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Education and Schooling:

A well-designed __________ is the most important part of an education system. This ________
should __________ autonomous __________ and _________ students to learn _____ _______.
With this skill, _______ can be well-prepared for higher _________ and research that they have
to do in university studies. Another equally important part of the _________ has to be _______
____________ and not tests. This way, students can be assessed based on their performance in
class. However, it might be difficult for educationalists to __________ between this type of
system and the traditional one. As students, we must learn how to __________ our lives with
this type of system to make sure ________ __________ is at a high level.

Work and Careers

For most managers, perhaps the most important quality is __________ because this ability
allows them to have higher ______ of _______ and enables them to be able to _______ the
__________ of their employees easily. However, for workers, it is highly important to have
_____ __________ every few months with bonuses and _________. ______ such as gift cards
and insurance are also attractive for most workers. More importantly, managers need to give
performance _________ and _________ to motivate their workers and in addition to this, they
should organize __ the job _______ so that workers can have ______ __________ in the future.
Because _____ job ________ are a big part of everyone’s life, this training has to be in the form
of ______ _________. If all of this happens at a work place, there will be no need for the
company to ________ or _________ and workers will not need to ______ other jobs. Perhaps
to _______ productive people, some companies first have to ________ their organization.

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