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Deadly Predators

fierce 凶猛的
lunge 猛扑
orcas 虎鲸
members 成员
share 分享
coyotes 土狼
venom 毒液
wild dogs 非洲野狗
fangs 尖牙
powerful predators 强大的捕食者
paralyzes 使瘫痪或麻痹
sensitive 敏感
squeeze 挤压
sniff 闻
重点单词 Komodo dragon 科莫多龙
jaws 爪子
jagged 锯齿状的
expert hunters 专业猎人
spit 口水
pride 狮群
germs 细菌
cougar 美洲狮
patient 有耐心的
sneak 偷偷地
drown 淹死
snatched 一把抓起
cheetah 猎豹
deadly 致命的


1. What animals are members of dog family?

2. How many kinds of cats live in the wild?
3. What is the smallest cat?
4. What is the biggest cat?
5. What is a pride?
6. How do cougars catch its prey?
7. What is the largest bear in the world?
8. What do they eat?
9. How many teeth can a shark have?
10. How do orcas eat fish?
11. How do anaconda kill their prey?
12. How does a hungry crocodile catch its prey?

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