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What is
What is the aim Realism
philosophy of
science? of science? Scientific realism is associated
with the second tradition with
There are two main traditions respect to the aim of science.
with respect to the aim of According to scientific realism,
Philosophy of science is the
science. According to the first science should aim at providing
branch of philosophy that
tradition the aim of science is theories that we believe to be
deals with conceptual
merely to save the phenomena: true.
problems and foundational
issues arising from the current That is, to provide us with a But why would someone hold
practice of science as well as good description and a good this view? The most famous
its history. It can ask general analysis of the available argument for scientific realism
questions such as: What is evidence, without caring is called the ‘no miracles
science? What counts as whether the explanatory story argument’:
scientific knowledge? How do that the theory provides is true
our scientific theories track or false. According to the Premise 1: Scientific theories,
nature? Or it can ask more second tradition, the aim of in general, are very successful
specific questions such as: science is not just to save the in making predictions.
phenomena, but rather to tell Premise 2: This is either
What is the nature of space-
us the truth about the because of a miracle or because
time? How should we classify
phenomena. In other words, scientific theories are true.
biological species? How
we want the scientific theory to Premise 3: The existence of
effective are randomized miracles is highly doubtful.
controlled trials for testing new get things right in the sense that
what it says about the Conclusion: Therefore,
drugs in medicine? And so on. scientific theories must be true.
phenomena corresponds to the
way things really are in nature.

Scientific Anti-
Explain in your own words what the aims
Scientific anti-realism is
associated with the first of science might be. Can you give an
tradition with respect to the
aim of science. According to
Are scientific
the most famous of its possible What is scientific realism? What is theories true?
formulations, namely
involved in embracing a realist view of
constructive empiricism,
accepting a theory does not
imply believing that the theory
What is the aim of
is true. Instead, accepting a What is constructive empiricism? Why is science? Are
theory implies only the belief it an anti-realist position?
that the theory is empirically
scientific theories
adequate in the sense that it How can a constructive empiricist explain objectively true? If
saves the phenomena. And,
contrary to the ‘no miracles’ the success of science? Can you think of so, what does this
argument for scientific realism, any example that may illustrate this
mean? Should we
constructive empiricism can
explain the success of science be realists about
by postulating a ‘Darwinian’ Do you think that it is possible for a science?
explanation for it: Scientific scientific theory to be false? Can you
theories are born into a life of give any examples?
fierce competition where only
the successful ones survive,
i.e., those that latch onto
actual regularities in nature
and save the phenomena!

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