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Makna Istilah Business idioms :

1. Basket case : someone who is extremely nervous or anxious and is therefore unable to
organize their life used especially in newspapers to describe a country, company, or
organization that has very serious financial problems * a company or a person who is in such
bad condition that they are beyond help
2. Bean counter :  an accountant (= someone who takes care of a company's financial affairs),
especially one who works for a large company and does not like to allow employees to spend
3. Busymeet :  It is a slang which refers to a business meeting
4. Cash cow : a business, product, or service that makes a large profit, often used to make money
to support other business activities a product that has a large share of a market that is growing
very little
5. Dead wood : people or things that are no longer useful or effective the employees who are
losing a company money
6. Dumbsizing : to reduce the number of people working in an organization so much that it can
no longer operate effectively to dismiss the best workers in a company. It is an adaptation of
the word downsizing. If a company dismisses those workers who do not contribute much and
are losing the company money, we could say that they smartsize
7. Seagul manager : A manager who flies in, makes a lot of noise, craps on everything, and then
leaves. someone who is brought in to a company to deal with a problem or make changes,
achieves nothing, annoys everyone and then leaves
8. Toxic employee : * identifies the employee as a problem and sees that his or her behaviors are
hurting morale and productivity or  sebutan bagi karyawan yang memberikan efek buruk di
lingkungan kerja.
9. Happy camper: * someone who is happy and satisfied, for example, with their job or a product
10. Empty suit : * someone - usually in a fairly high position - who doesn't really contribute very
much to a company or organisation
11. Glad-hand : being very friendly to people you have not met before, as a way of trying to get an
advantage to shake hands with people. We can also use the expression press the flesh
12. Goldbricker : * Someone who cheats at completing a task, duty, or job
13. Graveyard shift : * a period of working time that is late at night or in the early hours of the
14. Idea hamster : a person who is employed as a source of new ideas. Or * Someone who
generates ideas (about anything) as tirelessly as a hamster generates squeaks from the hamster
15. Kiss up to : to try to please a powerful person, because you want them to do something for
you to be very nice and polite to someone in a position of power. It is a negative expression. We
can also say schmooze up to or suck up to)
16. Mover and shaker : someone who is willing to make big changes to get things done someone
who is powerful or who has a lot of influence
17. Shape up or ship out : said to tell someone that they must improve their performance or
behaviour or they will have to leave improve or leave
18. Stress puppy : * someone who seems to be happy and successful when under stress, but
complains about it all the time
19. Trim the fat : to reduce the amount or size of something dismiss / lay off of those employees
who do not work well or are surplus to requirement
20. Wiggle room : the degree to which it is possible to change details like prices, times, etc. in an
agreement, decision, etc. the freedom or opportunity to do something, or to change your mind
and do something differently if that is what is needed flexibility capacity or scope for
negotiation or operation, especially in order to modify a previous statement or decision * time
to think before making an important decision
21. Wombat : * Waste of money, brains and time
22. Ear candy :  something pleasing to listen to, praise kind words of praise and encouragement
Key Answers :

1. Stress puppy 9. Wombat

2. Shape up or shift out 10. Dumbsizing
3. Empty suit 11. Happy camper
4. Kiss up to 12. Wiggle room
5. Dead wood 13. Busymeet
6. Glad hand 14. Basket case
7. Seagull manager 15. Trim the fat
8. Ear candy 16. Cash cow

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