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Title : Habibie & Ainun
Author: Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie
Habibie Editors: - Publisher :PT. THC Mandiri
Publication: 2010N
umber of Pages: 323 Pages

1. Noun: clothes, keys, plane
2. Verb: Buy, help
3. Adverb: With, using
4. Adjective: Ox, soft, smooth, sad

Habibie & Ainun tells about the beautiful journey of love between BJ Habibie and Ainun. About first and
last love. BJ Habibie, the 3rd president of Indonesia, a genius and an expert on airplanes. He is a country
youth who has big dreams. A dream that, if realized, could unite Indonesia. Ainun, a young doctor with a
bright future, a mature woman with a sweet face. When he was in elementary school, Habibie and Ainun
were classmates. At that time, both of them had not felt the vibrations of love. Instead of love, Habibie
actually likes to make fun of Ainun, because according to him, Ainun's skin is dark. Habibie even
nicknamed Ainun Gula Jawa. Even though he likes to make fun of Ainun, for some reason many teachers
always match them up.

The love story of the two began in 1962. The year they met again after being separated since middle
school. During the holidays, Fanny, Habibie's sister, invited him to visit the Ainun family's house. When he
first saw Ainun, Habibie's heart was beating wildly. The changes of the two managed to amaze each other.
Habibie was really fascinated to see Ainun. Likewise with Ainun who fell in love with Habibie, amazed by
Habibie's visions and big dreams. That's where the seeds of love began to grow slowly between Habibie
and Ainun, which later ended beautifully with a marriage. Habibie and Ainun built their household by living
in Germany. This is where their struggle begins. Rain, storm, heat, they go through together. Ainun also
really supports Habibie's big dream. That is why, for Habibie, Ainun was created for him. And he was
created for Ainun. Habibie built his career from scratch. She made it through difficult and emotionally
draining times thanks to Ainun's persistence, prayers, and loving support. Habibie continues to show
achievements to the world. Evidenced by the many people in Germany who admire his works. Habibie also
cared about his nation, it's just that several obstacles, such as political problems and intrigue overwhelmed

The story of Habibie and Ainun actually does not only focus on how Habibie led Indonesia, but also
how strong Ainun was always by his side even though he was very busy. She has successfully carried
out Ainun's role as wife and first lady. The story of Habibie and Ainun closes with the death of Ainun.
She has cancer which turns out to have been with her for years. One of the touching stories in this book
is when Ainun was about to be operated on. Habibie always came to see Ainun when she finished her
surgery. However, because that day Habibie was not allowed to enter the room where Ainun was being
treated, Ainun became worried. She cried sadly because Ainun thought something bad had happened
to her husband. Ainun, a patient woman with compassion, is still worried about her husband even
though she herself is on the verge of life and death. That's human love that always learns to be sincere.

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