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Polymer International Polym Int 52:164–171 (2003)

DOI: 10.1002/pi.1038

Crystallization and morphology of metallocene

polyethylenes with well-controlled molecular
weight and branching content
Ya Peng,1 Qiang Fu1* and Fang-Chyou Chiu2
Department of Polymer Science and Materials, Sichuan University, State Key Laboratory of Polymer Materials Engineering, Chengdu,
Sichuan 610065, People’s Republic of China
Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan 333

Abstract: The crystallization and morphology of some metallocene polyethylenes with well-controlled
molecular weight and branching content were investigated by DSC, WAXD, PLM and SALS. The
banded spherulites observed in linear PE are not seen in crystallization of branched PEs. The small
spherulites with small lamellae or fringed micelle crystals are formed when branching content is
higher, as suggested by PLM and SALS. The expansion of the unit cell was observed by WAXD as the
molecular weight and branching content increased. At even higher branching content (more than
7 mol%), a shrinkage of the unit cell was seen, probably due to a change of crystal morphology from
lamellar-like crystals to fringed micelle-like crystals. Crystallization temperature, melting point and
crystallinity are greatly decreased for branched PEs compared with linear PEs. The equilibrium
melting temperature cannot be determined via the Hoffman–Weeks approach for branched PEs since
Tm is always 5–6 °C higher than Tc and there is no intercept with the Tm = Tc line. Our results show a
predominant role of branches in the crystallization of polyethylene.
# 2003 Society of Chemical Industry

Keywords: metallocene polyethylene; crystallization; morphology

INTRODUCTION uniform branching content is used. Hsieh et al 8 proved

The single-site feature of metallocene catalysis leads to that in solvent gradient fraction (SGF) of branched
narrow molecular weight distribution (MWD) and PE, the higher molecular weight molecules with higher
uniform short chain branch (SCB) distribution. Due comonomer content will be found in the same SGF
to its superior mechanical and thermal properties fraction as the low molecular weight molecules with
compared to low density polyethylene (LDPE), short- lower comonomer content. It is well known that the
chain branched polyethylene (SCBPE) has received a crystallization behaviour and crystal morphology of
lot of attention both industrially and academically branched PE are closely related to the molecular
since its first synthesis.1–5 So far, polyethylene with a weight, the molecular weight distribution, the branch
well-defined molecular architecture can be synthesized type, the branch content, the sequence length of
using such single-site metallocene catalysts. ethylene segments and crystallization conditions. With
Can we consider that metallocene SCBPE truly has increasing branching content, crystallization kinetics is
a unique molecular architecture which includes uni- dramatically slowed down, and crystal morphology
form distribution of SCB and narrow molecular could be changed from well-defined spherulites to
weight distribution? Our previous work,6,7 showed irregular spherulites, and only fringed micelle tiny
not only intermolecular heterogeneity but also intra- crystallites can be obtained when branching content is
molecular heterogeneity in metallocene polyethylene; higher.9,10 Our previous results showed a large
that is to say, the distribution of SCB differs not only difference between SGF sample and cross-fractiona-
intermolecularly but intramolecularly as well. The way tion (CF) sample with respect to their crystallization
to determine the intramolecular heterogeneity is the kinetics, melting temperature and crystal morphology
same as for intermolecular heterogeneity. The differ- even if they have the same molecular weight and
ence is that for intermolecular heterogeneity a sample branching content.7 Consequently, detailed informa-
with broad branching content distribution is used, tion about SCB distribution, and in particular the
while for intramolecular heterogeneity a sample with intermolecular and intramolecular distributions of

* Correspondence to: Qiang Fu, Department of Polymer Science and Materials, Sichuan University, State Key Laboratory of Polymer
Materials Engineering, Chengdu, Sichuan 610065, People’s Republic of China
Contract/grant sponsor: China National Distinguished Young Investigator Fund
Contract/grant sponsor: National Natural Science Foundation of China
(Received 8 October 2001; revised version received 30 March 2002; accepted 9 May 2002)

# 2003 Society of Chemical Industry. Polym Int 0959–8103/2003/$30.00 164

Crystallization and morphology of metallocene polyethylenes

SCB, is of paramount importance in determining the Moreover, the molecular weight distribution is very
thermodynamic and crystallization behaviour of narrow for all the samples (Mw /Mn is around 1) and
SCBPE. the branching content is relatively high for the
In order to get a better understanding of the effect of branched samples (the lowest is 5.51 mole%).
molecular weight and branching content on the
crystallization behaviour and crystal morphology of Instrument and measurements
metallocene polyethylene, it is necessary to use DSC measurements were conducted on a computer-
samples with well-controlled molecular weight and ized Perkin-Elmer differential scanning calorimeter,
branching content. Collaborating with Philips Com- Model Pyris 1. The specimens were weighted in the
pany, we have obtained a set of metallocene poly- range 3–5 mg. During the measurement, dried N2 gas
ethylenes with narrow molecular weight distribution was purged at a constant flow rate. In the case of
and uniform chain branching content (after CF isothermal crystallization, the sample was kept at
fractionation). Of course, the intramolecular hetero- 160 °C for 5 min to remove residual crystals, which
geneity still remains for these branched PEs as shown might provide seeds for crystallization. Then, they
in our previous paper. The effect of the molecular were cooled rapidly to the predetermined crystal-
weight and branch content on the crystallization lization temperature Tc at a rate of 100 K min1 and
behaviour and morphology of polyethylenes have been the temperature held constant until the crystallization
investigated by Wide angle X-ray diffraction was completed. Thereafter the specimens were heated
(WAXD), polarized light microscopy (PLM), small again without prior cooling to obtain the DSC endo-
angle light scattering and differential scanning cao- therms at a rate of 10 K min1. The temperature
lorimetry (DSC). Followings are our main results. reading and calorific measurement were calibrated
using standard indium.
Connected to PLM a camera was used to observe
EXPERIMENTAL the macroscopic morphology. Thin films were pre-
Materials pared by melt-pressing a small amount of the sample
The polymer materials examined in this study were between the cover glass and glass slide at a tempera-
narrow MWD metallocene catalyzed short-chain ture of 160 °C, then slowly cooled down to room
branched polyethylene (SCBPE) fractions obtained temperature. WAXD was conducted using a Siemens
by using solvent gradient fractionation (SGF) and D500 diffractometer. The wavelength of the mono-
cross-fractionation (CF) techniques. The copolymer chromated X-ray from CuKa radiation was 0.154 nm
sample was synthesized using a Zr-based homo- and the reflection mode was used. Melt-pressed
geneous metallocene catalyst. SGF applied to the samples were prepared on aluminium substrates to
whole polymer material produced nearly monodis- form films of thickness around 0.5 mm. The scanning
persed molecular weight distribution fractions 2y range was from 15 to 30° with a scanning rate of
(TREF). Part of SGF fractions was then further 5 °min1. Laser light scattering measurements were
resolved, using a temperature gradient fractionation conducted by using a polarized HE–Ne gas laser with a
technique, according to their comonomer differences. wavelength of 632.8 nm and a CCD detector. Only the
Detailed molecular characteristics of these fractions Hv geometry was used for the measurement; ie the
are listed in Table 1. Samples can be divided into three optical axis of the analyzer was set perpendicular to
groups: (1) linear polyethylenes with different mol- that of the polarizer. Thin films with the same thermal
ecular weights (used just for comparison), (2) low history as in PLM experiments were used.
molecular weight PEs with different branching con-
tents (branching effect can be explored) and (3) high
molecular weight PEs with different branching con- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
tents (molecular weight effect as well as branching Crystal morphology
effect can be obtained and compared with group 2). It To investigate the morphology change in relation to
should be noted that the comonomer used is 1-butene, the molecular weight and branching content, PLM
hence the side branches should be ethyl groups. experiments were carried out for all the samples. PLM

Sample ID Sample description a Mw b103 (k) Mn b103 (k) Mw /Mn SCB type c Mole%
1 9507-1 Low Mw homo SGF 24.9 23.0 1.08 — —
9507-2 High Mw homo SGF 201 170 1.18 — —
2 9507-3 Low Mw /high B CF 29.9 27.2 1.10 1-Butene 7.34
9507-4 Low Mw /low B CF 28.5 25.9 1.10 1-Butene 5.95
3 9507-5 High Mw /high B CF 136 119 1.14 1-Butene 8.58
9507-6 High Mw /low B CF 103 92 1.12 1-Butene 5.51
SGF: Solvent Gradient Fraction CF: Cross Fraction.
Table 1. Molecular characteristics of
in g mol1.
metallocene polyethylenes used SCB type: short-chain branch type.

Polym Int 52:164–171 (2003) 165

Y Peng, Q Fu, F-C Chiu

photographs are shown in Fig 1. The samples were smaller, and the crystal birefringence of these
prepared by slow cooling from the isotropic melt to samples is weaker than that of linear PEs, which can
room temperature, in air. One observes well-defined be attributed to their lower crystallinity. Moreover, no
spherulites with banded structure for linear PEs with special superstructure is developed, and only very
both low and high molecular weights. It is believed weak tiny bright spots are observed for 9507-5 which
that there exist exact long-range orientational correla- has the highest branching content. These morpholo-
tions both in radial and azimuthal directions within the gical observations indicate that the branches affect PE
banded spherulites. However, for branched PEs, the morphology greatly, in agreement with other previous
superstructure (granular structure) size is much findings.6–10 The higher the branch content in PEs,

Figure 1. PLM micrographs of some selected metallocene PE samples, (a) 9507-1, (b) 9507-2, (c) 9507-3, (d) 9507-4, (e) 9507-5, and (f) 9507-6.

166 Polym Int 52:164–171 (2003)

Crystallization and morphology of metallocene polyethylenes

the more difficult it is for them to form a recognizable mixed morphology of small lamellae and bundled
superstructure. crystals, and very small spherulites can be formed in
The Hv scattering patterns of the samples are shown this case. Type I has no lamellae or spherulites.
in Fig 2. The scattering patterns are almost qualita- Fringed micellar or bundled crystals are inferred from
tively similar and only subtle differences exist between the low degree of crystallinity, the low melting
the samples. The lobes for linear PEs are sharp and the temperature and the granular, non-lamellar morphol-
lobes for branched PEs are well defined (except 9507- ogy. Most probably, 9507-4 and 95070-6 form type II
3). The intensities of the two samples with highest morphology, and 9507-3 and 9507-5 have type I
branching content (9507-3 and 9507-5) are quite morphology.
weak. Based on the comonomer content, the mor-
phology of branched PE can be classified according to Crystal structure
four types, according to Hiltner and coworkers.9,10 Polyethylene exhibits polymorphism and orthorhom-
Type IV exhibits a lamellar morphology with well- bic is the most stable crystal structure. It can be
developed spherulitic superstructure. Type III has formed under normal crystallization conditions either
thinner lamellae and smaller spherulites. Type II has a from the melt or from solution. It has been demon-

Figure 2. Hv small-angle light-scattering patterns from slowly crystallized samples, (a) 9507-1, (b) 9707-2, (c) 9507-3, (d) 9507-4, (e) 9507-5, and (f) 9507-6.

Polym Int 52:164–171 (2003) 167

Y Peng, Q Fu, F-C Chiu

strated that methyl side-groups and a certain amount 3 and 9507-5, which have a quite high branching
of ethyl side-groups can be incorporated into crystal content (more than 7.4 mole%). The WAXD patterns
lattices. Evidence has been provided for the incorpora- of these two samples are shown in Fig 4. It has been
tion of ethyl branches due to a slight expansion of the suggested that a change of lamellar to fringed micelle
axis of the unit cell because of the 2 gl kinks.11 morphology takes place for metallocene PE with an
However, the majority of the included ethyl side- octane comonomer content greater than 7 mol%.12,13
groups are restricted to the crystal surface rather than The fringed micelle crystal is assumed to be the
being uniformly distributed in the crystallites, accord- predominant feature for these two samples, which may
ing to 13C NMR measurements.12 With increasing result in the reduction of unit cell and crystallinity as
molecular weight and branching content, the unit cell well. The SCB-induced strain on the fold surfaces of
of PE is expanded, due to the expansion of the chain crystal, which causes expansion of unit cell, will not
folds caused either by the SCB-induced strain on the exist any more in the fringed micelle crystals. Of
fold surfaces of crystal, or high molecular weight- course, the observed change of unit cell should be
induced defects in the crystal. The WAXD patterns for further verified by careful analysis of the data or by
samples 9507-1, 9507-2, 9507-4 and 9705-6 are other methods, since experimental artifacts may also
shown in Fig 3. The positions of {110} and {200} cause peak widening due to the high branching
diffraction peaks are found to shift to smaller angles content and very low crystallinity.
(larger dimension), as molecular weight changes from
Mw = 24.9 k to 201 kg mol1 for linear PE (compare Non-isothermal crystallization
9507-1 and 9507-2). Similar expansion is observed for No molecular segmental segregation is evident by
PE with low branching content (see samples 9507-4 DSC non-isothermal crystallization experiment for all
and 9507-6). It should be noted that increasing the the samples due to their narrow molecular weight and
molecular weight does not promote further expansion intermolecularly uniform branching distribution. One
of the unit cell in this case. Very interestingly, one of the examples is shown in Fig 5, which depicts the
observes some shrinking of the unit cell when the DSC crystallization traces of PEs recorded during
branching content becomes higher, for samples, 9507- cooling from the isotropic melt with a cooling rate of
10 °C min1. One observes a dominant exothermic
peak (Tc) for all the samples, which shifts to low
temperatures for branched samples. Only a few
degrees difference in Tc is observed between the two
linear PEs even though their molecular weight differs
by almost a factor 9. However the Tc difference
between linear PE and branched PE is about
40–50 °C. It is obvious that the branching content
plays a key role to determine the crystallization
behavior of branched PE. Comparing 9507-4 and
9507-6 which have almost the same branching content

Figure 3. WAXD patterns of metallocene PEs showing expansion of unit Figure 4. WAXD patterns of metallocene PEs showing shrinking of unit cell
cell; (a): 9507-1, (b): 9507-2, (c): 9507-4, and (d): 9507-6. (a) 7507-3 and (b) 9507-5.

168 Polym Int 52:164–171 (2003)

Crystallization and morphology of metallocene polyethylenes


Figure 6. DSC heating traces of 9507-2 crystallized at selected

Figure 5. DSC cooling traces for sample at a cooling rate of 10 °C min1 (a)
temperatures, (a) Tc = 120°C, (b) Tc = 121 °C, (c) Tc = 123°C and (d)
9507-1, (b) 9707-2, (c) 9507-3, (d) 9507-4, (e) 9507-5, and (f) 9507-6.
Tc = 124°C.

but a molecular weight four times higher for the latter

one observes only 3 °C difference in Tc. The peak
temperature (Tp) at which crystallization occurs the
fastest, melting temperature (Tm), heat of fusion
(DHm), exotherm (DHc) as well as crystallinity
calculated from the exotherms for all the samples are
listed in Table 2. The corresponding melting result
indicates that the low molecular weight linear PE has
the highest melting temperature and heat of fusion.
Increasing the molecular weight decreases slightly the
melting temperature and heat of fusion. However the
melting temperature and heat of fusion are greatly
lowered for branched PEs. 9507-5, which posseses the
highest molecular weight and branching content, has
the lowest melting temperature and heat of fusion.

Isothermal crystallization
Figure 7. DSC heating traces of 9507-4 crystallized at selected
DSC also was used to study the isothermal crystal- temperatures, (a) Tc = 85 °C, (b) Tc = 90 °C, (c) Tc = 91°C, and (d) Tc = 93°C.
lization and subsequent melting behaviour of the
samples. Figures 6 and 7 show the heating traces of
9507-2 and 950704 isothermally crystallized at various of crystals formed by longer ethylene sequences during
temperatures without prior cooling to room tempera- quenching from isotropic melt to crystallization
ture. Only one melting peak (Tm) is found for linear temperature. The low temperature peak (Tm1) changes
PE, independently of the crystallization temperature as Tc increases and should be due to the melting of
(Tc). Tm is much higher than Tc (more than 14–16 °C) crystals formed during isothermal crystallization. The
due to the thickening effect during crystallization. difference between Tc and Tm1 is quite small and
However, two melting peaks are found for branched always around 5.5 °C at all the crystallization tem-
PE 9507-4. The higher temperature peak (Tm2) peratures explored, ie Tm1 ( °C) = Tc þ 5.5. A similar
remains practically constant and does not change with phenomenon is observed for other branched PEs, and
Tc. Most probably, the high Tm2 is due to the melting Fig 8 depicts the DSC heating traces of 9507-5

Sample ID Sample description Tp ( °C) Tm ( °C) Xc DHm (J g1) DHc (J g1)

9507-1 Low Mw homo SGF 117.5 134.2 72.7% 213 213
9507-2 High Mw homo SGF 114.1 136.5 52.6% 158 154
9507-3 Low Mw /high B CF 70.5 90.3 21.5% 52.2 63.0
9507-4 Low Mw /low B CF 78.8 97.8 26.7% 64.3 78.3
9507-5 High Mw /high B CF 59.6 78.4 15.2% 44.4 44.5
Table 2. Various crystallization parameters of 83.1
the samples at 10°C min1 cooling and heating
9507-6 High Mw /low B CF 75.8 98.3 22.8% 56.0 66.8

Polym Int 52:164–171 (2003) 169

Y Peng, Q Fu, F-C Chiu

ture is associated with the crystal thickness (or

perfection), ie thicker and more perfect crystals melt
at higher temperatures, and vice versa. Thus, a broad
melting thermogram of branched PE is an indication
of a broad distribution of crystal thickness. Since the
samples could be assumed intermolecularly homo-
geneous after CF fractionation, the broad distribution
of crystal thickness most likely is due to the broad
distribution of ethylene sequences (ie intramolecular

The crystallization and crystal morphology of metal-
locene polyethylene are dependent on molecular
Figure 8. DSC heating traces of 9507-5 crystallized at selected weight and branching content. The branching content
temperatures (a) Tc = 67 °C, (b) Tc = 69 °C, (c) Tc = 71 °C, (d) Tc = 72 °C, and plays a dominant role and the molecular weight effect
(e) Tc = 73°C. can be neglected when the molecular weight is high
enough and the molecular weight distribution is
narrow enough. Branching content has no effect on
crystallized at indicated temperatures. Three peaks crystal structure and the orthorhombic form is always
instead of two are seen at lower crystallization obtained when crystallization starts from the melt. The
temperature. In general, the lower the crystallization expanse of unit cell is seen for high molecular weight
temperature, the higher the melting peaks. Here again, sample and branched samples. However, there is a
the highest peak stays relatively constant and the shrinking of the unit cell, when the branching content
lowest peak increases as the crystallization tempera- is higher than 7.0 mol%, due to a change of lamellar
ture increases. Again, Tm is somehow always 6.0 crystals to fringed micelle crystals. Crystal morphology
degree higher than Tc, ie Tm ( °C) = Tc þ 6.0. Similar changes, from well-defined spherulites of linear PE to
results have been observed by Mandelken and cow- fringed-micelle crystal, may occur when branching
orkers,13 Kim et al 14 and Wang et al 15 in the studies of content is higher. Also, crystallization temperature,
the branch effect on the crystallization of branched PE. melting temperature and crystallinity are substantially
Figure 9 shows the plots of apparent melting peak decreased. The equilibrium melting temperature can
temperature (Tm1) as a function of crystallization not be determined via the Hoffman–Weeks approach
temperature (Tc). The results for two linear PE since Tm is always 5–6 °C higher than Tc, and that
samples are also included in Fig 9 for comparison. there is no intercept with the Tm = Tc line.
Clearly, the application of the Hoffman–Weeks
approach to determine the equilibrium melting tem-
perature for branched PEs is not possible because of
the absence of intercept with the Tm = Tc line. The test
We would like to express our great thanks to the China
of the Flory and Sanche–Eby theories to determine the
National Distinguished Young Investigator Fund and
equilibrium melting point of branched PE can be
National Natural Science Foundation of China for
found in Kim’s work.14 The level of melting tempera-
financial support. The authors wish to thank Dr Eric
T. Hsieh (Phillips Petroleum Company, Bartlesville,
Oklahoma, 74004, USA), for kindly supplying
samples and helpful discussions. We also would like
to express our most sincere thanks to Professor
Stephen ZD Cheng at The University of Akron for
his suggestion and comments on this work.

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Crystallization and morphology of metallocene polyethylenes

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