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Trajectory Clustering Algorithms

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Trajectory Clustering Algorithms

Technicians have realized that Clustering is the best technique to group data into

different classes founded on the interior and past undefined schemes related to data.

With the recent development in GPS, moving objects are easily traced, and their

positions are identified hence recording their trajectories. Because of this, the

moving object data mining field has focused on the logic and study of moving objects

trajectory clustering techniques today. To well understand the trends in the arena of

trajectory clustering, a survey and summary of the recent developments and trends

in moving objects clustering algorithms offered in the recent past are warranted.

Therefore, the focus of the current paper is to investigate the measure that can

identify the similarity/difference between different trajectories. Similarly, a concise

explanation of the available trajectory clustering algorithms will be explained in this

paper. Again, the report will present a constructive summary of the articles that have

been done in this area culminating in a precise analysis of the findings drawn from

the articles. A future direction that research in this area should take will be discussed

in the paper based on the gaps that will have been identified from the analysis of

literature. Finally, the article will conclude with a decisive conclusion explaining the

researcher's stance on the topic. The research findings indicate that while there are

a plethora of clustering techniques, some of them may not be helpful at all, or they

are complex to use. For this reason, frechet distance, Hausdorf distance, or dynamic

time warping distance methods are recommended.


Data Security and Data Privacy


The recent development in technology resulting in the formation or

development of GPS systems, satellite, wireless communication technology, and

sensor networks has made it easy to track moving objects worldwide. Studies have

indicated that the internet of things technology has been enabled by the concept of

trajectory clustering, which is growing and gaining acceptance at a fast rate. The

idea that moving things can be tracked and their position identified has increased the

collection and storage of the moving item trajectory records stored in different

databases (Vieira et al., 2020). As the trajectory data are collected and stored, there

is a need to cluster them to be stored and allow easy retrieval or extraction when

needed. In many cases, the data collected related to the trajectory of the moving

objects contain vast and crucial knowledge, which calls for effective and efficient

analysis of the gathered data. One of the main reasons this data is analyzed is to

cluster the collected data into similar trajectories to make it easy to use.

According to Chen et al. (2021), Clustering is the process through which data

with similar characteristics are grouped in the same cluster to differentiate them from

other dissimilar data. Grouping data into clusters with similar features is essential,

and it is part of the data analysis process. It ensures that data is kept or stored in a

derived order or following a specific formula to enhance fast access of the data when

wanted or required for use or reference. Moving objects are likely to leave behind

trajectories considered paths and are recorded in many cases with time and space

information for easy identification or separation. Each argument in a trajectory

characterises a position which is sometimes referred to as activity occurring in

planetary in a particular instantaneous of time. Concerning database studies,


trajectory clustering is done to achieve two purposes. Firstly, trajectory clustering

identifies trajectories with identical patterns (Vieira et al., 2020). In this way,

trajectories that exhibit similar patterns while moving are grouped or are put in the

same cluster. Secondly, trajectory clustering is done to isolate data based on their

undesired behaviors. In this way, it is believed that when data is collected, it is not

uniform or does not bear the same characteristics and therefore has to be

differentiated based on its features before it is stored in databases. All the actions of

moving substances in space or on land are recorded based on their trajectories.

Consequently, through evaluating the moving object's motion pattern, we can

well study their predictable behavior. There are different methods of measuring the

trajectory cluster of the moving objects developed over time. These different

measuring methods are adopted based on the nature of the trajectory data that need

to be clustered (Chen et al., 2021). The measurement methods are referred to as the

distance and are given different names based on the specialists who developed the

measuring distance, among other naming techniques. Therefore, the focus of the

current paper is to investigate the measure that can determine the

similarity/dissimilarity between two trajectories.

Similarly, a concise explanation of the available trajectory clustering

algorithms will be explained in this paper. Again, the paper will present a constructive

summary of the articles that have been done in this area culminating in a precise

analysis of the findings drawn from the articles (Olive et al., 2020, September). A

future direction that research in this area should take will be discussed in the paper

based on the gaps that will have been identified from the analysis of literature.

Finally, the paper will conclude with a decisive conclusion explaining the researcher's

stance on the topic.


Problem Statement

The recent growth and development in mobile devices have impacted the

amount of GPS data trajectories that need to be collected and stored for future use.

Traditionally, trajectories have been gathered basing on the closeness of the path

data using different approaches such as frechet, Hausdorff distance, or vibrant time

warping distance, among others (Olive et al., 2020, September). Today, trajectory

data are used in different fields, including transportation, location-based services,

geo-social networks, and ride-sharing applications such as Uber that need to locate

moving objects. Organizations use GPS trajectories clustering in different

applications, such as identifying routes and trips, among others (Olive et al., 2020,

September). Data trajectory cluster similarities can determine whether the moving

objects follow a specific route and are also used by authorities to track shared rides,

location of the hired vehicles, among others, making them very important in the

process. Although trajectory clustering remains an essential activity from an

organizational perspective, it has become an enormous problem to measure the

similarities or the closeness of the trajectories based on the available methods. The

problem here is that although the measuring methods have been well defined and

guidelines on how to use them provided, many people or organizations using

trajectory data have found it challenging to identify the best method to be used in

clustering trajectories.

Two main factors have created the trajectory clustering problem.

Organizations and technicians using the clustering methods do not have enough

knowledge to use the available closeness measuring techniques and conduct

effective Clustering. Lack of enough knowledge has been created by the few studies

that have focused on the analysis of the available measuring techniques that can be

used in trajectory clustering. Secondly, the trajectory clustering process is complex

and lengthy, involving different sub-processes or steps. Some of the steps involved

in trajectory clustering include trajectory data pre-processing for higher quality, online

micro-clustering to summarize a large number of microclusters, and offline macro-

clustering to form the resulting clusters that many users of the algorithms do not

understand (Chen et al., 2021). Lack of knowledge or understanding of how to

execute the steps limits the successful use of the available techniques. Similarly,

some users are not able to identify the appropriate technique for a specific trajectory

clustering. Lack of knowledge to identify the most suitable clustering technique is a

big problem because it leads to lousy clustering outcomes.

Review of Related Work

Researchers have conducted many studies to investigate trajectory clustering

because of its recent application in different fields. Many studies have presented how

different trajectory clustering measurements and methods are applied in different

industries or used by different organizations. These studies have provided

knowledge in this field that is yet to be explored fully. Although the available literature

in the area is limited, the contributions of the scholars to the understanding of

trajectory clustering cannot be underestimated. This section analyses some of the

articles that have been published on this topic.

Bian et al. (2018) investigated the recent comprehensive developments in the

field of trajectory clustering. One of the most renowned articles that have provided

relevant information in this field is a study done by Bian, Tian, Tang, and Tao (2018)

titled "A survey on trajectory clustering analysis." The study authors did not focus on

one specific field but investigated development in trajectory clustering in different

areas where they are applied. The authors noted that trajectory data mining is

imperative in different fields today, including surveillance security, traffic control,

crowd behavior analysis, and abnormal behavior detection. The application of

trajectory information mining has enhanced the focus on trajectory clustering in

different areas. The authors argued that current trajectory clustering procedures

could be assembled into unverified, managed, and semi-controlled algorithms.

The findings agree with the findings of the study done by Wang, Qin, Chen,

and Zhao (2018) in the article titled "Detecting anomalous trajectories and behavior

patterns using hierarchical clustering from taxi GPS data." The difference between

the studies is that Bian, Tian, Tang, and Tao (2018) focused on the general analysis

of the techniques while Wang, Qin, Chen, and Zhao (2018) focused on the

techniques used in the taxi industry trajectory data mining. The current study's

findings are essential to my proposed study to investigate trajectory clustering. They

provide information that explains the different types of trajectory clustering algorithms

that can be applied today. Understanding the nature and dissimilar kinds of trajectory

clustering approaches is essential as it allows the people applying them to apply

them effectively. Similarly, the contributions of the authors to the understanding of

trajectory clustering cannot be underrated since they contribute to the available

literature and a more robust understanding of the trajectory clustering processes.

Similarly, a study that was done by Sheng and Yin (2018) titled "Extracting

shipping route patterns by trajectory clustering model based on automatic

identification system data" provides important insights relevant for understanding the

trajectory clustering processes and dynamics. The authors explain to the audience

how essential trajectory data mining is to the shipping industry, given the fact that it

allows the industry players to analyze ship routes. The authors noted that shipping

industry players are using trajectory clustering to collect and record vital data used to

investigate the behaviors of the vessels. The focus of the study is on the Automatic

Identification System (AIS) on board that has been availed to offer ship-related data

for the research. Although Sheng and Yin (2018) focused on how trajectory

clustering is used and done in the shipping industry, I find the information in the

article necessary to my study. The information is imperative because it informs the

audience of the different trajectory clustering techniques applied in the shipping


Similarly, the authors provide essential recommendations on how trajectory

clustering methods can be effectively applied to the industry. The article's findings

contribute immensely to the current topic under investigation since they are empirical

and generalized. This means that the findings are not limited to the shipping industry

but can be applied in other areas or industries. Also, the authors contribute

immensely to the knowledge gap in the field.

It is apparent from the different studies that have been studied in the current

study that The Shipboard Automatic Identification System (AIS) utilized trajectory

data pulling out techniques than any other field. This is because several scholars

and studies that have been published on the topic focus on water transport. This is

no different from the findings of the study that Li did, Liu, Liu, Xiong, Wu, and Kim

(2017). Li, Liu, Liu, Xiong, Wu, and Kim (2017), in the study titled "A dimensionality

reduction-based multi-step clustering method for robust vessel trajectory analysis,"

noted that Clustering of Spatio-temporal AIS trajectories could be utilized to

recognize abnormal designs and my usual way data for transport safety. The authors

also explain why the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) method can enhance trajectory

information mining in this range or industry. The study findings are essential to my

study because they explain why Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) is a common

effective trajectory clustering techniques. Similarly, the authors do not limit their

explanation of the techniques to Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) and Spatio-temporal

AIS trajectories and explain other methods comparing them in the process. The

comparison was a significant contribution as it provided essential insights on

particular methods, hence promoting understanding of different trajectory clustering


Several studies have suggested that understanding the different trajectory

data mining methods is the key to understanding effective trajectory clustering today.

This cannot be further from the truth based on the study's findings done by Yuan,

Sun, Zhao, Li, and Wang (2017). In the study titled "A review of moving object

trajectory clustering algorithms," Yuan et al. (2017) conducted a study to investigate

moving object trajectory clustering algorithms. The authors are of the view that

understanding the different algorithms utilized in trajectory clustering is very

important. Yuan et al. (2017) noted that one could not apply the process without

understanding how the algorithms work. The authors revealed that Clustering is an

efficient method to group data in dissimilar classes based on the interior and

previously unidentified schemes intrinsic in the data. With the growth of location-

based placing devices, more moving items are tracked, and their routes are

recorded. The study findings are essential to my study because the authors explain

the different clustering methods that include frechet. Therefore, I will explain the

different techniques to build up the literature review section of my study. The authors

in their paper explain the measures that can be used to govern the differences and

resemblances between two different trajectories, which is essential information as far

as my proposed study is concerned.


Just like other scholars who investigated trajectory clustering concerning

maritime transportation, Han, Armenakis, and Jadidi (2020), in their study "DBSCAN

Optimization for Improving Marine Trajectory Clustering and Anomaly Detection,"

focused on investigating how players in the maritime transport industry can improve

trajectory clustering. The authors revealed that 90% of the international trade is

facilitated through maritime transport, and therefore the volume of collected data in

this area is enormous. Han et al. (2020) noted that trajectory data mining in the

industry is complex and therefore needs a good understanding of the available

models to analyze data and cluster them for successful use. Therefore, plummeting

maritime transport security dangers by systematically demonstrating and

investigation should be of high precedence in the oceanic province. The authors

noted that most nautical coincidences are instigated by human mistake due to

fatigue or miscalculation by statistics. The paper is essential to my study since the

authors provide high density-based spatial clustering (DBSCAN) technique that can

be useful to historical or actual Automatic Identification System (AIS) information so

that pitcher ways can be modeled. The trajectories' irregularities can be noticed. The

information provided and the recommendations are important as they explain how

trajectory data mining can be used to formulate a strategy to control risks associated

with maritime transport. Similarly, the authors explain how the industry players can

utilize the high density-based spatial Clustering (DBSCAN) clustering method.

Analysis of Literature

It is apparent from the literature review that trajectory clustering is a sensitive

topic in databases management studies today. The field is significant concerning the

study of the trajectory data mining process and its significance. Undoubtedly, many

authors and researchers have directed their research efforts in this area, signifying

the relevance of the information or knowledge concerning trajectory clustering (Chen

et al., 2021). It is easy for the audience to wonder why trajectory clustering has

become very important today. However, the summarized articles above indicate that

the recent development in GPS technology has increased the volume of data

collected on moving objects. Because of this, trajectory data clustering has become

essential. Literature in this field highlights an impartial trend in the field as many

scholars focus on investigating trajectory data mining and Clustering in the field of air

transport and water transport, leaving other areas unattended to hence creating gaps

in the literature. A high concentration of studies on applying the trajectory clustering

methods in a different file (Olive et al., 2020, September). This implies that many of

the studies done in this area are case studies and present little empirical evidence.

Similarly, few studies have focused on challenges encountered when working

with trajectory clustering methods. This implies little knowledge that the players in

the field can rely on to overcome the challenges they are likely to encounter when

working with trajectory clustering methods. However, this should be encouraged

since the trends indicate that many organizations are using trajectory data mining

techniques to isolate their data during the processing stage (Olive et al., 2020,

September). Grounded on the examination of the publications that were reviewed in

this report, it is apparent that the authors in their respective articles provide practical

and relevant techniques that organizations in different industries can customize and

implement to enhance the understanding and the utilization of trajectory clustering

methods and harness their benefits (Gao et al., 2019). However, this area is still a

problem because few scholars have focused on investigating the different

techniques applied to trajectory data mining and measuring the similarities and

differences between different methods. Understanding how the differences and the

similarities of the different trajectory clustering methods are essential will allow the

method users to differentiate between the different techniques.

In conclusion, there is a need for scholars in this field to focus their research

efforts on the analysis of the different trajectory clustering models (Olive et al., 2020,

September). This is important as it will allow the model users to understand

effectively how the models or methods work and when and where to use them in

their data analysis process. Similarly, the information will be found vital as it will

become easy to identify and select the most appropriate method for clustering

specific data.

Future Directions

Based on the current analysis of the literature review, it is apparent that the

scholars in the field of trajectory clustering are focusing on applying the

methodologies other than analysis of the methodologies. As the technology used to

track and identify the location of moving objects continues to surge, it is expected

that the field will change significantly in the coming five years (Gao et al., 2019). In

this way, it is expected that technology in the area will change significantly, and there

may rise some applications that may work as an alternative to GPS systems that is

highly relied on today. This also means that the methodologies that are used in

trajectory data clustering may change as technology changes. In this way, the

current models may be regarded as conventional, and studies will focus on the new

and easy-to-use models going into the next 10-years in this field.

Similarly, machine learning techniques are penetrating many technological

fields. This may not be different in the trajectory clustering field as it is expected that

artificial intelligence may be used in place of the methods that have been developed

today. This will imply that scholars will focus on how artificial intelligence through

machine learning will change the trajectory clustering phenomenon (Houssou et al.,

2017, October). Although knowledge in this field is limited, this is expected to change

going into the next ten years as the focus is shifted to this area or field of database

management. Similarly, it is expected that many authors will now investigate the

challenges and provide a solution to the problems encountered when using the

different models of trajectory data clustering.


The idea that moving objects can be traced and their position identified has

increased the collection and storage of the moving object trajectory data stored in

different databases. As the trajectory information is collected and deposited, there is

a need to cluster them to be stored and allow easy retrieval or extraction when

needed. In many cases, the data collected related to the trajectory of the moving

objects contain vast and crucial knowledge, which calls for effective and efficient

analysis of the gathered data. Many studies have presented how different trajectory

clustering measurements and methods are applied in different industries or used by

different organizations. These studies have provided knowledge in this field that is

yet to be explored fully. Although the available literature in the area is limited, the

contributions of the scholars to the understanding of trajectory clustering cannot be

underestimated. As the technology used to track and identify the location of moving

objects continues to surge, it is expected that the field will change significantly in the

coming five years. In this way, it is expected that technology in the area will change

significantly. Some applications may work as an alternative to the current technology

that is highly relied on today. Therefore, the stakeholders need to understand the

different methods used to cluster trajectory data in this area.


Core Papers Reviewed in the Study

1. Bian, J., Tian, D., Tang, Y., & Tao, D. (2018). A survey on trajectory clustering

analysis. arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.06971.

2. Sheng, P., & Yin, J. (2018). Extracting shipping route patterns by trajectory

clustering model based on automatic identification system data. Sustainability,

10(7), 2327.

3. Yuan, G., Sun, P., Zhao, J., Li, D., & Wang, C. (2017). A review of moving object

trajectory clustering algorithms. Artificial Intelligence Review, 47(1), 123-144.

4. Han, X., Armenakis, C., & Jadidi, M. (2020). DBSCAN Optimization for Improving

Marine Trajectory Clustering and Anomaly Detection. The International Archives

of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 43, 455-


5. Wang, Y., Qin, K., Chen, Y., & Zhao, P. (2018). Detecting anomalous trajectories

and behavior patterns using hierarchical Clustering from taxi GPS data. ISPRS

International Journal of Geo-Information, 7(1), 25.

6. Li, H., Liu, J., Liu, R. W., Xiong, N., Wu, K., & Kim, T. H. (2017). A dimensionality

reduction-based multi-step clustering method for robust vessel trajectory

analysis. Sensors, 17(8), 1792.



Chen, H. X., Tao, F., Ma, P. L., Gao, L. N., & Zhou, T. (2021). Applicability

Evaluation of Several Spatial Clustering Methods in Spatiotemporal Data

Mining of Floating Car Trajectory. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-

Information, 10(3), 161.

Gao, Q., Fu, J., Yu, Y., & Tang, X. (2019). Identification of urban regions' functions in

Chengdu, China, based on vehicle trajectory data. PloS one, 14(4),


Houssou, N., Guillaume, J. L., & Prigent, A. (2017, October). Review and

comparison of similarity measures and community detection algorithms for

Clustering of network constrained trajectories in MARAMI.

Olive, X., Basora, L., Viry, B., & Alligier, R. (2020, September). Deep trajectory

clustering with autoencoders. In Proceedings of the International Conference

on Research in Air Transportation.

Vieira, G. S., Rypina, I. I., & Allshouse, M. R. (2020). Uncertainty quantification of

trajectory clustering applied to ocean ensemble forecasts. Fluids, 5(4), 184.

Xia, Z., Li, H., Chen, Y., & Liao, W. (2019). Identify and delimitate urban hotspot

areas using a network-based spatiotemporal field clustering method. ISPRS

International Journal of Geo-Information, 8(8), 344.

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