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Preliminary Activities

Good Morning Class. Good Morning Sir/Ma’am

Am I audible class? Is my voice loud and (Students will press the heart reaction button)
clear? Please click the heart button if I’m

How’s your day so far? We’re good Ma’am

So, before we start the lesson proper, I would (Mr. Andres will lead the prayer)
like to ask someone from the class to lead us
a prayer.

Okay, Mr. Andres can you lead us a prayer

Who is your secretary in this class? Can you (Secretary of the class checking the
please check the attendance. attendance)

B. Review

Anyone from the class can recall our previous

topic? Please press the raise button if you
want to answer. (Student press the virtual raise hand)

Yes, Mr. Asuncion, you can unmute your Ma’am our topic last meeting is about
microphone. Adjectives. Adjective provides information
about noun or describe the nouns.

Very good Mr. Asuncion let’s give Mr. (Students will press the virtual clap button)
Asuncion a virtual Clap.

C. Motivation

Now, I will show you my PowerPoint

presentation. Let’s have some exercises that
contain words.

The class (Students will press the Heart reaction button)

will be having
an activity
entitled (Yes Maam)

“3,6,9” in
descending - Teacher, I notice that we are able to
justify and support the sentence given

Whoever fails
to follow the
will give
his/her answer
that should
be written in
the board.
Their task is
to justify or
support the
statement to
make a
paragraph. It
only needs
five (5)
student to do
given: It is
being said that
love is a
After 5
- Very good! I
am very
pleased you
were able to
make and
complete a
Now, lets
discuss your
Anybody who
can tell me
what was our
activity all
about? Yes,
- Very good
You’ll be having a short activity entitled “3,6,9”
in descending order. Whoever fails to follow
the mechanics will give his/ her answer that
should be written in any descent paper.

The task is to justify or support the given

statement to make a paragraph. I’ll be
choosing from the class to do it.

So, this is the sentence: It is being said that

love is a fallacy.
After 5 minutes…

-Very good! I am very pleased you were able

to make and complete a paragraph. Now, lets
discuss your answers. Anybody who can tell
me what was our activity all about?

Yes, Mr. Andres you can unmute your


Very good observation Mr. Andres.

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