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Marketing Plan The Holiday Peaks



In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

In ACCBP100 (Accounting Plus)
1st Semester / 2nd Term S.Y. 2022-2023



November 2022
Marketing Plan The Holiday Peaks


This marketing plan is made for the benefit of The Holiday Peaks, a start-up
Partnership form of business organization, which mainly operate as bakery
particularly, cake bakery. The business is very particular in providing limited offers
during significant holidays and celebration to catch the fancy of the market who sets
to be no age and gender barriers, which seen to be a mean of doubled or tripled sales
than a day of ordinary operation. For the beginning of operation, the business will
feature only four (4) products which the rest will be unlocked every month, a mean to
which market will be interest about.

The great competitors are seen to be a threat to the business' prosperity but
the management has the confidence about the uniqueness their business has and by
promoting cost-quality products thus, believed to make its own way to standout in the
market. The business will operate in a physical selling, stall within mall to be particular,
and through social media as well, which the product will be distributed directly from
the business to the consumer in person and deliveries as well. In connection,
salesperson and social media will be set medium to which product be communicate to
the market, and where feedbacks will also be gathered to supplement business

Since the business is organized in a partnership mean, the partners (owners),

will also the one in charge in the actual and daily operation of the business to reduce
expenses. With regards to financial needs of the business, it was set that it should
allocate at least P64,004.00 as budget to carry out a month of operation that would
possibly generate about P33,241.00. Through out this marketing planning process,
the business is looking forward for its prosperity, from reputation as brand
acknowledgement to financial matters.
Marketing Plan The Holiday Peaks


In the establishment of marketing objectives, the management tend consider

its greater goals that are directly accorded to a popular acronym SMART (Specific,
Measureable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound). Thus, after doing so, the
management sought to achieve the following:

➢ To provide market with variety of products or treats every particular holiday

celebration and occasion.

➢ To double or even triple market sales during most significant holiday celebration

or occasions (e.g., New Year, Valentines, Holy Week, Halloween, and

Christmas) from ordinary operation, given that business offers variety of limited

products thus, people will be missing.

➢ To have a significant profit growth semi-annually through out operation.

➢ To increase and stabilize customers satisfaction and developed loyal

customers within half a year of operation by maintaining products quality and

dynamic innovation as well.

➢ To effectively establish business’ name after a year of operation given its’

unique product offers and strategy towards market.

➢ To efficiently manage business operation that would lead to the attainment of

goals and accomplishment of all remaining marketing objectives.

Marketing Plan The Holiday Peaks


The Holiday Peaks mainly offers four (4) featured products such chocolate
cake, rice cake, graham float and custard which are commonly served during Holidays
and any other occasions. Additionally, another featured tradition of the business is to
offer product for a certain holiday or significant occasions which means are limited
availability only every year. A list for only five (5) determined popular holidays was
made with corresponding product offer. The business will also unlock products every
month which as of now there is no define list, as the business will matter on market
trends in offering so. Thus, the following being described served as the start-up
products which the prosperity of its sales will be the significant in the fulfillment of the
remaining offers:

➢ Heavenly Choco-Burst Mushy Bake

- From the name itself, it explicitly describe how this particular product
looks like, even how its texture feels like. Obviously, It is a chocolate
cake but not a traditional one, as it has something people especially
sweet toothed individuals will definitely adore and loved, like they feel in
heaven! This chocolate cake made so mushy with enrich component
thus, it is not something as airy-tasted. Most of all, it has the special twist
in the inner center of it, referred as core, it composed with dense
chocolate filling, which if cut into pieces it will burst like a lava that would
supplement the entire taste of the cake. It indeed looks, tastes and feels
like its name, no doubt. This is very suited for any holidays and
occasions everyone must consider of!

➢ Cheezy-fluffy espesyal Rice cake

- This is one of the traditional treats to every Filipino occasions and
holidays, which in fact it also consume as snack. This is simply we call
as Puto with cheese, but for “The Holiday Peaks" we do not sell an
ordinary we strive to innovate and make the best version of each treats.
Thus, this ordinary Puto cheese will meet its glow up version. It will
become bigger than its ordinary size with a very fine texture made it so
fluffy plus an overloaded cheese on top, not an ordinary strip of cheese
but a grated melted cheese.
Marketing Plan The Holiday Peaks

➢ Creamy Mango Graham Float Ice-cream Cake

- Mango graham float is also one of the traditional treats being served for
any occasions and holiday celebrations. Traditionally, it made up of
graham , mango, condensed and evaporated milk, which it would be
preserved in making this particular product. But due to the innovation
power “The Holiday Peaks" has to offer, then a traditional mango float
would be created with a twist. From the name itself, this is a kind of Ice-
cream cake with a mango graham float distinct taste, making it not an
ordinary cake even traditional mango float. It is topped with cream
enriched actual mango float. This product should be preserved in fridge
to maintain its structure due to its distinct feature of being an ice cream
as well.

➢ Lusciously- Custard Pie Cake

- Leche flan is to considered as one of the favorite dessert of all time. It is
mainly composed of egg yolks, and condensed and evaporated milk
only. But the Holiday Peaks served it to be unique with a great taste.
This particular product is custard pie based, which means its bottom
mainly made by pie with a custard filling but in a rectangular shaped,
while the additional top is mainly a fluffy cake with another custard
toppings. To visualize it, it is like a sandwich but the feeling which in
between the bread. Definitely made in luscious everyone should try.

Products with Limited Holiday & Popular Celebrations Availability:

• Fruity-Rainbow Vanilla Ice Cream Cake (New Year, Dec. 31 – Jan. 2)

• Velvety-red Choco-overloaded Love Bake (Valentines, Feb. 13 – 14)
• Heavenly- Choco-Vanilla-Custard Trinity Cake (Holy Week, varies)
• Deadly- Choco Bomb Ice-cream Fudge Cake (Halloween, Oct. 31 – Nov. 3)
• Gloriously- Puto-bumong con Cheezy de Bola Burst Bake (Christmas, Dec.
Marketing Plan The Holiday Peaks


The Holiday Peaks serves variety of products, dessert to be particular, ideal for
holiday occasions and any other celebrations, which means it should have distinct
package for each type to be distinguished. But, due to the current status of being a
start up business, the management has decided to simply used box as package for
each product with similar design features which only be labeled in accordance with its
content. The boxes are in two colors, the brown and yellowish-white which sets to be
the motif of the business. With this, the business will reduce the expenses to be
incurred thus, instead supplement it to the costs of the product to developed a quality.
Furthermore, the business always sought for its greatest hence, packaging
improvements and modification is something to be considered in the future operation
which also seen to be a factor in attracting market resulting to increasing sales and
profit growth. The package design is visually illustrated in figure 5 on the appendix


The market characteristics of the business are seen to be influenced by the following

Demographic Profile

➢ The holiday peaks offer products that are best served during holiday
celebrations and occasions, and even ordinary day depends upon the desire
and craving of a person. In particular, the business will serve cakes, rice cake,
and custard. This means that since business be selling foods specifically
desserts, which are all suitable to be consumed by everyone with no age and
gender boundaries except for allergic individuals. Thus, regardless of the
demographic profile of the market, everyone around the community are subject
for sales generation of the business.


➢ Since the business is in a start up status, then it does not yet have branches
anywhere, just only in Davao city. This can affect the market of the business
Marketing Plan The Holiday Peaks

due to geographical distance of product to the potential target market of the

business. But, since there are already a lot of ways such deliveries as of now
then the business envision to utilize those in reaching market aside from the
physical store. This strategy will be further discuss on the distribution section of
this paper.

Economic Status

➢ The business has the awareness that the products to be sold are not a needs
but a wants, somehow it can be a needs for a certain reasons such events or
occasions, but in an ordinary operation the expected market are those with an
extra budget to be allocated in purchasing our products. Though we do not only
stick to seek sales generation to financially capable individuals as our products
assure a cost-quality benefits thus people in any economic status can avail if
and only if they have an extra to finance the purchase of our products.

Interest and Preference

➢ Another factor the business envisions to be influential in its product demand is

the interest and preference of the market, particularly those individuals who
were known as sweet-toothed. Thus, individuals with love to sweets are subject
for sales generation of the business as well. They are expected to be a demand
contributor in the market of our products.


➢ One of the greatest factor to be influential in market demands of our products

are events, to be particular holiday celebrations and occasions which sets to be
the peak season of our operation. During these events, an expected increase
demands in market is seen to be an impact in sales generation of the business.


It is unarguable that the holiday peaks offers products which common to be sold
in the market today. For instance, those popular bakeshops such goldilocks, red ribbon
and even those online sellers has been took their place in the market by satisfying the
taste of their buyers. But, due to the uniqueness the holiday peaks has to offer as well
Marketing Plan The Holiday Peaks

as for being quality-cost products then it will surely take its way to standout in the
market regardless of the existing competitors which already have supportive
mechanisms and loyal customers. Among the current competitors the following are
seen to be the greatest:


➢ Goldilocks has something similar the way “The Holiday Peaks" operates,
serving cakes and other desserts make it assumed to have grow competition.
Unfortunately, Goldilocks has established a strong brand name giving it good
reputation in consumers' minds. This gives business the great leverage to
influence pricing in the industry because consumers place additional value in
the brand. Customers are loyal to goldilocks so instead of targeting all
customers, goldilocks only need to target new customers in order to grow the

Red Ribbon

➢ Red ribbon is one of the greatest competitors of goldilocks especially when it

comes to established brand name, which made the business to have a strong
competition participant.

Other Bakeshops and Homemade Businesses

➢ In todays’ industry, it is noticeably a lot of emerging bakeshops and even

homemade businesses that sell through online are currently into market rivalry
that sell almost the same products but always seek for distinction.

The market industry the Holiday Peaks has to deal with is not easy, a quite
challenging venture, as every business has distinct characteristics making it build their
own strengths. With these, the Holiday Peaks also built its own uniqueness when it
comes to marketing strategies looking forward to be a strength so on thus, also make
its own way to be productive in a competitive industry.
Marketing Plan The Holiday Peaks


One of the main unique features the holiday peaks has is that it offers products
which are traditionally influenced but innovatively made, thus making products distinct
from alike. However, due to competitive market in the same industry, the management
decided to not focus or be pressured on competing especially for those greatly
established brands, instead it will further do its greatest by considering product
positioning strategies, leading business make its own way to shine in the competitive
market arena. It is as follows:

Trait Positioning:

➢ “In this type of positioning, the marketer creates an image of a product in the
consumer's mind on the basis of unique quality or features of their product.”
With this strategy, the business will definitely assure the uniqueness of products
from quality to its features, as how the holiday peaks established for–to
introduce variety of bakes with unique feature through innovation preserving
and upgrading quality.

Quality and Price Positioning:

➢ “Quality and price positioning is done by keeping consumer's expectations of

quality and price in the mind while making a positioning strategy to provide them
with the quality product in an efficient price.” This is one reason the Holiday
Peaks boost its confidence towards their products, it makes to serve a quality
unique bakes without aggrieving the financial capacity of the customers, thus it
offers the best quality for its price.
Marketing Plan The Holiday Peaks


Figure 1. Levels in Distribution Channel

Since the Holiday Peaks is in a start-up business status, being a homemade-

based production in particular, which means the management will consider direct
distribution of their products through physical stall in a mall and delivery with the help
of social media such Facebook. Furthermore, the business will also have an outlet or
stall to be rented within a mall ideally somewhere in Davao City making it visible to the
market thus, supplement the distribution of products directly to customers. As seen in
figure 1, it illustrated that the business is at the level zero in the channels of distribution,
indicated direct sale from the business to consumers with no intermediary.


In this highly competitive market arena, having an effective and efficient way of
promoting or making the market aware of your product can contribute to the growth of
sales. That's why after making an analysis, the Holiday Peaks concluded that the
selling of products will be in a direct physical selling and online selling through social
media platform, to gather orders and reservations that will be delivered but for possible
reachable areas only. To elucidate, each selling strategy further explore as follows:

Direct Physical Selling

➢ The management will consider the traditional physical selling as it is the most
convenient way of exposing products personally towards market that will caught
their interest as they are able to witness and assess the real quality and features
Marketing Plan The Holiday Peaks

of the business' products, which the Holiday Peaks has the confidence to what
it serves.

Direct Online Selling

➢ In this high technology era, using internet in selling products also made an
impact towards market as it is more flexible which can reach target market's
attention who are away from the business’ place of origin. With this, it promotes
business' products in a broader target and wider market arena.


Figure 2. Marketing Communication Mix

Since the business will operate in both physical and online selling, and after
making an analysis and considering communication mix as being illustrated in figure
2, the way products will be introduce to the market classified into two:

Personal Selling

➢ “Personal selling is, obviously, selling through a person (usually in a face-to-

face setting). This includes salespeople, representatives, brand ambassadors
or even influencers. Using their experience, specialist knowledge and
communication skills, their aim is to inform and encourage customers to buy or
try a product.” But in the case of the Holiday Peaks, the business will be making
use of salesperson as a medium whom will communicate the product to the
market, and through which customers’ feedbacks will also be received.
Marketing Plan The Holiday Peaks

Analyze & Assess

business features
(product quality &
Establishment customer service)
(Supplementation &

Product Target Market

(details and (Physical
(Physical Store)
features) Customers)

Feedback (Comments &


Figure 3. Communication flow (Personal Selling)

Direct /Digital Marketing (email, social media, gamification, etc.)

➢ “The emergence of digital didn't just bring social and online shopping, it also
gave us a whole new way to do marketing. This way is significantly cheaper;
and if done correctly can be even more effective than broadcasting to the
masses through TV or radio.” Among its various types, the Holiday Peaks will
be focus of social medium as the medium of product promotion to digital or
online market arena. Social media is a relatively new tool, and always
expanding with ‘the next big thing', it has changed the way we communicate. It
can be used to advertise, retain and gain customers, gather feedback about
products or services and as a customer service tool.
Marketing Plan The Holiday Peaks

Analyze & Assess

business features
(product quality &
Establishment customer service)
(Supplementation &

Product Social Media Target Market

(details and (Facebook (Online
features) Market) Customers)

Feedback (Comments &


Figure 4. Communication flow (Digital Marketing)



The table being made is in accordance of activities to be done in a particular time

within a day of operation

Daily Operation (Monday-Sunday)

Time Activities
5:30- 6:30 AM Cleaning and setting up
the things (tools,
materials, ingredients,
etc. in the baking area
6:31- 8:45 AM The whole baking and
production process
8:46- 9:00 AM Delivery of products to the
physical stall within mall
Marketing Plan The Holiday Peaks

9:01- 9:10 AM Preparing and setting up

9:11-11:59 AM Formal opening; Physical
and online Selling
Afternoon 12:00-4:59 PM Physical and online
5:00- 8:45 PM Physical and online
Evening 8:46- 8:59 PM Cleaning and organizing
things in the stall
9:00 PM Closing of stall
Table 1. Business Daily Operation Timeline


The Holiday Peaks will be organize in a Partnership form, that it is mainly

composed of 6 partners who are a group of friends. Since the business is not as big,
the partners decided that they will also be the one who will manage the daily operation
of the business, thus no need to hire employees which leads to the reduction of
possible operating expenses. The following roles are significant in the operation of the
business and promotion of the products in the market:

➢ Owners (Partners)
- Since the business will be establish as a partnership form of
organization, then it would be manage by six (6) partners simply as the
owners of the business. They also prepare everything about the
operation of the business such management– from planning and
decision making, organizing, leading and controlling; also in the actual
marketing and selling of business products.
➢ Production Manager/ (Production Baker)
- Production manager is the one who oversees the production process
and coordinates all activities to ensure enough resources on hand.
However, due to the set-up this business have, the production manager
Marketing Plan The Holiday Peaks

is also the baker of the products to be sold. He also suggest new

innovations of products to be made to the rest of the organization. The
production baker is composed of two partners that has an expertise in
➢ Packaging Manager
- Packaging manager is a person whose job is to supervise a packaging
operation, usually in a factory or warehouse. He is also responsible in
the package design of business' products to be produced. Since the
Holiday Peaks’ main operation is baking then the packaging manager
will also be the one who will execute the packaging of products that will
accompany the baker in production.
➢ Sales Manager/ (Salesperson & Counter Staff)
- Sales managers are responsible for leading sales teams to reach sales
targets. But in the Holiday Peaks, since the one will be in-charge in this
role is also a partner, then she will be the one who will also manage the
actual selling of products, which be accompanied by other partners who
is a cashier and the social media manager as well. The sales manager
financial manager and social media manager will be present at the
physical stall which they collaborate to do their task effectively and
➢ Financial Manager/ (Cashier)
- Financial manager performs data analysis and advise senior manager
(other partners) on profit-maximizing ideas, and also responsible for the
financial health of the business. They create financial reports, direct
investment activities, and develop plans for the long-term financial goals
of the business. But since the Holiday Peaks practices dual
responsibilities due to the size of the business then, financial manager
is also the cashier– who is in-charge in the counter which particularly
balance the cash register, making change, recording purchases,
processing returns and scanning items for sale. The financial
manager/cashier is a business partner who will accompany the sales
and social media manager in the physical stall.
Marketing Plan The Holiday Peaks

➢ Social Media Manager/ (Salesperson)

- Social media manager oversees the business' interaction with the public
through implementing content strategies on social media platforms,
Facebook to be particular. Though she is a manager but in the Holiday
Peaks, she is also tasked to be part of the selling of products, which will
just particularly inform her co-salesperson about the order being made
from online customers, and to the baker as well for reservation of orders.
➢ Marketing Managers (Owners/Partners)
- Marketing managers promotes business, services, products, or brands.
They develop marketing strategies, generate new business leads, and
oversee marketing department staff. They also manage budgets and
analyze trends. In the Holiday Peaks all partners are Marketing
managers to which they collaborate everything about marketing of the


The Holiday Peaks is a start-up business that serves variety of Cakes and
desserts in a cost-quality manner. In the formal start of its operation it will mainly serve
and introduce four (4) featured treats, but after a month of operation the business will
make an additional product to be offered in the market. This will tradition is expectedly
be carry out monthly. That's why in the creation of budget for the opening of its
operation, the four (4) featured products are the only subject for the budget to be made.
The following calculations is good for 3-day operation:

Heavenly Choco-Burst Mushy Bake:

• Chocolate Powder- P150.00

• Unsalted Butter- P200.00
• All-purpose Flour- P325.00
• Eggs- P210.00
• Baking soda - P50.00
• Baking powder- P75.00
• White sugar- P245.00
Marketing Plan The Holiday Peaks

Total cost: P1,255.00

Yield: 6

Selling Price: P450.00 each

Net Sales: P2,700.00

Profit Margin: P1,445.00

Cheezy-fluffy espesyal Rice cake

• Rice Flour- P240.00

• Cheese- P350.00
• Butter- 150.00
• Eggs-P210.00
• Baking Powder- P75.00
• White Sugar- P245.00
• Milk Powder- P250.00

Total cost: P1,520

Yield: 7

Selling Price: 400.00 each

Net Sales: P2,800.00

Profit Margin: P1,280.00

Creamy Mango Graham Float Ice-cream Cake

• Ripe mangoes- P250.00

• All-purpose cream- P300.00
• Condensed Milk- P150.00
• Graham crackers (crushed)- P125.00
• Butter- 150.00
• All-purpose Flour- P200.00
• Baking Powder- P50.00
Marketing Plan The Holiday Peaks

• Eggs- P96.00

Total cost: P1,321.00

Yield: 6

Selling Price: 390.00 each

Net Sales: P2,340.00

Profit Margin: P1,019.00

Lusciously- Custard Pie Cake

• Condensed Milk- P200.00

• Evaporated Milk- P150.00
• Eggs- P315.00
• All-purpose Flour- P350.00
• Baking Powder- P50.00
• Butter- P150.00
• White sugar- P245.00

Total cost: P1,460.00

Yield: 7

Selling Price: 385.00 each

Net Sales: P2,695.00

Profit Margin: P1,235.00

GRAND TOTALS (For 3-day operation)

• Sales: P10,805.00
• Cost: P5,556.00
• Gross Profit: P5,249.00
Marketing Plan The Holiday Peaks

One-Month Operation FORECASTED Operating Income

Sales: P97,245.00 (P10,805.00*9)

Cost: P50,004.00 (P5,556.00*9)

Gross Profit: P47,241.00 (P97,245.00 - P50,004.00)

Operating Expenses

➢ Utilities Expense: P2,000.00

➢ Packaging Expenses: P3,500.00
➢ Rent Expense: P5,000.00
➢ Transportation Expense: P2,000.00
➢ Miscellaneous Expense: P1,500.00


Therefore, the business must have at least P64,004 (Cost + Operating

Expenses) to be an allocated budget through out a month of operation which would
possibly give an operating income of P33,241.00.

(The budget for the rest of the products to be offered soon, a month after or every
significant holidays, will matter on the prosperity of the preceding products.)
Marketing Plan The Holiday Peaks


Figure 5. Product Packaging (Motif-based boxes– Brown & Yellowish-white)

Marketing Plan The Holiday Peaks

Figure 6. The Holiday Peaks Two-faced Logo (Brown Version)

Figure 7. The Holiday Peaks Two-faced Logo (Yellowish-white Version

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