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University of Engineering & Technology

Peshawar, Pakistan

CE301: Structure Analysis II

Prof. Dr. Bashir Alam
Civil Engineering Department
UET , Peshawar
Welcome Note

• Welcome to Structure Analysis II

• Challenging and Rewarding
• Requires reasonable input work
• Invest at least 3 times credit Hr per week (3 x 3 = 9 hrs/week)
• Outcome based Education
Introduction of Instructor
• Prof. Dr. Bashir Alam (PhD, PE)
• +27 Years of working (Field + Research + Teaching)
• PhD in Structures (George Washington University, USA)
• MSc in Structural Engg. ( UET Peshawar, Pak)
• BSc in Civil Engg. ( UET Peshawar, Pak)
• Director P&D, UET Peshawar

• PEC Member Governing body KP, Civil (2018-21)

• Former chairman CED, UET Peshawar
• Convener/Expert Accreditation Team , PEC
• Member Expert Panel HEC
Introduction of Student
• Name
• CGPA so far
• Why in Civil Engineering?
• Future goals?
Course Aims
• To develop understanding among students to analyze
indeterminate structures using flexibility and stiffness
• To enable the students to understand the use of finite element
method for simple one dimensional problems.
• To enable the students to understand concept of plastic
analysis and its application to beam and frames.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
Upon the successful completion of course the students will be
able to
1. Analyze indeterminate beams, trusses, and frames using
Flexibility method.
2. Analyze indeterminate beams, trusses, and frames using
Stiffness method and pin jointed frames using Direct Stiffness
3. Apply concepts of Plastic analysis to beams and frames.
Course contents (OBE)
Module Topics to be covered Assignments
/ Quiz
1 Introduction to course ,Concept of force and displacement
based analysis , Basic concepts of flexibility method,
Matrix formulation of the structure using flexibility
method , concept of Maxwell’s
Theorem of Reciprocal Displacements
2 Analysis of statically indeterminate Beams using 1
flexibility method
3 Analysis of statically indeterminate Frames using
flexibility method
4 Analysis of statically indeterminate Frames using
flexibility method
5 Basic concepts of stiffness method, Comparison of
flexibility and stiffness methods , Matrix formulation of
the structures using stiffness method 2
6 Analysis of beams using stiffness method
Course contents (OBE)

7 Revision of mid term course

Mid Term Exam
8 Analysis of statically indeterminate Frames using stiffness
method 2
9 Analysis of statically indeterminate Trusses using stiffness
10 Analysis of indeterminate trusses using direct stiffness
11 Introduction to finite element Model
12 Introduction to plastic analysis and its application to beams
and frames
13 Approximate analysis of Rectangular Building Frame
structures (Time Permitting)
Final Term Exam
Grading Policy

• Mid Term (Grand Quiz) = 15 %

• Final Term Paper = 65 %
• Session Performance = 20 %
• Assignments = 5 % (3 Assignments )

• Quizzes = 5 % (3 Quizzes)
• Complex Engineering Problem = 10%
Recommended Text books

Structural Analysis by R. C. Hibbeler Matrix structural analysis by William Mc Guire

Matrix analysis of frame structures by William Weaver Matrix analysis of structures by Aslam KA
Assignment Submission & Quizzes Protocol

• Each assignment shall be submitted with in than 7 days after being

assigned. No assignment will be accepted after due date.

• Each quiz will be taken in the first or last 20 minutes of the

specified week
Lecture Availability

• For Lectures and other course related martials contact with

Engr. Faisal Pervez Teaching Assistant of Prof. Dr. Bashir Alam at
University of Engineering & Technology
Peshawar, Pakistan

CE301: Structure Analysis II

Module 1:
Introduction to Matrix Analysis

Prof. Dr. Bashir Alam
Civil Engineering Department
UET , Peshawar
Topics to be Covered
• Structure and its classification
• Types of Skeletal structures
• Different forms of structures
• Structure analysis & design
• Determinacy
• Methods of analysis for indeterminate structures
• Forced & displacement based Analysis
• Matrix analysis and methods
• Introduction to flexibility method of analysis
• Example 1 & 2
• Maxwell’s Theorem of Reciprocal Displacements
What is Structure?

A structure refers to a system of connected parts used to support

a load.
• The primary function of a structure is to receive loads at some
specific points and safely transfer it to some other points.
• Important examples related to civil engineering include
buildings, bridges, and towers.
Classification of Structures
On the basis of geometry structures are classified in to following

• Skeletal Structures

• Surface Structures

• Solid Structures

Some types of skeletal structures will be under discussion in this course.

Classification of Structures
 Skeletal Structures:

Skeletal Framed structures are composed of straight members whose

lengths are significantly larger than their cross-sectional dimensions.
Common framed structures can be classified into six basic categories
based on the arrangement of their members, and the types of primary
stresses that may develop in their members under major design loads.
Classification of Structures
 Skeletal Structures:
1. Plane Trusses:
A truss is defined as an assemblage of straight members connected at
their ends by flexible connections, and subjected to loads and
reactions only at the joints (connections). The members of such an
ideal truss develop only axial forces when the truss is loaded.
If all the members of a truss as well as the applied loads lie in a
single plane, the truss is classified as a plane truss as shown in fig on
the next slide. The analysis of plane trusses is considerably simpler
than the analysis of space (or three dimensional) trusses.
Classification of Structures
 Skeletal Structures:
1. Plane Trusses:

(Photo courtesy of Bethlehem Steel Corporation)

Fortunately, many commonly used trusses, such as bridge and roof trusses, can
be treated as plane trusses for analysis .
Classification of Structures
 Skeletal Structures:
2. Beams:
A beam is defined as a long straight structure that is loaded
perpendicular to its longitudinal axis. Loads are usually applied in a
plane of symmetry of the beam’s cross-section, causing its members
to be subjected only to bending moments and shear forces.
Classification of Structures
 Skeletal Structures:
3. Plane Frames:
Frames, also referred to as rigid frames, are composed of straight
members connected by rigid (moment resisting) and/or flexible
connections as shown in fig. below. Unlike trusses, which are
subjected to external loads only at the joints, loads on
frames may be applied on the joints as well as on the members.
If all the members of a frame and the applied loads lie in a single
plane, the frame is called a plane frame.
Classification of Structures
 Skeletal Structures:
3. Plane Frames:
The members of a plane frame are, in general, subjected to bending
moments, shears, and axial forces under the action of external loads.
Many actual three-dimensional building frames can be subdivided
into plane frames for analysis.
Classification of Structures
 Skeletal Structures:
3. Plane Frames:

Skeleton of a Structural Steel Frame Building(Joe Gough / Shutterstock)

Classification of Structures
 Skeletal Structures:
4. Space Trusses:
• Some trusses (such as lattice domes, transmission towers, and
certain aerospace structures) cannot be treated as plane trusses
because of the arrangement of their members or applied loading.

• Such trusses, referred to as space trusses as shown in the figure on

the coming slide, are analyzed as three-dimensional structures
subjected to three dimensional force systems.
Classification of Structures
 Skeletal Structures:
4. Space Trusses:
• The members of space trusses are assumed to be connected by
frictionless ball-and-socket joints, and the trusses are subjected to
loads and reactions only at the joints.
• Like plane trusses, the
members of space
trusses develop only
axial forces
Classification of Structures
 Skeletal Structures:
4. Space Trusses:

A Segment of the Integrated Truss Structure which Forms the Backbone of the International Space Station
MSA by Aslam Kassimali
Classification of Structures
 Skeletal Structures:
5. Grids:
• A grid, like a plane frame, is composed of straight members
connected together by rigid and/or flexible connections to form a
plane framework.

• The main difference between the two types of structures is that

plane frames are loaded in the plane of the structure, whereas the
loads on grids are applied in the direction perpendicular to the
structure’s plane.
Classification of Structures
 Skeletal Structures:
5. Grids:
Classification of Structures
 Skeletal Structures:
5. Grids:
• Members of grids may, therefore, be subjected to torsion moments,
in addition to the bending moments and corresponding shears that
cause the members to bend out of the plane of the structure.

• Grids are commonly used for supporting roofs covering

large column-free areas in such structures as sports arenas,
auditoriums, and aircraft hangars.
Classification of Structures
 Skeletal Structures:
5. Grids:

National Air and Space Museum, Washington, DC (under construction)

Classification of Structures
 Skeletal Structures:
5. Space Frames:
• Space frames constitute the most general category of framed
structures. Members of space frames may be arranged in any
arbitrary directions, and connected by rigid and/or flexible
connections. Loads in any directions may be applied on members as
well as on joints.

• The members of a space frame may, in general, be subjected to

bending moments about both principal axes, shears in both principal
directions, torsional moments, and axial forces.
Classification of Structures
 Skeletal Structures:
5. Space Frames:
Forms/Types of Structures

Structural Forms

Cables Arches Frames Trusses Beams


Membranes Plates Shells

What is Structural Analysis?

The prediction of the performance of a structure under

prescribed loads and/or other external effects.

The performance characteristics are:

• Stresses i.e. axial force, shear force and bending
• Deflections
• Support Reactions

What is Structural Design?

Knowing the expected loads and span lengths of the members,

finding the required material properties and cross-sectional
dimensions is called Design of Structure.

When all the forces in a structure can be determined from the

equilibrium equations, the structure is referred to as statically

When the unknown forces in a structure are more than the

available equilibrium equations, that structure is known as
statically indeterminate.
Statically Indeterminate Structures
• When the unknown forces in a structure are more than the
available equilibrium equations, that structure is known as
statically indeterminate.

• Most of the structures designed today are statically


• This indeterminacy may be due to the added supports or

members, or by the general form of the structure.

• For example, reinforced concrete buildings are almost always

statically indeterminate.
Analysis of Indeterminate Structures
 Fundamental Relationships
While analyzing a structure, It is necessary to satisfy the following
three conditions
• Equilibrium condition
• Compatibility condition
• Force Deformations Relations
Analysis of Indeterminate Structures
 Fundamental Relationships
• Equilibrium condition
• A structure is considered to be in equilibrium if, initially at rest, it
remains at rest when subjected to a system of forces and couples.
• Force equilibrium is satisfied when the reactive forces hold the
structure in stable equilibrium, as the structure is subjected to
external loads.
• If a structure is in equilibrium, then all of its members and joints
must also be in equilibrium.
Analysis of Indeterminate Structures
 Fundamental Relationships
• Equilibrium condition
Recall from statics that for a plane (two-dimensional) structure lying
in the XY plane and subjected to a coplanar system of forces and
couples shown in fig below, the necessary and sufficient conditions
for equilibrium can be expressed in Cartesian (XY) coordinates as

These equations are referred to as the equations of

equilibrium for plane structures
Analysis of Indeterminate Structures
 Fundamental Relationships
• Equilibrium condition
For a space (three-dimensional) structure subjected to a general three
dimensional system of forces and couples as shown in figure, the
equations of equilibrium are expressed as

In structural analysis, equations of equilibrium are

used to relate the forces (including couples) acting
on the structure or one of its members or joints.
Analysis of Indeterminate Structures
 Fundamental Relationships
• Compatibility condition
• Compatibility conditions relate the displacements of the structure
so that its various parts fit together.
• Displacement compatibility is satisfied when the various segments
of the structure fit together without intentional breaks, or overlaps.
• These conditions (also referred to as the continuity conditions)
ensure that the deformed shape of the structure is continuous
(except at the locations of any internal hinges or rollers), and is
consistent with the support conditions.
Analysis of Indeterminate Structures
 Fundamental Relationships
• Compatibility condition
• Consider the frame shown in fig blow.

• As clear from the figure that the

vertical displacement of joint 1 and
the vertical displacement of joint 3
must be zero.
• The displacements of the ends of
members are related to the joint
displacements by the compatibility
requirement that the displacements
of a member’s end must be the
same as the displacements of the
joint to which the member
end is connected.
Analysis of Indeterminate Structures
 Fundamental Relationships
• Compatibility condition
• Consider the frame shown in fig blow.

• As joint 1 of the frame displaces to

the right by a distance d1 and
rotates clockwise by an angle θ1,
the left end of the horizontal
member (member 1) that is
attached to joint 1 must also
translate to the right by distance d1
and rotate clockwise by angle θ1.
Analysis of Indeterminate Structures
 Fundamental Relationships
• Compatibility condition
• Consider the frame shown in fig blow.

• Similarly, because the displacements

of joint 2 consist of the translations d2
to the right and d3 downward and the
counterclockwise rotation θ2, the
right end of the horizontal member
and the top end of the vertical
member that are connected to joint 2
must also undergo the same
displacements (i.e., d2, d3, and θ2).
Analysis of Indeterminate Structures
 Fundamental Relationships
• Compatibility condition
• Consider the frame shown in fig blow.
• The bottom end of the vertical member,
however, is not subjected to any
displacements, because joint 3 is a
fixed support.
• Finally, compatibility requires that the
deflected shapes of the members of a
structure be continuous (except at any
internal hinges or rollers) and be
consistent with the displacements at the
corresponding ends of the members.
Analysis of Indeterminate Structures
 Fundamental Relationships
• Force Deformations Relations
The member force deformation relations, which involve the material
and cross-sectional properties (E; I, and A) of the members, provide
the necessary link between the forces and displacements of the
Force-displacement requirements depend on the manner the material
of the structure responds to the applied loads, which can be
linear/nonlinear/viscous and elastic/inelastic; for our study the
behavior is assumed to be linear and elastic
Analysis of Indeterminate Structures
• Force Deformations Relations
The member force deformation relations, which involve the
material and cross-sectional properties (E; I, and A) of the
members, provide the necessary link between the forces and
displacements of the structure.
Force-displacement requirements depend on the manner the
material of the structure responds to the applied loads, which can
be linear/nonlinear/viscous and elastic/inelastic; for our study the
behavior is assumed to be linear and elastic
Analysis of Indeterminate Structures
There are two ways to analyze indeterminate structures
1. Force Based Analysis
2. Deformation Based Analysis

• Force Based Analysis

It involves the calculation of reaction of the supports and
determination of internal action (Normal force, shear force, and
bending moment) within the structure.

• Deformation Based Analysis

Deformation analysis involves the evaluation of deformation
(displacements and strains) of the elements of a structure as
well as whole of the structure.
Analysis of Indeterminate Structures

Following are the methods used for the analysis of indeterminate



Classical Matrix
Methods Methods

Consistent Slope Moment Flexibility

3 Moment Stiffness
deformatio deflection distribution Method
equation Method
n method equations method
Matrix Methods of Analysis
 Introduction:

• Matrix analysis of a structure is a branch of structural analysis in

which matrix algebra is used as a tool for the analysis of structure.

• Objective of analysis of structure is to predict the behavior of a

structure due to external loads, temperature changes, settlement of
supports, vibrations etc.…
Matrix Methods of Analysis
 Historical Background:
• The theoretical foundation for matrix methods of structural
analysis was laid by James C. Maxwell, who introduced the
method of consistent deformations in 1864; and George A. Maney,
who developed the slope-deflection method in 1915.
• These classical methods are considered to be the precursors of the
matrix flexibility and stiffness methods, respectively.
• In the pre-computer era, the main disadvantage of these earlier
methods was that they required direct solution of simultaneous
algebraic equations.
Matrix Methods of Analysis
 Historical Background:
• The invention of computers in the late 1940s revolutionized
structural analysis.
• As computers could solve large systems of simultaneous
equations, the analysis methods yielding solutions in that form
were no longer at a disadvantage, but in fact were preferred,
because simultaneous equations could be expressed in matrix form
and conveniently programmed for solution on computers.
Matrix Methods of Analysis
 Historical Background:
• S. Levy is generally considered to have been the first to introduce
the flexibility method in 1947, by generalizing the classical
method of consistent deformations.
• The matrix stiffness method was developed by R. K. Livesley in
1954. In the same year, J. H. Argyris and S. Kelsey presented a
formulation of matrix methods based on energy principles.
• In 1956, M. T. Turner, R. W. Clough, H. C. Martin, and L. J. Topp
derived stiffness matrices for the members of trusses and frames
using the finite-element approach, and introduced the now popular
direct stiffness method for generating the structure stiffness matrix
Matrix Methods of Analysis
 Historical Background:
• Since the mid-1950s, the development of matrix methods has
continued at a tremendous pace, with research efforts in recent
years directed mainly toward formulating procedures for the
dynamic and nonlinear analysis of structures, and developing
efficient computational techniques for analyzing large structures.
Matrix Methods of Analysis


Flexibility (Force)
Matrix Methods of Analysis
 Classical verses Matrix Methods:
Classical Methods Matrix Methods

• Most classical methods were • In contrast to classical methods,

developed to analyze particular types matrix methods were specifically
of structures, and since they were developed for computer
intended for hand calculations, they implementation; they are systematic
often involve certain assumptions (that (so that they can be conveniently
are unnecessary in matrix methods) to programmed), and general (in the
reduce the amount of computational sense that the same overall format of
effort required for analysis. the analytical procedure can be
• The application of these methods applied to the various types of framed
usually requires an understanding on structures).
the part of the analyst of the structural
Matrix Methods of Analysis
 Classical verses Matrix Methods:

Classical Methods Matrix Methods

• Consider, for example, the moment- • It will become clear as we study
distribution method. matrix methods that, because of
• This classical method can be used to the latter characteristic, a computer
analyze only beams and plane frames program developed to analyze one
undergoing bending deformations. type of structure (e.g., plane trusses)
• Deformations due to axial forces in the can be modified with relative ease to
frames are ignored to reduce the analyze another type of structure (e.g.,
number of independent joint space trusses or frames).
Matrix Methods of Analysis
 Classical verses Matrix Methods:

Classical Methods Matrix Methods

• In case of MDM to estimate the • As the analysis of large and highly

relative magnitudes of member fixed- redundant structures by classical
end moments: a difficult task even in methods can be quite time consuming,
the case of a few degrees of freedom matrix methods are commonly used.
of sidesway if the frame has inclined
members. Because of their specialized
and intricate nature, classical methods
are generally not considered suitable
for computer programming.
Matrix Methods of Analysis
 Classical verses Matrix Methods:

Classical Methods Matrix Methods

• The classical methods are still preferred by many engineers for analyzing smaller
structures, because they provide a better insight into the behavior
of structures.
• Classical methods may also be used for preliminary designs,
for checking the results of computerized analyses, and for deriving the member
force–displacement relations needed in the matrix analysis.
• Furthermore, a study of classical methods is considered to be essential for
developing an understanding of structural behavior.
Matrix Methods of Analysis
 Matrix verses Finite Element Methods:

Matrix Methods Finite Element Methods

• Matrix methods can be used to analyze • Finite-element analysis, which

framed structures only. originated as an extension of matrix
• From a theoretical viewpoint, the basic analysis to surface structures (e.g.,
difference between the two is that, in plates and shells), has now developed
matrix methods, the member force– to the extent that it can be applied to
displacement relationships are based structures and solids of practically any
on the exact solutions of the shape or form.
differential equations. • in finite-element methods, such
relations are generally derived by
work-energy principles.
Matrix Methods of Analysis
 Matrix verses Finite Element Methods:

Matrix Methods Finite Element Methods

• Because of the approximate nature of its force–displacement relations,

finite-element analysis generally yields approximate results.
• However, in the case of linear analysis of framed structures composed of
prismatic (uniform) members, both matrix and finite-element approaches
yield identical results.

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