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For Private Circulation Only

November 2013 8th Year, Issue 3

Master’s Speech
er to take." So Sahaj Marg has infinite The value-spectrum has not changed; people
blessings to give us, but how much are we don't want to change. They still hold on to
It All Depends on You
able to take with us? I remember once I told their prejudices. They still hold on to so many
Dear brothers and sisters, jokingly – I was talking to Babuji, it was mid- things they should have given up long ago.
I did not know anything about Guru Purnima night in his bedroom, and Babuji was saying When you enter into a pond and come out,
– I mean most of us don't know even if you don't scrub yourself
anything about it. I once hap- and all that, you must have
pened to be in Shahjahanpur some cleanliness. It is very sad
with Babuji Maharaj, and some- to say this, especially today on
body said, "Oh, it is good you Guru Purnima Day, but more
are here today. Today is Guru and more it depends only on
Purnima." So, later I asked Ba- you; don't blame Sahaj Marg,
buji Maharaj, "They say today is don't blame the Master, don't
Guru Purnima. What is it all blame the system. Here is an
about?" He said, "Parthasarathi, ocean of bliss, infinite bliss, and
it is a very auspicious day on if you still look in the mirror and
which, if you are with your see what you are and you don't
guru, special things can happen see any change in yourself, you
and your progress can be look into your heart. How many
speeded up to any extent." I of you are free of prejudices?
said, "Babuji, does it apply to How many of you still go by
all?" He said, "Yes, it can, but it your caste, by your community,
depends on each abhyasi. What by your provincial (whatever it
they bring here with them we is) attributes? And opinions you
try to clean out, but many don't formed about people fifty years
want to change. I can change ago, you still carry. [..] So how
the inner condition, the spiritual are such people going to pro-
condition, but the external, the gress?
behaviour part, the character," [..] Just try to imagine what
he said, "that is the abhyasi's your guru must be feeling when
duty: to convert and change. he sees the same problems,
Otherwise the inside and out- same prejudices, same quarrels,
side will not match, and," he same lies. It is very saddening.
said, "progress will not continue, may even And Lalaji Maharaj, Babuji Maharaj – they
stop." how sorry he was that people don't appreci- have given so much to our development, our
[..] So, it all depends on you what you take. ate Sahaj Marg, they don't know what they progress. I hope in the brighter world their
As Babuji said, "This house has no doors. are missing. They come and go, they come hearts cannot feel despair, otherwise even
Come and take whatever you have the pow- and go, like a bucket without a bottom going there they will think, "What is happening?
into the well, coming back empty every time. What is happening in this country, to our
IN THIS ISSUE I said, "Babuji, I know from my own little abhyasis? Same people, same prejudices,
experience of Sahaj Marg that finally I think same problems. Transmission going on and
Master’s Speech 1-2
you will be the only person to go to the on, day after day, day after day; are they
In Manapakkam 2-3 brighter world" – from the four or five thou- even conscious of what they are receiving?"
sand at that time who were abhyasis. He Are they conscious of the efforts, the sacri-
Echoes of Cameroon 4
said, "Yes, it looks like it. Maybe two or three fices that are made for them, and are contin-
Freedom Seeker 4 more." You see, what he said? – himself plus uing to make day after day? If a mother is
Whispers from the Brighter World 5 maybe two or three more! making sacrifices for her children, can you
evaluate the sacrifices that are made by
Daily Reflections 5 Now if I am asked to say, I mean, I would not your spiritual guides and
say because… I mean the thing is so bleak. Page 2
teachers? Can you evaluate? 1
November 2013 For Private Circulation Only 8th Year, Issue 3

Master’s Speech — [Cont’d]

This morning lying in bed, I was calculating – pool of humanity, and to evolve out of it"? yourself sincerely, and to evaluate yourself,
since I was born on the twenty-fourth of July Again, as Babuji said, one or two or three. and at least now to start throwing off all
in 1927, I could not have seen those dirty things that you
a Guru Purnima [that year]. So know you have. It is not as if
today is my eighty-sixth Guru you don't; you know. And let
Purnima. Even if you progress us hope by Master's grace
one step, another step, anoth- that we will see a better
er year… but here you don't group emerging out of this,
even have to walk; you are and more and more qualify-
carried! Those of you who ing. And in years to come we
may have read the books, the can say, not one and two or
example of the kangaroo that three, but, by His Grace, most
Babuji gives, where the kan- of them, if not all of them.
garoo carries its baby in its I pray for you all. Thank you.
pouch. Here we are literally in
every sense, carried. And yet Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari - Guru
Purnima Day, 22 July 2013, Chennai,
we rebel and fall, rebel and India
fall, rebel and fall, and then
justify by saying, "After all it is
a very difficult way." [..]
So what do we do about it?
Do we at least see Sahaj
Marg, a small society which is
at least a little encouraging,
heartening, and say, "Well, there is this small So I want you all to digest this message.
nucleus of human beings who are earnestly Don't exempt yourself – any one of you. Don't
trying to get out of this mess, this stinking exempt yourself from the need to examine

In Manapakkam from August 31 to 3 September 2013

The Steps customs) are major opportunities for us to ing to make sense of it. The paths may be
realize that we are all moving in the same different, appearances may give the impres-
We left Washington on August 9
sion that the differences are
and we reached Manapakkam on
insurmountable, but when a
August 31 as our trip included
true real heart to heart commu-
prior steps in Manila, the Philip-
nication is established, then we
pines, and Hong Kong. One may
truly realize that humanity is as
wonder why these first steps
one. That is what we have un-
are being mentioned herein.
derstood from the teachings of
There are several reasons for
our Masters.
that: we experienced these
steps to our final destination as First step: Manila, Philippines,
a whole, as a preparatory phase where we arrive on August 10
in view of the blessed moments after a transit in Seoul. We dis-
to be spent with Master. We cover that it is a country of
learned from Master’s example over 7000 islands, it’s unbeliev-
that we must look at the world able. Looking at the map we
around us as the framework in tried to find our bearings and
which we are expected to imple- assess the next steps ahead :
ment what He teaches us. When After Manila, Hong Kong, Kuala
experienced in that spirit, jour- direction, that we are subjected to the con- Lumpur and finally Chen- nai.
neys as well as encounters with people from straints of life on earth, and that we are striv- It’s quite amazing to realize
Page 3
different backgrounds (cultural, language, that eventually India is clos- 2
November 2013 For Private Circulation Only 8th Year, Issue 3

In Manapakkam … [Cont’d]

er to Africa than one might believe! That ment filled with the profound inner peace "home." After the satsangh we are privileged
gives a sense of being far away. This impres- that one feels only in his presence; it’s all to be included in a group of abhyasis who
sion dissipates quickly on the next day when peace, silence and truly heartfelt happiness. join Master in the cottage patio where a
we start feeling the openness and kindness Although Master seems weak, he has the brother makes a long presentation on the
of the people of Manila, and so will it be necessary strength of will to take his meals, Vedas , the Gita ... and Sahaj Marg .
throughout our stay. We left Manila on Au- his coffee ... There our trip "ends" and our Being in Manapakkam is like dreaming awake
gust 16 en route for Hong Kong, where we real journey "starts". We leave Master’s cot- in a place we do not want to leave any-
will stay longer. Hong Kong will also be our tage at 1:30 p.m. We are happy to learn that more... We are counting the days; there is
transit point on the way back from Chennai we can come back and see him at 5 p.m. only one day and a half left because we will
to Washington. There is no more tiredness in spite of the leave on September 3 in the
Step Two: Hong Kong, it’s a morning. Hours are ticking by
spectacular, bustling and along with the series of medita-
charming city whose skyscrap- tions and special moments spent
ers twin with mountain tops. in His presence in the cottage.
It’s a highly urbanized and ultra- We are here with other brothers
modern place, another context and sisters in the silence of His
where the uniqueness of hu- presence, enjoying fully the op-
man reality once again peers portunities of seeing Master.
through the eyes of all the be- When such opportunity arises,
ings we meet. Here, material- the news spreads quickly and
ism seems to prevail! Yet, this abhyasis promptly hurry in to
is only an appearance, because enjoy the blessed moments with
the city exhibits spiritual quest, Him.
as well as religious and philo- On September 3 morning, we
sophical values : Confucianism, went to the cottage to say good-
Buddhism, Taoism ... What peo- bye to Master. This was both a
ple make of these principles is short and fulfilling three day
another story that is not specif- period; the magic of experiencing
ic to the city. Master’s presence gives the im-
We left Hong Kong on August pression that we are always
30 and reached Chennai the wherever He is. Indeed, it is liter-
following day after an overnight stopover in long trips and the world of prevailing materi- ally true, if you are connected to Him and in
Kuala Lumpur. While approaching Chennai, alism where spiritual values have little im- tune with his heart. Such is our resolution as
we can enjoy a beautiful view of the city. portance is behind us. At 5 p.m. we are in we greet him goodbye. He blesses us with
Now, we are almost physically sensing Mas- front of the cottage, waiting on the porch comments geared towards the future of the
ter's presence. Chennai is not only a dot on while other abhyasis including sisters and Mission in Africa: "I wish the Mission to grow
the world map, this is where in a few hours their children congregate there. Master greets in Africa, with more and more people. Such is
we will be at His feet. We feel the character- the group and people keep joining in. At 5:30 my prayer."
istic heart impulse and inner joy felt of the p.m. children are taken away before an al- On the way to the airport we realize that
arrival at destination! most hour long satsangh. It’s like a dream to traffic is fluid, there are not many travelers at
Manapakkam be in Manapakkam in Master’s presence... It’s the airport, emigration formalities are faster
almost unbelievable. than on arrival. We are happy in view of the
Saturday, August 31
September, Sunday 1st and Monday 2nd long journey back to Washington: one night in
It is 10:30a.m. at Chennai airport, after pro- Kuala Lumpur, one night in Hong Kong, transit
tracted immigration formalities we reach Sunday’s satsangh is led by Master: nearly an in Seoul and arrival in Washington on Sep-
Manapakkam at 12:15 p.m. When we are hour of pure bliss in a Manapakkam rustling tember 5, exhausted but happy and blessed
asked if we want to drop off our luggage in with familiar sounds: birds, crickets! And from with his grace.
our room before meeting with Master, we time to time there is a bird that hovers
say in unison, "we want to see Master." We across the meditation hall amid flapping
get into the cottage ... on the veranda where noise. It thus participate in this celebration of JN/MMK
Master is taking his lunch. It is a magical mo- the heart in its own manner? The atmos-
phere is truly familiar and makes you feel 3
November 2013 For Private Circulation Only 8th Year, Issue 3

Echoes of the Centres - 24 July Celebrations in Douala and Bafoussam (Cameroon)

In Douala abhyasis read them on a regular basis and condition of love and understanding!
unanimously recognize their impact on im- Jean Armand Nkoma (Douala - Cameroon)
Twenty-two (22) brothers and sisters gath-
proving their condition and deepening their
ered on July 24 in Douala for our Master’s
spiritual knowledge. The third presentation Bafoussam
birthday celebration. We started off with
was on Master. In Bafoussam the spiritual celebrations of our
inner preparation at the beginning of July,
through two sessions related to deepening A lot of time was devoted to personal medi- Master birthday took place from July 23 to
Sahaj Marg teachings 25. 23 July was
as well as individual devoted to sittings
sittings. This allowed and readings of
us to enjoy with ut- Whispers from the
most fervor the per- Brighter World,
vading vibration of the then a satsangh
celebration day. It all was held at 5 pm.
started with a 6 p.m. On July 24, we had
satsangh on 23th of a satsangh at 7:30
July. On the 24th, two am followed by
meditations were con- readings of Whis-
ducted at 7:30 am and pers and selected
6 pm. Ten brothers texts on Master’s
spent the whole day at life; these readings
the meditation centre. were concluded by
Three presentations a satsangh at 5 pm.
were organized: one On July 25, the 7:30
on Sahaj Marg practice am satsangh was
which was followed by an exchange on the tation, silence and introspection. It was a followed by readings. A fraternal meal was
aspects of practice that characterize our sys- great celebration where each one of us be- shared at the end of the morning. Reinvigor-
tem and make it effective. The second yond our respective opinions and convictions, ated by the blessings received during the 3
presentation was on the Whispers from the could feel Master’s grace and love. United in days each abhyasi went back home.
Brighter World; more specifically, it focused his heart, through the magic of transmission, Paul Daudet Sounkouat (Bafoussam - Cameroon).
on Master’s appeal whereby each abhyasi we are grateful for this rare and blessed time
must own these messages. Fortunately many spent together, while being carried by Them.
May we remain in this sweet and serene
Freedom Seeker
By Sister Govender, Vinodha
South Africa

A cage, no matter how big, is still a cage

This body, this life, this world
All foreign to me, I don’t belong here
I need to escape. I must escape.
I know the way out
But time is against me.
It wants me to wait
And waiting is torturous.
But Master knows
He knows how lonely this path can be
He is taking me up
Helping me shed this skin
Helping me flee
I need to escape. I will. 4
For Private Circulation Only

November 2013 8th Year, Issue 3

Whispers from the Brighter World

Saturday, April 10, 1999 – 8:00 a.m.

Do not be afraid to advance towards areas which are unknown to you. Your safety is higher than on your highways.
Dangers are on the Earth, lying in wait for you at each street corner. The spiritual way is broad, difficult in some
respects. It takes perseverance and will, but you don’t have to fear any risk. Have faith in the Master; he is the scout,
the guide, who shows the way and protects you.
“Be happy to be engaged in a spiritual way. Your life has a meaning; you know where you are heading. So
many humans live from day to day, awaiting death as an ending and not knowing that it is a beginning! Con-
sider yourself fortunate not to be in this frame of mind and to know that on the other side of the veil, there are
other worlds where you will continue your progress. Remove your self-doubts about yourselves; you can reach
the goal. Whatever one man has achieved, others can achieve it.
“One has only to want it so, and be engaged in an effective system. Therefore, don’t lose heart!”
Whispers from the Brighter World, Vol. II, Page 190

Daily Reflections

Human Attributes Soul’s Plan

Without these human attributes of patience, perseverance, faith, The soul decides and says, "In this environment I shall find the best
love, devotion, and mostly love and discipline, where each balances opportunity of liberation in that life." But once we are born here,
the other – love balancing discipline, preventing it from deteriorating what happens? Society, family, culture and our own desires – they
into gross misuse of power and authority; discipline balancing love make us swerve from the path that the soul has programmed for
from degenerating into mere mushy nonsensical emotionalism – itself. And we are moving away from that programme day after day
these are human, absolutely human behavioural characteristics that until the soul finds itself in a predicament that "I have to plan all
we need, attributes that we need, before we can embark on a over again. I have to make a new programme" – and that is re-birth.
voyage of becoming divinised. And until these attributes are seen in Taken from the book "HeartSpeak 2009 (1st edn., 2010)", Chapter "Longing for the Original
an abhyasi, believe me, his journey has not begun. Home", pg. 245, by Revered Chariji.
Taken from the book "HeartSpeak 2003 (1st edn., 2009)", Chapter "Love and Discipline", pg.
30, by Revered Chariji

Contributors: Inside pages : Names of contributors are shown on pages

Design & layout: MMK, JN Online subscription:
JN: Jeanne Nanitelamio Email Address
MMK: Michel Mouyelo-Katoula Communications intended for Echoes of Africa and Indian Ocean
Translations: JN & MMK should be addressed to:

© 2013 Shri Ram Chandra Mission ("SRCM"). All rights reserved. "Shri Ram Chandra Mission", "Sahaj Marg", "SRCM", "Constant Remembrance" and the Mission’s Emblem are registered Trademarks of Shri Ram Chandra
Mission. This Newsletter is intended exclusively for the members of SRCM. The views expressed in the various articles are provided by various volunteers and are not necessarily those of SRCM. 5

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