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What is green energy: As a source of energy, green energy often comes from renewable energy

technologies such as solar energy, wind power, geothermal energy, biomass and hydroelectric power. In
contrast to fossil fuel sources like natural gas or coal, which can take millions of years to generate, green
energy sources are typically renewed by nature. Green energy is important for the environment as it
replaces the negative effects of fossil fuels with more environmentally-friendly alternatives.


1. Solar Power: This common type of renewable energy is usually produced using photovoltaic cells that
capture sunlight and turn it into electricity. Solar power is also used to heat buildings and for hot water
as well as for cooking and lighting.

2. Wind Power: Particularly suited to offshore and higher altitude sites, wind energy uses the power of
the flow of air around the world to push turbines that then generate electricity.

3. Hydropower: Also known as hydroelectric power, this type of green energy uses the flow of water in
rivers, streams, dams or elsewhere to produce electricity.

4. Geothermal Energy: This type of green power uses thermal energy that has been stored just under
the earth’s crust. While this resource requires drilling to access, thereby calling the environmental
impact into question, it is a huge resource once tapped into.

5. Biomass: This renewable resource also needs to be carefully managed in order to be truly labelled as
a ‘green energy’ source. Biomass power plants use wood waste, sawdust and combustible organic
agricultural waste to create energy. While the burning of these materials releases greenhouse gas these
emissions are still far lower than those from petroleum-based fuels.

6. Biofuels: Rather than burning biomass as mentioned above, these organic materials can be
transformed into fuel such as ethanol and biodiesel. Having supplied just 2.7% of the world’s fuel for
transport in 2010, the biofuels are estimated to have the capacity to meet over 25% of global
transportation fuel demand by 2050.

Passive energy: a term usually used in reference to passive solar energy, is natural energy which is
directly harnessed to achieve a desired goal. By contrast, active energy is energy which is used to
generate electricity. Passive energy systems require little energy or effort to maintain, and they are
designed to replace traditional energy sources, reducing overall energy use rather than just switching
the source of the energy.

Active energy: The electrical energy supplied by an electric circuit during a time interval, The electrical
energy produced, flowing or supplied by an electric circuit during a time interval, being the integral with
respect to time of instantaneous Active Power, measured in units of watt-hours or standard multiples
What are the types of power given to a house: Electricity and natural gas are the most-used energy
sources in homes.

Embodied energy: The embodied energy of

a building is a calculation of all the energy
used to produce the materials that make up
the building. It includes the energy used in
mining, manufacturing and transporting the
materials, as well as the services in the
economy that support these processes.

Operational energy: is the energy needed to

run buildings. OE includes space
climatization, cooking, hot water, lighting
and other appliances. In low-income contexts it is very important because it requires a cash flow.

What is power design: The design for an

electrical system to allow for the supply and distribution of electrical power through a network to the
required load.


Electrical Codes, Licenses and Permits: Design of an electrical system involves applying the standards
written into the building code.

Building System Voltages: Power is delivered by the utility company to the user at supply voltages.
Supply voltage is expressed as a nominal voltage because it varies slightly.
System and Circuit Grounding: In an electrical system, grounding is required to protect building
occupants and electrical equipment. Grounding an electrical system begins with a ground, an electrode
in direct contact with the earth itself.

Conductor Requirements: Copper and aluminum are the most common conductor materials used in
building electrical wiring, although other materials can be used.

Cable, Raceway, and Enclosure Requirements: All building wiring must be enclosed in a cable, conduit,
wireway, or raceway. During installation, conductors are snaked through conduit or tubing, are laid in a
wireway, or are contained in cables and secured to structural framing.

Branch Circuit Requirements: A building electrical system consists of several circuits that extend out
from the switchboard or panelboard.

Switchboard and Panelboard Requirements: Switchboards and panelboards can be used as distribution
equipment, at a point downstream from the service entrance equipment.

Service Entrance Equipment Requirements: Service equipment must be large enough to supply the
computed load of the building or area of the building being served.

Electric service: the furnishing of electric power and energy for lighting, heating, power, or any other
purpose for which electric power and energy can be used

# The supply of electricity, including generation, transmission, distribution and ancillary services (e.g.
spinning and supplemental reserves) for ultimate consumption.

Electrical wiring: is an electrical installation of cabling and associated devices such as switches,
distribution boards, sockets, and light fittings in a structure.

Wiring is subject to safety standards for design and installation. Allowable wire and cable types and sizes
are specified according to the circuit operating voltage and electric current capability, with further
restrictions on the environmental conditions, such as ambient temperature range, moisture levels, and
exposure to sunlight and chemicals.

Lighting Fundamentals

Light Output: The most common measure of light output (or luminous flux) is the lumen. Light sources
are labeled with an output rating in lumens. For example, a T12 40-watt fluorescent lamp may have a
rating of 3050 lumens. Similarly, a light fixture's output can be expressed in lumens. As lamps and
fixtures age and become dirty, their lumen output decreases (i.e., lumen depreciation occurs). Most
lamp ratings are based on initial lumens (i.e., when the lamp is new).

Light Level: Light intensity measured on a plane at a specific location is called illuminance. Illuminance is
measured in footcandles, which are work plane lumens per square foot. You can measure illuminance
using a light meter located on the work surface where tasks are performed. Using simple arithmetic and
manufacturers' photometric data, you can predict illuminance for a defined space. (Lux is the metric unit
for illuminance, measured in lumens per square meter. To convert footcandles to lux, multiply
footcandles by 10.76.)
Brightness: Another measurement of light is luminance, sometimes called brightness. This measures
light "leaving" a surface in a particular direction, and considers the illuminance on the surface and the
reflectance of the surface.

The human eye does not see illuminance; it sees luminance. Therefore, the amount of light delivered
into the space and the reflectance of the surfaces in the space affects your ability to see.

Lighting Design

Lighting is the means to express the desired character of a space. A successful lighting scheme should
be integrated into the design at an early stage. The inclusion of lighting design during the conceptual
phases will enable the lighting to enhance a perception of space, reinforce the activity within a space or
highlight prominent areas.

Light plays a key role in the design of a visual environment. Work and movement is only possible when
we have light to see. Architecture, people and objects are only visible is there is light. Light is an
important factor in how we perceive our environment, influencing the way we feel and our reaction to a

Types of lighting

In general, lighting experts agree that there are four primary types of lighting, each category being
specifically tailored and created to serve its unique purpose and fulfill specific needs:


Ambient indoor lighting

Bright, powerful illumination that lights up a room in its entirety. General lighting, or now mostly known
as “ambient” lighting is made for a single purpose: to provide you with uniform levels of illumination
over the entire space completely independently from other lighting sources.

Creating a strong ambient illumination through “bounce” and reflections off the walls, thus ensuring
safe and easy navigation as its primary purpose.

Outdoor ambient lighting

While it is true that when we think of ambient lighting, we mostly imagine an indoor space, outdoor
ambient lighting is also very often used for a variety of purposes. Besides being used for decorative
accents to increase the aesthetic appeal of a certain building, yard or area surrounding an object, it is
most often utilized as an increased security measure.


Few things can serve as a more worthy addition than effective task lighting specifically tailored for the
task you are about to complete. Whether you are about to indulge engage in productive computer work,
enjoy cooking a delicious meal or simply sit back and relax with a good book, nothing will aid you better
as a task lighting.

Achieving a specific desired effect by focusing on certain points of interest is what accent lighting does
best. Whether you want to create an impression of a larger room, highlight a certain feature or
decoration focal point such as a beautiful collection, or even a certain unique piece of art, accent lighting
is the right thing for you.


One of the most important things to consider when making your decorative lighting selection is the
effect the design will have with the light that is transmitted. When it comes to decorative lighting, just
like its name implies, it is all about making a strong statement. Before choosing it, make sure to think of
the direct, upwards, or downwards lighting, color, and size to really achieve the effect that you have in

Lighting application

Ultraviolet and fluorescent lamps provide a multitude of technologically advanced uses of light, with
specialty lamp designers harnessing the power of UV radiation for many commercial and industrial
purposes around the globe. The Light Sources Group is a leading specialty lamp manufacturer with in-
depth knowledge of the many uses of light, providing effective and cost-efficient lamps for several
applications. Some of the most common uses of UV and fluorescent lighting include:

Illumination – lighting for homes, offices, warehouses

Signs – illuminating signs in any shape or size

Backlighting applications – miniature fluorescent lighting is used in avionic display illumination and
backlighting in computer and technological applications

Phototherapy – UV lights provide health benefits to a wide range of illnesses

Tanning – Light Sources provides patented technology for maximum tanning effects

UV Curing – UV curing solutions are used in many industries to improve quality and cost- efficient

UVC Germicidal Applications – Ultraviolet energy is highly effective at eradicating bacteria and viruses
from air, water and surfaces.

Parameters influencing daylighting performance

Climate: The prevailing climatic conditions of a building site define the overall preconditions for the
daylighting design in terms of sunlight availability, visual comfort, thermal comfort and energy

Latitude: The latitude of a building site determines the solar altitude for a given time of day and year.

Obstructions and reflections on site: External reflections and obstructions from surrounding elements
on the building site (buildings, vegetation, ground surface etc.) will influence the amount of daylight
reaching the interior of a building.

Building design
Geometry: The geometry of a building influences its capacity to deliver adequate levels of daylight to
the interior. When the building is deep, daylighting solely by facade windows has its limitations.

Windows and skylights

Orientation: The orientation of windows influences the availability and qualities of daylight in the
interior. In the northern hemisphere, the light coming from the north is mainly composed of diffuse
skylight and provides the interior with a functional and comfortable light that is pretty stable throughout
the day.

Glazing dimensions: The amount of daylight entering a room is linked to the total glazing area of
windows in that room.

Glazing transmittance: The amount of daylight transmitted through a windowpane is reduced by the
number of glass layers it has to penetrate. As a rule of thumb, double glazing (with no coating) lets in
approx.80% of the light, while triple glazing (with no coating) lets in approx. 70%of the light (compared
to an open window).

Shading: Shading and sun-screening are just as important to good daylighting performance as the
window itself. Pleated blinds and Venetian blinds can be used to adjust the amount of daylight entering
spaces and to reduce window luminance to control glare.

Orientation: Orientation is a crucial factor influencing Sun Tunnel's performance. These products are
intended to transport intense sunlight to diffuse it into useful daylight in deep areas of buildings or areas
where a window is not necessary but daylight is wanted.

Length and configuration: The length of a Sun Tunnel influences the number of inter-reflections needed
for sunlight to reach the interior of a room. While shorter Sun Tunnels will deliver lighter, the very high
reflectiveness of the metal material used in them allows sunlight to be efficiently transported over long
distances up to 6m. Rigid Sun Tunnels will deliver more light than flexible Sun Tunnels.

Diffuser transmittance: The transmittance and optical properties of the diffuser influence both the
amount and distribution of daylight from Sun Tunnels. As the name suggests, the diffuser takes the
direct sunlight coming down the Sun Tunnel and diffuses it to achieve a good distribution of daylight in
the room.

Passive Daylighting Strategies (Provision)

Every building is different, which is why architects customize passive daylighting strategies based on the
building’s location and its intended use. The goal of daylighting is to collect enough daylight in the
summer to turn off electric lights and collect as much as possible in the winter to help heat the building.

Building orientation



External Shading Systems

Light shelves

Solar tubes

Light wall colors

Parametric modeling, daylight simulation, and artificial intelligence (AI): Modern architecture firms use
parametric software to generate optimized daylighting strategies for buildings.

Energy: Energy is the capacity of a physical system to do work. There is no physical “essence” of energy,
and no such thing as “pure energy”. It is always carried by something, usually in the form of movement
and the faster it moves, the more energy it carries.

Energy cycle: Energy Cycle means the entire energy chain, including activities related to prospecting for,
exploration, production, conversion, storage, transport, distribution and consumption of the various
forms of energy, and the treatment and disposal of wastes, as well as the decommissioning, cessation or
closure of these activities, minimizing harmful Environmental Impacts.

The Sun is the main source of energy for all the processes or activities taking place on Earth. The energy
obtained from the sun is called solar energy which ensures whatever the energy is taken by us from the
earth and its atmosphere is returned to it back through some way.

Energy transfer: Energy transfer, the change of energy from one form to another. According to the first
law of thermodynamics, energy can be neither created nor destroyed; in other words, the total energy
of the universe remains constant. For example, when a block slides down a slope, the potential energy
of the block sitting at the top of the slope is converted to the kinetic energy of the block’s motion. When
friction slows the block to a stop, the kinetic energy is converted to thermal energy. Energy is not
created or destroyed but merely changes forms, being transferred from potential to kinetic to thermal

Energy buildings: The “active energy building” is an energy-independent structure that produces more
energy than it consumes. Net zero energy buildings are buildings that make, or supply, their energy
through renewable resources, which results in zero carbon emissions. Put simply, a net zero energy
building is one that produces as much energy as it consumes on an annual basis.

These types of buildings can take energy from electrical grids, and send unused energy back to offset
their energy consumption

Embodied energy vs operational energy: Zero carbon refers to both embodied energy and operational
energy. Embodied energy refers to the energy used in the manufacture of building materials, while
operational energy is that used to heat, cool and power your home.

How much energy to make change 1 degree Celsius: Quantitative experiments show that 4.18 Joules of
heat energy are required to raise the temperature of 1g of water by 1°C

Comforts zone analysis: The Comfort Zone refers to the range of temperature conditions of air
movement, humidity and exposure to direct sunlight, under which a moderately clothed human feel
Comfort zone extends between two fixed levels of vapor content, namely 4 and 12 g/ kg. Different
temperature ranges are given in the latest version for the summer, when the buildings are cooled, and
for the winter, when the buildings are heated, to take into account changes in "seasonal clothing habits"
and to enhance energy conservation. The upper temperature limit slightly decreases line early with
higher humidity (between the above humidity boundaries) and increases with higher air speed.

Principles of electricity: The three basic principles for this tutorial can be explained using electrons, or
more specifically, the charge they create:

Voltage is the difference in charge between two points.

Current is the rate at which charge is flowing.

Resistance is a material's tendency to resist the flow of charge (current).

So, when we talk about these values, we're really describing the movement of charge, and thus, the
behavior of electrons. A circuit is a closed loop that allows charge to move from one place to another.
Components in the circuit allow us to control this charge and use it to do work.

An electrical code: Electrical code is a set of regulations for the design and installation of electrical
wiring in a building. The intention of a code is to provide standards to ensure electrical wiring systems
that are safe for people and property.

Energy service: Means the physical benefit, utility or good derived from a combination of energy with
energy-efficient technology or with action, which may include the operations, maintenance and control
necessary to deliver the service, which is delivered on the basis of a contract and in normal
circumstances has proven to result in verifiable and measurable or estimable energy efficiency
improvement or primary energy savings.

What is a Wiring Diagram: A wiring diagram is a simple visual representation of the physical connections
and physical layout of an electrical system or circuit. It shows how the electrical wires are
interconnected and can also show where fixtures and components may be connected to the system.

Use wiring diagrams to assist in building or manufacturing the circuit or electronic device. They are also
useful for making repairs.

Define Climatology: The science that deals with climates and their phenomena. This science helps
people better understand the atmospheric conditions that cause weather patterns and temperature
changes over time.

Descriptive climatology describes the climates of the world. It is subdivided into regional climatology,
which deals on a broad scale with the climates of large portions of the world, and microclimatology, the
modifications of local climates by local factors, such as topography and land–water contrasts. Physical
climatology attempts to explain the properties of climates by the earth–sun geometry,

What is the cause of wind direction:

Blowing from high to low pressure, air always attempts to balance out the pressure levels. A high-
pressure system next to a low-pressure system will cause wind direction to flow clockwise and outward
toward a low-pressure system. The low-pressure system is what causes air direction to flow
counterclockwise and inward. This is also referred to as a cyclonic flow and is one of the ingredients that
can come together to create a tropical cyclone, hurricane or typhoon (all different names for the same
weather phenomenon)

The other cause of wind direction is friction. Surface-level winds are mostly influenced by friction, as this
is where wind encounters varying surfaces. If the wind blows toward a building, it must go through a
change in direction. It could rise above the building or go around it in either direction, but the presence
of the building will cause a wind direction change. Slowing down of winds by a rougher surface will also
decrease Coriolis deflection, and acceleration over a smoother surface will cause the opposite.

Spiritual energy: This is the most subtle type of energy and has a close affiliation with your emotions. “It
can be translated in many different ways such as your mind, spirit, consciousness, vitality, expression,
soul and energy. It can be seen as a sparkle in someone’s eye or an emotion when they are talking about
something which inspires or brings happiness to them - all of which depend on the heart,” she

The heart is where your soul energy shows up so if your emotional energy is feeling depleted, this is
where it will show up for you. Which is why it’s important to embrace self-love, self-compassion and
appreciate your worth. “To boost your spiritual energy, I suggest making gratitude a habit as it will
transform your outlook on life as you start to experience an appreciation for the little things. Love is one
of the highest vibrating states of being and has the power to pull you out of even the deepest of ditches
so attune your heart to love and your energy will soar. Finally, consume high-vibe music, TV, books and
movies. By making sure your entertainment is of high vibration it will leave you feeling uplifted rather
than downhearted.

Climatic factors: The bioclimatic design concept was first proposed by Victor Olgyay. The effect of the
above four elements on comfort can be demonstrated for a given climate with a simple graph.
Techniques like these are very useful for evaluating the general characteristics of a given climate against
what an individual knows.

Environmental quality factors

The following are examples of factors that have the potential to affect the quality of an environment:






Availability of green spaces

Distance from essential amenities

Environmental quality: Environmental quality is an important indicator of human development. This

is because people are increasingly adapting the environment to meet their needs. Therefore, if the
environmental quality of a territory is lacking, it is often the result of anthropic influences.

Renewable Energy: Renewable energy, often known as clean energy, is derived from renewable natural
resources or processes. For instance, even if their availability is dependent on the time and weather,
sunlight and wind continue to shine and blow.

What is a carbon footprint: A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases (including
carbon dioxide and methane) that are generated by our actions. The average carbon footprint for a
person in the United States is 16
tons, one of the highest rates in the
world. Globally, the average carbon
footprint is closer to 4 tons. To have
the best chance of avoiding a 2℃ rise
in global temperatures, the average
global carbon footprint per year
needs to drop to under 2 tons by

Green building: We will be in denial

unless we accept that as the world
grows and develops, at some point the earth would no longer be sustainable. Our natural resources will
be depleted and the economy will struggle to balance. This is why green building is essential. The
conservation of natural resources is the goal of an ideal green building.

Sustainable energy: Sustainable energy includes any energy source that cannot be depleted and can
remain viable forever. It does not need to be renewed or replenished; sustainable energy meets our
demand for energy without any risk of going bad or running out. This is why sustainable energy is the
answer to our energy needs.
Importance of Energy Efficiency in a Building:
Efficient energy consumption in buildings is
one of the most affordable ways to lessen the
detrimental effects of climate change and
health-related problems. Moreover, energy-
efficient buildings decrease indoor air pollution
as they provide cleaner combustion and better
ventilation than conventional buildings. As a
result, the possibility of air pollution-related
diseases such as asthma and lung cancer will
be reduced.

Benefits of sustainable energy: There is a

broad range of benefits to transitioning to
sustainable energy. Below we’ll list the top ways sustainable energy can positively impact our
communities and planet:

Improves Public Health: The burning of fossil fuels in coal and natural gas plants is directly tied with
many serious public health issues, such as neurological damage, cancer, heart attacks, breathing
problems and premature death. When fossil fuels are burned for energy, they release air and water
pollution that negatively affect surrounding communities and environments.

Creates Local Jobs: Sustainable energy can also help fuel your local communities. Since most facilities
and sustainable energy infrastructure must be built locally or in the same county, making the switch
helps create jobs and improve the economy. Instead of spending more money importing energy from
fossil fuel companies, that money is spent on materials and workmanship to maintain sustainable
energy facilities.

Decreases Your Carbon Footprint: We’re all doing our best to reduce our negative impact on the
environment, but there is only so much each person can do. Sustainable energy, such as wind and solar
energy, creates zero carbon emissions that can harm the atmosphere and contribute to global warming.
It offsets the need for fossil fuels, which are actively increasing climate change and polluting our earth.

Long-term Cost is More Affordable: Sustainable energy can make a huge long-term difference to the
electricity and energy costs of our homes and businesses — no matter where you are. Not only are they
easily available for little to no cost, but they’re much more cost-effective than traditional energy
resources, such as power plants.

Energy Security: Sustainable energy is by definition the most reliable form of energy. It will never
deplete and can remove our reliance on imported fossil fuels, which are growing more expensive and
less accessible. Sustainable energy also helps to conserve the planet’s natural resources and reduce the
pollution associated with unsustainable energy.

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