Dream Types 2023

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There are different types of dreams that come into our life for different purposes.

There is
a special connection between dreams, the Holy Spirit and angels. If you have a lot of
dreams, get ready for an angelic visitation.

In Genesis 28:12 we see a connection between dreams and angels: “He dreamed a dream
and behold a ladder set upon the earth and the top reach to heaven, and there the angels
of God were ascending and descending.” I want you to see dreams as something that’s a
visitation. That God sends the dreams and He expects them like seeds to produce a

In John 1:5 Jesus had almost the exact same metaphor, he said: “Moses, surely I say to you
that you will see heaven open up and the angels of God ascending and descending on the
son of man.”

God desperately wants to connect with you. You are His legacy. He wants to give you His
life and His nature. Dreams are like this ladder. God sends the dreams and He expects a
response. The response is when it goes back up to Him.

Dreams are made of spirit and that’s why they’re so difficult to understand with your
intellect. They are like vapors. When you first get a dream, it’s very strong, but over the next
several hours it vaporizes like manna. If you don’t gather it, you lose it.

Before we go into the different types of dreams I want to place an emphasis on this: If you
are only getting one type of dream, it usually means you’re not responding to God correctly,
and especially if God’s dealing with an issue in your life.

If you have a demonic spirit attacking you or your home you will get a certain kind of dream
but when you resolve the issues the dreams will stop.When you have finally resolved the
issue or you get the revelation, the purpose of the dream was fulfilled.

When you resolve the issue the dream will stop.

John Eckhdt Apostle

Here are some Dream Types:

Insight Dreams: You can get access to God sends dreams to penetrate into your
information by revelation about a specific soul, to penetrate into that depth of who
scenario, business or person. God gives you you are.
this information sometimes just for you to
know and other times for you to take action. Illumination Dreams: Dreams to explain the
unknown. Dreams to reveal what is hidden.
Foresight Dreams: In this dreams you can Dreams to expose things, expose yourself
see the future. You can see what’s going to to you, expose people to other people.
happen in particular place, church, life or
organization. You can see it for yourself and Dreams to Reveal: Dreams can reveal sin,
for the people. There is a lot of clarity that new things, the future or even help you to
comes when these kind of dreams come. see the past.

Calling Dreams: When you receive a calling Dreams that explain: These type of dreams
dream it can be a very direct dream where explain the unknown. They reveal the
the interpretation is easy or maybe you hidden things and often explain things to
need to find the riddle. A number of years you about yourself, or others.
ago my grandson kept saying “I know what
I want to be when I grow up, I want to be a Dreams to expose: There are dreams to
shepherd. I want to grow up and take care reveal what’s in the dark. I knew a man that
of sheep. I saw it in my dream.” When I his wife was having an affair. He was
heard of this I knew that God was calling my unconscious of it, but he had a dream. He
grandson to have the nature of pastor to saw his wife going with this man. He
look after his people. confronted her, found out it was true. It was
Justification Dreams: God will send this
dreams to justify what He’s trying to work Experience Dreams: When a dream gives
inside of you. During a time of your life it you experiences it can change the course of
make not make sense but God will send you your life.
a dream to let you know He is working
something for you and to be patient. Impartation Dreams: Anything you can get
in the daytime you can get in the nighttime
Identity Dreams: God identifies who you as an impartation from God. Solomon went
are in the kingdom. He may identify your to bed one night and got an impartation of
calling in a church. He may say, "This is not wisdom in the night. The next day he was
who you are. There's something else that the wisest guy in the entire planet. He got
you have." Why does God send dreams? that in a dream.

John Eckhdt Apostle

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