Q4 Tos Mapeh 8

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Subject: MAPEH Year Level: Grade 8 Grading Period: 4thQuarter School Year: 2022-2023 Date of Exam: ____________________

No of % of Cognitive TQ
NO COMPETENCIES days Item Domain Number
1 Identifies musical characteristics of selected Asian musical theater through video films or live performances; 3 30% Remembering 1,2,3
2 Sing selection/s from chosen Asian musical theater; Applying
3 Describe how the musical elements contribute to the performance of the musical production 2 20% Understanding 4
4 Identifies the instruments that accompany Kabuki, WayangKulit, Peking Opera; Remembering 5
5 Explains the distinguishing characteristics of representative Asian musical theater 1 10 Understanding 6
6 Describe how a specific idea or story is communicated through music in a particular Asian musical theater; 1 10 Understanding 7
7 Creates/improvises appropriate sound, music, gesture, movements, props and costume for performance of a chosen Creating
Asian traditional musical and theatrical form; 1 10
8 Evaluates music and music performances applying knowledge of musical elements and style. Evaluating 8
1 Identify selected festivals and theatrical forms celebrated all over the Asian region 2 30% Remembering 1,2,3
2 Research on the history of the festival and theatrical forms and its evolution, and describe how the community 1 10% Understanding 4
participates and contributes to the event
3 Identify the elements and principles of arts as manifested in Asian festivals and theatrical form 1 20% Remembering 5,6
4 Define what make each of the Asian Festivals and Theatrical forms unique through a visual presentation 2 20% Remembering 7,8
5 Design the visual elements and components of the selected festival or theatrical form through costumes, props, Creating
6 Analyze the uniqueness of each group’s performance of their selected festival or theatrical form 1 10% Analyzing 9
7 Show the relationship of the selected Asian festival and the festival in the Philippines in terms of form and 1 10% Understanding 10
reason for holding the celebration
8 Choreograph the movements and gestures reflecting the mood of the selected festival/theatrical form of Asia Creating
9 Improvise accompanying sound and rhythm of the selected festival/ theatrical form of Asia Creating
10 Perform in a group showcase of the selected festival/theatrical form Creating
11 Analyze the uniqueness of each group’s performance of their selected festival or theatrical form 1 20% Analyzing 11,12
1 Undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments. 3 Applying
2 Reviews goals based on assessment results. 2 Understanding
3 Addresses barriers ( low levels of fitness, lack of skill and time) to exercise. 2 20% Understanding 7,8
4 Describes the nature and background of dance. 3 30% Applying 1,2,3
5 Executes the skills involved in the dance. 2 Evaluating
6 Monitors periodically one’s progress towards the fitness goals. 2 Applying
7 Performs appropriate first aid for injury and emergency situations in dance (cramps, sprains, heat exhaustion, and 2 Understanding
dehydration )
8 Analyzes the effect of exercises and physical activity participation on fitness. 3 30% Applying 4,5,6
9 Assumes responsibility for achieving fitness. 3 Applying
10 Exerts best effort to achieve positive feeling about self and others. 1
1 discusses gateway drugs 1 10% Understanding 1
2 identifies reasons why people smoke cigarettes 3 30% Remembering 8,11-13
3 analyzes the negative health impact of cigarette smoking 2 20% Understanding 3-6,9
3.1 describes the harmful short- and long-term effects of cigarette smoking on the different parts of the body
3.2 discusses the dangers of mainstream, second hand and third hand smoke;
3.3 explain the impact of cigarette smoking on the family, environment, and Community
4 identifies reasons for drinking and for not drinking alcohol 1 10% Remembering 7,10
analyzes the negative health impact of drinking alcohol 1 10% Understanding 13
5 5.1 describes the harmful short- and long-term effects of drinking alcohol
5.2 interprets blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in terms of physiological changes in the body
6 explains the impact of drinking alcohol on the family, and community 1 10% Understanding 14
discusses strategies in the prevention and control of cigarette smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages Understanding
7 7.1 apply resistance skills in situations related to cigarette and alcohol use
7.2 follows policies and laws in the family, school and community related to cigarette and alcohol use
8 suggests healthy alternatives to cigarettes and alcohol to promote healthy lifestyle (self, family, community) Creating

1. B 3. C
4. A
5. A
6. A

2. A
1. B 3. C
2. A 4. - 6. A, B, D
3. D 7. A
4. A 8. C
5. C
7. C 1. B
8. A 2. C
9. c 3. B
10. a 4. A
11. A 5. A
12. B 6. A
7. D
8. B
9. C
10. A
11. C
12. C
13. D
14. D
15. A

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