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UNIVERSITY ROLL NO – 12000319121


SUBJECT – Internet of things



During the past couple of decades, the Internet of Things (IoT) has grown
tremendously. The IoT is increasingly used in industries including medicine,
engineering, safety, and transportation. In order to define this vision, various
challenges need to be overcome, including issues surrounding interoperability, data
confidentiality and security, and development of energy efficient management
systems. A network and data are the basis for IoT protocols. Wireless technologies
include Bluetooth, ZigBee, and Long Range Wide Area Networks (LoRa WAN).
There is a rapid development of new standards, technologies, and platforms for the
IoT ecosystem. IoT is rapidly growing.

IoT consists of two key elements: "internet" and "things". Communication allows
things to coordinate their actions and reach decisions together it allows them to
hear, see, think, compute, and act. The technology gives things making
authoritative decisions that benefit various applications using intelligence and
consensus. From the standpoint of passive observers, they transform objects or
sensors into active members of a computing system, communicating, working
collaboratively and making critical decisions. As a result, they present challenges
that require specialized communication standards

What Are IoT Protocols?
Before we dive into common IoT protocols, let's define the term "protocol" at a
high level.

Protocols are a set of rules for transmitting data between electronic devices
according to a preset agreement regarding information structure and how each side
will send and receive data. Correspondingly, IoT protocols are standards that
enable the exchange and transmission of data between the Internet and devices at
the edge.

IoT protocols can be divided into two categories: IoT network protocols and IoT
data protocols. Data protocols mainly focus on information exchange, while
network protocols provide methods of connecting IoT edge devices with other
edge devices or the Internet. Each category contains a number of protocols that
each have their own unique features. We'll take a look at those next.

List of Common IoT Protocols

IoT Network Protocols

 Wi-Fi



 NB-IoT

 Bluetooth

 ZigBee


IoT Data Protocols




 CoAP

 LwM2M

Layers of the IoT Protocol Stack

"IoT protocol stack" refers to a hierarchy of software and hardware layers.

As Particle's Sr. Solutions Architect Dan Kouba phrased it, "It is all the things that
sit in between the data being produced at the edge to the data being received by
your systems."

The IoT network stack can be represented using the seven-layer OSI Network
Model, starting from the physical layer at the bottom and ending with the
application layer at the top. Specific protocols may represent only one layer or
span many—regardless, they must be interoperable to ensure that the network
functions as intended.

IoT Data Protocols: What Are They and What Do We

Need to Know?

Message Queue Telemetry Transport is a lightweight pub/sub messaging protocol

suitable for connecting small, low-power devices.

This data protocol was designed specifically for IoT communication and requires
minimal memory and processing power. On the wire, MQTT's bidirectional
pub/sub architecture makes the protocol flexible and scalable for a wide variety of
use cases and IoT system architectures.

Additionally, the MQTT protocol is designed with reliability and scalability in

mind—security is provided via Transport Layer Security, and persistent sessions
allow the protocol to adapt to poor network conditions and reduce connection time


You might recognize this acronym as appearing at the beginning of every website
address you type, as Hypertext Transfer Protocol is the foundation of data
communication for the World Wide Web.

However, within the context of IoT applications, HTTP has many drawbacks. For
instance, this protocol establishes a synchronous connection between two devices
in order to transfer data—which presents a number of challenges for IoT
deployments because devices and endpoints may not be online at the same time
and connections may be unreliable due to network conditions.

Additionally, HTTP relies on transferring data in ASCII, which is an inefficient

way to transmit the small bits of data often exchanged by IoT systems and requires
more processing power to encode and decode messages at both ends.

Ultimately, while HTTP is a great choice for transferring website data, it is

generally not a good choice for an IoT application.


Constrained Application Protocol is used with constrained nodes and networks.

This protocol is suited for IoT applications as it reduces the size of network
packages, thereby decreasing network bandwidth overload. Other benefits of CoAP
include improving the IoT life cycle, saving battery power and storage space, and
reducing the amount of data required to operate.


IoT in healthcare
Healthcare IoT devices allow medical professionals to collect data on the condition
of patients without the risks that come with bringing large numbers of potentially
infectious people together in close proximity. Beyond pandemic response use
cases, though, they also allow doctors to potentially examine, diagnose and treat
larger numbers of patients, as well as expand healthcare to regions where physical
access to doctors or hospitals is difficult due to remoteness or difficulty of access.

Edge IoT
Edge computing and the IoT go hand-in-hand. Put simply; it means building
devices with on-board analytics capabilities, so the computing is carried out as
close as possible to the source of the data that's being analyzed. This really only
makes sense in the context of cloud computing, where data is collected by
essentially “dumb” sensors, such as basic cameras or microphones, and sent to the
cloud to be analyzed. Edge devices use smart sensors such as cameras equipped
with computer vision capabilities or microphones with natural language processing
functions. The obvious advantage is that this means computation can take place
much more quickly, and another advantage is that reducing the amount of data
being transmitted to the cloud and back relieves network congestion. Yet another
advantage becomes clear when we consider the privacy implications of widespread
IoT – if a device is collecting personal data, then users have the peace of mind of
knowing that they can get at the insights it contains without it even having to leave
their individual custody. A key driver here is the increasing amount of computer
power becoming deliverable in ever smaller and more power-efficient devices,
thanks to more efficient battery and user interface designs.

Modern human life has become integrated with Internet of Things. By automating, connecting devices
and applications and making information faster and more available, it looks to improve life quality. It
discusses some standard technologies designed specifically for embedded devices and environments
with tight constraints. In this paper, Several applications protocols were presented and compared.

As each of the discussed IoT protocols has different applications under different circumstances, it is
impossible to give a priority to one over another in terms of Internet of things technologies. By
advancing and upgrading the technical base, we can set a solid networking base for the Internet of
Things of the future. By using our research as a motivation, scholars and professionals can identifying
gaps in network architectures, developing more efficient protocols, and addressing important


Pallavi Gupta and Usha Tiwari(2020) “ Review on Internet of Things Network Protocols”, Journal Of
Critical Reviews

Tara Salman and Raj Jain(2017) “A Survey of Protocols and Standards for Internet of Things”, Advanced
Computing and Communications

R. Khan, S. U. Khan, and R. Zaheer(2012) “Future internet: the internetof things architecture, possible
applications and key challenges,”in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Frontiers of
Information Technology

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