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Protocol for Journal Article Critique

You are to summarize and critique a published journal article. You may
critique the article included in the literature you will review for your
final paper. The critique should follow the protocol below.

1. The critique must include the following:

• A statement of the problem or research question that the
study tried to answer
• A description of how the researcher(s) addressed the issue
• A description of the research design, i.e., participants,
materials (if any), data collection, and analysis
• Highlights of the results and conclusion

2. Critique whether:
• The research questions were adequately answered
• The research method used is valid, reliable, and replicable
• The claims are well-supported and the arguments convincing
• The conclusions are reasonable and logical

3. Point out the study’s strengths and weaknesses. Do you

agree with the researcher(s)’ interpretation of the

4. State who you think would find the article useful.

5. Type the critique on a short bond paper using Times New Roman
12 and double spacing. Folder is NOT necessary.

6. Include a title page as shown in the sample.

Attach a copy of your chosen article together with your critique.

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