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Scanned with CamScanner Assalamu Alaikum Wa'rahmathullahi Wa'barakathuhu Dear Mummies Alhamdhulillah!! The Blessed month of Ramadan is fast approaching. We have given a few simple task for your little ones to do in this Ramadan. We suggest our lovely parents to engage the children in doing the task so that they can benefit to the maximum and also create beautiful Ramadan memories. We wish we will have a meaningful Ramadan with loads of Rewards inshaAllah . FASTING CHART# If your child observes Fast for the day, let them colour the particular leaf. TEDUA UPON BREAKING FAST Let's Recite the Dua upon Breaking the Fast. Cut this Page and stick it in the place where you usually have Iftar. Let others too read the Dua and you will earn the Reward inshaAllah SALAH CHARTS Let's teach our child the Importance of Salah & Motivate them to Preform the Salah on time. @QURAN TRACKER® Insist your child to Read Quran Everyday and keep a track of it. @20MINS BEFORE IFTAR& Read the Dhikr/Dua Everyday before ifthar and Mark with a Tick Scanned with CamScanner “PDUA TIME? We have given few great Names of Allah and Attributes. It is important to teach our kids to Invoke upon Allahs's Name while supplicating to Him. It is said that one shall have his or her Duas readily answered when one invoke through Allah's Names as it is one of the recommended Aadab of Supplicating. So ask your child to read the Dua Everyday atleast once. May Allah accept all our Duas aameen. 30 GOOD DEEDS) Ramadan is the Perfect timing to develop a habit of doing good deeds. So here are 30 good deeds. Let's make our child to do any ONE deed a day and Color it. #sDEEDS TO REFLECT a Encourage your child to write what they learnt or understood from the deed they performed for the day.. @TASK FOR THE DAYQ Make sure to complete all the Task every day. We request all Mummies to check with your child's task marking and acknowledge Everyday. May Allah Bless us with Good Health & shower His Choicest Blessings on our Kids & Reward them abundantly for their efforts. Aameen Aameen YaRabbal Aalameen @Jazakumullahu khairan Kaseera for all Your support. .& Scanned with CamScanner en nay # ~ UPON BREAKING FAST * ate) citi Lalas) Cua s ree a) LG 3) 39) Gusig ay ‘The thirst has gone and the veins are quenched, and reward is confirmed, if Allah wills." > ~ Scanned with CamScanner Cut this page and stick it in the place where you usually have iftar. Scanned with CamScanner ‘Aman atked Prophet Muhammad PBUH "What kind of Deeds are best in the sight of Allah"? his prayer, He replied : “TO PRAY ON TIME” suecesstul, (Sahin Buthari) destroyed. (Tiemiahiy “On the Day of judgement, the first thing {ot which a person will be judged is by the performed it property , he willbe but if he did not do so, he will be Give a check mark for each Salah you Prayed « For those Salahs prayed late,you should write L © For those prayed in Jammah, write J DAY |Day2 [Days [Daya Days Day@ FAJAR ZOHAR ASAR | MAGHRIB lISHA Scanned with CamScanner DAY 7 Day8 Dayo Day10 Dayt1 Day 12 FAJAR DHUHAR ASAR MAGHRIB ISHA DAY 13 Day 14 Dayis Dayi6 Day17 Day 18 FAJAR DHUHAR ASAR MAGHRIB ISHA DAY 19 | Day 20 Dayz Day2z Day23 Day 24 FAJAR DHUHAR ASAR MAGHRIB ISHA DAY 25 Day 26 | Day27 Day28 [Dayz9 Day 30 FAJAR DHUHAR ASAR ISHA Scanned with CamScanner DUA TIME “ Alhamdhulillahi Rabbil aalameen. Allahumma salli wa sallim ‘alaa Nabiyyinaa Muhammad. “Ya Rahman - &445The Beneficent- make me of those who remember You often and make me turn to You at all times. “+ Ya Raheem - e35The Merciful - forgive me and my parents and have mercy on us, You are the best of Merciful. Ya Fattaah - cUiThe Opener - open our hearts to Your ibadah and grant me a heart that loves to obey You. “Ya Afu ~The Forgiver - Forgive me and my parents, bless us with good health and make me a sadagathul jaariyah for them . Scanned with CamScanner “Ya ‘Aleem -The All-Knowing - You are the All- knowledgeable. Increase me in beneficial knowledge. Increase my eeman, tawakkal, Yaqeen in You. ** Ya Haqq -GThe truth - show me the truth and protect me from falsehood. Grant me truthfulness in my speech and action. Ya Qawiyy - ésThe strong one - Strengthen my heart and mind to always have taqwa (fear) of You in private and public. “+ Ya Rasheed - “445The Guide - Guide us on the straight path, make me successful in Meezan and Help me to cross the siraat like lightning. “+ Ya Wadud - 4523The loving one - O Allah, make us of those who love You and Your Messenger above all other creations. Bless my siblings, bind us together with love. “Ya Salam - p54The Source of Peace - keep up safe in this world and the next. “Ya Hayy,Ya Qayyoom -}.uill {,3The Ever Living, The Eternal One - grant me good health. Invite me and my family to Your House to Worship You “Ya Ghaniyy - (The All Rich - make us thankful for the wealth You have granted me and bless me in it. ++ Ya Lateef - ciibiThe Kind - let me be kind to others as You have been kind to me. Scanned with CamScanner “ Ya Shaafi — U2 The Curer — Heal the one who are suffering from illness. Give us good health. * Ya Noor - 35*The light - Guide us in following Your revelation & in doing good deeds so that our faces will be shining with light in this world and hearafter “> Ya Hafil - 434\The Preserver - Grant me with excellent memory In memorising the Quran. “+ Ya Waliyy - (3The Protecting Friend - You are our protector, helper, supporter and guardian in this world and hereafter. Grant me the best of company Of friends. Ya Ghaffaar - The Great Forgiver - Please Forgive all the Muslim ummah . “Ya Wahhaab - <3The giver Of Gifts - Give us all kind of goodness in both the worlds & bless the people who make this book available to us in this blessed month . “Ya Sami’ - “The All Hearing - Ya Allah, You hear all my Duas. | beg You to answer all my Duas, ibaadah and deeds. “+ Ya Mujeeb ~The answerer - we know that You feel shy to turn the hand of Your slave empty when they ask You. Whatever Dua! make is easy for You, you say ‘be’ and it will be.. so Please fulfill all my halal dreams, accept all my prayers and Duas. Aameen Aameen YaRabbal Aalameen Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Ramadan 14 ‘Ramadan 1s Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner x Joe Side u Scanned with CamScanner #30 GOOD DEEDS FOR 30 DAYS OF RAMADAN# @Read the meaning of Surah Ma’oon® #Recite 2 units to thank Allah for the grand opportunity to see Ramadan again. Not everybody gets it. ® Double the joy of Fasting by sharing your Iftar with somebody. ‘@Make your dad to read salawath 50 times or more ® ok Learn about a sahaba*e B Reduse electronic screen time @ (Help to set table for @Read or listen ‘Say Salam To as Wear about the last 10 days |_ many people as you of Ramadan cand ‘@Stay up after fajar | ofLeave water out for | **Look around you. prayer to read Quran the birds @ Notice the little and Morning blessings & thank Allah adkhar® for them. Eg: a bed to sleep, a house etcos Pray 2 units of Learn 3 Pray salattul duha nafil® supplications(Dua) and know it’s from the Quran 6° benefits® @Read/Listen to the lecture that enhances the relationship between you and Quran ‘gRead sayyidul istighfar 11 times @Hug you parents. Smile and tell them that you love theme PWHelp to Clean the table after Iftar ow ‘Make phone call to a family member you haven't spoken to in a while fit ABSit together asa family and recite the Quranga ‘@Recite Lailaha allah ‘wahdahu la sharika lahu tahul mulku .... 3times## Make a Dua list for Lylathul Qadria &Give 2.5% Zakah from your pocket money & Give ur maid/driver a small gift & see how it Make Dua for someone who is not 4 Pray sunnah for 2 Salahs today 2 makes them happy well @ ‘WRead the meaning | Tell others todoa | @Share Eid gifts and of Surah Qadr# good deed '+ cards with neighbours friends and family @ Scanned with CamScanner [QTHIRTY DEEDS TO REFLECTE“4 Write what did you understand/Learnt from each deed. You can ask for help from your parents... 9 * D what does Surah Maoon says?’ © @ How do you feel after making you dad to recite salawath?? @ *W@1Did you help to set table for Iftar??? tot +{@3was this your first-time reading Quran & adkhar after FAJAR?? If so, how did you feel? write about the benefits of Reading Quran after FAIAR &} © ® did you pray 2 units of Nafil?? FP © write few sentences about the relationship between U & The Quran © Q What is Sayyidul Istighfar?? See and write the meaning @ * @What’s the meaning of lailaha illallhu wahudahu.. Scanned with CamScanner is your helper/ maid/ driver is happy with your small gift?? {I} + @write about surah Qadr.@ © 30{Did you pray 2 units for thanking Allah that U witnessed this Ramadan} © @ who is your Favourite sahaba.. write about him/her. @ *Qwhat’s special about the last 10 days of Ramadan? {3 4% Pow do you feel after keeping some water for a bird or feeding a cat? @ *@)What are the 3 Duas you learnt from the Quran Do you hug or kiss your parents often? And say them how much you love them? How happy you feel to get a hug from mom? @ ©@ Git you clean the table after iftar ?. Scanned with CamScanner Write your special Lylathul Qadr Duaé *@Do you make Dua for someone who's sick? If yes, who is it? @ +%>Whom do you encourage to do good deed?? & * @How was your experience sharing iftar with somebody? Gj [Was mummy happy when you reduce your electronic screen time? What did she say??[] *@ What are the reward / importance of saying Salam? @ *€@DDid you find yourself being more grateful? Whom do you this is the best ofall creation? €D * @Did you pray salattul duha? And what are the benifits? @ © Q&How did you feel after talking to a family member you haven’t spoken for a while £3 Scanned with CamScanner {Qs How did it feel when you sat together and read Quran with family {74 What Allah says about Zakah and Sadaqa in Quran? @ + ils this your first time praying sunnah? { {8 M How did you feel after giving gifts and cards to your neighbours {ff (®) Each good deed is multiplied up to 70,000 times during the month of Ramadan. So no matter how small, do {=== Bunya as many good deedg as you can! Scanned with CamScanner TASK FORTHE DAY | PAY | DAY | DAY | Day | Day | Day | Day | DAY | DAY | DAY 1 2] 3 4 5 | 6] 7]{s8]o9] 10 EVENING ADKHAR ISTICHFAR ___ TIMES ASKED ALLMY DUAS FROM THE DUA LIST Le | oreo | [DID WUDU BEFORE SLEEP MOTHER'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner 1. DID WUDU BEFORE, SLEEP Scanned with CamScanner EID MUBARAK + + (000000000 OY fp AGS ALAA Scanned with CamScanner

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