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Laboratory #1 Report


Name:許翰翔 Student ID:E24106610

⚫ Exploration 1
1. Bias point analysis (Ohm’s law)
Simulation result

2. DC sweep analysis (Ohm’s law)

Simulation result

fs. Li Wang and Tai-Haur Kuo, EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan 1 王醴、郭泰豪教授, 國立成功大學電機系, 臺灣台南
3. AC sweep analysis (RC network)
Simulation result

4. Transient analysis (RC network)

(1) Simulation result 1 (Freq. = 50 kHz)

(2) Simulation result 2 (Freq. = 300 kHz)

fs. Li Wang and Tai-Haur Kuo, EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan 2 王醴、郭泰豪教授, 國立成功大學電機系, 臺灣台南
(3) Simulation result 3 (Freq. = 1000 kHz)

fs. Li Wang and Tai-Haur Kuo, EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan 3 王醴、郭泰豪教授, 國立成功大學電機系, 臺灣台南
⚫ Problem 1
There are four other circuits shown below and you are required to complete them with the related

1. Use OrCAD Capture CIS to draw the circuit as below and try to analyze it with the “Bias point
analysis” in PSpice.
(1) Observe the bias points in the circuit.

(2) Verify the simulation result with your hand calculation, Ohm’s law. Is that matched?

2. Use OrCAD Capture CIS to draw the circuit as below and try to analyze it with the “DC sweep
analysis” in PSpice.
(1) Observe the relationship of Id to Vds.
(2) Show the ohmic and saturation region on the simulation result.

fs. Li Wang and Tai-Haur Kuo, EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan 4 王醴、郭泰豪教授, 國立成功大學電機系, 臺灣台南
3. Use OrCAD Capture CIS to draw the circuit as below and try to analyze it with the “AC sweep
analysis” in PSpice.
(1) Observe the frequency response of signal Vo.

(2) Verify the simulation result with your hand calculation, transfer function. Is that matched?

fs. Li Wang and Tai-Haur Kuo, EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan 5 王醴、郭泰豪教授, 國立成功大學電機系, 臺灣台南
4. Use OrCAD Capture CIS to draw the circuit as below and try to analysis it with the “Transient
analysis” in PSpice.
(1) Observe the relationship between signals Vi and Vo.

(2) What are the differences between waveforms Vi and Vo? What phenomena do you observe at
the instance when the input rising or falling?
Ans:when the input rising, the output will falling;when the input falling,the input will rising.

Note: Library files (sedra_lib.lib and sedra_lib.olb) are available in the CD-ROM attached to the
textbook. You can include the needed libraries in simulation profile to obtain the required model.

fs. Li Wang and Tai-Haur Kuo, EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan 6 王醴、郭泰豪教授, 國立成功大學電機系, 臺灣台南
⚫ Conclusion
這次是第一次上課,也是我第一次用 PSPICE 這個軟體,這軟體本身沒有很好操作,有時我只是要拖
元件,常常都會被誤認成點擊,然後就跳開現在的頁面了,還有 library 的加入也花了我一番時間,
在前面 exploration 裡,有大概學到了一些基本的 PSPICE 使用,包含叫元件、拉線、跑模擬等,算是
個不錯的練習,後面 Problem 就開始有一些問題,如第 3 題 LC 電路,transfer function 和 frequeny reponse
我都不知道是什麼,也還沒教到,所以我也沒辦法驗證,第 4 題 MOS 有接 body 和電容,基本上我

fs. Li Wang and Tai-Haur Kuo, EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan 7 王醴、郭泰豪教授, 國立成功大學電機系, 臺灣台南

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