Trends in MGT

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Se manna remeron ses aerone S NE Trends j ds in Management Mana; LAE isan exciting [orovechicgeces : oe TPB eld The fld of managements j number of tr Y, Productivit ually being introduced ent is dynamic. New concepts, giontte {trends in the tity and proftailty of any Sania eld of managsmet to ance, busines: of management. We discus rie We witness recently ES one eee cess Outsourcing, Life i: : work. tomb. ea 2 glorious gift of God ice eas : vORicat Risnebaee CER Ree runes ea womb and ends in the er with happii y of life too has a purpose. The pur should enji ppiness and pea : ere uld enjoy every moment and ond pes ot mined ee is only one life to live. Sowe ned se of ides money. The money €24 afety|Work also allows people “The lower level needs are . 1oo much. They are called workaholics. They have good professional life. But they may not have ee private oF personal Vet may be good managers or good officers or excellent foremen oF good teachers. But they may not be good husbands or good fathers or good mothers {This in turn will affect their career adversely in the Jong,run,jfhe excessive work and work related tension may affect their health Some people onthe ther hand, neglect work. They dont go for work on most day: much importance to personal li suppose aman me with his wife and children obody - wie days. They give too doesn’t go for work! He simply stays athome and spendsti How can he satisfy his ani i \The family will fall into poverty.N Gradually this will \d family need! or children oF parents oF hersociety - will respect him. iN is important 1s relatives or t REG. i rsonal life. This is equally applicable to women also\So what i Z ee i balance between work and life is better for k and life. A. the employer Most peo; people go to work in order to live. Work provi rovides fe pl food, and shelter, and a regular income means 5: s self esteem. a we to a group. Doing well at work boost: argely met through aspects of working. Some people work t 410 principles and Practices of Management access ning of Work-tife Balance vain Mencine of woe the London Hazerds Centre indicate that work today Is more intense aciguce than it was a decade ago. Excessive work or working for long hours fe pas ect tort the overall physical and mental health of employees and deteriorate fam!" & ed some companies consciously or unconsciously destroy employees private life with mone too much overtime or an unnatural amount of pressure. Overtime means less free time oa gna more pressure in the workplace, This will result in dissatisfaction and stress. Then tnisleads to health problems, decreased productivity, depressive disorders and burn out aa This has created the need for a balance between work and life pro’ The term work-life balance is recent in origin. It was probably first used in the UKin mat the late 1970s and in the US in 1986. em Work life balance simply refers to maintaining a balance between life and other life x roles. It is the state of equilibrium in which demands of personal life, professional life, ae and family life are equal. It is a term commonly used to describe the balance that a @ working individual needs between time allocated for work and other aspects of life) Areas is of life other than work-life include personal interests, family and social or leisure activities, Thus, work-life balance is a concept in which the employee gets maximum happiness and satisfaction in work and in ife, for which both employer and employee are responsible. In short, work-life balance means achieving an ideal balance between a person's working life and private life. > ‘Causes of Work-Life Imbalance There are several causes for the work-life imbalance. Only the main causes may be discussed below : 1. Gender differences {(Now-a-days women are increasingly represented in the ‘workforce. Their priorities are often different from those of men. In other words, men and women have different perception of role identity. Men prioritise their work duties over their family duties to provide financial support for their families. Women, on the other hand, prioritise their family life. They have more family responsibilities. They face challenges in balancing work and home life. | 2e-Time spent at work (Spending long hours at work due to inflexibility, shift, overtime or evening work duties lead to an imbalance between work and family duties) Spending, too much time at work means getting less time for discharging family duties. Too much workload leads to depression. This in turn affects the balance between work and life. __3 crekeiesttal a = The topic of health affects all areas of family, psychological Bain work-life balance. Almost all facto’ , or physical — are closely linked with h yy proven to play an essential role in bo! y ae g, Sleep 2 Healthy sleep is an extreme! sleep deprivation can result in poor pe! susceptibility, and many other risks. A pel work-life balance status. Itis therefore not leep to be a key factor ‘their own worries, W! ate lives. depends on how & elf-reflection wT is factor largely it they require. Mi consider healthy sl fallingasleep because of e of the stress of their privé becaus' 7, Relaxation and si perceives f" professional and elaxation and how personal life, th physical and mental health portant factor In work| ly imy mood swings, formance, son's sleep is often a surprising that many psyct of a happy life. Many hile others are rarely al much of yet still struggle to find peace. a person’s life and is rs — social, Pe = ‘Exercise has bv place produ’ increased pi good indication hologists and doctors people have yl ble to sleep peacefully ach individual any people enjoy & healthy mployees More importance Is attached to one’s private life and personal happiness, Flexible working hours make it possible for employees to better organize their private lives A worklfe Balance encourages a healthier wary ofilfe Home office has a positive impact, especially on those with families, Social events ‘encourage more harmony between work and private life. Fitness facilities and further training help develop the employee as a person Ahealth-friendly working environment can increase the quality of work . Constructive feedback and transparent career development opportunities regulate Professional life and alleviate private life. Long vacations are a great opportunity for employees to straighten out their work-life balance without risking their career. Principles and Advantag! Sothat the employee works more co more balanced, and more satisfie This also makes the working time of each | employee more effective. | Healthier employeesare more productive, | inspired, and satisfied a The employer saves money and other resources with fewer people in the office Such events also have a positive impact on team building | This also leads to higher productivity inthe | workplace. | Happy employees mean increased perfor- mance. The employer can better assess employees and communicate both praise and constructive criticism efficiently. This helps retain high-performers in the long term, lowers the risk of burnout, and strengthens employees’ identification with the employer. are : (a) Self management, Time mana discussed in the following pages : work. It helps to achieve an ideal work: Components of Work-Life Ba There are mainly three components or elements of a ce in ideal work-life balance. They gement and stress management. These imay be SELF MANAGEMENT Managements not just for managers. Management is applicable not only to business organisations and non-business organisations but also to individuals, Unless we known hi ige organisations. First, we are supposed to f management is a great skill to build for life and life balance. It is one of top life skills. It is about ay atte nds in Man) Te lanagement more t Man we need to. tis based on the principle that “We are 0" Throughout j ife, our Fesponsibilities go on increasing. If we are not able tO manage i develop self ourselves, we sh all nev management skill er become Is © Successful. So everybod t jul. So everybody mus! ieve. Self, itaee ees can also be deciding how to best manage our time, isthe Process by which we ne, to set forth a way to achieving our goals. Self-management them successfully, @ Manage ourselves and do the daily tasks or coordinate amonB {Thus, self mana, thoughts and berate may be defined as the ability to regulate one’s emotions motivating oneself, a effectively in different situations) It includes managing stress, ea eee and working towards personal goals (Self management | oS SS Sefcontrol or self-regulation. } Important Self Management Skills There are three key self management skills. They are : Initiative, Organisation and Accountability. Anitiative :{(nitiative means the ability to work without always telling what to do. We can show initiative by thanking for ourself and taking action when needed. It means using OUF head, and having the drive to achieve. |nitiative requires self belief, because we need resilience and motivation to go out of our way to solve problems or do things without being reminded or asked. __ Organisation If we are organised in life and work, it means we can plan our time and the things we have to do. We know what is most important, what should be done first and what will take the longest) is also about being prepared and having the things we need when we need them. So if we know we need certain tools or information to complete a task, we make sure we have them before we begin. esponsibility are similar but they don’t mean the Accountability :(Accountability and ri 4 give us responsibility for a task but we could still same thing.)A manager at work could look for Someone else to blame if it all goes wrong, or we could decide not to put the effort in because we don’t really care about the results. Benefits or Advantages of Self Management (Importance of Self Management Skills) In today’s most competitive world and in stressful life, self management is very RG A divide our time and ene be achieved. in be achieved. es so that the best possible results ca TIME MANAGEMENT said, “Time is Money”. The min Franklin once ther by saying that “Times The American Philosopher Be American Business Philosopher Jim Rohn went to a step fur valued more than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more timef. Time waits for no one. It moves on and keeps moving on. It does not stop for anything or anybody. It doesn’t matter how much time you have, or how much prestige you have - time keeps moving on. So you respect time, use it wisely, because time doesn’t care who you arej From its standpoint, everybody is equal. Everyone of us - NO matter how rich or poor, young or old, intelligent or ignorant, successful or struggling, powerful or weak, big or small - has the same 365 days a year, 24 hours a day and 60 minutes an hour. Time is awoken while you are sleeping.{Ihe clock pendulum is beyond your control - it will swing, So, it is not a question of managing the clock but managing yourself. Hence you move me. In other words, you have to manage your time. Manage yourstime 24 hours each along with the ti simply means using the time more producti ely and wisely. Everybody gets ple achieve more happiness, productivity and This is ent use of your time. =o day. However, some peo due to good time managem Meaning and Definition of Time Management As we all know work is unlimited and time is limited. So time Nobody can create more time. But time can be used in aberter way ent. So, you make inte! 119 rrends in my lanagement rime man ager Tanning. Bement si ae eens simply means the WAY We decide sn Control ‘Management of time effectivelyyit the proces ie eo controling how muck etrectivelit 5 the P I ote ee kee ee activities: 1 Petar es rnesrrnem uk produced Bern certain lon, (Cina, me eas ou Set tat an ‘ NB how to qi 'd work. In short, time techniques op ee hie ourtine te management the poe One oF atime Management (st en specific activities. ) 1s aE a he roreant aspects of rategies to Set Priorities and Goals) Then we otal the planning stage ftime management i eng priorities and cevticg albutite down activites st. we prepare sts plan at the start of the 434 aera arranged according to Sata to be done in a particular day. These needed foreach activity isestimeted and nce and urgency. Then how euch time i hed di specified against each task. Such alist s known monthly (i.e., the pl, fe or calendar of activities. This list is prepared dally oF weekly oF nothing but a list eons period may be a day or a week or a month): A task list is preperineeneeta ot eos, tbe completed. Some strategies or techniques are used for briefly clean poder sates priorities and goals. Important techniques may be Li ABCDa ; iE ENEEAS teste that has been used in business management for along B.C andieehence she large data into groups. These groups are often marked A, ee name. Activities are ranked by the following general criteria: at are perceived as being urgent and important, B —Tasks that are important but not urgent, ¢—Tasks that are unimportant but urgent, D —Tasks that are unimportant and not urgent) Each group is then rank-ordered by priority. s This is the idea that 80% of tas ning 20% of tasks will ta ategories. According t this | into the first category be assigne een developed from 2 quotation given The quotation is “\ have two kinds of nt, and the important tare not importa! evaluate urgency and ach quadrant. an and organise * planning 2n¢ ‘agement is the management of agement of time on h on how we pl goals. ks can be completed in 20% of the ke up 80% of thetime. This principle form of Pareto analysis tis da higher priority. " 2. Pareto analysi: disposable time, and the remai is used to sort tasks into two © recommended that tasks that fall 3, The Eisenhower method \This method has b by former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower. problems, the urgent andthe important. The urgen' are never urgent”.|A basic “Eisenhower box” is given to help importance. Itenis may be placed at more precise points within e —=— Urgent Not Urgent | | Crying baby Exercise kitchen fire Jaan Some calls e Planning Important a ae aa Interruptions - Trivia Distractions Busy work Other calls Time Wasters Usiig the Elsenhower Decision Principle, taste i gyallated using the criteria: ee crete rns Urment/not Urgent ‘sid tien jplased th aperonriall acid ati Eisenhower Matrix (also known a3 an" Bisenihawier Boy’ oe ET ani wer REMI Tasks are then handled as follows: 1. Important/Urgent quadrant ar deadlines, problems 2. Important/Not Urgent relationships, planning, recreation, 3. Unimportant/Urgent quadrant are delegated, e.g,, interruptions, meetings, activities, quadrant are dropped, e.g., time wasters, pleasant activities, i © done immediately and personally, e.g., crises, quadrant get an end date and are done personally, €.g., 4. Unimportant/Not Urgent trivia, 4. POSEC method : POSEC is an acronym for “Prioritize by Organizing, Streamlining, Economizing and Contributing”. The method dictates a template which emphasizes an average individual's immediate sense of emotional and monetary security. It suggests that by attending to one’s Personal responsibilities first, an individual is better positioned to shoulder collective responsibilities, The following steps are involved : 1. Prioritize your time and define your life by goals. 2. Organize things you have to accomplish regularly to be successful (family and finances). 3. Streamline things you may not like to do, 4. Economize things you should do or may urgent (pastimes and socializing). 5. Contribute by Paying attention to the few re (social obligations). > but must do (work and chores). even like to do, but they're not pressingly maining things that make a difference ends in Moy aGement Time manag e indivi semen th Idual or orga 8° Covers Banization, YW 10 eimin ate tasks that do not provide value t© The abit ii slows Us to att? Manage 6 of Time Manag which let ‘OMPlish m ur time effec ee tS US takes CASH MOFEIn ashorter ported otto sete iat f ime, which leads to more free time: tess, and help US Vvantag. Be of learni learning opportunities, lowers your st focus, which fe ads ‘dS to more car areer success, F S. Following ar Weare some of the benefits of managinB time effectively, nos follow time , a managemet 7 oe lax oursel nt properly then we will get a better B vides focus on th rself while enjoying our work “ pete stress and later hel \e task : The time man person becomes PS us in focusing our ta nagement skills initially provide relief sent aa Beare ae eo arash and performance in the task. A focused ne rans para ides, time management enables an individual . Improves mi c orale al si oR mmcees A 8 result of time management, individuals orpenizanonietitel (es the stipulated time frame. This makes them popular in their are eget emones their co-workers. Individuals who finish off work on time 4 ee ers and are always the centre of attention everywhere. . ime : When we know what we need to-do, we waste less time in idle activities. Tim: je management never takes our time, rather provides us with extra time. me well leads to more opportunities. The ea luck favours those who prepared viduals who practice good time management 2° able to ‘and to do soina shorter length of time will improve our reputation. from 5, More opportunities : Managing ti ~ bird always has more options. Besides, 6. Ability to realise goals: Indi better achieve goals and objectives, 7. Improves reputation : Good time management and in life, we shall be known as reliable. 8. Makes an individual punctual and disci task plan at the start of the day. We shall not a particular day as per their importance an gives us asense of direction at the activity. Atask plan the task plan. This leads to an increased output. More‘ proach in life. eir proper places Atwork ned : In time management we prepare ¢ which need to be done in c time is assigned to each We work according to ent helps an pli te down activities d urgency. Specifi workplace. over, time managem™ minimizes individual to adopta planned api i : i i it thi ecomes more organised + Keeping the things @ , 2 n unnecessary searching of documents, important files, folders, the time which goes O! aera _ 122 Principles and Practices of Manage, so on. People learn to manage things well as a resutt of 4, See Jax and do recreational activities : Everybody wants recreation buy Cnty sevchataat h, Mariagina tiie effectively helps atibeeinerte achieve targets welage stion to human beings and put them on the BROGAN tei We WESoNR Batic You the only thing to keep in mind is relations need tine and love 12. Financial soundness : The success bring always finan time table of their personal and professional life. 12. Become maintenance. Person will adopt scheduling in his life th exercise and other health-related works, we have decided to plan our time, we improvement Implication or Consequences of Poor Time Management The consequences or implications of 1. Poor workflow : The inability For example, if there are several to complete related tasks togeth won't be able to complete the tas! to friends on s wasting time. 3. Loss of control : By of our life. Similarly, work suffer. For healthy: The health is a ble: Time management is al with health as a key factor, ‘cial media while doing an assignment, we are distracting ourself and example, having to rush to Complete tasks at the last minute usually _ Tesults in poor quality. way of success, | more connected to thi Poor time management are as follows : Y to plan ahead and stick to goals means poor efficiency important tasks to complete, an effective plan would be er OF sequentially. However, if we don’t plan ahead, we ks. This leads to reduced efficiency and lower productivity, 2. Wasted time : Poor time management results in wasted t 'y not knowing what the next task \s, we suffer from loss of control if time is not managed well, it will no! work in time. This leads to higher stress levels and anxiety 4, Poor quality of work : Poor ti The recreational activitig, ei families. The one ang to boom, s financial benefits with itself. A human & cially sound if he/ she has planned his/her life Properl ly and they maintain, ssing for human and it can be achieved by prope, So helpful in making human life healthy; as i en he will definitely save some time for doin, So, he/ she will become healthy definitely. Once have to discipline ourself and work on sel. ime. For example, by talking t be possible to complete the ty. in ou cane rest Me: fear anx mai

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