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We all different thoughts about the existence of God, some of us believe that the God

does not exist, rather it is a man-made idea for the humans to look up to and to follow. But those

are the thoughts of the science people, and the one’s who truly believe God are the ones who

know his very existence.

The problem about the existence of God can be answered into two different but related


1. Does God exist?

2. How can we know that He exist?

With this guide questions we can have the means to differentiate our thoughts about His

very existence. The most common problem that we will encounter in this kind of topic, are

the need of proofs or if we have the very access to His existence. This topic is not self-

evident, which means that we do not have direct contact with that reality. This about the

problem are one of the fundamentals to our existential, moral, and personal life. Because we

can just conclude that if there is God, then we cannot do whatever we want to do, and if there

is no God, then we can be free about our actions.

There are four main views that we can use to approach those question about the existence

of God. These are the ontologism, fideism, agnosticism, and atheism. These four main views

give different approach to the question, the ontologism states that everything we know, every

knowledge that we have comes from God, also the people who studied ontologism states that

the idea of infinity comes from God itself, because us humans are only finite and temporary
creatures. In fideism, human mind is already corrupted by sins, and we can only be accepted

in good if we have the grace of God, we will only attain his grace by simply believing and

having faith. In agnosticism is the means of ignoring the question itself, they don’t give

definite answers whether God exist or not. And the atheism states that there is no God, and

he do not really exist. And lastly are the believers, they are the ones with greater faith

towards the existence of God, they truly believe that God do exist and there is many reason

and arguments to prove their claim.

Therefore, we can conclude that the very existence of God does not have definite or exact

answers, people are formed into groups and have their own beliefs and ideas. whether which

you are part in, we will have our own approaches about the very existence of God. So, does

God exist or not?

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