Love You Baby-Ur Essay

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The movie "The Lorax" was released in 1972 and was inspired by the "Green Movement" of the

1960s, which aimed to educate people about environmental protection and induce them to take
action. It humorously highlights the negative environmental effects of businesses and encourages
people to reconsider harmful behaviors. Dr. Seuss's intended message is clear: if you run a
business, do it in the "greenest" way possible to prevent pollution and restore the environment.
The movie's message is still relevant today, as we continue to face environmental challenges
such as climate change and deforestation. The Lorax serves as a reminder that we all have a
responsibility to protect our planet and make sustainable choices for the future.

The 2016 Guinness Book of World Records—Chasing Ice—recorded the rare footage as the
largest glacier calving event ever recorded on film. On May 28, 2008, in Western Greenland's
Ilulissat Glacier, actor Adam LeWinter and director Jeff Orlowski captured a momentous split on
film. The glacier retreated a full mile across a calving face that was three miles wide during the
75-minute long calving event. About 3,000 feet is the height of the ice, with 300–400 feet of that
above water and the remainder below. For me, this depicts the sudden change in our environment
and the impact of climate change on our planet, as glaciers continue to melt at an alarming rate,
leading to rising sea levels and other catastrophic consequences. It serves as a reminder of the
urgent need for action to address this global crisis.

Nick Miller's presentation permitted "The Inconvenient Truth," about the irrational beliefs, the
adverse circumstances, and the demand for fresh approaches. Long-term changes in temperatures
and weather patterns, primarily brought on by human activity, most notably the burning of fossil
fuels, are referred to as climate change. Fossil fuel combustion produces greenhouse gas
emissions that act as a blanket around the planet, trapping heat from the sun and increasing
temperatures. The presentation highlights the alarming consequences of climate change caused
by human activity, particularly the burning of fossil fuels. It emphasizes the need for immediate
action to mitigate the effects of global warming and prevent further damage to our planet.

To sum up, these consequences include rising sea levels, more frequent and severe natural
disasters, and the extinction of various plant and animal species. It is crucial that individuals,
governments, and businesses take steps to reduce their carbon footprint and transition to cleaner
energy sources to combat climate change.

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