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Task Description: This task will be completed in two parts:

Part 1 – Guided research: to be completed outside of class time prior to Part 2.

Over the next 2 weeks, carry out your own research to answer the following questions about sea ice:
 What is sea ice and how does it form?
 What impact/influence does sea ice have on the 4 spheres?
 Explain how global warming affects sea ice.
 How do scientists measure sea ice now and through time?

Your research needs to be formatted as a 1-page, double sided Word document, with font Arial, text size
12 point and single spaced.

You will bring your research into class and use it to answer questions that ask you to apply your knowledge
and understanding to graphs in Part 2 of this task, the in-class test.

Part 2 – In-class test: Application of skills and knowledge

Section A: You will be asked to describe, analyse and evaluate the graphs provided using the skills gained
in class and research you have completed (Part 1).

Section B: You will be asked to describe, analyse and evaluate the graphs provided by applying your
knowledge of the content covered in the “Science of Climate Change” section of this course.

You can bring your “How to Read Graphs” worksheet completed in class and 1 page of research
about sea ice into the in-class test. These will be collected and checked. Any extra information
brought in may incur a penalty.

Years 7 to 10 task-based adjustments: If you are on the task-based adjustment system, please make
sure that you have discussed adjustments with your classroom teacher.

Subject: Science Task number: 1 Task type: Research and Data Analysis

Maximum marks: 32 Task weighting: 20% towards ROSA grade

Date of task: Friday 24th March – during your science lesson

Outcomes to be assessed:
 SC5-7WS processes, analyses and evaluates data from first-hand investigations and secondary
sources to develop evidence-based arguments and conclusions   
 SC5-8WS applies scientific understanding and critical thinking skills to suggest possible solutions to
identified problems  
 SC5-9WS presents science ideas and evidence for a particular purpose and to a specific audience,
using appropriate scientific language, conventions and representations 

General information/Assessment Criteria: In-class test

You will be assessed on your ability to apply knowledge and understanding gained from research and class
work to:
 Correctly describe, analyse and evaluate the graphs
 Analyse data that you have not seen before
 Use data to draw scientific conclusions
 Explain natural phenomena and environmental relationships
 Make a clear and compelling justification supporting scientific understanding of an environmental
 Produce written responses that are clear, logical and include relevant scientific language

Suggested strategies for preparation:

 Review your notes, activities and practical in the OneNote or Canvas section called “Science of
Climate Change”.
 Review the “How to read graphs” activities.
 Review your Stile app data quiz – 2023 Agents for Change Formative Data Quiz

Technology support and file management:

 Students need access to Stile app to sit the data quiz and view feedback.
 Students should back up their research to avoid loss of work.
 Students need to print a hard copy of their research to bring in on the date of the task.

Designated catch-up task instructions:

If you are unable to attempt your task on the designated date, you must attempt the task in the next lesson
for your class. You must have an approved Illness/Misadventure Application (IMA) to avoid penalties for a
late attempt of the task.

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