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CoN 469


II{URSDAY, 26nr JIILY 2018
I Tirr,ro : 2-00 P.M. ro 5-00 P.M. ]
(TorAL MARxs 75)
1. The Candidate must write her / his Seat Number in ENGLISH.
2. Please note that the question paper set in ENGLISH version is final for any
doubt in MAR.A,'THI paper.

,. Marks
1. (a) Select the most appropriate words of the following and complete (05)
the statement :-
(i) Cold chain shou]d be mentain for........................ vaccines.
(a) Polio (6) BCG
(c) DPT (d) All of above.
(ii) One gram of carbohydrate contains ....,.,...........,..... k. cal.
- (a,\2 (&) 4
(c) 5 (d) 9.
(iii) Inllammation of menings is called as ........................ .

(o) Meningitis (b) Tuberculosis

(c) Encephalitis (d) Nephritis.
(iu) The purpose of hand washing before and after perform in
each nursing procedure is ..,............,........ .
(o) To prevent cross infection (b) To clean hands only
(c) To keep the hands soft (d) To decrease irritation of hand.
(u) .......,................ is checking of safe and complete potency of
(o) V. V. M. (6) Ice packs
(c) ADS (d) Vaccine carrier.
(b) Match the following :- (05)

'.N 'B'Group
(i) Fracture (o) Dots Therapy
(rr) AIDS (b) Insulin
(lii) (c) Infected blood
(iu)Tuberculosis (d) Splint
(u) Diabetes (e) Perineum.
lTurn ouer
CoN 469 2
(c) State true ot false :- (05)

O) 1cc means 15 drops

(ii) Chlorine tablets are used for water purification
(iii)Pus in urine is called Haematemesis.
(iu) Murnps is infection of parotide gland
(u) A.D. s1'ringe should be used for Immunisation.
2. Define the following (any fiue) :- ( 10)
(o) Pneumonia
(b) Signs and symptoms
(c) Referal system
(d) First Aid
(e) Sterilisation
tfl lncubation period.
3. Write short noles lany four t :- {20)
(o) Cold chain
(6) Ayush
(c) Golden rules of First Aid
(d) Fracture
(e) Bio-medical waste management.
4. Answer the foliowi:
(a) Defrne Bronchopneumonia. \r \

(6) What are the causes of Bronehopneumonia ? (04)

(c) Write the signs and s1'rnptoms of Bronchopneumonia. (04)
(d) What advice will you give to the patient of Bronchopneumonia (05)
and relatives regarding health care at home.
5. Mrs. Seema 50 years old brought by hei brother with complaint of
giddiness and palpitation in your hospital / pHC as for medical
checkup. She diognosed as Hypertension.
Answer the following questions :-
(o) What is Hypertension ? (02)
(b) What are the causes of Hypertension ? (03)
(c) Write the nursing management of Mrs. Seema ? (05)
(d) What health education you will give to seema and her famillv ? (05)
Immunisation session is arrarged at your pHC.
Answer the following questions :-
(o) List the objectives of Immunisation ? (05)
(6) Write down Immunisation schedule for 0-3 years age group. (05)
(c) What health education will you give to the mothers ? (05)
Cox 469

c€Rrq rr'q rJ{qr a lrrr+€rrs'frrqrrr dga, Irdr$

efrfuh3r0 rfur eTrFr liffi qffGTr

e'4q q{
crqq€ iFer terr-tq-r-t
(nft'r t-ier ffi'en ifrq, e-6er 3Ttrs Htcrq)
lver<. R-tro ?Q gS t"rz
tta ' gq6 ?oo i rmiold 9-oo qriq+d l
(\'{ul Tur req)
q. sffi ft-qr/emr o{rcri 6'rri6 gr-Sqd fu€rqr.
?. :fir8 qri.ftd qrqiffirfi-f, 3rsqsfietdi iie-S qri-fi-d sr+qBor sifrq q$(i.


r. (er) fr'o cr< ft{qr qre {"f ow - ("9)

(q)rllesred affir sFrrflE.
(3r) cttu3r1 (e) fr €1. fr.
(o) S.*.4 (s) Tffi ed.
(r) qo nq 6{<6clqc sqr6 fr-ddrd
(o) r (q) s
(o) ,1 (s) q

(?) +{ 3rra-irrElE E ri
(3{)tfr'eiqes (q) er+tl-r
(a) +ao-e (s) q1Fis<rE
(u) frfuw oqo-qromi<* s =id{ 6rd stqr
Slqril ' cTr}.
(31) 6iti f+qcrr zrauqTir (q) 16 E:tiI s6 a{uqrtj
(o) era qsr duqrs (e) erm4'3{rar o-fi 6irqrtr.
(q) B{fkd'qTBr$oftn-dTersd-oarrd$'Ssrfr ''dcrqq

(st) €.€.w. (q) snd-s {-6

(o) c.d.c*r. (s) ffir dtura
(q) u}rq d-€r gdqr :- ("q)
tq' .re td .re
(e) 3rRTq,r (e{) tors srqr
(?) \qrt (o) rqfac
(3) r-i$o (s)gftd rffi
(u) ercfu (s) sTrqrir$
(q) q5+d ({) ft"dc / ift+qq
tsdq1 c-6r
Con 469 4
(o) C6 a1 ctt+t i filar ,- ("c)
(q) 1cc eurd rq qq.
(?) qmt-€-r rir-qr crsff gq oruqmr& sFn-drd.
(3) arft< y orraddrru R-{-;nfus er$ euroro.
(c) arct-flT{o rQn*qr +s{ Eurq rrrdrjs E}q
(,r) d-t1le-turrsrfr y.S fqrldq qFmfqd.

?. qrc{rT fua (o}ut-glfr qrq) :-

(er) raw-<re
(<) ftrt o aud
(o') *i<{-$a
(e) sqrqlq-qn
(E) Frdg<ftoi-"r
(q) eTftcr+l 616
i. Ecr fuo (o.Ilrrgrs qrs) :
'' (?")
(ot) vft-asr€nft
(q) qrgs
(o) c'rrffi gqd ftqq
(s) 6rs+s,
(q) $e Mq o+=qr-fr Rsrd
v. srd-a ,{{r* vf,t fu6'r ,-
- qrqr fuar.
(en) E{rffi{ra ("t)
(q) s+sq<ra-S ondr orq ? ("r)
(o) eufu H q aert fro. (ou)
(9 ?*+r+srflqr vrur q rffioiqr qfi sriM orafr dl.qr+{d 6rq (",j)
1rdr qr ?

I +ffi *qr ,r" q{ {qrfr t* ei-ql qrcrct{r sTr@r erld. e.i=n qex tS
s qrqr+@T Grfir)R eGq Mq aqreufl-a silr erfrq-qilflq ofii 3[S
eTl-6dd 3rt. srd-f, sr{rfr g<i fuar ,-
(sT) 3{fu{ffiETs Eotg orq ? (.1)
(e) 3lffi Er{t offi ? ("r)
(o) *rfr frqT ?n+ qzrsqrqn q 1a1cr otfr orra ftrer. (",J)
(s) +ffi fiqr q qi-qr gigqrdr zrrq errci'q ftrerq qra ? ("q)
grqr cT. 3Tr. ibrrd d$m-ilT tra endfuo nre 3{rt. ilfr qrfi-d cs{ifr
vri firo ,-
(s+) frEr.
a-$-oirr q-er$ stiT ("9)
1q; . i a q-qM-a 5-arar 6ffi i-1qT6 ftfl (.,r)
(o-) ntdiT qrffi ffitlq Rrsur qra. (".J)

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