Dangers of A.I

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A.I rising up and fighting against humans is a topic that has been going around ever
since the iconic chess match between chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov and an IBM
supercomputer called Deep Blue, with the victory belonging to the latter. We will now
take a deep look into this problem in four different levels, starting with.

I. Level 1: Unemployment
- First traits of claims that robots will cause alterations to the economy:
- With the rapid technological advancement of recent years, computers are increasingly
encroaching on domains that were previously considered exclusively human
+ In 1959, professor Arthur Samuel, boldly claimed that a machine would never beat a
human at the game of checker. Two years later, the skeptical scholar was himself checked
by an MIT-developed computer.
+ During the Great Recession, robot intensity plummeted. But since 2009, robot intensity
has sharply increased nationwide. (Especially the Midwest)
-> Robots will have the potential to do things people can do
- why
● Their convenience
+ The invention of printing (attributed to Gutenberg in the mid-15th century to modern
printing) presses that have contributed to be more effective and speed up printing while
decreasing costs
+ Can work in hazardous environment, even on Mars or the volcano
+ Drones can help the law enforcement in nature catastrophes
+ They can check you in and deliver orange juice to your hotel room, answer your
questions about a missing package, and pack up thousands of subscription boxes.
+ They are completely immune to diseases, while people have had a hard time in the
coronavirus pandemic.
- Reality
-> Back then they estimated that a staggering 80% of jobs run the risk of being automated in the
coming decades.
- In recent years
+ According to the latest paper, employment was reduced by 7.5 percent following
exposure to industrial robots. Labor force participation decreased by one percent.
+ Foxconn company replaced more than 400,000 jobs with robots between 2012 and 2016

- In the future:
+ Robots could take over 20 million manufacturing jobs around the world by 2030,
economists claimed Wednesday.
+ It was predicted that by 2030, more than 1.5 million jobs would have been lost to robots
in the United States. In China, that number was expected to exceed 11 million
- Impact
- Being unemployed takes away these wages and leaves the individual with less available
- Being unemployed is a highly stressful situation, so it may cause stress-related health
issues such as headaches, high blood pressure,insomnia, heart disease
- It also causes family issues (Unemployed or poor men are less likely to marry and more
likely to divorce than men who are employed or who are more economically secure
(McLoyd, 1990))

II. Level 2: Social manipulation through AI algorithms authorithem
It is no exaggeration to say that popular platforms with devoted users, like Google and
Facebook, know those users better than their families and friends do.
- Many firms collect an enormous amount of data as an input for their artificial intelligence
- According to one study, Facebook Likes can be used to predict a variety of Facebook
user characteristics with a high degree of accuracy, including "sexual orientation,
ethnicity, religious and political views, personality traits, intelligence, happiness, use of
addictive substances, parental separation, age, and gender." Imagine what data is
gathered from search phrases, internet clicks, articles, and reviews if private AI systems
can identify them from the use of something as basic as the "like" button. stu
⇔ Social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and TikTok rely heavily on AI
algorithms to rank and recommend content.
⇔ On the surface this seems reasonable.
- An algorithm that ranks items based on a combination of quality and popularity.
⇔ Popularity bias is more likely to hinder overall content quality.
- The reason: when only a few people have been exposed to an item, engagement is not a
reliable measure of quality. In these circumstances, engagement provides a noisy signal,
which the algorithm is likely to magnify. When a low-quality item becomes popular
enough, its popularity grows exponentially.
- Fakey ⇔ a game that simulates a news feed similar to those found on Facebook and
Twitter ⇔ Current articles from false news, bad science, as well as mainstream
sources, are displayed to players. ⇔ Users get points for sharing or like reputable
news and flagging low-credibility stories for fact-checking.
- Discovered that when players realize that many other users have engaged with an article,
they are more inclined to like or share it and less likely to report it. Hence, exposure to
engagement metrics creates a vulnerability.

I. Level 3: Algorithm miscalculation: How one thing leads to another

- Now, doctors, judges, accountants – who are getting information from an AI system and
treating it as if it is information from a trusted colleague.
- What bothers me: ❌ How often AI gets it wrong
✅ How badly it gets it wrong when it makes a mistake
Example: a dog that has been misidentified as a wolf by an AI algorithm
- Reason:
+ Human: pay attention to the eyes, the ears, the snout of the wolves
+ AI algorithm: the snow and the background of the picture
—> there was bias in the data set that was fed to this algorithm. Most of the pictures of wolves
were in snow, so the AI algorithm conflated the presence or absence of snow for the presence or
absence of a wolf.
Example: Racism in the American healthcare system
- Fact: In 2019, an algorithm used in US hospitals to predict which patients will require
additional medical care favored white patients over black patients by a considerable
- Reason: the expense of healthcare emphasizes an individual's healthcare needs, the
algorithm considers the patients’ past healthcare expenditures —> related to race. Black
individuals with similar diseases spent less on healthcare than white patients with similar
Example: Bias in Facebook ads
- Problem: Deliver certain ads, including for housing and employment, in a way that aligns
with race and gender stereotypes — even when advertisers ask for the ads to be exposed
to a broad, inclusive audience.
- Fact:
+ In 2019, Facebook was allowing its advertisers to intentionally target adverts
according to gender, race, and religion
+ Job ads for cleaners, secretaries, nurses, and preschool teachers were mostly
women. The job ads for fast food workers, supermarket cashiers, and taxi drivers
skewed toward Black users.

Example: Amazon’s biased recruiting tool

- Fact: With the dream of automating the recruiting process, Amazon started an AI project
in 2014. However, by 2015, Amazon realized that their new AI recruiting system was not
rating candidates fairly and it showed bias against women.
+ Amazon had used historical data from the last 10-years to train their AI model.
Historical data contained biases against women since there was a male dominance
across the tech industry and men were forming 60% of Amazon’s employees
Example: The COMPAS Criminal Sentencing algorithm is used in 13 states to determine
criminal recidivism or the risk of committing a crime again after you’re released.

-Fact: ProPublica found that if you’re African-American, COMPAS was 77% more likely
to qualify you as a potentially violent offender than if you’re a Caucasian.
? Why would the judges trust it if it seems to exhibit bias?
- They use COMPAS is because it is a model for efficiency. COMPAS lets them go through
caseloads much faster in a backlogged criminal justice system. Why would they question their
own software? It’s been requisitioned by the State, approved by their IT Department.

1. https://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/how-ai-bias-happens-and-how-eliminate-it
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRzBk_KuIaM&t=175s
3. https://www.lexalytics.com/blog/bias-in-ai-machine-learning/
4. https://algorithmwatch.org/en/automated-discrimination-facebook-google/

II. Level 4: Human extinction

Now we come to the final level

- Currently, humans are the most dominant species on the Earth, studying and creating
artificial intelligence to serve and help them in every aspect.
- Though in 50 to 100 years, will the machines that possess the technology gain
consciousness so much so to overthrow the humans?
- According to the Global Catastrophic Risk Institute, there are at least 45 projects around
the world with the aim of creating artificial intelligence.
- Some of them are active in safety, while over half of them have unspecified engagement
on safety
And all of which will perform as well as humans or even exceed our capabilities.
+ Deep blue
+ Self driving cars with pathfinding and safety measures implemented in the
+ Robot waiters
- Since they are so advanced, humans in the future may rely on robots a little too much.
Imagine this scenario: Because people have been ignoring climate change, the earth is
now heavily flooded. Scientists have developed a super AI human to deal with the
problem. When the A.I asked for a command, they ordered the A.I to eliminate what is
causing the Earth to drown. The answer is quite obvious, it’s the humans. So the A.I
proceeds to wipe every human on the planet so that mother nature can heal the planet
- In another instance, those learning A.Is might one day be aware of its existence. Though
the chance is tiny, it is still possible. A.Is might realize that humans are much more
incapable of running a society than they do. So in order to create a perfect living
environment, humans’ deletion is on the top of their checklist.
- And if you want something much more disturbing, I recommend checking out this
video:Roko's Basilisk: The Most Terrifying Thought Experiment. In a nutshell, scientists
have developed an A.I so advanced that it will torture every human that has not
contributed to bring it to life.
- Though please take this with a grain of salt, these are all speculations and have been
implemented into the media to show us what it would be like if it were true. No madman
will conceive such an A.I.

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