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Quiz #3

1. You are only given 4 hours to compute the problem/s.
2. Do not compare your answers to the answers of your classmates.
3. Do not cheat. If found cheating, you will be automatically given a score of ZERO for this
4. Submit your answers in PDF file. I will not consider it if it is not in the PDF format.
5. Submit your answers on or before 12nn.
6. Late submission will be subject to point deduction. 1 point will be deducted in every 5
minutes late submission.
7. Good luck!

Question: (100pts)

A multi-storey building is to be constructed at NORSU Main Campus 1 with an area of ±1000 m2. Compute the

1. Total volume of concrete for column footing and columns up to second floor only in cubic meter.
2. Quantity of assigned deformed bars in 6.0 meter length for column footing columns up to second floor
only. Consider that the minimum cover for column is 40mm and for footing is 75mm.
3. Compute the quantity of G.I. Tie Wire used for the columns and footing in kilos.
4. Compute the total cost for column and footing using these units:
a. Concrete Mix – price per cubic meter
b. Deformed bars – price per kilo
c. G.I. Tie wire – price per kilo

Solve for: Mat 1 Footing and the columns in it only.

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