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0004y -6 Mas for 11h sH O

Chapter-4 [The livieg kard
need ar ckssifcahin 2
3-Domairs lifc C5)
56fiv) kingdom clhssificatien
Diffgn ciate Binomi«l Tinamial hnlanclature LI
Raul Nonmcla lature CIG
Mokar, Auterated
Teols tor taxonny- classical, Mokaar, Auternated
pecics identifi catien (12)

chapten-2 [Kingdam 4 Arimalia)

DLeves 4OgamSat
is. L,cell,Tissue, Cngan and orgao Syslem.
2 Difference _q_ Dipb blasicTaiplo blastic (J8
3shortnete Symmety -ad tyPas1 )
49- Coelom-Explam C19)
5 Clssihoatien f Kingelm Arimaia (2
LSpecial chatachers pi fera (22), Cnidaria (22)
ctmophora (23), Platybeimnlbus (24), Ascheinlirs 24)
Arelid C2s). Alopda (2), MolluscaC2D v.
Fchinaderroata C28)
Diffeen ciate chortes and Non checates (29)
Geeral Characters 4 cherdata 21)
DUrochord am and cephalo choreha 3
16Ventebrate /ehorclate Specia featues (D)
uAphibia, Reptiles, Aves ,tOaals -charachert{32,23.24
chapten-3 LTisue Level ot Oganizaticon
Dclassii catiam q Arimal tissuc ( 4
2)TyPes Glanduar epi liyials C45
3 ) Copnecive i

Explam 4 Ð
4 Speualised Coonechve issucs 42)-
5TyPes q Muscle issue (40
)Sydume =diseases (50)
tDNeural tissue (50 A-
Chaplen4[ogan and Organ Sysians in Arioak
Mopbology Feal6 uoomo56
2 Di£feonse b/w Lmouritil end M.pethurma 5D
aDigestive Syslem Eanlon (5
4Cinculatary Ssdem 5 ) -Eaab nom
Repducive Sysle Farlbamrm (1)
6Lifeycle Farjbuoiro62)
DMofpbaloay e Cockeach l L
8 ak and Female - Differentiate
1DigesiveSyskm q Cockrmach5)
1ciulatorgSs E CecK roachba
ID|Reprduchive Syds Cock each ha
apbelegy af t g D
1aDigestive,(13),Cieuation [1D,kpauctve Sysid16,1)

chapter-5DgeShen And absorpin
DDigeshin Præcess q Human 4
2Histolosy 3ut (®D A-
»short note on_Saliany land (88)
4)Livcr-Short Dote (8D
5)funtims a liver (g9 ()
6|PonCcos a0)
DigStin i Smal rotestine Q1)GD
Ahsooptien and AssimilationProcess (33
Caslesie value Cacbohydnate, Proterfats (a
Nuihiar and digsive ctisordes qL1,18)
Dmctions a2espiratony Syslea Liot)
32Himcn espitatery SusEo(l06,lo4)
3)ChasaLkeas q Jespiratory Susfate 10
9|Steps olued o espiration lo
5Mechanism bacalnirgUo9, ll)G-
DRspratoy vekumes ord Capacities (l, i2
Exchomge Jases m Alveai C12)
9)Ditfeente o Hacooglobin omd Melane 3lebio LiD
IOTaensport q O2 114)
Tags port (e2(i4)
12Diffcatace Taspiratio cmd pirationis
1)Regulatiomof aespiratiam (J6)
14|Paoblems ro Oxyjen tarstortCib
sDsorcdens f zespiratey Sysko D
EReck fSmoking iD
DCopD-Fxpleo 1 )
Chapter-1le tuics and Circalahon
DCapesitin Ploo phsma ((129)
2 formed Ekneria Llz9,120
Aeo blae Jauuping lall322 2
4Rh tactor C32)
5Coagulahon paniess cf blu22
ysnpb mttioa 133,12479
3 Suchwe bloe Vessekl34, 135)
8Artery end Veins- DHfercne 3 9
3)tmorn Circalatoy Sysm J a
1 igiD and Concuchicm o Heart13sa
DCardiact ycle (lHID®
1 ECG-lH2
e lca pessue-Cocaive 4D
4)Decembe double Circulahin lH5)
1sDisordesof cirulaBory slern46D
16CpR- Explam4D
ÐMyocardial mfarctico LU4
Volume -I
Uoit -
chopten-8 LExcaretionl
pModes q Excreion C22
Varios Cogenism, ExCactory nsts C3
3)HUman Exc»etory Susem ( 4
4Drauo the Stnucture Kidney_CL.s) (3»
s)Uztine fermation Pretess (D
sackne gnaphmn- Explain (52
HDraw the Diagram e Nephron(
8Osilbine Cycle w
4Roguktio t kidoey tnction (ADHand Diabetes
1D |ANExplam CIJ
12|Disorders Excetory Syo elateddiseoses A1,18)
13) LIE (
4Kidney Tetas plantationUD
Chopter-alocomotion ond Moiement
DWbat ane the tyras c 1Dovemeot28) ) .
2|TPs Musce (26, Steletal Muscle Stucure 2 )
3) |Sucne Centrati le pnotein zS
45 Skeletal Muscle-tlow chart (ED
5Musce Ceotra thion -Sliding filarngat teory Z2,35)
SMGA-Explan C34
3 pes er She letal Mksee Centrattion (35
msce fibres af Skeletal Ms ceB5
4 finHone e SheletalSyetem C3+>9
Skull=Bon Explaie L7)
1Ventabral Colurmn-Explaio Cut)
12 RibCage- Short notes (38
|Aprendicular Skeleton G1,40)

4UPRr ad Lower limb -Explaro (40,41D

I5 cture of tyical log beneC4l,42
16 bat are le tyPe JinR C42.
1+Disorders Mius cular aniSkele fal Sysem46,41)-
i erhE Aegular Exercise4t
Benefiziak qExer.cise y phosiological
chapten- l o Leura Contel and Co-Dredination
p Neura Syslero -funtions(54
2sutue Neuron 555(8
sExplan Newion and k tyresL55,5t
4Tya qchannes
and gates 5+)
impulse Paocess l53
Synaptic traEmissionPmczss59L0)
+Bråm-fxplam 61L2
E x plamlirobie Syaemb4) O
DFplamSpinal C(b
1RlK action and aciexarc-Epla61)
Dhatare Be hndhians 2efiex arc [b
ifexniate Cacodidianeds Untanditioned etlex
SNS and PNS (40
6Pbotpneceptareye-skect note (tD
I¥D|D s diagmo ye-label paE4nD
18MechanSm vision Red and Coe cellk)TSA
4 Dfferamce betoeen Rod and_Core Celk (+5
20 Phtn
AeceptxFartzphaa o-
Mechanis.m Hesin E1 4
22 Dfects et eyes 4152 (
23) Defeck q Ear
24 O1factory 22captor-Ex plaie (8)
259ustateay Aecepter (6)-
24|Shin- Sene: a touch (182)
chapter-uLchemical Co-ordioatien and Tategmtion
Dshort _note on Hyeothalamus (g22
2)|Hormones and finctions Table13)
3)shortly Explai Hyeopbys/pititary (Ga
4 Horronesecacted in t aezikn Adeno hgee phys 4,9s)
5 Homnnas Secxtrd w Neurohpophyfs 95 O
6Pinaalgland pThird gK Explae (9
Thmid shuLhe Explom wib Daamah
8 bat ae Ike umttions a Thysoxine (a:2
9Fmttiors TGT(9D.
102arathraid (oRarattotmone ExphmCaa)
JD Thm Explain Kis Skuctwe (98
12)Adenl Jlad Expla wil5 Diagram( 9 0
13) Panoeaz Esplan ioo
ADiane of Tasuliv amd gluegah10e
fuDctios q Testostermmes Aegestemx(lol, lo1)
uHotmenes ot aI, Heart Kidney (J03)
Diseoses fer Hypo ad Hyper achvity Gglarads _iQa
1e)Dfzcnce Hypo cvd Hypglyemiaio&,lo43O
19Mechanis o Horoone ActionIo)
chapter-12|Tlesin Econamic Zaaloay
Disuss Voiculture i l T
2VezsiCoposigExpl (1D
|Acvanteges Using VeaicepéstUa9
4Seaiculture- Phocess Explai120,121)
sklite ife cgcle gBaoyx MoiU21L l22)
L |Explaia Rearips Silkwatn 24
DWbat ane the Uses q Silk Ci25)(
BApiculture Paocess TYs Bees 1262
Pructs q Honey bee arnd Scenomic inportane 21)
1Jif cle et LacUa
9 l i t e Sconemic inporfane q lac (13D
12 Aquapenics- Explam131)
12 at ane (te_Advantages Auaponic Jardenirzg132,133)
14 har ane tz charncteistic q ultivable ishes (134
I)Ty FPnd-Bxpea5)
ibat aae f types beedim125)
horacterd Composife ish faroirg13
1Eenricinpormte q ishes z i
11| Prun Cultue-Explal31, l38)
2 Peanl Culture ptatiaa Peat13p
21 |Aaiicial Pear (ulture Pgamme,_usbat axe
eanes mnlvedIk)
bat cae I obecives Animal_ breedipg 2)
23Expkim Melkas Animal brzeding U42
2 4 MoET
25|Aiiciel insemination Advanages Cly2,a
242 at ane ketypes Breosya)
23Dnte Commarn diseases Caitles
29|Uses g_Catle bxeadesD
24Poultry fammin-TyRA Chickz
ze|Stages m elved w 2eaing acmck t
p lPoulty byprocuk CJ4T)9
z|Beaeia aPeulty armig (LT)
3D|Ducamg-feuliamty at ducks-USEs [la-D
ioxeA Be bestoxo
Note: Te Sympol 4X ts One Most
irnportank and poSsible tPiblic £xam
my icus pait
. The characters of meristematic tissues:
2. Tracheids of xylem
3. Sieve Elements of pholoem
4. Difference Between Meristematic Tissue and Permanent Tissue
5. Difference Between Meristematic Tissue and Permanent Tissue
6. Difference between Tracheids and Fibres
7. Functions of EpidermalTissue System
8. Types of vascular Bundes
9. dfferences between dicot root and monocot root
10. differences between dicot stem and monocot stem
11. differences between root and stem
12. Differences Between Phellem and Phellodem
13. Differences Between VascularCambium and Cork Cambium
14. Differences Between Secondary Growth in Dicot Stem and Root
15. Differences between Active Absorption and Passive Absorption
16. What is ascent of sap write the Mechanism of Ascent of Sap

17. StarchSugar Interconversion theory

18. What are the Factors Affecting the Rate of Transpiration

19. Nitrogen cycle

20. Parasitic mode of nutrition in angiosperms
21. Significance of Photosynthesis
22. Properties of Light
23. Differences between Photosystem I and Photosystem II
24. Cyclic Photophosphorylation
25. Non-Cyclic Photophosphorylation
26. Differences between Cyclic Photophosphorylation and Non-Cyclic Photophosphorylation

27. Calvin Cycle

28. Hatch & Slack Pathway or C4 Cycle or Dicarboxylic Acid Pathway or Dicarboxylation

29. Differences between C3 and C4 plants
30. Differences between Photorespiration and Dark Respiration
31. Structure of ATP
32. Differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration
33. Glycolysis or EMP pathway
34. Krebs cycle or Citric acid cycle
35. Significance of Krebs cycle:
36. Electron Transport Chain (ETC) (or) Terminal oxidation
37. Comparison between glycolysis and fermentation
38. Factors Affecting Respiration
39. Pentose phosphate pathway or HMP shunt
40. Characteristics of Growth
41. Stages in Growth rate
42. Characteristics of phytohormones
43. Physiological Effects and Agricultural role in Auxin.
44. Physiological Effects and Agricultural role in Gibberellins
45. Physiological Effects and Agricultural ole in Cytokinin
46. Physiological Effects and Agricultural role in Gaseous hormone
47. Physiological Effects and Agricultural role in Stress Hormone
48. Classification of plants based on Photoperiodism
49. Mechanism of Vernalization
50. Methods of breaking dormancy
51. Programmed cell death (PCD)

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