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Main idea. Sergei suggested it. His idea of \u200b\u200bshifting the characteristic of the GU-81 to the left is simple and ingenious, like
everything simple. My task is to create an amplifier that could stand on the table and, without noise and dust, give an honest 1 kW
without threatening the neighbors and without causing unnecessary noise.

I think this task was completed without difficulty. So:

• Gu-81-1pc
• Ua---3000v
• Ia min80 ma
• Ia max 700ma
• pin. 25-30w
• Pout. 80-15m – 1460 12-10m –1230

That's probably all the parameters, but a barter is used in the screen grid stabilizer (it saves you a lot from emergency situations - non-
contact of the first grid and the current is limited by the glow of the barrettors, etc.). Instead of the described series power supply, I use a
TRADITIONALLY AVAILABLE anode parallel power supply system, but according to its technology, it has been tested in more than ten
designs and repeated by so many designers.

The proposed lamp input of the P circuit is not the best (I really put them on, but there are a lot of problems with this), first of all, this is
the reactivity of the lamp input, in order to remove it you have to do various neutralizations.

A parallel circuit with a tap from a part of the turns from the bottom behaves best (I wound the first turns with a silver-plated wire to
make it easier to find a tap at the input that would correspond to 50 Ohms) in general, there are little things that are not so significant. If
you take up the design, then everything should work out.

Many questions about the transformer for the anode.

TOR 2.4kw
Incandescent trans TS180
Other voltages TS 180
Dimensions :470 x 210 x 400 mm
Weight : 32kg.

I am attaching a photo of this amp and how it looks in my workplace.

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Alexander ( RA6ED).

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