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The role I would like:I just designed my Individual and Society planner and would like to teach

them in my school.
How I will collaborate with the teacher of a different discipline in your grade level to create an
interdisciplinary unit of inquiry.Use examples of specific strategies and entry points to
interdisciplinary planning.

The topic I designed is about “how the usage of our life resources will impact the sustainable
development.” This lesson will help students understand and explore their life habits, for
example, recycling life resources could have an impact on our environment and sustainable
development. Students will attach more importance to the relationship between our own
behaviors, society and environment. When it comes to the resources and recycling resource, I
will collaborate with the science teacher. In the science class, they could learn the prior
knowledge, such as how long the paper and plastic will last after abandoned, how they will
affect the water,soil and the environment.
Firstly, when we have collaboration, we will connect the topic with students’ life and
experience. As where they live is in the desert (UAE), the fresh water is short. And most of
the water is from the sea water. The environment around them is pretty vulnerable. Discussing
the impact on the desert helps them to understand the importance of recycling.Secondly,
disciplinary sights will be integrated to deepen their understanding. Science teacher and me
will work together to guide them to explore the relationship between the recycling and the
environment and sustainability of our community and the world. What we do will have an
impact on the environment and the community, the the sustainability of the world. That will
help them connect the them with the community. Thirdly, making the questions feasible is
another strategy. Asking students to design a personal plan or community plan for recycling
their life resources. Another option is to design a waste management and recycling poster for
their community to improve other’s recycling awareness. All that should be feasible for
students in their life.

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