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Muhammet Beyazıt Terzi

Instructor’s Name
25 March y

I. Introduction
Thesis Statement: People living in Turkey are so stressed because of world perspective, fi-
nancial problems, uncertainty.

II Main Body
A) Cause 1 /Topic St 1 : Many problems in Turkey caused by world view for example: Using
hate language, approaching to events not based in problem solving
B) Cause 2 /Topic St 2: Economic problems in Turkey such as low wages, high inflation and
excess taxes lead to many stress problems in individual

C) Cause 3 /Topic St 3: The atmosphere of Turkey is really chaotic and no one knows what is
going to happen next this cause many people to feel anxiety

III Conclusion
Concluding Sentence: In conclusion world perspective, economic problems and uncertainty
lead to stress in Turkey.


Stress is caused many problems in our lives as physically dementia , obesity , diabetes …
And as mentally laziness, pessimism, low self-esteem …
Especially in Turkey people have such stressful lives that some of them can literally go in-
sane and do awful things. There are many reasons, including world perspective, financial ob-
stacles and uncertainty why people in Turkey are so overwhelmed.

Many problems in Turkey caused by world view for example: Using hate language, egocen-
tric perspective ,approaching to events not based in problem solving for instance two men
could start a fight in a middle of a street just for unreasonable motive, Mother can shout her
children for same unreasonable motive, in traffic one of the man could pass in the red light
actually these kind a little things piling up and emerging stress.

Economic problems in Turkey such as low wages, high inflation and excess taxes lead to
many stress problems in individual. When people want something but couldn’t afford it, that
can cause frustration, low self esteem and if especially their child is wanting that and still
can’t afford it that will be permanent trace and these traces are real deal. Financial obstacles
also makes money so valuable for majority that people can hurt themselves for it.

The atmosphere of Turkey is really chaotic and no one knows what is going to happen next
this cause many people to feel anxiety because in human nature things that they can’t under-
stand represent themselves as fear and obstacles.This uncertainty in Turkey cause other prob-
lems that also lead to stress such as economic problems, illogical thinking, having no plans
and discipline and so on.

Many complications in areas of sociology finance and diplomacy can lead to stress in Turkey
To prevent this we have to be more careful what we talk and what we do we have to think at
least twice and not just from our perspective from other peoples and living thing’s perspec-


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