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NAMA: Disya Emmeliya

NIM: 21018061
CLASS: K3-21

ICT is generally defined as technology functioning to support the process of

conveying information and communication.With the development of ICT, the
communicator and communicant can communicate through telephone, internet,
email, satelite, television, video conference, and the like. In my opinion ICT very
helpful. With advance technology we can get information quickly. Therefore we can
use ICT for our education process, to gain information. ICT can improve your
Acquire new fact, method, and skill.

Some reason ICT effective for English language learning. First collaboration working
together to achieve one common goal. In learning group of people work on the same
topic use one another’s respurces and skill. Earners help each other to reach the
learning goal. ICT provide platform for collaborative learning such as forum in
social media. Second flexibility, we can arrange time to learning 24 hours. Third
sharing Ideas and experiences are shared through social media in digital forms.
We can get more information with read more.

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