpeed;

      void Update ()


Select one:


Question 15 When using Input.GetButtonDown, the player will fire a projectile continuously when it is held down.
Select whether statement regarding input Methods is True or False
Mark 1.00 out of
Select one:
a. True

b. False

15 of 34 10/8/2021, 7:08 PM
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� เตรียมความพร ้อมในการสอบ Unity Certificate: Attempt review https://arit.co.th/lms/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=5239&cmid=43

Question 16 You need to set up a mecanim state machine.  This machine will manage the animations of an object that has the
Complete following 4 state:  TurningOff, On, TurningOn, and Selected.
Mark 1.00 out of
This machine's default state will be off.  Only when the object is in the On state, can it move to the Selected state.

Given the connections depicted in the graphic, match the object with the corresponding state.  Evaluate the
Turning On
graphic and select the correct options from the lists.
Turning Off

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Question 17
Choose True for code snippet that is using Unity Naming Conventions and False for those that are not using unity
naming conventions
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 public class PlaySoundEffect : MonoBehaviour {

public AudioSource enteringSound;

public AudioSource leavingSound;

Select one:


Question 18
The transform tool combines the move, rotate, and scale tools.
This statement about positioning objects in the scene view is True or False
Mark 1.00 out of

Select one:


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� เตรียมความพร ้อมในการสอบ Unity Certificate: Attempt review https://arit.co.th/lms/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=5239&cmid=43

Question 19
Select whether code snippet is using ECS by selecting True or False.
using Unity.Entities;
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 using UnityEngine;
public class KeyboardComponent : MonoBehavior

     public float Horizontal;

     public float Vertical;


Select one:


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Question 20 Using the properties from the Transform API below, complete the code by selecting the property that will center
Complete the transform on its parent when assigned to location Vector3 zero
Mark 1.00 out of
localPosition  Position of the transform relative to the parent transform.
localRotation  The rotation of the transform relative to the transform rotation of the parent.

localScale  The scale of the transform relative to the parent.

parent  The parent of the transform.

position  The world space position of the Transform.

Select one:
a. Area

b. Rotate

c. Position

d. Transform

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Question 21 Match each Animator Function with the correct Parameters.

Note:  Each correct answer is worth partial credit.
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 ("Animation", 1); SetInt

("Animation", .5f);  

("Animation", false);  

("Animation"); SetTrigger

Question 22 Complete the code so that if coins is equal to extralife or is equal to bonus, it will increase lives by 1  and increase
Complete score by 1000.  Type the required characters into the text boxes to complete the code.
Mark 1.00 out of
If  (coins      extralife      coins   bonus)  {
== || ==
lives += 1;

score += 1000;

20 of 34 10/8/2021, 7:08 PM
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Question 23 Select the correct comment to use in the code snippet below:
//int day = Random.Range(1, 31);
Mark 1.00 out of
Select one:
a. //creates a number between 1 and 32

b. //increase the day by 1 until you hit the maximum of 32

c. //changes the day integer to a round number 

d. //creates a number between 1 and 31  

Question 24
Select whether statement about is True or False
A function that returns a value must use the return keyword.
Mark 1.00 out of

Select one:


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Question 25 Using the class below, create a Debug.Log call that would log the value of the variable color as shown below.
Color: (0.258,0.525,0.956,1)
Mark 1.00 out of

Select one:
a. color

b. new Color(Color.Red)

c. (0.258,0.525,0.956,1)

d. Color

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Question 26
Choose True for code snippet that is using Unity Naming Conventions and False for those that are not using unity
naming conventions
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 private void ontriggerenter(Collider other)



Select one:


Question 27
An object can be moved, rotated, or scaled only if working in the 3D view.
This statement about positioning objects in the scene view is True or False
Mark 1.00 out of

Select one:


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Question 28 The code generates the error message - Maths.SineFunction(float, float, float)':  not all code paths return a value.
Complete Complete the script by Select the correct code snippet.
Mark 1.00 out of

Select one:
a. return new P;

b. return p;

c. return static p;

d. return P

24 of 34 10/8/2021, 7:08 PM
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Question 29
Identity the property of the inspector window that identifies whether or not an object is going to be pre-
computed as stationary.
Mark 1.00 out of

Select one:
a. Add Component 

b. Static 

c. Lock 

d. Tag 

25 of 34 10/8/2021, 7:08 PM
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Question 30 Given the reference type Animator, use the drop-down lists to set the animator's Boolean parameters to Attacking
Complete and to False.
Mark 1.00 out of
Complete the code by Drag and Drop select the correct option in the lists.
Answer Area

Animator animator;
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collider)

GameObject obj = collider.gameObject;


  .SetBool  ("Attacking" , False);

(Attacking , False);

Animator (Attacking ,"False");

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Question 31
Public Class playerScript : MonoBehaviour  {
      public Light PlayerLight;
Mark 1.00 out of
      Void PlayerFunction ()  {
          PlayerLight.Enabled = !PlayerLight.Enabled;

Select one:


Question 32
This window displays detailed information about the currently selected GameObject, including all attached
components and their properties, and allows you to modify the functionality of GameObjects in your Scene.
Mark 1.00 out of

Select one:
a. The Project Window

b. The Scene Window

c. The Inspector Window

d. The Hierarchy Window

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Question 33 After reviewing the code snippet below, determine what type return value the method should have.
Complete the code below by selecting the correct options.
Mark 1.00 out of

Select one:
a. void

b. Transform[] 

c. Transform

d. List<Transform>

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Question 34
Select whether the code snippet is using ECS by selecting True or False.
     using UnityEngine;
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00      using Unity.Entities;
     using Unity.Mathematics;

     public struct EntityData : IComponentData {

Select one:


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Question 35
You have been asked to complete a simple move script using the transform component of the GameObject.
API Definitions:
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 public void SetPositionAndRotation(Vector3 position), Quaternion rotation);
public Vector3 TransformDirection(Vector3 direction);

public Vector3 TransformVector(Vector3 vector);

public void Translate(Vector3 translation);

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Given the API method, complete the script by Select the correct code snippet.

Select one:
a. SetPositionAndRotation

b. TransformVector

c. TransformDirection

d. Translate

Question 36 Analyze statement about the Game View screen when in Play Mode in the Unity editor.  Select if statement is True
Complete or False.
Mark 1.00 out of
The camera perspective of your game can be seen in the Game View window.

Select one:
a. False

b. True

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Question 37
Which function will continue to be called as long as it is colliding with any other collider?
Complete the script below by selecting the correct options.
Mark 1.00 out of

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Select one:
a. OnCollisionExit 

b. OnCollisionEnter

c. OnCollision

d. OnCollisionStay

Question 38
You've been asked to create a script for an object that gives off an explosive force when initially touched by
another object.
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 Complete the code by selecting the correct option

Select one:
a. void OnTriggerEnter()

b. void OnCollisionExit()

c. void OnTriggerExit()

d. void OnStay()

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Question 39 Mark statement about the commented C# code in Unity as True or False
int iq = 145;
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 // If IQ is greater than or equal to 140 a person is considered a genius.
if (iq >= 140)


Console.WriteLine("Not Genius");
The comment incorrectly capitolizes IQ which will stop the code from running due to the int iq being written with
lower case letters

Select one:
a. False

b. True

Question 40
When using Input.GetButtonUp, the player will only fire a projectile when it is pressed.

Mark 1.00 out of

Select one:
a. True

b. False

34 of 34 10/8/2021, 7:08 PM

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