PPD Compass 22-23 (December 5)

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Home Group/Personal & Professional Development

Home Group

Personal & Professional Development (PPD)

Compass for all Levels

August 2022

Academic Year 2022-2023

Hotel Management School NHL Stenden

1 Hotel Management School NHL Stenden

Home Group/Personal & Professional Development


Welcome on board of this new journey on which we embark, along with your fellow students and
teaching staff towards achieving the Bachelor of Arts in International Hospitality Managements at
Stenden Hotel Management School. The PPD Home group continues throughout the entire education.

During this Atelier you will gain insight into all aspects which you need for establishing your
professional identity.

As a student, you are the centre of learning and developing in a collaborative way. In other words:
you are the centre of your own development but also crucial for working together with fellow
students as well as NHL Stenden Hospitality Group (NHG).

We wish you lots of pleasure and success with your personal and professional journey.

Trinidad Navarro Castillo & Eben Nel (Learning Community 1)

Marouschka Le Roy & Lucia Arena (Learning Community 2)
Elena Morenza Labrador & Laura Velten (Learning Community 3)
Detty Feenstra & Marianne Currie (Learning Community 4)

PPD Coordinators
Leeuwarden, 26th of August 22

2 Hotel Management School NHL Stenden

Home Group/Personal & Professional Development

Table of Contents
1 Introduction 4
1.1 Mission Stenden Hotel Management School 4
1.2 Manifesto Stenden Hotel Management School 4
1.3 Rationale and overview of the education 4
2 Introduction Home Group/PPD 5
2.1 Rationale and overview of the Home Group 6
3 Home Group & Learning Outcomes 7
3.1 Learning Outcome 7
3.2 Prior knowledge 8
4 Structure and content of the curriculum 9
4.1 BlackBoard Page 9
4.2 Professional behaviour 9
4.3 Home Group 10
5 Overview of Assessment 12
5.1 European Credits (ECs) distribution 12
5.2 Resit policy assignment 12
5.3 Grading requirements 12
5.4 Assessment of Learning Outcome 10 13
5.5 Assessment per Level and Different Tracks 13
5.6 Assessment practice 15
Level 1 15
Level 2 19
Level 3 22
Level 4 28
Appendices 29
Appendix 1: Contact Details PPD Coordinators 29
Appendix 2: Overview of Specialization Courses 29
Appendix 3: Overview a la carte courses 30
Appendix 4: How to add LO 10 to the final portfolio 32

3 Hotel Management School NHL Stenden

Home Group/Personal & Professional Development

1 Introduction
1.1 Mission Stenden Hotel Management School

At Stenden Hotel Management School (Stenden HMS) students are facilitated to become future
proof game changers in the hospitality industry and beyond. Young professionals with a solid
foundation, who can strategically anticipate on changes and have a positive impact on tomorrow’s

1.2 Manifesto Stenden Hotel Management School

Here, we believe that the world today calls for people who are prepared to give. People who
understand the art of making others feel welcome. People who have both leadership as well as
service talents. We call this Hostmanship. Hostmanship is at the heart of our international
programme. It is a mentality; a drive to combine a desire to serve, genuine attention and leadership
into an inspirational outcome. Our students are the pillars of Hostmanship the future proof game
changers in the global hospitality industry and beyond. Young professionals with a solid foundation,
who are culturally sensitive, and who can strategically anticipate changes and have a positive
impact on tomorrow’s world

1.3 Rationale and overview of the education

Figure 1: Student Journey

4 Hotel Management School NHL Stenden

Home Group/Personal & Professional Development

2 Introduction Home Group/PPD

With the implementation of Design Based Education and a philosophy that embraces flexibility,
choice and ‘putting the student in the driver's seat’, a need for a haven in the storm became evident. A
place where the goals, ambitions and the big picture were explored and expounded. Where the
student and their hopes and dreams would be the Atelier. The Home Group strives to be all of that:
A place where students can reflect on their meta and where the needs of the students are central.

The vision of the Home group is thus:

Collaborative community of learners that unpack, reflect and repack experiences to
become game changers that are constantly in pursuit of defining their professional

What we mean by collaborative community of learners:

• Students of different levels (different years, Secondary Hotel school, Work & Study etc.)
and (cultural) backgrounds, and activators learning together
• Safe space

What we mean by unpack:

• Sharing experiences from Ateliers, practice, work, private life in different places (during
PPD sessions, Ateliers, individual talks)

What we mean by reflect:

• Thinking deeply about what happened (what went well, what can be done differently and

What we mean by repack:

• Applying what has been discovered to the Ateliers, practice, work, private life.

What we mean by Game changers (change makers):

• Young professionals with a solid foundation, who can strategically anticipate and create
changes and have a positive impact on tomorrow’s world.

• Someone who is not afraid to stand out and make a difference Why Professional identity:
• A professional personal signature; fingerprint

• Connects the collective part to the individual part and the other way around
• Looks at the development of the student on meta level

5 Hotel Management School NHL Stenden

Home Group/Personal & Professional Development

2.1 Rationale and overview of the Home Group

The Home Group through PPD sessions will focus on the development of your professional identity.
Your professional identity is formed through different aspects. An overview of those aspects can be
found on the next page.

Figure 2: Professional Identity

Personal self refers to who you are as a person and your personal development.
Professional self refers to who you are and who you want to be as a professional.
Professional frame refers to you are collaborating with others and leading others. Industry
frame refers to you are working in the industry and leading systems. This together forms
your professional identity, your unique fingerprint as a professional.

For more information, please see Ruijters et al. (2015). Ruijters, M.C.P., van de Braak, E.E.P.M.,
Draijer, H.M.A., den Hartog, C., de Jonge, F., van Luin, G.E.A., van Oeffelt, T.P.A., Simons, P.R., van de Veewey,
M.H.S., & Wortelboer, F.Q.C. (2015). Je Binnenste Buiten: Over professionele
identiteit in organisaties. Deventer: Vakmedianet.

6 Hotel Management School NHL Stenden

Home Group/Personal & Professional Development

3 Home Group & Learning Outcomes

3.1 Learning Outcome
PPD focuses on Learning Outcome 10:

Reflecting on own personal and professional experiences and actions to stay ahead of the
changing industry.

The following indicators are linked to that learning outcome:

LO Indicators
Level 1 Effectively and methodically reflects on The student explains different methods to
own personal and professional actions and effectively reflect on personal and professional
development within the globalising world
actions in the globalising world.
and translates this into founded
development plans based on basic
knowledge, skills, attitudes and values.
The student reflects methodically on own
actions and development, demonstrating
awareness of own cultural framing, values, and

The student translates his / her reflection on

personal and professional behaviour and
development into founded development plans
which enhance effectiveness across
(culturally) different environments.

Level 2 Reflects critically on, and adjusts own The student critically reflects on own actions
personal and professional behaviour and and its effect on his/her immediate
development in order to influence the environment.
immediate environment in an effective
way; The student develops a plan to interact with
the immediate environment in an effective
Level 3 Analyses and reflects on, and adjusts own The student analyses and reflects on own
personal professional behaviour and personal and professional behaviour
development effectively in the context of independently and collaboratively.
the current, and in light of the future work
field; The student develops concrete plans for
personal and professional development in/for
the future work field.
Level 4 Analyses and reflects on, and adjusts own The student analyses and reflects on own
personal professional behaviour and personal and professional behaviour
development effectively in the context of independently and collaboratively.
the current, and in light of the future work
field; The student develops concrete plans for
personal and professional development in/for
the future work field.
Table 1: LO linked to PPD

7 Hotel Management School NHL Stenden

Home Group/Personal & Professional Development

3.2 Prior knowledge

Admission to this module requires a Dutch high school or equivalent international institute diploma.
You are required to have an IELTS level of 6.0.

You should be well informed about the basic principles of studying at NHL Stenden, information
about the Onboarding period and the information on Design Based Education acquired during the
Study Start Week and Onboarding period. Some knowledge and/or experience in the hospitality
industry will prove to be an important advantage.

8 Hotel Management School NHL Stenden

Home Group/Personal & Professional Development

4 Structure and content of the curriculum

4.1 BlackBoard Page

All information regarding the PPD curriculum including the latest version of the PPD Compass can be
found on the Personal and Professional Development BlackBoard page: StendenHMS_personal and
professional development PPD.

In case you do not have access yet, please go to BlackBoard:

➔ Courses (Blue menu on the left)

➔ Course Catalog (Right top corner)

➔ Type in: “StendenHMS_personal and professional development”

➔ Click on the dropdown button

➔ And click on “Enroll”

4.2 Professional behaviour

Within all Ateliers, Expert sessions and /or PPD session, we speak English amongst each other.
Furthermore, we are respecting each other’s norms, values and cultural background.

Online Behaviour

In a situation in which Ateliers, Expert sessions and / or PPD sessions take place in an online setting, we
are dressed as we would join an offline session, we turn on our camera and
when entering the online room, we greet each other. Furthermore, when we

9 Hotel Management School NHL Stenden

Home Group/Personal & Professional Development

want to speak, we

raise our hand and when we are allowed to speak, we turn on the camera. During the entire session, we
are joining the session actively.

Communication – Student Signature

We strongly advice all students to create a personal signature including student number to their emails.
You can include an automatic signature in Outlook and look up “signature”. Please find an example

John Doe
Student at the Hotel Management School

4.3 Home Group

Within the Atelier you are working on Design Challenges in which the focus is on specific content. In the
Home Group, you become the Design Challenge. This collaborative space focuses on things like: What
and how am I learning in the Ateliers? How does this impact my goals? What are my talents? What does
my future job look like? How am I developing my professional identity? Given that the Design Challenges
in the Atelier are the vehicles with which learning takes place, what happens during these sessions is
important to your development. Activators will be in the Ateliers with facilitators to observe your
learning process. Their observations combined with your experiences and needs and those of your peers
form the backbone of PPD. In addition to that, you have the option of having one-on-one conversations
with the activator. Feel free to request these moments as well yourself when it feels like you need it.

Overall Structure of PPD

As mentioned earlier Professional Identity is the common thread throughout the whole PPD programme.
Based on the level there will be a focus on different aspects of Professional Identity. An overview of
those can be found below.

Programme PPD
Level 1 Journey of the Personal self and Professional self
(‘leading self’: get to know yourself, your strengths
and challenges)
Level 2 Discovery of the professional framing (‘leading
others’: use your qualities to inspire those around

10 Hotel Management School NHL Stenden

Home Group/Personal & Professional Development

Synergizing all you have learned so far as a

Level 3
preparation for ‘the real world’
Industry frame (shaping your personal and
Level 4
professional self within your internship)
Table 2: Overview of the three levels

Scheduling PPD for Level 2 and 3

In your schedule you might see multiple rooms and activators for your PPD session. The sequence of the
rooms is corresponding to the sequence of the PPD activators. So if your activator is listed first, then you
need to go to the first room. If your activator is listed second, then you need to go to the second room
and so on.

11 Hotel Management School NHL Stenden

Home Group/Personal & Professional Development

5 Overview of Assessment

5.1 European Credits (ECs) distribution

Within our new Design Based Education we will make us of the so called Programmatic Assessment.
Therefore, you have to create a portfolio with all deliverables applicable for the specific semester
Deliverables will be checked and provided with feedback by the experts, facilitator and / or
activator. At the end of the semester, you will round this off with a portfolio interview.

Re-examination possibilities

If you fail one or more units, you are advised to consult the Teaching & Examination Regulations
(TER) of the current academic year for specific details. The TER can be found on the opening page of
the Stenden Hotel Management School Intranet, but a brief synopsis is provided below.

5.2 Resit policy assignment

When a resit is required to pass this unit, the resit deadlines are applicable according to the
publications in the TER and the academic year calendar of the current academic year.
Shade the improved parts in the adjusted assignment in yellow and upload this resit on Blackboard
Grade Centre before the applicable deadlines. The resit does also need to be uploaded to the
plagiarism tool.
In the event of a resit of a written document, the resit needs to be handed in at the latest of Friday,
period week 6 (like 1.6) before noon Amsterdam time zone.

5.3 Grading requirements

After the hand-in date, NHL Stenden staff have 15 working days (excluding holidays and weekend
days) to grade the product. All documents need to be uploaded in the respective Blackboard
assessment centre.


It is mandatory to submit your assignments digitally on Blackboard. Ensure that the assignments are
written in your own words; copy-paste is not acceptable. The assignments will be tested for
plagiarism; when there is suspicion of fraud it will be reported to the exam committee. Plagiarism
may lead to full suspension of the education.

12 Hotel Management School NHL Stenden

Home Group/Personal & Professional Development

Replacement assignment

In some circumstances, which are determined by the Coordinators, a replacement assignment is

place. The Home Group Activators can consult the Coordinators for this.

5.4 Assessment of Learning Outcome 10

At the end of each level you have to show evidence for Learning Outcome 10 in your portfolio and
during your portfolio interview. This means that you have to collect datapoints and artefacts that
show evidence that you are meeting the requirements for LO10 (please see chapter 3.1 Learning
Keep in mind that the Showcase is a requirement for LO10 and needs to be graded by your activator
with a sufficient or higher. More information about the Showcase per level can be found in this

As already mentioned, you will round off Learning Outcome 10 at the end of each level and
not like Learning Outcome 1 – 9, it is not attached to specific semesters.

You will receive an insufficient, sufficient, good or excellent for your showcase. This will be
indicated with a 0 or 1 in blackbaord. A 0 means that your showcase is insufficient and you
must improve it and contact your Activator. A 1 means that your showcase is either sufficient,
good or excellent. In the feedback section you can see if the showcase is sufficient, good or
excellent. If you received an insufficient in any of the indicators, please adjust it for the final
portfolio submission.

5.5 Assessment per Level and Different Tracks

Please find below an overview of assessment and deadlines for each level and different tracks.
How to read this overview:
• Please look at your track (BA Regular, MHS (60), MHS (30), Fast Track (VWO), AD
• Please look at the level that you are currently in.
• Check the assignments and dates for LO10.1 / LO10.2 / LO10.3

*Note: If you are a Feb intake student in level 1 or level 2, the dates will be moved one semester. For
example, you are Feb intake student level 1. Instead of submitting the mission statement in P2 W9,
you will submit the mission statement in P4 W9. You will submit the final showcase not in P4 W5, but
in P2 W5 of the next academic year. Please reach out to your activator in case you have any

13 Hotel Management School NHL Stenden

Home Group/Personal & Professional Development

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

LO10.1 LO10.2 LO10.3
*Deadline depends on which period
you follow the Majors
BA Regular P2 W9. Mission Statement P2 W9. Mini showcase *P1 W9. / P3 W9. Mini showcase
P2 W9. Mini Showcase (optional) (optional)

P4 W5. Showcase P4 W5. Showcase *P2 W5. / P4 W5. Showcase

(Placement Prep)
P4. W9. Portfolio Assessment
P4. W9. Portfolio Assessment (Learning Outcome 10) *P2 W9. / P4 W9. Portfolio Assessment
(Learning Outcome 10) (Learning Outcome 10)

MHS (60)/ Exemption level 1 P2 W9. Mission Statement *P1 W9. / P3 W9. Mini showcase
Short Track P2 W9. Mini Showcase
P4 W5. Showcase level 2 *P2 W5. / P5 W5. Showcase
(Placement Prep)
P4 W9. Portfolio Assessment
(Learning Outcome 10) *P2 W9. / P4 W9. Portfolio Assessment
(Learning Outcome 10)

MHS (30)/ P2 W9. Mission Statement P4 W9. Mini Showcase *P1 W9. / P3 W9. Mini showcase
Short track
P2 W5. Showcase level 2 *P2 W5. / P5 W5. Showcase
(Placement Prep)
P2 W9. Portfolio Assessment
(Learning Outcome 10) *P2 W9. / P4 W9. Portfolio Assessment
(Learning Outcome 10)

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

LO10.1 LO10.2 LO10.3
*Deadline depends on which period
you follow the Majors
Fast Track P2 W5. Mission Statement & P4 W5. Showcase level 2 *P2 W5. / P5 W5. Showcase
(VWO) Showcase level 1 (Placement Prep)
P4 W9. Portfolio Assessment
P2 W9. Portfolio Assessment (Learning *P2 W9. / P4 W9. Portfolio Assessment
(Learning Outcome 10). Outcome 10) (Learning Outcome 10)

AD *P1 W9. / P3 W9. Mini showcase

*P2 W5. / P5 W5. Showcase
(Placement Prep)
*P2 W9. / P4 W9. Portfolio Assessment
(Learning Outcome 10)

14 Hotel Management School NHL Stenden

Home Group/Personal & Professional Development

5.6 Assessment practice

During your study you follow practice. In order to successfully complete practice you need to have
100% attendance. A student is not allowed to transition from one practical period to the other,
without successfully completing the prior period (i.e. first year transitioning to second year and
second year transitioning to third year). Students that have not followed the instructions or applied
too late for the supervisory- and/or managerial functions will not participate in the registered
practice period. Practice will then be conducted in period 5. The Coordinator (NHL Stenden
Hospitality Group) can utilize discretion in this matter.

Level 1
Structure of PPD for level 1
The focus of level 1 will be the discovery of the personal and professional self. During the first
semester the emphasis is on the discovery of the (global) personal self and during the second
semester on the discovery of the (global) professional self. After the first semester the students
have to hand in a mission statement and a mini showcase for formative/conditional assessment.
At the end of level one students have to hand in their showcase.

Structure of PPD per Semester

Activators will join one Atelier session every two weeks to observe your learning process. After
those Atelier sessions you have a PPD session with your activator where their observations
combined with your needs and those of your peers form the backbone. Next to that you have
PPD sessions scheduled, which can be used to address what is alive in the group or for one-on-
one conversations with the activator. Please find below an overview of the structure of the PPD
sessions. Moreover, the development of your intercultural competences will be addressed in the
PPD GC (Global Competence) workshops where you can discuss the outcomes of the Global
Mind Monitor.

First week Second week Practice

Activator joins Atelier Activator does not join No PPD Sessions
session Atelier session Scheduled
PPD session including a PPD session based on Repeated Activator can
reflection of the Atelier what is alive in the - Visit practice
session and a workshop group or for one-on- - Individual Talks
- Schedule classes
one sessions
around practice
Table 3: Structure of the Home Group per period

15 Hotel Management School NHL Stenden

Home Group/Personal & Professional Development

Mission Statement
Requirements Mission Statement:

- Individual assignment;

- Personal Mission Statement, any format is allowed but it should be in line with
your personal identity (e.g. if you are a very creative person, you can for
instance draw something)
- Hand-in: Period 2 (Sept. Intake) & period 4 (Febr. Intake), Friday week 9, before
12.00 hrs./noon (Dutch time) via Blackboard. Please refer to heading 5.5 of this
compass for details per track.

Mission Statement
Student Name:

Content Feedback
1. Give a short explanation of your
mission statement and values.
2. Mission statement reflects your Life
3. Mission statement is a
representation of guiding life
4. Demonstrate that other people
recognize you in your mission

On the Right Track (1) / Needs improvement (0)

16 Hotel Management School NHL Stenden

Home Group/Personal & Professional Development

(Mini) Showcase level 1

The showcase is a collection of all the evidence that you have collected throughout the
year which shows your process regarding your personal and professional self. You can
collect this evidence during Ateliers, PPD sessions, practice, your private life etc. The
evidence you collect should be in line with the learning outcomes mentioned in chapter 3.
Please keep in mind that the showcase should show your development throughout the
whole year and therefore it is highly recommended to start working on it from day one.

Requirements Mini Showcase (mid-term draft):

- Individual assignment;
- Mini Showcase, any format is allowed
- Hand-in: Period 2 (Sept. Intake) & period 4 (Febr. Intake), Friday week 9, before
12.00 hrs./noon (Dutch time) via Blackboard. Please refer to heading 5.5 of this
compass for details per track.

Mini Showcase level 1

Student Name:

(LO10) Reflecting on own personal and professional experiences and actions to

stay ahead of the changing industry (LO10).
Required criteria:
- Reflection related to learning process
- Reflection on group process throughout the semester using a
reflection tool (e.g. DEAL model, STARR) and setting goals based on
the reflection
- Methodical testing and reflection on own behavior including
strengths and weaknesses making use of examples from your own life
- Reflection on work-life balance (feedback, feed up and feed forward)

It is highly recommended to add further evidence related to personal and

professional development.

On the Right Track (1) / Needs improvement (0)

17 Hotel Management School NHL Stenden

Home Group/Personal & Professional Development

Requirements Final Showcase:

- Individual assignment

- Any format is allowed

- Hand-in: Period 4 (Sept. Intake) & period 2 (Febr. Intake), Friday week 5 before 12.00
hrs./noon (Dutch time) via Blackboard. Please refer to heading 5.5 of this compass for
details per track.

Showcase level 1
Student Name:

(LO10) Reflecting on own personal and professional experiences and actions to

stay ahead of the changing industry (LO10).
Required criteria:
- Reflection related to learning process
- Explanation and reflection on mission statement including personal
- Reflection on group process throughout the year using a reflection
tool (e.g. DEAL model, STARR) and setting goals based on the
- Methodical testing and reflection on own behavior including
strengths and weaknesses making use of examples from your own life
- Demonstration of how goals were set and pursued throughout the
year and sets news goals
- Reflection on GMM 1results and SMART goals are set.
- Reflection on work-life balance and follow up to it (feedback, feed up
and feed forward)
- Reflection on personal roles in life and how it links to the personal
mission statement
- Reflection of industry interests based on practical training in Notiz
hotel (or work) including future goalsetting

It is highly recommended to add further evidence related to personal and

professional development.

Insufficient Sufficient Good Excellent

For more information, please consult https://gmm.international/en/

18 Hotel Management School NHL Stenden

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Level 2
The focus in level 2 is discovering the professional framing.


- In the semester Strategic Hospitality Manager you will meet your activator for 4 times for 180
minutes (4 class hours).

- In the semester Enterprising Hospitality Leader you will meet your activator 3 times per
semester for 180 minutes (4 class hours).

- You will have individual talks with your activator. He/she might contact you or you can also
contact your activator if you would like to have an individual talk.

- During practice you do not have any PPD sessions with your activator, but your activator
might pass by during one of your practice shifts to see how everything is going.

- In level 2 you have the possibilities to choose a specialization course or an a la carte course.
You can find more information about this in appendix 2 and 3.

- At the end of the second year, you have to hand in a showcase again. The showcase is a
collection of all the evidence that you have collected throughout the year which shows your
process regarding your personal and professional self. You can collect this evidence during
Ateliers, PPD sessions, practice, your private life etc. The evidence you collect should be in
line with the learning outcomes mentioned in chapter 3. Please keep in mind that the
showcase should show your development throughout the whole year and therefore it is
highly recommended to start working on it from day one.

Mini Showcase (mid-term):

- The mini Showcase is optional in level 2. As this is a draft version of the final showcase you
can use the guidelines presented on the next page. The mini showcase should be the start of
your final showcase and it is a possibility to get feedback from your activator.

Requirements Mini Showcase (mid-term):

- Individual assignment;

- Mini Showcase, any format is allowed

- Hand-in: Please discuss this with your activator.

19 Hotel Management School NHL Stenden

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Requirements Showcase:

- Individual assignment

- Any format is allowed

- Hand-in: Period 4 (Sept. Intake) & period 2 (Febr. Intake), Friday week 5 before 12.00
hrs./noon (Dutch time) via Blackboard. Please refer to heading 5.5 of this compass for
details per track.

Showcase level 2
Student Name:

(LO10) Reflects critically on, and adjusts own personal and professional behaviour and
development in order to influence the immediate environment in an effective
Required criteria:
- Reflection on personal mission statement and personal values in the context
of influencing the immediate environment
- Reflect on at least 2 examples where you adjusted your own behavior
consciously based on the other person's behavior in order to have an
effective cooperation or reflect on situations where you could have done
this better (MapsTell)
- Reflection on GMM 2results and SMART goals are set.
- Reflection on book about leadership
- Explanation of own vision on leadership
- Description of own leadership style using feedback (e.g. from peers, PIs,
facilitators, activator)
- Reflection on own leadership and how this influences the immediate
- Comparison of own leadership with own vision on leadership and setting
goals where needed
- Reflection of industry interests based on practical training in Notiz hotel (or
work) in relation to level 3 and placement
- Some kind of future planning for the third and fourth year (considering
minors and internship) including motivation

It is highly recommended to add further evidence related to personal and

professional development.

Insufficient Sufficient Good Excellent

For more information, please consult https://gmm.international/en/

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Home Group/Personal & Professional Development

Placement Preparation
During level 2, it is time to start thinking about your future career in the hospitality industry more
critically. Which companies do you see yourself working with? In which field or department? And at
which location? It is time to start orientation for your placement, which takes place in level 4.

The decisions you will make regarding your placement are closely linked to the activities of the
Personal and Professional Development programme. You can base them on the competences and
skills that you would like to broaden or deepen.

Although you don’t need to make your final decision until level 3, it is strongly advised to start
orientation in level 2. There are multiple activities you can undertake to start expanding your
horizon. To stay updated about placement preparation, please enrol in the course ‘StendenHMS
Placement’ on Blackboard. There you will find an overview of all activities that are organized to
prepare for placement. You can find the information under StendenHMS Placement -> Placement
Preparation Events.

Networking Events
Throughout the year, various events are organised where you can meet our partner companies from
the Netherlands and abroad. Attending the networking events will get you acquainted with a great
variety of companies and will support your decision-making process for your internship. Of course,
these events are also a great opportunity to network with industry representatives, to ask questions
and to learn more about the possibilities in the industry.

Please note: In level 2, attending the networking events is highly recommended for your personal
and professional development. In level 3, attending networking events will be rewarded with
network credits. Network credits are mandatory to obtain, before applying for a placement.

21 Hotel Management School NHL Stenden

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Level 3
Level 3 is about synergizing all you have learned so far as a preparation for ‘the real world’: practice,
minor, internship (year 4) and beyond. The intention for year 3 is:

“to harvest and integrate all your experiences and learning moments of the past years of
your studies in order to be prepared for the next phase of your learning journey.”

The over-arching question for year 3 is: “How can I synergize all I’ve learned so that I can make
conscious choices?”

These are some of the elements (SKAVs – Skills, Knowledge, Attitude, Values), which are important
for this level:
- Networking skills
- Management skills
- Team dynamics
- Growth mindset
- Self-efficacy
- Conflict resolution

Level 3 consists of 2 semesters. One semester is about the major (The Responsible Global Citizen/
Global Enterprising Manager) and one semester is dedicated to the minors. During your minor you
do not have any PPD sessions. During the major you meet with your activator 4 times for 4 class
hours (180 minutes). In this semester the assessment of LO 10.3 will take place.

You will have individual talks with your activator. He/she might contact you or you can also contact
your activator if you would like to have an individual talk

Requirements for Study Abroad Grand Tour/Exchange:

• You have completed the foundation phase (Level 1) at departure.

Required Evidence to go to level 4:

• Showcase
• Personal Branding
• DBE Students:

o As stated in Appendix 4 of the TER, you need to pass all Level Learning Outcomes
except for LO 1.3, 2.3, 3.3 and 8.3 before the Industrial Placement can proceed.

• Fast Track Programme:

o Learning Outcomes that need to be obtained before students

can start the Industrial Placement procedure: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1,

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3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.2, 5.3, 6.2, 6.3, 7.2, 7.3, 8.2, 9.2, 9.3, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3.

• Placement PBL Students:

o Students that have started studying in the PBL curriculum need to pass year 1 and year
2 with 60ECTS and year 3 with 30ECTS before they can start the Industrial Placement

- At the end of your major (GEM/RGC), you have to hand in a showcase again. The showcase
is a collection of all the evidence that you have collected throughout the year which shows
your process regarding your personal and professional self. You can collect this evidence
during Ateliers, PPD sessions, practice, your private life etc. The evidence you collect should
be in line with the learning outcomes mentioned in chapter 3. Please keep in mind that the
showcase should show your development throughout the whole semester and therefore it is
highly recommended to start working on it from day one.

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Home Group/Personal & Professional Development

Requirements Showcase:
- Individual assignment;
- Any format is allowed
- Hand-in: Period 2 or 4 (depending on when you follow the Responsible Global Citizen /
GEM semester in level 3) Friday week 5 before 12.00 hrs./noon (Dutch time) via Blackboard.

Showcase Level 3
Student Name:

(LO10) Reflects critically on and adjusts own personal and professional behaviour and
development in order to influence the immediate environment in an effective
- Visualize your personal growth throughout the last three years in a creative
way (artefact/drawing/poem/play/spoken word/etc.) - add supporting
documents where necessary (e.g. feedback)
- Reflect on your learning process of the previous semester using the SKAVs as
- Reflect on your mission statement and values and link this to your placement
- Reflection on GMM 3results and SMART goals are set.
- Reflect on what you did in order to prepare yourself for your internship and
explain what criteria you find important in order to have your dream internship?
(consider for instance function, location, company, network events)
- Reflect on what is still unclear about your dream internship. How are you going
to find these answers?

It is highly recommended to add further evidence related to personal and

professional development.

Insufficient Sufficient Good Excellent

For more information, please consult https://gmm.international/en/

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Home Group/Personal & Professional Development

Personal Branding

In year 3 you will follow 6 mini-ateliers Personal Branding, in order to prepare you for your
application procedure for an internship.
This is scheduled as EXPPLACE; meaning expert session placement preparation, This is scheduled
during your GEM semester.
Personal Branding has gained a place in the Placement PRE-PHASE program for itself within Personal
& Professional Development and Internship. It is to help you to be prepared for the internship
procedure and the application process you are going through.
In the 6th meeting you present your end-product “THE BRAND YOU” and you will receive a GO or
NOGO. When you have a GO, the work can be added to the Portfolio. Following the ateliers and
delivering a sufficient end-product is conditional for continuation of the placement procedure.

Figure 3: Personal Branding

Placement Preparation
During level 3 you need to start the official preparations for your placement, after doing orientation
activities in level 2. The Passport to Placement procedure helps you to prepare yourself for the
placement in level 4 and is part of Personal Professional Development level 3. You can find the
Passport to Placement on blackboard under StendenHMS placement.

25 Hotel Management School NHL Stenden

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Who will you deal with in level 3?

Your activator/coach remains your first point of contact for the Personal Professional Development
in level 3.

Account Manager
The Account Managers are available to provide you with information about the various regions,
placement companies, and placement positions. This is done through general information sessions
about the placement, but also through Q&A sessions per placement region. Furthermore, the
Account Manager has to approve the motivation given for your placement choice through an
interview, based on a motivation form.

Industry Office
Each year, the Industry Office arranges the worldwide placement of approximately 500 HMS
students through the iGo placement system. The Industry Office organizes and coordinates the
placement procedure. All questions related to your placement preparations can be sent to the
Industry Office via e-mail at industryoffice.hms@nhlstenden.com. It is also possible to visit the
Industry Office during opening hours in building De Haak, ground floor, C0.1 or contact them by
phone at +31 6 20246049.

Where can you find the information you need?

Make sure to regularly check the Blackboard page ‘StendenHMS Placement’. Here you will find
information about the events that are organized as part of the placement preparation. It is also
where important announcements will be done regarding placement, and where you can find all
documentation related to the placement.

iGo Placement System

To familiarize yourself with the placement companies in the portfolio, you need to create an account
for the online placement system, ‘iGo’. In the iGo system, you can conduct a placement search,
filtered by category, country, company and/or department. You can also view company websites
and open placement positions.

To create an account in iGo, please take the following steps.

• Go to https://igo.nhlstenden.com
• Create an account by clicking on the text ‘click here to create a password’. Login details will
be sent to your NHL Stenden e-mail account.
• Once you are registered and logged in, you can create a new ‘IHM
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Placement’ application, under Actions.

• Open your IHM Placement application by clicking on ‘Details’, under ‘Your Applications’.

Which activities are organized?

Throughout the year, various events are organised where you can meet our partner companies from
the Netherlands and abroad. Attending the networking events will get you acquainted with a great
variety of companies and will support your decision-making process for your internship. The events
are also a great opportunity to network with industry representatives and learn more about the
possibilities in the industry.

Please note: In level 3, attending networking events is rewarded with network credits. It is
mandatory to obtain a minimum of 5 network credits, prior to submitting your motivation form in
iGo for a placement. We encourage you to attend as many network events as possible and not limit
yourself to just 5 network credits. The more events you join, the better you prepare yourself!

To stay updated about the networking events, please enrol in the course ‘StendenHMS Placement’
on Blackboard. There you will find an overview of all activities that are organized to prepare for
placement. You can find the information under StendenHMS Placement -> Placement Preparation

What is the procedure prior to placement?

The ‘Passport to Placement’ procedure outlines all actions you have to take, before starting your
placement in year 4. The procedure consists of four phases, which must be completed in the order
as mentioned below.
1. Preparation Phase
2. Application Phase
3. Pre-Placement Phase
4. Placement Phase

Please note: The iGo placement system is leading in the passport to placement procedure. Once
you finish all action points in one phase, the next phase will become available in iGo. You can find
detailed information about all the phases in the Passport to Placement which is published on the
'StendenHMS Placement' Blackboard page. Please make sure to follow the placement procedure
according to these steps, to make sure your placement is valid.

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Figure 4: Placement Procedure

Level 4
The intention for the Home Group in level 4 is:
“to be a safe haven in this next adventure. A place where we reflect and inspire each other
to continue discovering your own professional and personal path.”

The overarching question is: “How can I further shape my personal and professional self within my
internship and become ready for my next adventure?”

Please go to the blackboad page ‘StendenHMS Placement’ for detailed information about level 4
(under ‘Information 4th year’).

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Appendix 1: Contact Details PPD Coordinators

Each Learning Community has two PPD coordinators. Please find below the coordinators per
Learning Community. For questions, please contact your activator first.
• Learning Community 1:
o Trinidad Navarro Castillo (trinidad.navarro.castillo@nhlstenden.com)
o Eben Nel (eben.nel@nhlstenden.com).
• Learning Community 2:
o Marouschka Le Roy (marouschka.le.roy@nhlstenden.com)
o Lucia Arena (lucia.arena@nhlstenden.com)
• Learning Community 3:
o Elena Morenza Labrador (elena.morenza.labrador@nhlstenden.com)
o Laura Velten (laura.velten@nhlstenden.com)
• Learning Community 4:
o Detty Feenstra (detty.feenstra@nhlstenden.com)

Appendix 2: Overview of Specialization Courses

REVSim (Revenue Simulation)

Individuals or teams operate as member of the hotels executive committee with a leading focus on
revenue optimization. Hotels compete with each other in real time and within the realistic market
dynamics of a competitive set of hotels. As in a real market, the competitive strategies and decisions
of each hotel affect both its results and the results of all of the other hotels in the competitive set. A
hotel's market share, revenue share, and financial results depend on its ability to construct, promote,
and deliver a competitive price/value proposition to the market.

Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool essential for managing and presenting data in today’s working
environment. In this Introduction to Microsoft Excel training course, you gain the knowledge and
skills to create and edit worksheets, use formulas and functions, sort and filter detail data visually
and present summary information in a consumable and professional format.

Wine SDEN 2 Certificate

This wine course is a level higher than the SDEN1 course but can also be followed without prior
knowIedge. The following items will be explained:
• How wine is made; what are the processes
• Main grape varieties
• Wine tasting and assessment
29 Hotel Management School NHL Stenden

Home Group/Personal & Professional Development

• Wine scent aromas: Aroma wheel

• Extensive attention to the typicity of the different grape varieties and wines in the most
important wine countries / areas
• How to pair wine with food.
The exam at the end of the course is on your own expenses .

Appendix 3: Overview a la carte courses


Participants: 5 – 15 students
Teacher: Laura Velten

Do you wonder what your deeper ‘why’ is? Do you sometimes feel like you are racing to check
boxes of external achievement without actually thinking about what it is that you really want? This
course will help you to step into a life with purpose and meaning. Nowadays a lot of people do not
know what their purpose is. Yet, having a purpose is fundamental to cultivate a meaningful life. It
connects you to your raison’s d'être (reason for being), things that matter deeply to you and give
your life direction.

Developing a purpose begins with three types of belonging: feeling connected to yourself, the
people around you, and the larger world you are part of. From this foundational place of belonging,
we can begin to uncover what’s meaningful to you and what you care about. Equipped with these
essential pieces of self-knowledge, you can learn to act with purpose, and build a life that aligns
with your values and makes a positive impact on the world around you. In this course you will
discover more about yourself and what is personally meaningful for you (e.g. What is your story?
What do you love to do? What makes you feel alive? What are parts of your identity? What do you
value?). Next to that, we will look at ‘what matters outside of yourself’ (e.g. How are you impacted
by the world and how do you impact others? What needs in the world are you emotionally moved
by? What matters to you?). Once we identified those aspects, we will reimagine the future and
discuss how you can step into a life with purpose by looking at for instance how you can generate
purposeful project ideas and how you can head into a purposeful direction. All of those Wayfinder
activities are closely linked to the natural world (e.g. your deeper why is represented by the North
Star, which is a star that does not move and therefore gives you a direction no matter where you

Do you want to know more about Project Wayfinder? Then please have a look at
this video (https://vimeo.com/365153919) or this website

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(https://www.projectwayfinder.com/) or contact Laura Velten! I am looking forward to going on

this journey together!

The Art of Facilitation

Participants: 10 – 24 students
Teacher: Jaime Dickson

As a future game changer, you will need to get people moving. Game changers are able to bring
people together and facilitate systemic change wherever they are. This art is what we will explore
with this a la carte option: the art of facilitation. We will dive deep into the question: How can I
create and ensure systemic change in my work and even in my daily life? How can I bring people
together around an idea that is important to me?

This a la carte option focuses on group facilitation and uses the principles outlined in ‘Your Ideal
Classroom’. Together we will explore: a facilitators mindset, tools, interventions, setting holding and
landing a space. You will get hands-on tools that you can play with in your role as a supervisor of a
group of students in practice. This a la carte option will also allow you to facilitate any group
whether they be fellow students, colleagues or complete strangers.

31 Hotel Management School NHL Stenden

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Appendix 4: How to add LO 10 to the final portfolio

As students will round off Learning Outcome 10 at the end of level 1 and 2 or at the end of the
GEM/RGC semester in level 3, the learning outcomes will bill rounded off in different semesters.

Please reach out to your activator to see when you have to add Learning Outcome 10 to your
In some Portfolio templates Learning Outcome 10 has been included. In some templates you have
add it manually. Please see table 3 below which will show you to which templates you have to add
Level Semester
Level 1 RHH: LO10.1 included
CHP: please follow the steps in 5.6.1
Level 2 EHL: please follow the steps in 5.6.1
SHM: please follow the steps in 5.6.1
Level 3 GEM / RGC: LO10.3 included

Adding Learning Outcome 10

For this example we have used the CHP Portfolio template, see example on the next page,

1. Click on the ‘plus’

2. Change the name to Chapter (in this template ‘Chapter 5’).

3. Press Save

4. Change the Section to Learning Outcome 10 (in this template ‘Learning

Outcome 10.1’)

5. Move the Chapter upwards (above the conclusion) with the arrows

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